Variable Arrays From Database For Select And Span

I am working on a site with MS Access and ASP that needs to have data selected from a listbox, populate several span fields. I can do it with JavaScript but the array data is hard coded, I want the data brought in dynamically from an Access database. Here is my JavaScript code:

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Splitting Multi Select Item Into Arrays

I know that I can use instr(input,1) etc. but my attempts so far are of little use.

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Select Case Variable

I have an array made using split to create act_count variable below I am then using a select case to write names from array.. Code:

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Select Distinct Variable

I m trying to use select statement in order to select a distinct word like 'c', but in the database i only want to select c when it occurs on its own not when it appears in another word.

eg i need to select the alphabet 'c' in 'the cat category is c' but not the 'c' in 'cat' or 'category'. I have used the code below but this seem to count all 'c'

select set rsTypes2 = con.execute("SELECT COUNT(two) AS total FROM march where two like '%c%'")

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I have a link on an asp page.

When the user clicks on this link I make a <span> visible.

Within my span I have a series of textboxes.

In Netscape 6.0 and 7.0 these textboxes are invisible.
When I set focus to them and start typing they come
visible. Any ideas why this is? I can see teh cursor
flashing in the textbox but the textbox is invisile.

Having type something and tabbed out the become visible?

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Span Articles

I am building a site in which users will submit articles. Like a cms. However, I want the ability for articles that are over one page long to span or continue on the next page. That is, a link is provided at the end of page 1 that links to page 2 etc of same article?

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Label Without <span>

How do you write pure text out from a label? I don't want the <span> tags.

For example:

Owner_FullName.Text = "Lynn Solomon"

<asp:label id='Owner_FullName' runat='server' />

<span id="Owner_FullName">Lynn Solomon</span>

I would like it to yield:
Lynn Solomon

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Using Span Tags

I have 4 response writes in a row and I want to distinguish between them better, so I want to wrap them in a span tag. What is the correct syntax. Code:

Response.Write (rsGlogbook("Thedate"))



Response.Write (<span class=""post-date"">rsGlogbook("Thedate")</span>)

After, but it didnt work.

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Setting The InnerHTML On A <span>

I have a RequiredFieldValidator

This gets rendered out as a <span>

I want to set the innerHTML.

So I do this by using below javascript.

var eMail = document.getElementById

The same code works for other spans but not for this one.

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SELECT From Database

I nwant to pull out the description form the table orders where the first letter is A. I dont have any script tried, because I dont have a clue, I was told it's simple to do though.

strquery = SELECT description FROM orders WHERE ...?

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Select Random Row In Database

does exist any command to get random row from target table in target database and then use this row ?

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Database Select Issue

I'm trying to do a select * from myTable Where blah blah blah, but am getting back the following error message.

Error Type:
ADODB.Connection (0x800A0BB9)

Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

This is the code i'm using Code:

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Select 4 Records, Randomly From Database

Is this do-able with ASP / VBscript?

-- I have a database with user records (name, photo, etc. etc.)

I want to use asp to generate (on the homepage) a series of 4 randomly selected 'user records' from the database -- say just the headshot photo or name from the database.

In addition to the recordset being randomly generated (i.e. our of about 50 records, only records 4, 18, 23 and 26 are displayed) I need to MAKE SURE they are not duplicated (i.e. out of the 50 records, records 4, 18, 23 and 23 -- where the last two are duplicates).

Is there a way I can pull this off and how do I go about it exactly?

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Form Select From Database Problem

I'm building a form select from a record set and then using the selected result to call another record set. This a maybe a dumb problem but it has me stumped. The first record always has a comma after it, theres no comma in the database and no comma in the code. Can someone tell where this comma is coming from? Code:

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Select Query Database Error

I have created a query and everytime I try to run it I get this error:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'
Record is deleted.
/vsadmin/inc/incsearch.asp, line 162

This is the query: Code:

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Select Database Then Multiple Tables For Updates

What I want to do I select one database and the set the Rs1, rs2 etc.. like in Vb6 I would set DB then:

Set rs1 = db1.OpenRecordSet("Table1")
Set rs2 = db1.OpenRecordSet("Table2")


However how do I do this in asp3? Code:

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How To Include The Variable In The "select" Line..

first I typed this:


then I typed this:

sqlstring = "select column1 from table where column2 like '%p%'"

it find nothing. anyway, if I replace the "p" in the second line to what it was equal, it does find what I need.

moreover, when I print "p" I get the right string.

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Basic Code To Open, Select And Close A MySQL Database

I am looking for the basic code to open, select and close a mySQL database using asp code. I am experienced in php and have a site using php to access this database but this client would like one page using asp.

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Session Variable To Database

Does anyone know how to update a session variable to the database.

I can get the session variable to appear on the screen but I can't seem to get it to be send to the database using a form and hidden fields. Does anyone know how to go about this. What do I need to do to maken it work. I'm using ASP/ VBScript & an access database.

