Web Page Listener For POST Message Problem

I created listener for POST message from client as a simple web page and process that message in Page_Load method. If I use url for posting message to my listener with explicit web page name http://myserver/formhandler/listener.aspx it works without error.

But my clients will need to post message using url without mentioning page name like this http://myserver/formhandler. In IIS for formhandler virtual directory I set default document as listener.aspx. And now my issue starts: server responds every time with error 405 Method not allowed. I set properly mapping for aspx extension in configuration to allow POST method.

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Dllhost.exe :: Listener Failed To Start A Dedicated Server Process

I am having serveral web applications in ASP in my server ( windows 2000 advance server ), sometimes dllhost.exe taking more memory and causes the cpu usages to be 100% and makes the server hangup and causing error like "TNS : listener failed to start a dedicated server process", by the way if i end the process of dllhost.exe manually then the cpu usage will be very less and i wont get such error .

i have the following questions regarding that

1)what causes the dllhost.exe to takes more cpu usage,

2)is there any command from dos to kill such process so that i can create bat file to be run every one minute. i have searched i found only some third party tools and there is command taskkill but it is not for windows 2000 ( it is available only for win xp and windows 2003)

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Page Post

I have Page1.asp which is posted to Page2.asp. Page2.asp runs in hidden frame. When web server is running and Page2.asp is running I can pass suceess / fail / any error messages to Page1.asp using javascript.

Now if Web server is down then Pag1.asp progress bar is running continuously and have no idea whats going on whethere there is logic error or error due to web server down. How to handle this smartly and propogate an error to page1.asp

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Message While Processing Page.

I have a very unique problem, i am submitting from a pdf
form, when submitted goes to a asp page, which saves the
data and redirects to a different page after saving the
data. I am writing a message called 'Processing Form
please wait' in the page where it is saving the data and
doing a response.flush(and i also di response.buffer
=true) but still it seems like it never hits this page.
When the user submits the form, it just stays on the pdf
file for a good 10-15 seconds and redirects to the last
page(after saving data).

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Message While Processing Asp Page

I have a very unique problem, i am submitting from a pdf
form, when submitted goes to a asp page, which saves the
data and redirects to a different page after saving the

I am writing a message called 'Processing Form
please wait' in the page where it is saving the data and
doing a response.flush(and i also di response.buffer
=true) but still it seems like it never hits this page.

When the user submits the form, it just stays on the pdf
file for a good 10-15 seconds and redirects to the last
page(after saving data).

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Message Box Inside Page

How can I send messages to user like messageBox from a ASP page without doing postback over the page.

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Creating A New Page After A Post...

I am looking to create some sort of function that on the click of a submit button, a new HTML page will be created. Is this a simple task or something that I should research?

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Chunked Post To Page

I have problems communicating with ASP pages so I am trying to help the developer of
the page. The problem is with posting chunked data. According to HTTP 1.1 Content-Length header is missing so Request.TotalBytes is -1.

The only idea I have is that we should use Request.ReadBinary till end of the stream is reached?

Has anybody managed to get ASP working with chunked data properly?

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POST Data To A New Page

I have a page with 4 submit buttons. How can I make 1 of these buttons spawn a new page AND use the data posted from the orginal page?

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Is is possible and if so would anyone have a brief example of submitting data from an ASP page to another server via HTTP, using a POST method. Essentially duplicating an HTML FORM.

Further details, if availalbe would be the use of username/password (basic) authentication and the HTTP connection is actually and HTTPS (SSL) connection.

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ASP Page Can't Post To IIS 5.0 Server

We are trying to get an .asp page to post to an access
database. the page is viewable, and the form boxes can be
filled in. Upon submission of the data a confirmation
page is then to show.

What happens is the data is inserted into the page, but
upon submission an HTTP 500 Internal server error appears.

if we uncheck show friendly http errors in IE there is
still no more info to go on.

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Page Crash-no Error Message

i am setting up a page that runs, if everything executes, an smtp email. when something in the code is wrong though, the page crashes...i don't get an error message. is there a way to turn the error message on or is that just the way it works with sending smtp mail? with other asp applications that i write, it give me an error message.

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How Do You Post Form Data To Another Page?

Here is the situation:

1. User fills in form and hits submit
2. Some processing is done with the posted data using ASP
3. The posted form variables now need to be submitted to another script which only receives POSTed data.

How do I send the posted data to another script? I can't run step 2 on the next script as its validation script and I'm going across two servers.

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ASP Page Not Refreshing Recordset On Post

I have an VBScript/ASP page that lists bikes that are checked out. For each checked out bike, there is a button to check it back in to the system.

Problem is, that when a bike is checked in, it is properly removed from check out in the database but will still appear in the recordset when the checked out bikes are re-listed.

Recordsets should be destroyed after a page is rendered -- correct? I've tried multiple methods of forcing a refresh to no avail.

I included the following (and multiple incarnations of it) at the top of the ASP page just below the language declaration. Code:

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GET Or POST Data Using Vender Asp Script, And Display On Our Page

Im trying to either POST or GET data using an asp action provided by world gift card, and display the data on our website. So the form is on our server, and the action is there server asp script on there server.

I want the data to come back to our server.. I want to use this data to display to our customers so they can check the balance of there gift cards etc... This is what i have so far.. Code:

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Retrieving Body Of A HTTP Message Being Posted To A Listening Asp Page

I have an ASP page that sits and listens for responses sent to it by a third party. The third party simply sends a plain text delimited response in the body of the http message.

