Var's Lost On Refresh
I have pg1 sending 6 vars to page2. Page2 uses the 6 vars to pull from an access database the fields of a specific tbl. under the sql stmt a function displays the records with headers, which will be sortable and pgable.
Problem is this. The initial load is fine with sortable hdrs and pgable pgs. BUT when the user clicks on any header to sort or next pg, then the vars are lost and the sql stmt is emptied.
Is there a way to hold the vars, or convert them easily to a hardcode type string?
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I have a website that has a asp secured members only aria that keeps session variables to check if someone is logged in or not (if session variables are not there then redirect to logon screen) but I also have non members aria and I need a way of asking the user if they want to move away from the members only area or go back to it. I have used an asp to find out if the page is a non member page and if there is a session variable there.
If there is a session variable and is a non member page then I use JavaScript to bring up a confirm box that if the cancel button is pressed then it goes back a page. The problem is that when you go back a page the session variable gets lost. Dose anyone know how to solve this problem or a better way of doing this?
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I have a page with 2 frames. The first one has a link that loads a page in the second frame. This page has a button on it. When the button is hit, the page does some processing and loads another page in the same frame (the second).
I use ASP and response.redirect or javascript in the onclick event of the button to do the redirection. When I refresh the page by clicking the button on the browser (IE), the second frame becomes empty. Please note that the src attribute of the frame is not set.
If I set the src attribute of the second frame to some asp page and then navigate to another page inside the same frame, when I refresh the page, the initial asp page is loaded in the frame regardless of the asp page currently loaded into the frame.
It seems that when you refresh the page, the frames are reinitialized no matter what pages are currently loaded in the frames.
I solved the problem by redirecting to the main page in the top frame, passing some parameters and resetting the src of the frame to the desired asp page. Thus, when the page is refreshed, all the frames are properly refreshed too.
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I have an ASP site that uses frames two frames. (yes I
should be using include files, but we started ou using
frames so we have been stuck with frames.)
When I get a page expired warning (I am not caching pages)
and a user clicks refresh from the menu bar the user is
taken back to the home page! The home page is a frame with
a top frame that is repeated on each subsequent asp pages
The lower half of the home page is a login screen.
After login the next page is shown in the lower half of
the frame. Refreshing within the individual frames is ok.
But when the Refresh from the menu bar is used the home
page is returned any ideas why?
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it's that time again. Time to learn a new language, and I picked ASP. I've got this:
<asp:HyperLinkField DataTextField="BeenPaid" DataNavigateUrlFields="BeenPaid,BillName" HeaderText="BeenPaid" DataNavigateUrlFormatString="Default2.aspx?BeenPaid={0}&BillName={1}" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" />
It works fine, it makes links of the stuff that is pulled outa the database. An example url it made is:
how do I get those vars out of the url in the Default2.aspx page. In php it was $_GET["BeenPaid"]
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I have an application that uses SQL extensively. However some of what it
uses SQL for (the results) are fairly static and change in the database very
rarely. Would it be more efficient to store this information in application
variables rather than doing SQL queries each time? Its a pretty heavily
utilized application. Would application variables be able to handle the
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Is possible to terminate all session variable created
without closing the browser
I do not want users to click on BACK button on browser or paste the url link
in the http:// and shows the record displayed after logout. This works fine
if users close the Browser.
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I'm sure we've all heard the warnings about using cookies instead of session variables to store all of that user data so that our servers don't get bogged down. I'm just wondering how serious is this. I mean, is it just a suggestion or do these variables really take up a large amount of memory per visitor?
"Why would it matter? Just use cookies!" might be your response. Well, say I'm creating a user backend to edit a news section for a company. Now, I realize that the company newsletter is not mission critical information, but my novice-programming gut will not let me sit at ease if I store usernames and passwords in cookie data. What's to prevent someone else from looking at that local machine and fake my cookies, or even directly login with the information contained there-in?
For a recent backend along these lines, I stored a custom class in a session variable (all of you hardcore ASP guys can take a deep breath and stop twitching ). The class basically contained a copy of that user's database record (a user id, the username, the password, the e-mail address, and a few different permission variables).
I did this for two reasons:
1) I filtered all of my content through default.asp (meaning that each url looked something like default.asp?p=events where p was the real page request). Doing this allowed me to simply check the user's credentials in the default.asp script and then server.transfer them to the real page contained in the p querystring variable. I used the session-stored class after the first login (so I didn't have to hit the DB with each page request but could still make sure they had access to the site).