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Ref Database Field Name With Variable

I have an asp page that has a function that connects to an Access database.
I am using Javascript. Is there any way to reference the field name in the
database through a variable in a sql statement? Code:

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Updating Database With Variable

Is there any way you can put a variable in the values in an update command?

If oRS("n4") <> 0 then
Response.Write ("<tr>")
Response.Write ("<td>4</td>")
Dim qn4
qn4 = oRS("n4")*intQuantity
strsql = "INSERT INTO report (q1) VALUES (qn4)"
Set oRS2 = oConn.Execute(strSQL)
Response.Write ("<td>Meter box, meter and test block</td>")
Response.Write "<td>" & oRS("n4")*intQuantity & "</td></tr>"
end If

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I Am Having Trouble With A Database Quary Involving A Variable.

I am having trouble with a database quary involving a variable.

The following code does not work.

Set objConn1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

objConn1.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("/fpdb/Training2004.mdb")

Set Question = objConn1.Execute("SELECT * FROM '" & Module & "' ORDER BY ID")

The variable Module causes errors. However, if ireplace that line with the bellow line the code works.

Set Question = objConn1.Execute("SELECT * FROM Safty ORDER BY ID")

For some reasion i have to type in Safty, i can't enter it with the Module variable even though it contains Safty as its value.

Any ideas how i could get the quary to work with the Module variable becasue i don't always want to access the Safty database?

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Select Statement Comparing Date() & Date Field Of Database

i'm new here and i'd like to ask if there's someone who knows how to compare date() function and date from database with date/time type inside select statement so i don't have to do if..then..else

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I have trouble working with arrays in asp.. I have the following error :Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0009)
Subscript out of range: '[number: 0]'

the line that gives me the error is the following:
Door_OpeningValH= aDoor_OpeningVal(0)
and my code is this:

Door_OpeningVal= rs("Door_Open_Dimension")
aDoor_OpeningVal = split(Door_OpeningVal, "x", -1, 1)
Door_OpeningValH = aDoor_OpeningVal(0)
aDoor_OpeningValW = split(aDoor_OpeningVal(1)," ",-1,1)
Door_OpeningValW = aDoor_OpeningValW(0)
Door_OpeningValUnit = aDoor_OpeningValW(1)

what i'm doing is recivieng values from 2 textboxes and a combo box.I want it to save in my database like this:
2x5 ft

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I need to create a multidimensional array using another int as one of the criteria but I keep getting probs with my code, what am I doing wrong?

intMonthName = Cint(Month(field_in_my_database))
Dim myarray(intMonthName,2,5)
I get this error message:

Quote: Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0402'

Expected integer constant

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2D Arrays

I am using ASP with VBScript and I want to know how to seperate a 2 dimensional array into 1 Dimensional arrays:

like if

MyArray is a 2 D array and I want to store the first row of this array in another array , like in C

MyArray[5][5] //this is a 2D array

OneDimArray=MyArray[0] // stores the first row of the 2D array in OneDimArray

is there a way to do it in VBScript ????

I couldn't find a way

I don't want to do it with loops I hate code with too much loops,

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How can display unique values from an array. I dont want to loop thru all the values and do it. Is there a better way?.

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What does the numeral '1' mean in the following statement?

For J = 0 to UBound(QArray, 1)

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I have an array in ASP and I am populating the array with the values from database on checking a condition. Lets say i have array of arr(5). Initially I made all the array items null ...

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I have an array in ASP called WordsArray() which contains several words. What I would like to do is search the array for a word, and if its not there, add it to another array ResultsArray()

So far, a loop in my code only checks the current array value, and not the rest of the array, adding the search word to the end of the resultsArray regardless.

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Arrays Of Checkboxes

I have two related tables in my database. One stores events and the other stores a list of key topics.

I have an interface set up where users can add / edit events.

In the add event page, I am querying the "key topics" table and returning them as options (array of checkboxes). The user makes their pick, and submits. All the data saves in the 'event" table, including the primary id of the "topics".

That part works great. The problem I am having is when the EDIT event page resolves, I am trying to "check" the options that were previously saved.

First thing I do (at the top of the page) is to query the events table to pull all of the data out. I use the 'events" table to do this.

For the checkboxes, I am once again looping through them in a query that uses the "key topics" table. So the boxes are displayed, but I can't seem to get the logic right to have the appropriate ones checked. here is my current code:

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Dynamic Arrays

i want to create a dynamic list or array in asp as we have arraylist in what i want is that i want to hold the values selected by the user in a list and in advance i dont know that how much values the user will select. i also tried to use array with redim but that did not work as we can create array with only constant integer parameter.

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Checkboxes And Arrays

at the moment i am creating a shopping cart of sorts. Simply the user selects the check boxes of the items he wants and clicks submit. The items are dynamically created and they could select anything from 1 to 100 items..

so processing the form is clear not possible by hard coding. How could i read all the values from the POST into an array instead of processing each item at a time.

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