VBScript : Constants, Variables And Strings

I have the following problem.

I'm building a site with a db backbone.
In an "include file" I set a constant like:

Const partners = 22

and on some other page, I want to pass the word partners using the query string.

Meaning: I want to make such a link:


When my page reads the querystring - I want it to be able to understand the value of the constant "partners".

when I read from the db using the following kind of Query, I get a "no value specified for one of more..." Code:

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VBScript Color Constants

I know the basic 8, how do i find any others besides those 8? do you use hex codes? should also note that i need to be able to match the vbcolor to a hex color.

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Only Constants, Expressions, Or Variables Allowed ..

Getting this error:

The name 'squibble' is not permitted in this context. Only constants, expressions, or variables allowed here. Column names are not permitted.

/squibble/incFunc.asp, line 13

when trying the following:

Code: ....

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Vbscript [object] Strings?

in javascript attempting to get a string from somewhere sometimes will give you a string reading "undefined" or "object" now i know that this sort of thing happens in vbscript too, if i'm writing a universal "convert anything to a string" function what do i need to check for so that anything like "undefined" or "null" (or NULL) get's converted into ""?

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Strings And Variables


Dim activation_code
activation_code="dkfjla54d2__sd4f__Sdf4sdf63ds2f168sd32f1wef4_" & Right(user,2) & "__sdf984231" & Left(mail,2) & Left(user,2) & "23a1sd_" & " right(mail,2) & hour(now)

its probably syntax error , i dont know how to connect strings and variables , but i though it is right this way , but obviously not ...

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Linebreaks In VBScript Variables

I'm trying to format an email message. The message has line breaks in
it. How do I do this in VBScript?Is there anything like a heredoc?

$msg = <<this_msg;

you want


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Global Variables In VBScript

Is it possible to create a global variable from within a Sub
so it is available to another function in the same web page?

I want to tap a database for information within a Sub procedure
but end the Sub after assigning the values to global variables.

Simply defining the variables as global (outside the Sub) and
setting them to empty strings does not do the trick. The variables
don't persist after the Sub procedure is complete.

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Radio Buttons And VBscript Variables

I'm hoping there is a way to do what I am trying. I have an asp page with 3 radio button choices. Depending on which radio button the user selects, I want to populate some drop down menus with different choices.
I have the case statement for the drop down boxes. Problem is, the html value from the radio button isn't actually used until you submit the form, so the case statement isn't finding any information to use to populate the menus.
Does that make sense?
So is there a way to make the radio button selection an immediately usable variable on the same page?

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VBScript (client-side) And ASP Variables

I'm having an issue using a VBScript (client side) and ASP together.

Basically I have this piece of testing code (sampled from my site) where the "Order Total" is obtained from the server. In my code I just declare an "Order Total" server side variable and set it myself. Code:

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Global Scope For VBscript Variables

I have a piece of vbscript that returns the user logged on to the machine. it is as follows:

<script language="vbscript">
Set WshNetwork = createObject("WScript.Network")
stringUser = (WshNetwork.userName) 'store username in variable stringUser
document.write("Username: " & stringUser) 'output value to web page

Now I need to use the value of stringUser on other pages of my asp application for database queries, form values etc. I have tried to call stringUser from inside <%..........%>, but it doesn't recognize the variable. Everytime I try to output the value from wthin asp code, it just appears as blank space. Any ideas?

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Assign Javascript Variables To ASP (VbScript)

Is it possible to assign javascript variables values to ASP?

e.g. How would I store the following JS variable as an ASP variable in VBScript?

<script type="text/javascript">
var intJavaScriptNumber = 25;

The problem is I've got about 50 of these variables on a page, and they all need to be used in a simple equation which slows the browser down. If I could get them all into ASP then I could process this server side much more comfortably.

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ADO Constants

I'm trying to transfer an intranet app from one server to another. I'm
having a problem with the ADO constants on the destination server.

Our intranet site runs on the server.

In a virtual directory, I have a seperate application that is accessible
from the intranet.

I have the following in the global.asa in the virtual directory:

<!--METADATA TYPE="typelib"
NAME="Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library"-->

This usually allows me to refer to the ADO constants, e.g.

Set rsLoc = oConn.Execute (sSQL, iAffected, adCmdText)

However, in this case, IIS is complaining... Variable is undefined:

This is a new (clean) server, so I'm wondering if there is some kind of
confirguration issue..

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Constants In ASP

I'm relatively new to coding activex and I have a problem. I've written an activex component in c++ and I am now using asp/vb pages to access the object. Is it possible to access constants that I've defined in the activex object? For example, can I do something like the following:

Dim constantValue
Set activeX = CreateObject("MyObject.MyClass.1")
constantValue = activeX.MY_CONSTANT_VALUE

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RS Constants

Is it possible that both adUseClient and adLockOptimistic does not really work with ASP ?When I use 3 for both - it does.

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VBS Constants

I realize that this isn't a VBS newsgroup, but it's the only Microsoft newsgroup I read regularly so I hope that you'll be gentle with me. Where is the constant "vbCrLf" defined? My computer has been searching its hard drive for about three hours, now, looking for a definition and it still hasn't found anything.

The reason I'd like to find vbCrLf is because I wonder what else is in there. Is there a vbTab? vbBackspace?