2) I knew before-hand that this system was only going to be used by 10-15 people max, and only 1 or 2 would be logged on at a time, let alone most of the idle time when no one was logged in (basically, it was a very low-load system so I didn't mind being unconventional). Code:
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I'm involved in quite a large project which has a slightly unusual
form of login (at least I think it's unusual!). I'm creating a site in
ASP (actually Chilisoft ASP) where access to all pages has to be
secured via login. The odd bit is that while the login page will be on
this site, the login process itself will be carried out on a
completely separate domain - this is the client's requirement so I
have no choice.
On login, the user will be assigned a 24 hour cookie by this 2nd
domain and then be passed back to the site I'm involved with. My site
then needs to assign a similar cookie (I'm assming that I won't be
able to read the other domain's cookie) and allow access to the site
for 24 hours.
I'm wondering if it's most efficient to assign a session variable to
indicate the user is logged in once my cookie has been generated
(rather than have every page check for a cookie again) and on
subsequent sessions during the 24 hour period to 1st check for session
var, then the cookie and then, if cookie exists, to assign the session
variable again.
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is there a quick way to reset all the used session variables onb a server in one hit rather than using Code:
for each one.
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I'm trying to get a page included into another page, and so far I've been using Server.execute("home.asp") without any problems ['home.asp' is just an example], but now I' m trying to get this to work:
but to no avail. Code:
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I've got a software package that generates nice roll-over menus. The code generated is javascript. I want to edit the javascript to prevent specific menu buttons from appearing based on security/permissions settings. These permissions are contained in ASP session vairables. So, in the js I want to check for an ASP session("perms")... If I place <% if ... %> in the js file--it errors.
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I have a prob passing some vars from an .swf to an .mdb using a n .asp file. When I use the getURL command instead of loadVariablesnum, I am getting this error:
"Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Number of query values and destination fields are not the same.
/processForm.asp, line 112"
I have counted the query values and destination fields a hundred times, but they are both exactly 100.
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how do I get the xmlsource? in php its just this line of code: include($_GET['xmlsource']);
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I was wondering if there was a way to pass the entire collection of ASP
Session variables into a COM function.
Inside COM, I need to have something like
Public Function ProcessVars(ByRef Session as <SomeSessionVarType>)
End Function
Which reference do I need to include in my VB6 project?
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I guess this is a continuation of my erlier problem which I thought I had solved.
I have several inputs being passed from one page where they are inputed in, to a preview page so the user can chek there info, then it will be passed to a page to submit the info to a data base.
I have a input that is the item description var name of �prodesc�. It pass from the input page to the preview page just fine. Then I use the same method to pass it to the next page to save it to a data base, but when it gets to the submit page the var �prodesc� only has the first word of the description that was shown on the previous page? Any one know why its acting like its been trimmed? Code:
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Developed a basic ASP web site with MS Access 2k3 as a database
back end. I've developed it on two different Win2k3 servers, and app works
flawlessly on both.
However, we just moved it to a client's Win2k3 Server,
and it's not holding any session variables. It IS, however, holding
Application variables, but not session variables.
I checked all the usual
things (MS KB, ASPFAQ, etc), but none of them provided any solution. The
only difference I can find between the three servers is that one has the
Enhanced IE Security whosiwhatsis loaded, whereas mine don't.
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I am working on an ecommerce app and want to be able to take my entire POST results as one item (or iterate through them) and check for any malicious SQL INJECTION items. After checking/escaping them i want to save them back into the post results. The reason for this is because I have coded the entire app and just learned about the dangers of SQL Injection and rather than going through every post var and fix it I would rather run a function at the beginning of each page.
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for debugging purposes, I am wondering if it is possible to have an ASP script that:
-creates a tabel with two columns
-writes a var name in the first column
-writes its value in the second column
is this possible? Right now, I have manually created this tabel for myself, but everytime a new var is defined, I have to update my 'debug' table. Can this be automated?
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a customer already has a website with ASP pages to request a call from a salesman... and it emails HQ with about 20 form values and also emails the customer.
what we'd like to do in a simple way is store those 20 fields somewhere they can be downloaded as well, instead of messing with the emails. but i don't want to mess with any rdbms (cause we don't have access to the server--- long story) so i'm wondering if some simple commands can just write the data to a physical file somewhere in webroot so it can be downloaded at a later time.
