VBScript Runtime

I am new to ASPs and I have run into the following error message:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'

Object required: '[number: 0]'

/development/index.asp, line 17

I know EXACTLY which line is causing it. The following line is the code the is causing the problem.
set fileSystem = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Is there some setting that must be properly set in order to create a filesystem object? Is there a specific version that must be used?

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VBScript Runtime Error

hello anyone heard of the error below ?
It jsut started to show on my asp page, where i open a recordset Code:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01fb'

An exception occurred: 'Open'

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VBScript Runtime Error In ASP

I put a VB script into asp to display an internal IP address and computer name in the browser: Code:

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Microsoft VBScript Runtime

i'm using Dreamweaver MX logout server behaviour to create my logout page. but the problem is whenever i click the logout link the page that i have create did not appear but instead and error page come out. this is what the error state:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01b6'

Object doesn't support this property or method: 'Session.Contents.Remove'

/mywebsite/HalamanAhli.asp, line 6

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VBScript Runtime Error 800a0009

I'm having some trouble with a script, I use the script to log onto a website, get a price on a product, decide if it is in stock or not, and update a local database.

I'm using the MS XML Parser to access the remote site, and stripping the string down to end up with the price.

Sometimes the code works, and other times i get this:

Quote: Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0009'
Subscript out of range: '[number: 0]'

/admin/updateprices.asp, line 150

the script is as follows starting at line 135, and ending on line 152: Code:

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VBScript Runtime Error 800a005

I have been trying hard for the last 2 hrs to get rid of the above mentioned error in this syntax..

Select * from table1 where
calldate >= dateadd(h, -24, DATE())

I have to make an reports which shows the last 24 hrs call. I am using ASP and SQL SERVER 2000. This code works well when i run in query analyzer but when i used the same in ASp it prompt me this error..

VBScript runtime error 800a0005
Invalid procedure call or argument 'dateadd'

Can anyone put somelight why i am getting this error ?

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Microsoft VBScript Runtime (0x800A0046)

I am hosting my own server-running Win2000Server and I am trying to send receive email notification from my site. All works well but I get this error message.

I looked at the scrrun.dll properties and made sure the IUSER_???? has read & execute and read privleges.

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Microsoft VBScript Runtime (0x800A01FB)

I got this error:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01FB)
An exception occurred: 'Session(...).Execute'
/Test/inc/userinfo.asp, line 13

Can someone explain what does it means? My codes was working fine but when i added an sql statement in another page, save. I got this error.

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VBScript Runtime (0x800A01A8) Error

This line seems to have a problem, but I can't find it.

sql = "INSERT INTO Table2 (Title, Artist, Description, DiscNo, TrackNo, Price) VALUES ('" & Request.Form("Title") & "','" & Request.Form("Artist") & "','" & Request.Form("Description") & "','" & Request.Form("DiscNo") & "','" & CInt(Table1.TrackNo) & "','" & Request.Form("Price") & "')

the error is:

Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01A8)
Object required: ''

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VBScript Runtime Error '800a0006'

Asp page is having large no of include files ,when i tried to include one more file to asp,i got the following error.Is there any include files limit?

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0006'

Overflow: '[number: 33994]'

/tickets/includes/snav_main.asp, line 26

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VBScript Runtime Error '80029c84'

Im getting this error:

Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '80029c84'
Circular Dependency Between Types/Modules

the website runs fin on my home PC (PWS) and has been running fine on the server that it's hosted on. It was up and viewable yesterday.I can't understand it? is it an ODBC issue with the host?I have made no ASP page changes or DB changes.

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VBScript Runtime Error '800a01fb'

This is weird and I never seen this error before. The error occur when I tried to quote a message in my reply. The error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01fb'

An exception occurred: 'Open'

/QuoteMessage.asp, line 296

strQuoteID = request("qid")
strSQL ="SELECT Content FROM Table1 WHERE ThreadID=" &strQuoteID
objRS.Open strSQL,objConnection,3,3
Line 296 is objRS.Open strSQL,objConnection,3,3

It seems to be a db connection problem? I am using microsoft Access DB and I have been using it for a while now and all of sudden it gives me this error.

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Microsoft VBScript Runtime (0x800A0046)

the above error occurs while trying to write a html file usinf file system object.
strangly the error occurs once in a while. some times it works some times the above errors comes out. what could be the cause and how can i track why/when this errors occurs?

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Microsoft VBScript Runtime (0x800A0005)

I tried using this but it throws me the exception:

Error Type:- Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0005)
Invalid procedure call or argument: 'InstrB'

I think this is due to the fact that the function is expecting Binary data and the FileData has been modified as follows in our file: Code:

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VBScript Runtime Error (with No Line Number)

I am getting this error:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)
Type mismatch: 'sid'

There is no line number, and there is absolutely nothing on that page
using sid, and I mean not even a word, or even part of a word, in that
document or any of the include documents.

I have put the files from the production server back from the past
three days, and I am still getting this error.

It happened very suddenly, when I was made a change to a css file.
Yes, I know that CSS is client side and has no effect whatsoever on the
server, but there it is.

Does anyone have a clue about this? All the Googling has resulted in
errors with line numbers. Heck, if there were a line number, I
wouldn't be posting here - I'd fix it.

