WWW Publishing Service Stopped Unexpectedly With Event ID 7031

We have been getting the EventID 7031 errors ever since we
installed SP 3. We have been searching for any possible
solution, but not much luck.

We are running Windows 2000 server with IIS 5.0 (No
indexing services installed), and SP4. Every now and
then, we have the 7031 for IIS Admim, SMPT and WWW
services stopped without any apparent reason. We noticed
that the Event Viewer logged those 7031 errors when all
the hosted sites were stopped.

I wonder if a script can be written to detect the status
of the sites and restart the IIS if they are stopped. If
so, please provide information on that as I have never
done something like this before.

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Memory Leak :: Dllhost.exe Grows Unexpectedly

We have a web application in AS. It also uses COM+ and SQL Server as back-end. Sometimes the size of the dllhost.exe grows unexpectedly. It is such that we restart our IIS/ PWS. Also there is only one instance of dllhost running when we restart the webserver but later on we notice more than one instance sometimes.

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Publishing A Subform

I can get records from the database and display them on my asp webpage, I have a form with a sub form and id like the information to be displayed in a very similar fashion. how to do this. bear in mind i want to display all the records on one page and have the sub records nestled in.would i have to use to repeat functions?

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Publishing Aspx Page

Something was wrong with my IIS 'Service unavailable', I decided to uninstall IIS and then reinstall it, then the simple pages can be viewed but the aspx pages not. Then I uninstall SQL server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 and reinstall it.

Now I can view simple pages but not aspx pages, but when running from the debugger of Visual Studio, it Works good. When I access an aspx page 'The page cannot be found' error occurs

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Multiple Non-administrators Publishing

Is it possible to use Visual Studio to create ASP.NET projects on a web server, without giving the various people that will be doing this full administrator privliges? Each user will need to have independent folders that they can modify (ie, one user cannot change the contents of another user's folder). Access to the server must be strictly limited for each user (preferably to just adding/removing ASP.NET projects). Having a similar problem with Frontpage. This is to be used for training.

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Inserting/publishing Text As Html

I need to populate a field with html formated text. I'm using a simple form field to do so.

When I use a textarea to return the record, it comes out formatted, but when I use a Response.Write command, it comes out as plain text. Anyone can tell me how to make the response.write publish formated text?

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Event Calendar :: Event To Be Highlighted

I currently have an event calendar that works fine so far.One thing i would like to improve is that when there is an event on that date,i wish it to be highlighted with a different color. Code:

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Reading Html From Other File And Publishing Only Part Of It

I'm having a problem: I've two files, an html file and an asp file. What I've to do is to publish part of the html file into the asp file.

I started OK, the file was opened and that stuff. I published part of it, the problem is that it publishes from the middle of the file to the end of it, and I only need the middle of it.

For example, from the 3rd <tr bgcolor=#003399> tag to the <blink> tag I'd need to get published. But I get published from the 3rd <tr bgcolor=#003399> tag to the end of the file. Code:

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Stopped Adding

I have been operating a win 2000 server with IIS5. I had to re-build the server recently. I installed SP4 and the lockdown utility. My asp code works on the website, I can access all data driven sites via the web. But I cannot add to the database from the website. It was fine before the re-build. The code has not been changed neither the connection. I have not installed microsoft acess on the server could this be the problem ?. The database is microsoft access file. I have ensured I have given the same information in the System DSN. The driver is version 4.00.6200.00 I have checked the database properties and it is not set to read only.what could be wrong?

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Records Stopped Displaying?

I've got some code that displays public event info on a page - unfortunately, it seems to have stopped working today for some reason and I don't know why (there are 2 records in the database that match the criteria, so I know that's not the problem: Code:

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IIS 5 Stopped Serving Pages

Server 2000 IIS 5

The server stopped serving pages on all the web sites: The Following error message:

The page cannot be found

HTTP 404 - File not found
Internet Information Services

I checked the web sites under IIS and they are running. I've re-booted the system and the problem continues. However the mail server is working. Even localhost gives me the same problem.

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Intellisense Stopped Working

I was using intellisense for several registered com objects on my box when one day out of the blue they stop working.. i still get intellisense on some com and microsoft standard objects but others just quit working.I have tried unregistering and reregistering the objects but no dice.

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ASP Request Stopped Responding

A few days ago my asp pages on my web server running IIS
5.0 stop responding. I can view any html pages but not
pages ending with asp.

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Wireless Has Stopped IIS Serving

I just installed a Netgear wireless modem router on my Windows XP Prof
computer. Also installed the Netgear wireless USB adapter on my wifes
computer so she can get on the internet. Code:

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Testing On XP Pro Stopped Working

I was working on an asp and it was working fine. I came back to it a few days later and it was no longer working... When I submit a form through the ASP page, it only spits back the raw code, but doesn't write to access as it was before... I don't know what has chenged. Any suggestions? Code:

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Scripts Stopped Working In Firefox

Anyone have an idea why my ASP scripts, that were working just fine, all of a sudden stopped working in Firefox? Everything is still fine in IE, but it would appear that Firefox has all of a sudden started to ignore the ASP script tags. I'm relatively new, and was way excited when I got everything to work the way I wanted it to, then this happened.

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Event Log

Is there a way to enter an error in the windows event application log.

