Web Caching Problem In Request/response Pages

I have a set of pages which seems to produce very wierd errors:

pagea.htm contains a form which posts to pageb.asp

pageB.asp contains a script that works fine in response to this post,
but produces an error when called by a GET method without passing any
parameters. Since there is no link to pageB.asp, and it's unlikely
that a visitor will type this URL in out of the blue, I didn't expect
to see this error messages. Somehow it's popping up in my logs.

Do most firewalles know not to cache a file with an .asp extention?
Anybody have any other ideas as to what might be causing this?

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Caching ASP Pages

I have, at the top of all my scripts,


which should prevent any caching of pages. All the pages contain dynamic db driven data, so I need to ensure none of the pages are cached.

One of the users has found that pages aren't updating when she navigates to them. It only happens on her computer. If you refresh the page manually, the data updates.If she logs in using a different machine, it all works fine.

She's using IE7. Does anyone who of any setting on a computer that might override the response.expires setting?

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Caching Asp Pages

What would be the norm for caching asp pages with an ec-commerce site. What im after is should i set the cach directives to different types for the different types of pages in an asp /sql application.

Ie, Dynamic Reports, data entry pages, static menu pages. etc. Does anyone have any thoughts or guidlines in this ?.

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Caching Web Pages

I need to cache the existing asp pages. I understand that this thing can be done using application level variables...Though i understood how to implement the caching i want to know more about the core fundamentals. How the caching actuallly works?

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Caching Of Web Pages

is there anyway to prevent the page from being cache in the user computer when they view my ASP pages?

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Caching Of Dynamin ASP Pages

I have a property website written in classic asp, using iis and sql server 5. In the normal way users fill in some details (property type, number of rooms etc) and press the submit button. A list of properties are then displayed (i'll call this page 1). To get to more details of a particular property they click on the property in the list, and are then taken to another page where the details are given; more text, photos etc. (I'll call this page 2). Code:

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I canget the value of the control on a form by using


is there anyway thru ASP object to set the value to the particular control

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Response. And Request.

Anyone know if there is a complete list available of the elements that are available for Response. and Request.?

i.e. Response.Write ""

It's basically so I can add them to an HTML editor I am updating (I checked aspfaq.com and couldn't find either of them.

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Encrypted Pages Using Request.form

I'm having a problem with a shared ssl cert from the host. I'm trying to pass 8 fields from an encrypted page to a redirect page that is encrypted and then to the final page which is also encrypted to store the data.

These page names are similar to the setup but are renamed here as: ....

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Response In Other Pages

I have an ASP that I use send information to a remote server that validate a customers phone#. When I receive the response I would fist like to hide it from the customer and take the customers to the next page and utilize the information that was sent by the remote server. here is a link to the asp site . just type a phone# at the top and you will receive a text response.

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Cannot Use Request.Form In Image Uploading Pages

I have downloaded a Image Upload componet and incorporated it into my existing code. It is working great. My issue is that I cannot call a field from another table in SQL.
On insert.htm, I can do this:

ptrack = Clng(Request.QueryString("tracknumber"))
And I can get the tracking number of the specific client.

If I try to do this in insert.asp, it doesn't work. I have read other posts regarding this and I still cant get it to work. Like I mentioned before, it is a tracknumber, so its a numeric. Code:

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Functions Can Get The HTTP Request And Response Headers?

Any ASP functions can get the HTTP request and response headers?

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Response.Write To Other Pages

I have a page that contains a form, and when the button is clicked a seperate asp page is called. Is there a way to write results back to the original html page?

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Request.BinaryRead :: Request Object Error 'ASP 0104 : 80004005'

Why does the error below occur whenever the statement Request.BinaryRead Request.TotalBytes) is executed for uploads larger than 100K? I thought the 100K limit applied only to Request.Form. This does not occur with smaller uploads. This is running on an IIS 6 server with full FP2002 extensions.

