Varchar In Db Causing Errors

I have a field in a db thats a varchar (10).its values pass well in a query string if the values do not begin with 0

134567 passes great

0132 passes another number like 2343 (where it comes from I have no clue?)

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Querystring Values Spaces Causing Errors

I am trying to update my table with a value passed though the
request.querystring method but as you can see from the sql statement below
it is causing errors.

In this case the name of the department as displayed is "Arts and
Entertainment" but it is giving me something strange when I try to use the

update empprofile set department ='Arts%20%26%20Entertainment' where
employeenumber =219104
Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'

You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in
table 'Departments'. Code:

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& Causing Validation Problems

I have some code on my application like the following:


redirectUrl = "mypage.asp?type=100&id=something&view=10

'some more asp code


<a href="<%=redirectUrl%>">Some Link</a>

the above code works fine but throws validation errors.

the errors are

# olumn 81: cannot generate system identifier for general entity "id".

An entity reference was found in the document, but there is no reference
by that name defined. Often this is caused by misspelling the reference
name, unencoded ampersands, or by leaving off the trailing semicolon
(;). The most common cause of this error is unencoded ampersands in URLs
as described by the WDG in "Ampersands in URLs". Code:

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Loop Causing A Time Out

When I run the following code it causes my page to time out This query can onlt return 30 records for any given month I can't figure this out. Code:

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RS Causing Strange Error

For some reason,, the following recordset rs("w2itd1") will run fine when I'm looping it out on a page, but when I have it inside a sql statement, I get errors.

for example:

sql = " Insert into table (title) values ('"& rs("w2itd1") &"') "

This will give me an error. The contents of this rs is a book title. Oddly enough, however, if I enter any other of the rs("fieldnames") that I have, in exactly the same fashion, I have no problem. There just seems to be an issue with the text coming thorugh. Can someone
indicate what the problem could be?

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Session Variable Causing A Delay

I have a project that uses a frameset. On the pageload event one frame calls
an ASP.Net page that watches a message queue. The other frame has a page
that allows a user to submit queries. Through research I've discovered that
IE allows only two connections to IIS from any one client at a time. This is
okay since at any given time I can only have the AJAX thread and a page

I noticed a problem today. If I introduce a session variable in any of my
server side code it causes every request to lock for 90 seconds before a
response comes back. After studying this behavior I am stumped. Is there an
extra thread being fired whenever session is used?

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Page Refresh Causing Addition

below is the code which is used for adding items and then displays the item
which is working fine i have a problem when i display the item if the user press f5 or does refresh it increases the qty.

so if u look at the code i get the product details from a earlier page if the qty which i get is 2 and then i do a refresh on the page the qty becomes 4 is there any way to stop it Code:

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I keep optimizing my fields down to the minimum character length
necessary i.e., varchar(15), then I find out a month later its gotta
get bigger, then a few months later, bigger again, etc. Nowadays on
sql server 2005 and on, how bad is it really to use varchar(max)? Is
there really a big performance or storage hit or is it negligible?

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Converting Int To Varchar

My data input page uses a id generator which includes dashes, and the
corresponding column in the db is set up as varchar to handle that.
There is a problem, however, when the value in the varchar column is
compared to the string from the URL, and the following error message

"Syntax error converting the varchar value '071-213' to a column of
data type int."

<%strSQL = "SELECT * FROM AMS where MinutesID = " & Request ("id")%>

Would it be possible to CAST the request string to varchar?

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Casting From Varchar To Int In ASP

ive got a form which takes in someone's age.

and then using a stored procedure i want to stick that age into a table in my DB (SQL server) The data type of the table where age goes is type int. So when i run my script to grab the age from the form it tells me :

"Error converting data type varchar to int."

So how would i get around that?

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Varchar Field

I have a field "Description", varchar2(100). When I try to show it on the HTML/ ASP page from a recordset, it appears as "word+word+word", nevertheless I have no "+" in the field.

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Convert Varchar To Int

I was wondering if any one could help, I've been looking on the net and can't seem to find any. how do you convert varchar to int, I'm trying to do an sql statement and it chucks up errors.

