Webpage Stops Loading

I've managed to construct an ASP page that reads JPG file names from a directory, then constructs a page with a table of links to bigger JPG pictures.I have a big problem.

If the page hasn't entirely loaded and I click on one of the links pictures that has loaded, then the original page will stop loading and the new popup page loads instead. I don't want the original page to stop loading. How do I do this?

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Redirecting To A Webpage Within A Form With Action Tag Set To A Different Webpage

I am using a form. This has the action tag set to another page. But within this form I am using a button, which when clicked should take me to a different page.

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ASP Stops Working

I am running win2k3, iis6, access db's, for a web app. The
problem is that asp stops working randomly. No errors in
IIS log, no errors in even viewer. It just stops serving
asp. Restarting IIS clears up the problem. This occured
under win2k but maybe once a month. Not that I switched to
win2k3, it happens 4-5 times a day. Any ideas? What would
be the difference?

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IIS Stops Working

I am working on a project using classic ASP. Every time I install Windows and IIS, it works for 2-3 days and then starts having problems. Specifically, things that have to do with the FileSystemObject stop working.

I have tried Win2k, WinXP, the IISs that go with them, different partitions (fresh install), turning Windows Update Off as well as doing full updates, and cannot find a solution that works for more than 2 or 3 days. Is it a worm? A virus? A windows update glitch? It is driving me crazy. Are others having problems like this recently?

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ASP Processor Stops

On a heavily visited site, .ASP pages stop being processed/displayed, but .htm files are processed and displayed just fine. IIS appears to be running OK. No errors or logs anywhere to be found. Reboot clears it up, for a few days. Any clues?

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Commas Not Full Stops

I have a price field in a cms,it can deal with full stops fine, but i cant understand why it wont accept commas.

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Tab Stops In System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListBox

I have an ASP C# web form that contains a System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListBox.
I would like to set the tabs in this list box so that I can align columns of
data. I can not find a way to get a handle to the control so that I can send
a LB_SETTABSTOPS message. If there is another way to set the tabs, I haven't
been able to find it.

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ASP Webpage

I'm creating an application using ASP and MSSQL server. I'm finding the task
of designing my output and forms to be rather tedious. Modifications require
a fair bit of work. Most of my code is being written in notepad - no
Interdev or DotNet tools.
Are there any applications (or even just some helpful tips) that help
provide report output and user interface design for the webpages?

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No Webpage

I'm using Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition. I created a simple asp.net project, no biggy. Moved the files over to the htdocs folder of Apache. Everything shows up great on an open directory setting online ( I do not have the Default.aspx file set as my starting page, it's simply an open directory ).
I installed mono, it installed fine. I don't know if there's anything I need to execute on mono as it seems like it's already running. Anyway, I goto my IP through my browser, click on Default.aspx, and instead of the ASP page, all that shows up is the html code behind it.I don't know where to begin on this

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Webpage Expands

I have taken over some code for a website and am trying to finish it. I
have noticed that when loading each page the site expands and then
shrinks to the normal size, i don't want this to occur. if you go to
http://preview.sgci.com/lutherwoodaes you will be able to see what i am
talking about. Any ideas or direction?

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Include Webpage

how can i include a webpage from another server with ASP? (Without frames)
i tried XMLHTTP, but i loose the stylesheet, images src and relative links
of the included page.

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Webpage Login

I'm looking for something (preferably free) that will allow me to have users
login using a username and password. I'd like to store the password
encrypted (if possible) in an access database and have a web based admin
utility and password reminder (e-mail sent to user) option in case a user
forgot their password.

I've seen packages selling for nearly $30, but for a non-profit organiztion,
every penny saved counts.

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Webpage/db Application

I'm going to make a website that has some logic to it. It runs an algorithm on an excel spreadsheet. The excel spreadsheet is NOT on the server with the website though, but is on the users computer.

Right now I'm thinking of either using dotNetRemoting in some way or somehow make it into a webservice. With a webservice, maybe they can have an executable file of some sort which they double click and it calls my webservice. I'm learning about this as I go.

If I edit my webservice algorithm, will these propagate to the user? Do they need to compile something is what I'm asking.

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Displaying A PDF From A Webpage

I have a requirement to fire up a PDF brochure for visitors. This is currently done by simply linking the pdf document direct using a javascript popup and hence acrobat is invoked when the link is clicked.

I now have a requirement to trap and record in my database the fact that the brochure was viewed and I can't get my head around how I can do both without getting the user to click 2 links (one to fire up the page with the ASP database call in it and a PDF link on it, and the other to click the PDF).