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Event ID 5

I have been looking for a solution on the web about the error we got in the following:

Script Engine Exception. A ScriptEngine threw
expection 'C0000005' in 'IActiveScript::Close()'
from 'CActiveScriptEngine::FinalRelease()'..

It looks like that many people have the same problem and no one seems to know why it happened and how to solve it. So far, I cannot get any useful and specific pointers/solutions on the web, not even on the Microsoft site. If someone has the same error and is able to fix it, please provide solution.

We are running Win 2000 server with SP4 and IIS 5.0. Our server is loaded with all the updated patches from MS. We are also using COM+ with IIS.

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Onclick Event In <a> Tag

When i click a anchor tag which will shows a particular data from database and display it in same page using ajax. Code:

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Event Handling,

Can you please help me with event handling (for eg: capture key press, mouse overs, mouse_over drop-down menu, on_click drop down box) in asp.

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ASP Event Handling

I want to handle events of the AO Connection object in my ASP page. How can I do it?

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Use Onchange Event

I wrote this code:
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Response.Write "<SELECT id=Customer name=Customer
Response.Write "<OPTION value=1>One"
Response.Write "<OPTION value=2>Two"
Response.Write "<OPTION value=3>Three"
Response.Write "</SELECT>"
Response.Write "<BR>"
Response.Write "<INPUT type=""text"" id=text152 name=text152>"
Response.Write "<BR>"

But change the SELECT,onchange event not been called

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Event Be Controled

A button has to be clicked if a selection in drop down list has been changed. If not, a pop up message pops and reminds the user you need to click the button before continue. Can this be done in some ways?

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OnChange Event

When a user changes the value in a select statement, I would like to update the recordset using a onchange event. Could someone please point me in the right direction? Would like to stay away from forms if possible.

<select style="width: 200px; font-size: 10px;" name="selStat" size="1">
<option value="<% = rs("Status") %>"><% =rs("Status") %></option>
<option value="CLOSED">CLOSED</option>

sql="UPDATE dbE SET Status = 'CLOSED' WHERE EMAILid = 25"

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Sending An Event

Is it possible to send an event to an IIS/ASP application from an ActiveX/COM component? Assume that the ActiveX/COM is created when the Application starts (as an application scope variable initialzed in global.asa), and it is deactivated when the application stops.

What I need to do is to register an ASP function as an event handler with the ActiveX so that it can receive the event when raised by the component.

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Session Off Event

I've got an ASP3 (IIS6) site, in which some scripts need to generate temporary files in order to work. Now, the fact is: I would like those temporary files to be deleted when a user's session ends (even though i've got infinite hosting space, i feel it somewhat impolite to leave GB's of useless temp files ;-) ).

The Session_OnEnd event, though, seems to have some problems in doing this:

1. I found in MSDN that it couldn't call Server.MapPath(). Not a big problem, I hardcoded the base path and everything should have worked well. 2. The FileSystemObject.DeleteFile() method, though, seems to suffer from the same problem: i get no error output on Session.Abandon() but the files are still there. Is there any workaround for this problem?

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Onkeydown Event

Does anyone have any code or know of any code to check if a value entered in a textbox is a number using the onkeydown event. If not, I want to return an error message.

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Event Change

I have been web-enabling alot of an access database with forms and asp. In the database, there is a field in the record stating weather it's open or closed. By default, the value is open. When the record is changed to closed, I want to have an email sent -- confirmation (record number and column values) page to the email address in the record.

I would like to have this automated and scheduled to run every night. It would go through the database to see which records = closed by "completed_date" type of thing. And each record that was closed have the email sent to address in the record. how this can be done?

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Treeview Event

I have a asp.net treeview inside an updatepanel and I need to capture the right mouse click event. I have a context menu that will become visible on the right mouse click and I need to know what node was right clicked - can anyone give an example ?

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Notify Someone On A Event

I'm working on an intranet and now i have a page call incident reporting. In this form, users will fill in a form for a particular incident and one person is responsible for the incidents posted.

is there a way to notify the responsible person that new incident has been posted so that the person can check for that?i mean some sort of message box that can appear or other method that can notify the person for that incident.

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Call An Event

I have an ASP.NET application in which I would like to call my button click event on the page load if certain criteria are met. What is the correct syntax to be able to programmatically have my imgSubmitSearch button clicked? I tried the obvious, Call imgSubmitSearch, but intellisense doesn't like that due to the sender / e arguments.

Private Sub imgSubmitSearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles imgSubmitSearch.Click .

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Web Service?

I have a vb iis application and some asp pages.

The logic is in the vb dll. Now I need to extent one asp page to do extra
step, but the similarly code is in the vb dll. I don¡¯t want to copy/paste
code (and beside don¡¯t know copy/paste will work). So I¡¯m thinking of open
a web service function in vb dll and the asp can http request? Is it other

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ASP Service

I'm the co-developer for an ASP helpdesk system which has an in-built POP3 Email function. The idea of the function being that a member of staff logged into the helpdesk can monitor a specific support email address and convert emails into support tickets. Now one of the things our clients have asked for is a service that runs the POP3 Email function so that they don't need to be logged into the helpdesk. What is the easiest way to achieve this? Since users can potentially email the support address 24/7 the service therefore needs to run 24/7. I've read threads in this forum on running scheduled jobs that call an ASP script but I'm not sure if that is the correct solution for my needs. I also need to take into account the fact that some of our clients run the helpdesk application on a shared hosting server so they won't be able to create a Windows Scheduled Task.

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