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Varchar To Varbinary

I have a problem with submitting data from one form to db in sql server. Data type of that field in DB table is money (the other is for varbinary data type) and in asp I have an textfield <input type='text'....>. After submitting I get the next error message:

"Implicit conversion from data type varchar to money (or varbinary) is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query."

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Convert Varchar To Decimal

I need to compare two values. one from a text field 'bid' and the other
from a field in an sql server database 'maxbid'.

The problem is the column in the database has decimal as its data type
and i'm getting a type mismatch. does anyone know how to convert 'bid'
into decimal from varchar? the field datatype doesnt necessarily have
to be decimal although i need two decimal places so it cant be an int.

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Converting Varchar To Money

The problem I am having is that I am trying to insert data from a form into a DB, but I cannot figure out how to change the form value (varchar) to the db value (money).

I've tried cast(bill_priceA as money) and I get

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03ee'

Expected ')' Code:

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I'm having some trouble converting my varchar datatype to money. Code:

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Ntext Field To VarChar

If I have a SQL 2000 database with a table that is using 2 Ntext fields with a lot of data in them, can I convert them to VarChar(8000) fields safely? Will there be data loss? Would it best be done through Enterprise Manager?

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Convert Varchar To Money/currency

I am updating information in an SQL database through a form and I need to convert my varchar string into the money datatype in my database. Can anyone help me with the syntax? Here is the code....

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Use Of Varchar(max) - Stored Procedure Parameter

I need to use varchar(max) for my out parameter (@resultText) from the 4000 length it is currently using. When i change the length to -1 or drop it altogether i get an error, how can i fix this issue? Code:

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Error Converting Datatype Varchar To Bit

I am repeatedly getting the error message 'error converting datatype varchar to bit'. I am passing a varchar variable to a stored procedure (where it is also a varchar) and then trying to write it to a table (where it is also a varchar).

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Converting Data Type Varchar To Datetime

I'm using ASP, VBScript, ADO for SQL server 2000. I have a stored procedure that I'm trying to use to insert a row using parameters. One of the field is date. Here is the parameter for that. Code:

Set param = cmd.CreateParameter("theDate", adDBTimeStamp, adParamInput, Date())
cmd.Parameters.Append param

But I'm getting this error. Error converting data type varchar to datetime.

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Convert Data Type Varchar To Money

how to do the conversion of data type varchar to money Code:

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SQL Server]Error Converting Data Type Varchar To Int.

This is the code for my Procedure:

Code: .....

When I execute this code, I receive this error on line 314:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Error converting data type varchar to int.
Line 314 is the classComm.Execute line. All the datatypes in my stored procedure those specified in the parameter declararations, and they all match with the datatypes in the DB. Other than the strings that are integer (strClassID) or date (strOccurDate), everything is a varchar.

I have no idea why this error is occurring. I have a similar stored procedure that adds the records in the same way and it kicks out the same error at the same time.

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Error Converting Data Type Varchar To Datetime.

there is an old asp application that is moved from one machine to the other.On the one machine its working fine, but on the new one, when trying to insert from the asp page(variables from the asp page), i get this error, Error converting data type varchar to datetime.

I have tried almost everything, from checking the order of variables, but still get the error. When the proc is executed on SQL it runs fine, am i maybe missing something?

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Error Converting Data Type Varchar To Datetime

I have migrated ASP pages and SQL SERVER database from a development server to the Live SERVER the regional settings are fine both set to use UK date dd/mm/yyyy. But I have that stupid error when I try to run a stored procedure EXEC sp_add_user 1,'28/08/2004 10:00:00'.... on the live server and not on the development one. I dont want to redevelop all my stored procedures.

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Convert String To Int :: Syntax Error Converting The Varchar Value

if my month is represent by numbers. like 2, 4, etc
i recognize this as a string but then i want to store it as int

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e07'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Syntax error converting the varchar value '2, 2, 2' to a column of data type tinyint.

