Verify Digital Signature

Is there a way in ASP to verify digital signature by using one of
public keys contained within the application's PSE (Personal Security
Environment) file?or if this is not possible, can it be verified by using the public key
itself, the CRT file?

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Digital Signature Capture

I'm working on an ASP application that will be used on mobile tablet PCs. I need to add the ability for someone to sign their name on the screen and then have it converted to an image (.gif/.jpg/.png) for printng & storage.Is this even possible with a web application?

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Check If A File Have A Digital Signature

There is a manner to do that, whith the file in the server and using a free dll or a API call?

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Digital Wallet!

how to make the digital wallet function work in my system. my project is about pharmacy system and i have e-cart function...

i want this particular customer who signs in to have two dummy account which is one with my pharmacy which is their digital wallet in my system...and this helps them to buy products in my pharmacy and then when the balance of the account not sufficient .

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Using Digital Signatures

I have a text box field on a form called signature where I want someone to be able to click on a button to browse for an image of their digital signature and then upload this so that it appears in the textbox.What is the easiest method of using digital signatures on online forms?

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Inserting Signature Bitmap File In An Asp

I am trying to build a asp page where signature bitmap file needs to be
inserted from a directory. The path of the file location is in one of the
backend Access database fields. I would like to know if there is any
knowledge based article related to this kind of issues. I have no idea where
to start on this.

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Digital/electronic Signatures?

Has anyone set up websites that require signatures for legal reasons, how does this work? some pages have checkboxes that equal your signature. is there background work that needs to be done or is it all in the verbage in the page.

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Asp, Cdosys And Digital Signatures

I currently have an ASP website that accepts membership registrations. For each registration, an email is auto-triggered to the registrant using CDOSYS. I need to add digital signatures to the emails. I've searched but could not find a step-by-step solution on how it's done.

For eg, do I need to buy any digital certificates for the sender email address and install on the server? If yes, how can I do this? After that, how do I attach the signature to the CDO generated emails?

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How To Ensure Signature Part Is Lock Together In 1 Page?

I have signature part in my page (which include signature,name and date). This signature part should be lock together. Let say if the information in the page is about 2 pages, automatically the signature part will be in the 2nd page.

But the problem is, the signature on the 1st page while the name and date on the 2nd page. Is there a way to move the signature to the 2nd page? I've tried make it as a footer and include in the end of the page but doesn't work. Any idea?

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Verify Cookies

I'm having trouble verifying the cookie that I leave on a client's computer.

Here is the code: ....

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Verify Value Of Variable

How do i verify if the value of a variable is a number or a string? because i want to insert it on a field that only supports numbers.

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Verify Image

how can i verify that an image is true?it has to be something like:

<% if %>


<% = true

then response.write("<img src="images/<%=rs("productid")%>.jpg"")
else response.write("<img src="images/nopicture.jpg"")

end if

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NSLOOKUP To Verify Email

I found this bit of code on the forum which illustrates how you can get NSLOOKUP to check you email is valid.

Code: .....

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How To Verify A User Using Sql Queries

I have a form which accepts the username and password. I am storing it in an Access Database. How do I check if the user already exists in the database by passing SQL queries? Could someone possibly give me the code or maybe a link.

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ASP Or HTML? To Verify Selection

I have a webpage where there are two drop down menues. From each of them, one item can be selected. I need code to test if there was an item selected from both the drop down menus. How do I do this? Do use ASP or HTML?

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Verify Time Input

Is there some function similar to isDate() that can be used to verify times entered.

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Verify MIME File

How verify MIME type of file? Which components should I use? Still now I couldn't find anything. I donīt to check file extensions.

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Verify My Query Statement

What's wrong with this? Code:

SELECT * FROM biblewheel_url INNER JOIN bible ON biblewheel_url.letter_id = bible.book_spoke WHERE ( text_data like '%number%' OR text_data like '%day%' OR text_data like '%forty%' OR text_data like '%year%' ) AND bible.book_spoke = '4'
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e07'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

/wheelofgod/kjvresp.asp, line 34

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Verify Availability Before Submitting A Form

I would like some help in having the form check to see if the
selected course is available before submitting the info to the database and
instructs them to choose another date if the course is closed. I have a qry
that does a check and brings the information on availability. Any way to run that qry
-check and send back the message or submit the confirmtion?

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Verify New Password Meets Format Conditions

I'm working on a site which is password protected using ASP and an Access database.

I need to require that new passwords be at least 8 characters and contain at least one character from upper case, lower case, number and special characters. I've searched but haven't found anything that looks like it would work - only scripts to prohibit certain characters.

function mt_valForm(val)
var passed = true;
var mt_error = '';
if (val.txtusername.value == ""){passed=false; mt_error+="Please provide a user name

if (val.txtpassword.value == ""){passed=false; mt_error+="Please provide a password

if (val.txtemail.value.indexOf("@") == -1 || val.txtemail.value.indexOf(".") == -1){passed=false;
mt_error+="Please provide a valid email address

if (mt_error!= ''){alert ("There were errors - please correct these:

" + mt_error)}
return passed;

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Verify Type Or Extension Of File Using ASPUPLOAD

How verify type or extension of file using ASPUPLOAD? I check documentation, but I didn't find anything else yet.

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Verify MSSQL User/Password/Database Combination

I am currently writing a little gadget where users can create, delete, alter... tables in a database. Some kind of MyAspAdmin... Everything works fine as long as I specify the MSSQL-Login-Infos database, user and password.

But if I want to make it possible to switch from one database to another, here comes the problem: The user has to choose a database that he wants to work in, and type in user and password.

I need the (probably very easy) solution, how i can check if this user/password/chosen_database combination is correct. Code:

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Electronic "signature"/agreement

Last year I built a simple web-based interface for our company's annual performance reviews. This year, one of the functions they want me to add is some sort of electronic signature (so they don't have to print out and have employees sign hardcopies, and then store hardcopies).

I told them the best thing to do would probably be to purchase some sort of third-party add-on, but they aren't keen on spending a lot of money outside (hence ME building the review system rather than an actual programmer).

So, as a compromise I simply added a checkbox on the form that simply flags the "acknowledgement" field in the database. The checkbox label is some typical legalese (from our counsel) that reads: "By clicking this checkbox you acknowledge ..." etc.

After checking the box and clicking "Submit" the record is locked from further editing and is shoved in HR's "bin". It's so damn simple that I know I must be missing some important component.

I'm not looking for code-help here ... I guess I'm after "conceptual" help. Any sort of functionality that I ought to include in this little "mechanism"? I've never done that sort of acknowledgement feature before (obviously) so any suggestions are welcome.

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Email Form - Verify Email Address

Just starting to play with scripts, and need a little guidance. I want to check to make sure that the email addresses users enter in a form are identical before it will allow them to submit. here's what i have:

the variable for the second email address is EmailFrom2

Dim validationOK
If (Trim(EmailFrom)="") Then validationOK=false
If (validationOK=false) Then Response.Redirect("emailerror.htm?" & EmailFrom)
If (Trim(Name)="") Then validationOK=false
If (validationOK=false) Then Response.Redirect("nameerror.htm?")
If (Trim(CityState)="") Then validationOK=false
If (validationOK=false) Then Response.Redirect("citystateerror.htm?")
If (Trim(SchoolName)="") Then validationOK=false
If (validationOK=false) Then Response.Redirect("schoolnameerror.htm?")

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