Wanting To Build A .NET Library

I seem to have a very good library for PHP, XML, Cold Fusion, Flash, JavaScript, and Java..but Im wanting to begin building some helpful references for ASP.net. I got one book called "Designing ASP.net Applications" from Microsoft, but it, sadly, wasnt very good for someone like me thats starting out.

Can we use this thread to possibly suggest good books on ASP.net, VB.net, C#, etc that have helped you, and perhaps others can benefit from it, as well as me?

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i have developed a library in vb6 to import an excel file ftom client to a
sql 2000 table on the server.This object must run at server.
How can i create this object on a web asp page?
Does it run if the oject use Excel library but on the server Excel is not

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Gd Library For Asp

Does somebody know a cool library like gd for php which helps me to create images in my script?

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Including A Library

I am trying to use the example located here: http://www.asp101.com/articles/jacob/scriptupload.asp

If I have vbscript v5.0 do i still need to include a library inorder to create a new FileUploader object?

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Photo Library

i am not sure that this subject can be discussed here. i have many photos. they are stored according to the name of the EVENT and YEAR. i will set up a database (sql or access) to store information of the photo and set up a folder to store the "PHOTOs". and design a web page to show.

My question is how to put the photo on the web page:

i prefer the simplest and effortless method. Once the user takes the photos (5m pixel photo) and upload them and input the event name & year. then it is finished.

any tools can be used? which programming language is most suitable. i noted many web sites have this feature but i don't know how many effort at the back end?

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Dynamic Link Library

I am getting "A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed" error
in IIS 6.0 on Windows 2003 server.

I have this same code working on WiN-NT.

Does anyone have an idea how to fix this?

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Books Library System In ASP

Does anybody has a Sample of books library systemin ASP? I looked for in aspfaq.com, asp101.com, but untill now I could find anything else.

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Ajax Library For Classis ASP

i thought some of you might be interested because as far as i know there arent any Ajax Libraries for classic ASP...

i have developed a free Ajax Library called ajaxed. With this you are able to call server side procedures directly from client side ...

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My company is finally making the move to program in ASP.NET for our web application stuff. We need to purchase a suite of components. Can anyne recommend a very good component library. We are looking for things like GRID, CHARTS, VALIDATION TOOLS, etc.

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Connection String/Network Library

We've had a recurring problem where all of a sudden we get a DBMSSOCN General Network Error on any page that connects to SQL Server. Then we have to reboot the server and everything works fine again, for a few more hours and then we have the same problem. Someone suggested adding ";Network Library=DBMSSOCN" to our connection strings. I've tried to figure out exactly what this does and why not having it would be a problem.

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ASP 0177 Error Loading Type Library/DLL

I found a posting for below error in the forum but could not found any solutions.

I am also facing the same error, though most of my ASP pages are working fine
I get this error on a page where in I am trying to create an excel file out of the resultset fetched on the page. Page has a button, on click of which i get this error:

<LI>Error Type:
Server object, ASP 0177 (0x80029C4A)
Error loading type library/DLL.

/ami/includes/lib_offload_to_Excel.asp, line 86Has it something to do with the permissions of the logged in user?

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How To Build A CMS?

Anyone got a good tutorial on how to build a CMS with ASP?

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Dynamically Build

I have the following piece of code:If RS.EOF or RS.BOF Then
Session("Authenticated") = False

Response.Write "Sorry, your userid or password did not match"
Response.Write "<BR>"
Response.Write " or you have not registerd yet, please register"
Response.Write <a href="default.asp">Clik here
Here, I need to build the line (Response.Write <a href="default.asp">Clik
dynamically, so that the html output from asp page
gives us <a href="default.asp">Clik here

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Build Recordset With Asp

I have a situation where I have to update a single table with information from a bunch of fields. So I can explain better this is a sample table with some data... Code:

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Query Build

I am having trouble with structuring my query for searching using "LIKE". I
return no records with my current SQL statement.
Here is the string I am sending through ASP using VBScript as my language.

Other piece:
strClass = Request("SiteLOCCode")

String from ASP page:
"SELECT * FROM LDSWSNames WHERE WSName LIKE '" & strClass & "' "

Output string from ASP:

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How To Build An ASP Dropdown

I want to make a dropdown using a column from my table in the list of the dropdown.

What's wrong with this?

<select size="1" name="D1">
<option VALUE="0" SELECTED>chapter</option><br>

<%Do while not RS.eof
ResponseWrite "<option VALUE="" & chapter & "">chapter</option><br>"

' Exit the loop when reaching the end of the recordset
'If rs.EOF Then Exit For end if
'end if%>

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Build A Dropdown

I want to make a dropdown using a column from my table in the list of the dropdown. What's wrong with this? Code:

<select size="1" name="D1">
<option VALUE="0" SELECTED>chapter</option><br>

<%Do while not RS.eof
ResponseWrite "<option VALUE="" & chapter & "">chapter</option><br>"

' Exit the loop when reaching the end of the recordset
'If rs.EOF Then Exit For end if
'end if%>

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Cannot Build A String

I'm facing a crazy problem:

spc = "<abcd"
response.write spc

will not work, spc is empty.When I replace <abcd with ab<cd, then spc contains only ab.
Where do I make the mistake ?