Request object error 'ASP 0104 : 80004005'
Operation not Allowed

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Consecutive Request.Form And Request.BinaryRead

Request.Form and Request.BinaryRead cannot be called after each other as it causes errors.

I need the BinaryRead and I also need to access other form values, but I cannot call them after one another. What do I do?

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Asp Pages Randomly Showing As Blank White Pages

Using IIS 5.0 and sometime some asp pages (absolutely
randomly) showing as blank white pages. So far only one
way of fixing it - restart whole server. Restarting IIS,
or specific web server not helping, only whole server.

I enable server side and client side debugging, but no
errors showing up...

In view source pages always look like this:
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html;

Any idea why it can happened and how to fix?

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What Is The Difference Between REQUEST And REQUEST.QUERYSTRING?

What is the difference between these two statements? They seem to do the
same thing...



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Response.Write To The HTTP Response Body

<a target="_blank"

Can anyone please tell me what to enter after Response.Write to write the above to the HTTP Response body.

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ASP Caching

ASP Caching is not happening even i enable ASP disk
cache under websites
properties,Homedirectory,Configuration,cache options..
I have given the Full Control Permissions to IIS_WPG &
Administrator to that directory...
I am getting that cache options under
websites only not individual sites.Can i know the reason
for this

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Web Caching

Just recently we have encountered a weird problem with our
webserver...running IIS 5 and W2000 SP4
When testing an ASP page, if you get an error of some sort in your browser,
when you go into the code and fix the problem, save the changes, when you
refresh the page, the error stays there, even though the code is correct.
The problem is not fixed until you rename the page, and the open it in your
browser to work fine??

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XML Caching

We have a website that reads data from Oracle and creates an XML file. Then
the site uses that file to access the info faster. On IIS5 we have no
problems, but on IIS6 we seem to have some caching issuses. This deals with
the Worker Processes. By default, there is only 1 Worker Process that gets
recycled after 1700 minutes or so. The problem is, that we will select some
data from the screen, which opens up another window to update the info. We
walk through the update process and change some data and it updates the page
fine. We can even check the XML file and it is changed, but if you choose to
go back into that data, the dropdowns will reflect whatever was initially in
the XML not the changes. If I increase the number of Worker Processes and
shorten their recycle time, this doesn't seem to be a problem, but for every
request I am generating a 25M file on the server that eventually gets
recycled. I don't want to load up the memory with useless files, but I want
our application to reflect the correct data. I really need to do this without
affecting any other possible web apps that may be on the box.

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SSI's Are Caching ...

Never had this problem before, but my SSI's in an ASP page are caching. I don't think ASP has anything to do with it mind you. I think it's a server issue (I've never really used this hosting company before).

Is there any way (ASP or otherwise) that anyone knows of stopping a web server caching your SSI's. It's VERY annoying!

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SSL And ASP Caching

We have an IIS cluster running an ASP website. We installed the patch listed under Q239703 that allows IIS to recognize script updates and appriately not cache those ASP pages. However, since we made this change, any office documents that a user tries to download exhibit the problem listed in Q316431. We do not use any of the caching commands listed in this article (Pragma: no-cache OR
Cache-control: no-cache,max-age=0,must-revalidate). In fact we do not have anything set in the code at all with regards to caching, and the only this i can come up with is the change we made from Q239703, which is needed to stop IIS from caching ASP based pages

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We are attempting to cache asp web pages in our isa server from the local county property appraiser web site to speed up access, with a 60 minute TTL (time to live).

This doesn't seem to be working - at least the pages aren't coming up any faster. Is there anything in asp that could be preventing the pages from being cached locally?

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What is the best way to cache images, and stylesheets on an asp site? I currently use a .asp extension on all my pages because I use include statements to keep certain parts of my layout the same(menu, logo, footer). I have read that asp doesn't cache pages by default, and that they are processed everytime on the server. This can eat bandwidth up pretty fast.

There also seems to be a few ways to cache a page (response.expires, cache-control, public, using meta tags, and a few more).

