Validation ... "Computer Says No..." :)

Im having some validation issues!

Like on the Little Britain tv show I need my computer and website to say no to certain user inputs.

I am trying to validate a simple XHTML form using client side Javascript to save on server processing time.

Below is the first line from my form code.

<form method="post" action="<%=editAction%>" name="frmItem_add" onsubmit="return validate()"> you can see I am running the edit script within the same page and not running it within its own page. By doing this though it seems to by pass the return validate command which is a event driven scirpt on submit of the form.

I want to be able to self contain all the code on the same page is there any other possible ways to work around this.

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Dropdown Validation To Add Onto Shadwizard Validation

Create the following code from database but does not validate on enter - I am using ShadowWizards validation code.

<Input fields so work however I will need dropdown and radio buttons to be validated also.

I really like the work ShadowWizard has put in and would like to continue in the same neat, cleaver coded way!

I did validate the few fields with ASP but Yahoo toolbar stops people going back on forms and therefor would not work on all PC's, typically the bosses and now he seems to want it asap so any javascript solution? Code:

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Computer Name

I'm building an Intranet for my company and would like to retrieve the computer name of the users PC which they're using to access the Intranet. Is this possible? If so how?

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Computer Name In ASP

How can I retrieve the computer name of the browser and output it to the
webpage in ASP/VBScript?

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Get Computer Name

I need to get the computer name of the computer that is accessing my page.I have a web app on an Intranet (server) that is getting the name "INTRANET" if I use the " Wscript.Network " code. If I access this web app, I need the name of my computer, the one accessing the web app, not the name of the Intranet server.

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Computer Can't Count

Essentially all I'm trying to do is add numbers together. If there isn't a record then create one with the number 001.

If there is a record add one to the number (Which in most cases will be 001) so the next number should be 002.

My problem is that it gets to 002 and stops. Any ideas why? Code:

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Can You Grab The Computer Name?

can you grab the computer name via asp?

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Database To Another Computer

I use Sql Server.I want to back up a database on server over network to my computer.I do not have Sql server on my computer.It will be kept as a file.
The questions come to my mind:Should I first back up database from Sql server to server which Sql Server resides? or Is there any possibility to back up database from Sql server directly to my computer over network?If it is not, how should I accomplish this? Using Vbscript?First Create "Scheduled tasks" then using ".vbs" file which I will create to automatically send file to my computer over network.

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Computer Room

we have 7 computers can access our web application.Is there a way I can use their computer names to identify which computer login?I use asp and javascript.

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Search For A Certain Computer On A LAN

how to search for a certain computer on a LAN? Using its name for example.

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Install Asp In My Computer

how to install asp into my computer and i know that it needs iis server connection.can u tell me how to do that.

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Retrieve Computer Name

how to retrieve the computer name using ASP?

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Request Computer Name

Is there a way to request the computer name (ie. Request.ServerVariables ("REMOTE_ADDR"))? I want to be able to pull the computer name and enter it directly into a form, but I'm not sure how to pull the name.

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Where Are Exactly Cookies Stored In Computer?

Does anyone know where the cookies are stored in the computer. I guess depending on the brower the client uses, they are stored in diff places.

But when i make a search for cookies, i can find few txt files inside the cookie folder with names userid@websitename[1].txt but i cannot see the any cookies with the domain name iam working ....

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Open The Asp Page On Another Computer

I have a network. Let's say the ASP pages are on computer 1. I try to open the pages from an other computer, let's say computer 2, in the network. How can I realize this?
I tried to make a drive (M:) on computer 2 which referes to the (shared) map on computer 1 where the ASP pages are. The pages are shown, but the asp-code isn't used in the displayed page. Only all the html-content is shown.
Is there any (other) way to show the ASP pages on computer 2?Computer 2 is not connected to the internet, so over the internet is not an option.

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About Testing On Local Computer

I have been teaching myself ASP for several months now and seem to have a pretty good handle on it. All along, I have been uploading changed files directly to the website and refreshing to test.

However, today I will be at a location with no internet access and would still like to be able to work and test my programming. How do I go about testing ASP pages on my local computer without an internet connection?

For now I am not worried about testing any databases or anything, just layout and design.

If it is useful, I am running Windows XP Home edition and I use Dreamweaver to write the ASP.

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Retrieve UserName And Computer Name

I have tried using servervariables("XXX") to request the username and computer name of the individual running code on our internal server, but what I want and can't seem to capture is the user's network logon and computer name. The user's logon anonymously.

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Get Computer Name From Mapped Drives

I am trying to get the computer/server names from the mapped drives on the Clients PC when they select a file from the upload "browse" button. When the user clicks on the "Browse" button on the "<input type="File"... control and selects a file located in one of many possible mapped drives. I want to save the location of the file as a path as you would see when mapping a drive. For instance, "serverfolders... instead of the
mapped path of "P:foldersubfolder... etc. Therefore, when a user views the document they can click on the link and get access to the file regardless of how their drives are mapped. Oh, I need to be able to do this from classic ASP.

I attempted to use the FileSystemObject object but cannot find the method that gives me this information.

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Acessing A File In Another Computer...