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Build A Dropdown

I want to make a dropdown using a column from my table in the list of the dropdown. What's wrong with this? Code:

<select size="1" name="D1">
<option VALUE="0" SELECTED>chapter</option><br>

<%Do while not RS.eof
ResponseWrite "<option VALUE="" & chapter & "">chapter</option><br>"

' Exit the loop when reaching the end of the recordset
'If rs.EOF Then Exit For end if
'end if%>

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Dynamic Menu Build

I need to get my name value "MenuSubCat" to act as athird level menu. This is a dynamic menu and it only does Code:

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Build SQL Search String

I am creating a search page and need help writing the code to build the sql

I have 3 fields on the main page which a user can choose to enter search
terms in any of the 3 fields. My question is how do I write the logic so it
only includes the fields in the search criteria where the user has entered

Fields are

Production No
Production Title

The user may enter any, all or some of the search teams in the fields.

On the search page I am using lots of if conditions to build my sql string

strSQL = "Select * from Productions where "

now after where there are lots of permutations and combination like
production no could be empty or it could be filled in and the other fields
might be empty or filled in as well.

Does someone has a simple logic to build the correct sql String?

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Build MS SQL Database Using Scripts

I'm about to start building a website which has a MS SQL back-end database. The host annoyingly won't allow me to connect to the database through Enterprise Manager, so he's advised that the database be created entirely though scripts.

I'm not particuarly good with T-SQL, so is there a tool I can use to generate the scripts from a database I have built? Can Enterprise Manager output the source code to build a database once it has been built? Could I set up and test the database on a different MS SQL server, then export the entire script and contents into a SQL query which could then be run through an ASP script to build the same database on a different server?

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Asp Recruitment Site Build

Basically I need to create a recruitment website whereby the recruitment company can post up new jobs and create new categories. On the home page it must display all the categories in boxes with each job that relates to that particular category displayed underneath it. For example: Code:

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Build Shopping Cart?

anyone has any program or tool or code which builds a shopping cart easily?

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How To Build Details Page

I'm trying to build a details page that is reachable when a user clicks on the ID of a query that's returned multiple rows of data. The first piece of code is the querytest.asp page, and the second is the details.asp page. However, how do I get the user_id passed to the details page? Code:

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How Would I Build A Graphical Timeline

I'm interested in building a graphical timeline for a series of tasks that are stored in a SQL Server 2000 database. The tasks reside within a table. We also have a table to track the history and date of status changes. Some of the status flags are as follows:

1 - In Progress.
2 - Awaiting Info.
3 - On review server.

For each task, using ASP or ASP.Net, I would like to be able to display a graphical timeline for each task, with the status changes denoted for a given date range.

Does anyone have any ideas on the best approach for this task?

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Build SQL String Looping

I need to build an UPDATE statement that copies the values of roughly 40 fields from a table that stores standard or default values into a table of specific contracts. There are 8 or so fields in the source table that are not in the destination table. The remaining field names are identical in both tables.

How do I create a recordset of the field names I am interested in so that I can loop through it to build my UPDATE statement?

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Build Data Grid From XML

I have spent the past several weeks building an ASP.NET 2.0 Application that has a Users.xml file where all user information is stored. I am now designing the administrator tools and want to be able to sort through the records in the XML file. Essentially, I want to be able to build this:


It seems that every example i hit is a sqlserver example and there doesn't seem to be very good sorting capabilities for XML. is this true? how do i acheive the above link? I would really appreciate any code examples or code links if you know/have them.

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Build A Website With Different Language

I want to build a website who handle 3 different countries (english, german, french). The changes between the countries is the text on the website. I know that i can put the text in a database to change it dynamic. But i wonder if i can do it on another way?

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Build A Calender In Dreamweaver

Is it possible to build a pop up calender using dreamweaver? I have a text box where user need to type a date format. I want to a calender to display when the user double click on the text box so that the user can choose a date and then the date must be appear in the text box.

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Build FAQ With ASP & MS Access Tutorial

I've been following the building an FAQ tutorial and have uploaded all my files to the server but get a message saying the page cannot be displayed when I try to access it.

Can anyone tell me what obvious mistakes I might have made? I've checked the code over and over again but the only thing I'm not sure about is the connection to the database. How do I know the path to my database?

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Build Chat System

i want to build simple chat system for fun. but i dont know where should i start. i know asp and little JS , AJAX .

i think these are enough for that kind of target. actually most important question is where should i store messages? and how can i send incoming messages to users "AT THE SAME MOMENT" . i mean how can i make continuous connection or is it possible?

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How Do I Build A Shooping Cart

i have a project for school and i have to build a shopping cart can anyone tell me how to do this thank you?

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