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I have a page were data can be filtered using up to 4 listboxes. Once
someone does a filter, those parameters are saved so when they come back
to the page on a subsequent visit, the listboxes are filled for them.

There is a slight performance issue if all listboxes are set to 'All'.
Can the Cache Object be used for data that is static but filtered? If
so, how? The data that is being filtered is updated once a month and I
am not using the .NET platform.

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Im having a problem that some users of this Admin System Ive built have been getting. I think the problem is caching, users arent seeing the updated version. Is there anyway to force the browser to get a fresh copy of the page everytime?

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FileSystemObject - Caching?

I have an application which allows users to check in/check out XML files from an MSSQL database. When checked out, the XML file resides on a network drive. This allows users to edit the file. When checked in, the XML file resides in the database etc..

Anyway - the process works fine, but after a couple of hours usage the checkin method stops working. No matter what you change in the XML file it does not update.

Checkin method:

Create FileSystemObject (FSO)
Retrieve 'Checked Out' File from the network drive using the FSO
Retrieve contents of file using ReadAll
Update database with new content
Kill FSO

THe FSO.ReadAll returns a cached/old version of the XML file. I can open the file in notepad and I can seee the changes made, but when I do a ReadAll on the file using FSO the change is not there...

The only way around this is to re-boot my PC. Is it possible the memory allocated to my application fills up and cannot create new instances? Anyone else experienced anything like this? The application is an ASP based Web Application and runs through IIS5.

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Caching Images

I've had some periodic problems on certain (intranet)servers where IIS seems
to be caching thing in an unexpected way, or is server cached pages where
new content is expected.

The first situation is where we have a standard Top + Left + Content
framset; the left frame contains a menu which shows standard options - when
the user logs in, extra menu options are available to them, depending on
their priveleges. The menu is generated from a DB in ASP, and when the user
logs in, Javascript is used to reload the page in the left frame - eg.
re-generate menu based on logged-in user.

This used to work on all servers, but at some point in time I found that
people were logging in but were stuck with the standard menu. If we
right-clicked in the menu and chose refresh, often the correct (eg expanded)
menu would be shown.

I'm not sure where the problem is IIS or could be controlled in ASP...

The second problem is on my development machine; when I browse to my
development copy of the intranet, I dont get the icons for each menu item.
However, when I browse to the live Intranet system, the correct graphics are

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Caching Question

I have 2 asp pages, the first displays a drop down which it's source is from a db, user picks a value, submits to the next page. Currently if the user hits back picks a different value and submits again, the same original value is submitted again, not the newly select value...

I see lots of things talking about caching, wondering if there is something I can do so if the user goes back, using their back button, that if they select the new value and resubmit, that the new value is used and not the original value, I may have said that in a very long winded way, just wanted to be clear..

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ServerVariable Caching

I'm developing a website, using ASP VBScript, and I'm using
Response.ServerVariable("cert_subject") to get information about the client's
certificate (smart card). But this variable is cached, the user can take the
smart card out, and the previous data is still there.

It's only until you
close the browser and reopen IE that it flushes it. Does anyone know of a way
to flush that particular variable, or force IE to relook at the cert each
time of the response call?

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XmlhttpRequest Caching

We are having a problem with a xmlhttpRequest request returning a cached version of the request - the code we are using is inserted below. Has anyone else had this problem before - or have any ideas on what we may be doing incorrectly.

xmlhttpRequest : function(url)
var mainPageURL = document.location.href.split("/");
var xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0");
var vURL = mainPageURL[0] + "//" + mainPageURL[2] + "/" +
mainPageURL[3] + "/" + url;
xmlhttp.open("GET", vURL, false);
if (xmlhttp.statustext != "OK")
alert("Failed to execute URL " + vURL + ": " +
return "";
return xmlhttp.responseText;
xmlhttp = null;


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Caching Data

I found this article and it seems like a good idea to put data into Application variable that doesn't change often.Caching records in memory I am new to ASP and MS Access, would like to know from you folks whether this is a good practice to, say displaying Categories and Country data of an e-commerce site using this method?

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