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Named CDO Constants

I've been searching for a complete listing of the CDO constants, but have
come up empty. Where can I find a listing of all the CDO named constants
that can be referenced directly with the CDO metadata typelib, i.e.,

NAME="CDO for Windows 2000 Library"

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Constants In Global.asa

I've been trying to create read-only global variables by creating constants (Const) in my global.asa, but I can't seem to reference them. Sticking them in an include works fine, but it seems more structurally sound to use Application_OnStart. Am I attempting the impossible, and if so, why?

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Server.execute And Constants

Is it possible to server.execute a file that has a list of constants and then use those constants? I've tried, but the asp tells me the the variable is undeclared when I try to <%=const_name%>

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Retrieve Package Constants

In an Oracle 8.1.7. Database there's a package like this:


How do I reach CONSTANTS.C1 from ASP?
I have tried

but it didn't work even when run in the database console.

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Server.execute To Retrieve Constants

Can I use server.execute to get constant values ?

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Efficiently Process A String (that Contains Constants)?

I need to process a string to do some data insertion into a database table.

However, this string contains some constant variables (set in the include file) and it depends on the value of intDataCtr as below : Code:

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MSXML4 Typelib Constants Not Recognized In Server-side Script

I've created a web application with Visual Interdev and I've added Microsoft
XML, version 4 in project's references. A META tag has been successfully added
in global.asa:

<!--METADATA TYPE="TypeLib" NAME="Microsoft XML, v4.0"
UUID="{F5078F18-C551-11D3-89B9-0000F81FE221}" VERSION="4.0"-->

But when I write the following code in an ASP server-side javascript:

<p>Value: <% = SOMITEM_ELEMENT %></p>

I get a Microsoft VBScript error '800a01f4'. Undefined variable:

I don't get such an error with ADO constants (even though I didn't include
ADOJS.inc). Can someone tell me what's wrong?

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In a string what is the character I should use to represent an enter?

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i am retrieving a record from the database, I am trying to place the value of the FULLNAME field in a textbox on a Form, the Problem is that it only displays half of the name leaving out the stuff that comes after a SPACE.


adors("fullname").value <--- Actual Value is John Smith
but it only displays John

<INPUT id=text1 readonly name=txtfullname value=<%=adors("fullname").value%>>

but if I try to just response.write it anywhere on the page then it displays the entire name.

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Combining 2 Sql Strings

I have 2 SQL strings:

FROM NK_editie " & MM_whereConst & " " & whereClause & "
ORDER BY editie desc


FROM NK_editie INNER JOIN NK_edities ON NK_editie.editieid = NK_edities.ID
ORDER BY editie desc

Now I want to combine those 2 to one string.

I have problems to set it up in working order.
My tryout:
FROM NK_editie INNER JOIN NK_edities ON NK_editie.editieid = NK_edities.ID &
" & MM_whereConst & " " & whereClause & "
ORDER BY editie desc

It shows al the records which are joined, only the second string " & MM_whereConst & " " & whereClause & " is not working.

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Placing Strings Onto Url

I found out a really nice way to keep things on the same page is for any processing page to add on a "?<something>=<something>"

and then just check to see what the something is equal to, and the number represents what you want the front page to show.

However, this <something> shows up on the url listing in a browser. Is there anyway to .. encode it so no one can see it? Like a encode/decode function?

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" And ' In SQL Strings

I'm building a forum, and right now i'm creating the ability to edit posts. As part of this i want to add the usual "Edited by UserName on Date" line at the bottom, but am having problems doing so.

The problems seems to do with formatting the text in the variable with <span>s using stylesheets, or if there are " and ' markes in the post proper (which I can't seemt to remove with Replace). Here's my code:

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Trimming Strings

if i had a string which looked like this :

,apple, orange, grape, tomatoes

how do i remove the first character[,] from the string using the trim() function?

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Connection Strings

I am developing a website and it's going fine, but i've heard that you shouldn't have your database in the wwwroot, it should be outside/above that.

I've done this (i'm using Dreamweaver MX) so I moved the db, fixed my odbc/dsn, connection string etc, but when I upload now I get this error.

Microsoft JET Database Engineerror '80004005'

'C:Program FilesEnsimSiteDatawebpplianceconfdomainsInet pubwwwrootTesting_SiteDatabasesTesting_Website _DataSource.mdb' is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides. /Testing_Site/default.asp, line 8

This is line 8: Recordset1.ActiveConnection = MM_TestingConnection_STRING

Is there something that I have missed. It was ok when it was in the wwwroot.

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Comparing Strings

i am having a problem with comparing two strings. I am taking
in the parameter rs("Company") and if this is empty i want to put some
text in there. I am testing it with an empty Company field and comparing
it like so:


I have also tried it with

but each time i get nothing returned. Is there some rule about comparing a
string with an empty string?

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Dns Connection Strings

I am using ASP to connect to a simple database to retreive information and also to imput information.What I need is a simple dns connection string syntax to connect and query data.

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Search Strings...

I have a search function on my site, and what happens at them moment is the user fills in a text box with their search string, and clicks submit. The search page takes their string, and splits it up where it sees " ".

All fairly simple, what I'd like is to allow the user to enter text in speechmarks, so the script would search for a couple of words together, as well as being able to search for every individual word...

Everyone confused yet?!

e.g If the user enters Dev Shed Forums , then the search would look for every occurance of the strings "Dev", "Shed" and "Forums"

What I want is for the user to be able to enter "Dev Shed" Forums, and the search will look for "Dev Shed" and "Forums"...

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Formating Strings

I have a list of dates in a sql database that are input as varchar like this 042999

How do I insert / in between the date/month and year

so this 042999 will appear like this 04/29/99

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