Eg: Account=2,User=92663,Pass=OK,Action=5

What I can't figure out on my listening page, is how to capture the body of the message being posted to it, so that i can then manipulate the delimited string, and split it up into the variables for later use.

How do i get access to the body of the http page? I thought perhaps using WinHTTP, but it looks like it only works when your page goes looking for a web page, and not when a page is being submitted to it, like in this case.

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How To Pass A Long Parameter String To A ASP Page Via Post Parameters

I have the following test.asp page which needs one parameter querystr
but my querystr is a very long string value. When I send a long value
the query string is getting truncated after some characters.

Can you please kindly share the code segment to workaround how to pass
such a long string value to a asp page. This is how I invoke the test

http://localhost/?querystr=select ............ from xxxxx



response.write("Hello World!")

response.write "<td><p></td>" & w


but part of my query string never gets passed to the asp page appears
asp as a limitation on max string length can you please provide me a
workaround how I can overcome and pass the right string to asp.

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How To Post A Page Automatically When An Option Is Chosen From A Drop Down List

what I want to do is - the user is presented with a form with a drop down box at the top with two options - Yes or No, If No is selected then the form stays as is and the user can complete the other text boxes.

However, if the user selects yes I want the page to refresh with a different set of input boxes.

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Post The Form Data And Open The Page As A Modal Window

Is it possible to post the form data and open the page as a modal window?
Because when I do the following, it will open page2.asp in a new window, but
I still able to manipulate page1.asp. I want to make page2.asp as modal

<form action="http://server2/page2.asp" method="post" target="_blank">

Any ideas?

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Re-submit A POST Immediately From A Previous POST

Is there a way to 'force' a submit on a form with out actually allowing the
user to press a button ? For example...

step1: A from is filled out by a user, then they click the submit button.

step2: The form is 'post'ed to an ASP page which writes the values to a
database. So far No problems. But..

step3: Now I want to 'post' these values again to another page without any
user interaction.

My ideas were:

1) I know you can get the form values from Request.Form("myVar"), so I
thought of making a 'dummy' form and setting the 'values' of the form
variables to these Request.Form("myVar") valiables, but I don't know how to
'submit' them to another page again.

2) Is there some type of 'submit' command in ASP?

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Displaying Message On Same Page After Pressing "submit"

I got this form that you update throughout the day. Everything works except that i want to display a message on the same page when the user clicks 'update' without going to another page. Code:

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Post Data, Then Post Again..

i have a series of .asp pages that i am dividing into model, view, control logic. my view collects a whole bunch of data and posts it to the controller. im wondering if there is a way to somehow "re-post" this same data to my model page.

in short, is .asp capable of taking data posted to a page and re-post that same data to another page?

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I'm using CDO.Message to send emails and i'm using the .CreateMHTMLBody to send an html page, the only problem that i have is that when you view the email, you notice all the images that are in that page as attachments !!!! the email loads fine, but is there a way not to show the images in the attachments line

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I have a asp page that sends a excel price list to customers, this worked
fine untill now, but now when i sent one to myself it arrives as a dat file.
Does any one know why, and how to fix it, is it a problem with my emailk
reader (Outlook) or is it some thing to do wih Exchange?

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CDO Message

I am using CDO Message to send mail from ASP page. I find that all the mails sent goes to bulk folder or appear as spam message in both yahoo and gmail. How can i prevent that.

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Message Box

Is There a Message Box in Active Server Script like in
Visual Basic?
The four books I have show it the same as VB but I get a
Message "Permission Denied"
MsgBox "Message"

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Message Box

does anyone knoe how to make a message box in asp vbscipt??

I am using

msgbox hello


msbox "hello"

to try and get a message but i get the error:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0046)
Permission denied: 'msgbox'
change.asp, line 17

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Message Box

When I load this script it says, �No record found�. This message suppose to display when I put something in search box and there is no record that matches in database. Everything else works fine. How can I get read of �no record found� message when I load page Code:

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I am using CDO.Message object with code below. When I execute the .Send command, I get the following error.

Error: -2147220973
Description: The transport failed to connect to the server.

Note: The SMTP Server and the IIS Server are the same machine.

Anyone come across this error message in the past? This error also occurs when I use Method #1 where I use the schema reference provided by Microsoft. Here is the code:

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I've created a form that e-mails the response to a person. Problem is that I want to include their name in the From attribute. Unfortunatly, the .From doesn't like spaces between strings. Are there any suggestions how to fix this? Code:

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I use CDO.Message to send mail. The problem is, CDO.Message will send to any malformed address, (eg. smtp:email.address@domain.com) and no errors are thrown.

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Message Box

I want to delete a record from sql DB in asp page.. When the word "delete" is click, there will be prompted by message box about want or not to delete the record.

If the message box is clicked "yes" then record will be deleted. If the message box is clicked "no" so the record will not be deleted.

I've tried to use vbscript, but it didn't work, because I don't know how to combine this vbscript with ASP which is should connect to DB too.

If anyone who read this, has a complete coding for solving my problem, n would like to share with me ...

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Does anyone know if it's possible to send an email out in the Session_OnEnd script?
I Know it's possible to create a connection object in Session_OnEnd but unsure if it will create a cdo.message object.

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