/ords/asp/custorder_view.asp, line 41

u can see the varchar value to colum of data type tinyint

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Accessing Text Or Large Varchar Fields In SQL Server

I have read that there can be a periodic problem when reading large varchar or text fields from SQL server (or memo fields from Access)--they can sometimes come up as empty strings.

What I have been unable to find out is whether this problem is still around in recent versions of MDAC (>= 2.8). Does anyone know whether this problem still occurs--is it still necessary to follow the steps in that aspfaq article?

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2 Divs Side-by-side Causing Me Grief

I wanted to just use standard INPUT buttons and colourise them, but user's
of my web app want to continue creating their own buttons and using these in
css. Before I used straightforward images, but creating an image for each
button was a mare. You see this is all to do with giving people the ability
to change the look of the web app, in other words a skin, using nothing more
than pics and css files.

My theory was that I create a div, span or whatever for the left hand side
of the button and ref the image (in css) to be a 2px wide img that can have
the curved left hand edge of the button.

I would then put a div, span or whatever next to this and the reference
image would be a really long image (horizontally speaking) so that if the
button text was long then this would keep moving to the right and
accommodate basically any text length. Code:

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Syntax Error Converting The Varchar Value To A Column Of Data Type Int

I have a 3 page set that searches a database for users, displays the user information in a form and updates the data in the database. The first 2 pages work fine, the third page doesn't. What is annoying is that these pages are a copy of another set of pages that edit news articles (basically the same thing) and they work perfectly.

This is ASP with SQL and VB Script.

Quote: Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E07)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Syntax error converting the varchar value '6, 6' to a column of data type int.
/d1intranet/useredited.asp, line 72

So this message is saying that it is unable to UPDATE the field 'UserName' (which has data type INT) with the variable in the SQL code which is default as VARCHAR. Here is line 72: Code:

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ASP Errors

I am trying to configure apache::asp on apache2 and when i try to serve an asp page I get an internal server error. I get this in the error logs - - [10/Jan/2008:12:57:57 -0500] "GET /asp/includes/functions.asp HTTP/1.1" 500 603 - - [10/Jan/2008:12:58:38 -0500] "GET /asp/includes/feed.asp HTTP/1.1" 500 603 - - [10/Jan/2008:12:59:06 -0500] "GET /asp/includes/contactField.asp HTTP/1.1" 500 603 - - [10/Jan/2008:12:59:19 -0500] "GET /asp/includes/encryption.asp HTTP/1.1" 500 603 - - [10/Jan/2008:12:59:33 -0500] "GET /asp/includes/LogonEdit.asp HTTP/1.1" 500 603 - - [10/Jan/2008:12:59:47 -0500] "GET /asp/includes/header.asp HTTP/1.1" 500 603

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IIS Errors

We've been expriencing periodic database connection errors with ASP code
talking to an MS Access database. Every once in a while, the code can't
connect to the database.

Usually there are no log entries that might point
to difficulties, but early this morning the Application Log was filled with
the 2 errors below. Once we did an IISRESET, the problem cleared. Does IIS
need to be re-installed, or??

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ASP Errors

Since upgrading to Windows 2003 Server from Windows 2000
Enterprise Server we have had alot of ASP problems. The
problems are centered around asp pages which are one level
or more below the main folder within a web site. We have
many web sites which have used the database interface
wizard in FrontPage which puts these pages up to three
levels deep inside the folder hierarchy of the main site.
The pages will not work with IIS 6. I have had to re-
engineer many of these sites without the database
interface wizard. My solution at this point is to put all
ASP pages at the root level which seems to work but
negates all version of Frontpage management including
FrontPage 2003 Beta. This is a serious problem!
Especially for us who teach FrontPage and ASP!

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ASP Errors

first, in NS (version 3, don't ask), get a

HTTP Error 400
400 Bad Request
Due to malformed syntax, the request could not be understood
what's that?

second, how do you turn the pop-up error alert window in IE for Mac off so that we can see the error in the browser window?
just for the record, the app works in windows fine, seems to have troubles on the Mac side.

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