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I've got two sites, on the same server, with the same pages (ones for test,
ones live) the only dif that I can find is the global.asa has different db
The sites (that I didn't write) are using javascript (not jscript,
javascript) as their ASP serverside language.
The sites login, set some session values, then redirect to a .htm that
builds a frameset and loads some pages. This redirect is losing all the set
session values on only ONE of the sites. Any ideas where to start?
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In my access database i have 2 tables called seceret question and secret answer. I would like to provide users with thier passwords without using emails. There would be a screen where they can enter thier username, secret answer then thier password will be displayed on the screen. Or alternatively they could just enter thier username and thier password
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my site apears to be loosing its session variable because it uses dynamically created absolute links. but because the user could have entered the site using any of 4 domains the links might change the domain.
So the user sees no difference but the cart has lost its session. firstly, is this possible? Secondly can I determin the url used to find the site and use that in the dynamic links?
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I allways loose the Sessionvariables in my asp-pages (I'm using IIS5.0 with
Visual Interdev 6.0).
For Example: when i create a startpage.asp, and type > Session("PersonalNr")
= 456 < he cant remember this value on another page.
when i query this value (for example in endpage.asp):
Response.Write(Session(("PersonalNr")), i get the value 0, because the
session will be restarted (The function "Session_OnStart" will be called
again in the global.asa file)
Does anyone know why ?
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I have a problem with my asp code on an iis 6.0 server on windows 2003
web. When I redirect between to asp pages on my web-site, where pageA is
in a different virtual directory from pageB the session variables value
a lost. I know that it is the session ID there increases. (New session).
If I make the same call in the same virtual directory the session
variables is not lost. Is it some thing about different application
pools? If sow, how can I join two or more application pools regarding
to session variables? If not is there a none coding work around.
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1. A Form which is a drop down menu, posts selected value to the same page.
2. This page connects to a database and depending on the selection from the form. the results are displayed for that selection.
3. This page needs to refresh to pull updated data from the data base.
Heres the problem..
I have the form and page pulling the correct information and displaying it on the page, but when the page does a refresh the value selected from the form is lost and then no results will show.
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What could the likely cause of a session value being lost when one navigates
to another page and attempts to write that session out:
Page 1
session("u_name") = oRS.fields("u_name")
Navigate to Page 2
Response.write Session("u_name")
....."_name" seems to be empty on Page 2.
What am I doing wrong here?
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I have a project in which I'm trying to embed one site, that uses
session stored variables, inside an IFRAME in another site (which for
that matter doesn't even use sessions).
Problem is, that it doesn't always save the session. When I try to
access it from some computers, I have no problem, the session variable
is stored and I can browse the site in the IFRAME and everything's ok,
but on other computers, the session variable value simply disappears.
To simulate the situation, assume that the two following html trees are
the site that goes into the IFRAME: Code:
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currently i working on project in asp, i done everything in my own company server and eveyrthing works fine, when i migrate to customer place server, eveyrthing also working fine, but the only thing doesnt work is session variable, i totally cant get my session variable in the customer place's server. Server in my company and my client is the same, window 2003 server, iis 6.
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Is there any way in ASP to catch a destroyed session when the user closes their window.
When a user enters a page, I create a session - Session("blah")="blah" . However when the window is closed, the session is destroyed, but before it's being destroyed, I want to some things.
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I have an mypage.asp page with a button, one can access this page only
Session("smth") = 1.
There is also an empty iframe in this page (src is not specified).
When I click the button I will fill the iframe with a page (src =
For security reasons I check the login session in another.asp and
Session("smth") is empty no matter I have logged before.
In mypage.asp Session("smth") is still on and its value is 1 but it
looks like it gets lost in the iframe.
Any idea why and how to fix this issue?
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We're experiencing random user sessions losses on our web applications,
and are researching for any useful information which may shed light on
this problem.
In our company, we're developing a web product based on ASP.NET 2.0, in
conjunction with Oracle database over ADO.NET and external COM objects
running on the server, interacting with the database, and with external
Our servers are Windows Server 2003, running IIS 6.0, with all the
latest patches and updates provided by Microsoft. Web application on
the server is a precompiled version of our web solution. Code:
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I'm having trouble with the workflow described bellow:
1. Asp page 1 on server A contains an iframe.
2. Asp page 1 submits a form targeted to the iframe, to Asp page 2 on
server B.
3. Asp page 2 runs in the iframe and at some point might decide to submit a
form targeted to the _top frame, to page 3 on Server B.
4. Page 3 loads in the top frame. Code:
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