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Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a000d'

This is the error message that I recieve Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch: 'DateToConvert' /i_functions.asp, line 95

And this is the section of the code that it is referring to:

Public Function GetDayName(DateToConvert)
dim WeekDays(7)
WeekDays(1) = "Sunday"
WeekDays(2) = "Monday"
WeekDays(3) = "Tuesday"
WeekDays(4) = "Wednesday"
WeekDays(5) = "Thursday"
WeekDays(6) = "Friday"
WeekDays(7) = "Saturday"
GetDayName = WeekDays(Weekday(DateToConvert))
End Function
This is line 95: GetDayName = WeekDays(Weekday(DateToConvert))

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Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a01a8'

I am getting the following error from this code;

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'

Object required: "

owctemp2/shop.asp, line 113


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Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a000d'

i am getting this error and the code is as follows:

CartArray = Session("Cart")

For i = LBound(CartArray,2) To UBound(CartArray,2)

i even tried doing it in this way:

For i = lbound(CartArray,2) To UBound(CartArray,2)

can someone tell me how to solve it.

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Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a01ad'

I am trying to create a form which emails to a specified address. I am using the "sendmail.asp" form handler but each time I submit the form I receive the error "

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01ad'ActiveX component can't create object

/sendmail.asp, line 58 (In red below)

Anyone have any ideas why?? I have checked all the field names and supplied all of the required hidden fields. This is on an Nt4.0 box with IIS installed, a FrontPage web. Code:

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Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a01c9'

Am migrating a customer from IIS5 on W2K server to IIS6 on W2K3.
Zipped all the websites and unzipped them to the identical locations
on new server. Used IISMT to migrate metabase.

Got this error when I tried to run a very basic page... code:

<%@ LANGUAGE=vbscript %>
response.write ("Hello<br>")


Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01c9'

This key is already associated with an element of this collection

/LM/W3SVC/3/Root/include/inc.db.global.asp, line 13

The global.asa file in the root which is as follows uses the
inc.db.global.asp includes (top 13 lines follow): Code:

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Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a004c'

I have an IIS 5.0 server with a Virtual Directory called test. This virtual
directory points to a share on the network, server1share and uses a valid
domain account in the "Connect As" field.

From an IE browser, you can access the virtual directory without a problem.
However, when referencing the virtual diretory in an asp page, the following
error is received:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a004c'

Path not found

/Folder1/webpage.asp, line 10

Line 10 is where the virtual directory is referenced. Code:

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Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a01fb'

I get this error Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01fb' When i call LoadPicture method, or when i pretty much do any operation with PictureBox like setting width and height.

It happened after i apllied Service Pack 4 to my 2000 machine. Before it worked properly. Any suggestions?

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Out Of Memory :: Microsoft VBScript Runtime (0x800A0007)

I am developing an application in asp to create a dynamic powerpoint, but when i try to change the background image of the slide the next error occurs:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0007)
Out of memory

Does anybody knows how to solve this?

What must i do to optimize memory or another suggestions?

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Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a0009'

I'm getting this error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0009'
Subscript out of range: 'True'

/Featured.asp, line 54 .....

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Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a01f4'

all of a sudden my simple page that calling a small database returns the following:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01f4'

Variable is undefined: 'IIf'

/wilcox/index.asp, line 156

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Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a000d

I am getting an error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d
Type mismatch

/bps/srch-detail.asp, line 137

I didn't write this asp - I know very little about asp - I'm just trying to get this site working on my server! I think the offending lie is this:

<% If arr_RS(8,0) > 0 then%>

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Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a000d' ....

i found this site using MSN search and searched for my issue but couldnt fix it from the posts. hopefully someone here can help me i get this this error on both IIS5.1 and apache2 runing sun javas active server page software

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch /test/default.asp, line 923

that line is

if Member_Count = 1 and User_Count = 1 then

i cant figure this out. of course on IIS5.1 it errors the entire page but on apache with sun asp i can view the page.it just doesnt show that info that that line of code creates but an error im really confused here. and of course you cant verify your reg at snitz cuz they dont send emails so i cant get help there. can any one help me out? (btw it took me 20min to post this.

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Vbscript Runtime Error: Subscript Out Of Range

I'm getting a Microsoft vbscript runtime error (as usual) but this one has been bothering me for a few days now...

The thing is that the code I'm running is doing exactly what I want it to.. I'm using a text file as if it were a little mini database, the table within is setup as follows->

v0 v1 v2 v3

how I query this or whatever you want to call it is like this. Code:

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Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a0005'

we are getting this error

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0005'

Invalid procedure call or argument: 'left'

/reglib/include/rddidx.inc, line 68


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Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a0046'

i'm getting this error when i try to upload a file to the server, it is something wrong in the script? or it is a permissions matter? the code is as follows: Code:

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Error :: Microsoft VBScript Runtime (0x800A000D

i m getting following error

Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)<br>Type mismatch: 'txtIDV_Val'


IDV =txtIDV_Val *(100 - deprn)/100

where txtIDV_Val =43807

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Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a0009'

Can i know is this a general error in ASP?

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0009'

Subscript out of range: '[number: 1001]'

I tried to google this and i found a lot of site also have this error in their existing running page. Found some article regarding this runtime error but unable to find any solution. Any advise on this?

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Microsoft VBScript Runtime How To Avoid The Error

while updating the database through a asp page i am getting an error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)

Type mismatch:'Clng'

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