Is there anyway to acess a file in a computer without being prompt with the password and username?

Imagine that i want to access a shared directory in another computer, if i type this in the START-RUN option, OtherComputerc$Temp, i will be prompt with the username and password, what i want to know is:

If i knew the user and the pass could i type a command like this,OtherComputerc$Temp@userpass (just an example), that it wont ask me the password and go directly to the directory? Code:

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Localhost / Home Computer

I am trying to play with ASP on my home computer. I am placing a "hello.asp" page with simple code in C:Inetpub or C:Inetpubwwwroot and running it and am getting:

The page cannot be displayed. The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings. I am running Windows 2000 Server, and I just stripped off Apache/ MySQL. I am not sure what I need to do to allow myself to run ASP pages on my home computer.

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ASP File Don't Load Properly Off Computer

When I try to open an aspx file located on my computer it doesn't load properly (i.e not all objects are visible like text fields and such) and it gives me a syntax error stating that it expected a semi-colon (;) on one of the lines.

My page language is VB and so no semi-colon is required and when I load the file through my web server by typing
the page loads correctly and functions normally.

Several hard drive formats ago I was able to open aspx files with internet explorer without going through my web server. I am pretty sure I have everything installed like IIS 5.1 and the .NET framework.

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Get Info From File On A Clients Computer

I´ve made a program and now i would like the users of the program to be able to download updates from my website.

I want the user to show where the EXE-file on their computer is, so i can check version number, size and name of the file.

Do i need the user to upload the file to the server first before i can check version number, size and name?

Can i do this without some kind of component? Code:

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Parse An Xml On The Client Side Computer

I have only been doing ASP for 2 days now so I am learning as I go. I am trying to paser through a xml document that is on the clients computer.

I am using the XMLDOM object. The problem is that the path that I supply using <input type="file" name="mFile"> is always looking to the server's hard drive instead of the clients computer. How do I make the XMLDOm object load the xml file from the clients computer. Code:

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Setting Up A Sql Database On My Home Computer

I've been meaning to setup a website on my computer again. I have calbe so its a static IP

i remember I downloaded three three programs but i can't remember exactly what they were or where I got them

1.)I think i had a sql database: mysql I think

2.)Then i think i had php but where can i get that for free?

3.) finally i think i had some kinda of board program using the sql database bbforums or something

Finally, I think i found out latter that all three are available in one download that preconfigures everything (configuring the stuff was a real pain in the butt)

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Show Installed Printers On A Computer

The following code is used to show installed printers on a computer,it works on server machine,however, if use a client machine to browse, it also shows the intalled printers on the server machine.Actaully, what i want to do is to show what printers installed on your own machine (that means show it on client-side)...

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Creating A ASP Computer System Builder

I work for a computer reseller company in New Zealand and I have been given the job to create a system configurator for customers wanting to customise a PC for themselves. I have no idea how to go about this, therefore asking if anyone knows where there is a good tutorial on creating something like this.

I know there is a PHP one called PC Builder, however I'm after a ASP one instead, and so far have found nothing on the Internet. I'm using SQL Server 2000. Our computer company address is for an idea on what we do. I'm doing a major change to this website, and a PC Builder.

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Upload File To Remote Computer

I'm looking for a method to upload a file from a site to the Unix server running my database. How can I connect this computer to create a file on it ? and can can I read
and write the files on it ? I'm able to upload to the server running IIS but that's not what I want.

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Detecting A Specific Client Computer

We have a company intranet based on ASP (Win2k, IIS 5.0, SQLServer 7.0). For security purpose, my boss wants to block some employees from logging in to our intranet except for from our factory. Our factory has a SBC DSL (one dynamic IP and it's shared). I know how to get the client pc's IP address. But as the IP address is dynamic, I cannot depend on it.

Is there a way that I can detect the user is accessing from our factory (like router's MAC address)? One way I brought up is making a page to record the client computer's ip and making one of our factory's computers automatically call the page. But this scheme is incomplete as you know.

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View Database Content On My Computer

how can i view an ASP pages on my computer that contains some data from a DB. i can view the ASP files with no problems but when it comes to some pages with a DB content it doest appear.

should i download SQL server or MySQL..?

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Comapring Database Time And Computer Date/time

there i was just windering how do i compare a date/time vlaue in sql server agaisnt the computers' date/time.
for example, if computer date/time is two months or 2 weeks before the database date/time do something

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HOWTO: Server.MapPath To A Different Server Computer

How do you use server.mappath to update a access database on a completely different computer? One of my websites needs to update a database on a completely different website. Code:

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I have a file for my form (ASP). I want to make a validation without external file, i want to write it in the main page, where the
whole code is writing, like validation in ASP.NET, a link about that will be helpful too.

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Validation In Asp

Can anyone tell me if there is a way to validate form fields using the dreamweaver server behaviours except using javascript. Basically I need a method of validating each form field when the form is submitted. I don't want to use javascript as I know that users can switch 'active scriting' off, which disables javascript. Due to the forms being critical inputs within an e-commerce system, I must validate them 'server-side'. Is their a dreameaver extension that does this or has anyone over come this issue before?

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