I have a feeling I could do something clever with host headers, but before I go too far down that deep and murky path I wonder if there is some simpler way I'm overlooking.

Current Code :

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Asp Webpage Creating

Does anyone know an out of the boxproduct or some scripting for customer registration after aprovment they should have to create online one page with some advertizing (picture) and explanation about there small businness. There page should be in a directorie with the name of there business.

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Saving A Webpage

does anyone know if there is a way to save a webpage to file after the user presses a button?

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Script In Webpage

I have copied an ASP tutorial running on pocket IE.

The ASP does not run on Pocket IE, comes-up with error:
No application associated with ..

The script also appears in the webpage. Any ideas why?

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Webpage Problem

How do you make your webpage so that no matter what page they navigate to,it always says just the mainurl in the Address bar: http://www.whatever.com instead of http://www.whatever.com/page1.asp?

If I put a link on my webpage that says click here to print page. How can I get the print code to specifically print only the information between a specific <TD></TD> tags? See cause if I just let it print the whole page it is all messed up cause it is too big to print on one page.

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Encrypted Webpage?

Has anyone implemented an encrypted ASP webpage? Any major pitfalls that one should be aware of?

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Copy Webpage

I am currently accessing information in an access database using ASP and displaying it on some WebPages (both the access database and the website are on a standalone machine). I have a problem that the website needs to be moved onto another standalone machine and the database is not on it.

However I plan to run ASP and HTML to create the WebPages and then make a copy of the WebPages and then move the copys across? This machine will not have the database but because it has already retrieved the information (from the first time using ASP) it does not need the database. Is this true?

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Open Another Webpage

i want to open a new webpage with variable passing and appear in the frame (rightFrame). i set the Yes button as Submit Form, isi it true? or i should set it to None. Code:

<input name="Yes1" type="submit" id="Yes1" value="Yes" style="width:50px;" onclick="window.location='quotation_admin.asp?id='+<%=id%>,,target=rightFrame">

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Interactive Webpage

I have created a webpage that allows a user to enter information in a box. The idea is that the user could click on the submit button under the box to send info. to another webpage for future access. However, I understand that I need ASP software for this to happen.

I have tried to download ASP from the net. However, my p.c. would not accept the download. Can someone please advise 1) How to create a simple interactive webpage that allows a user to input and submit a value which can be stored and viewed at a later time? 2) The easiest way to download the necessary software to a p.c.?

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Webpage Sender

Where could i get a webpage sender/ tell a friend script to integrate to my site?

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Rendering A Webpage

I want to write a simple ASP.NET page that displays outlook web acces in an iframe element and I want to construct the source attrbute of the iframe dynamically in the page_load event. Is there any way to reference an iframe element in the code behind page?
Can I do something like: this.frame.src

= "http://server/exchange/" ?

Are there other possibilities to display the content of OWA within an ASP page?

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Webpage Through .exe File

I'm trying to open a webpage through an .exe file. But, dont know how to start.

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Unregistered OCX In Webpage

This is less of a programming thing but more of a web deployment. I've a site with ASP pages. I'm using a 3rd party graphic tool for charts.

Now my service provider won't let me register this ocx on their server. Is there a workaround? I've tried it by putting it in the same folder where my webpages lie but to no avail. B'cos that way DLLs generally overcome the problem of registration.

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Redirect A Webpage

I have a webpage with 2 frames :


I have in my 'Index' frame a link to logout. I can redirect the page within that same frame but not in the 'Main' frame.

This is my code :

<a href="logout.asp" STYLE="cursor=hand" >log out</a> {this is located in the Index frame}

This is logout.asp : Code:

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Excel Thru Webpage

i have link on my page that transports a table full of values to excel using response.contentype . but i m not always sure that the record will be less than 65K. it may be more also. how do i handle that through Code.?

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Not Loading Asp

We have a web server running IIS 5.0 that will not load
any file with an .asp file extension. The server
loads .html just fine, but all links to an .asp file end
up timing out.

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Loading Bar

Is it possible to create a loading bar with ASP? I am thinking of displaying the loading bar while my customers' requests are being processed (databse update).

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Loading .txt

I have a an ASP page on which i wish to load dynamic text by way of a dot text file.
It would be great if something like.-

<txt scr = "MyTextFile.txt">

existed but life aint that simple, or is it?

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Loading Id From DB

i want to load an id from a table in the db how do i do that?I am scripting in asp?
i tried this but it wont work.

SQL = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=Request("id")"

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before displaying any page i want to show message pls wait page is loading. its written on browser. i think meta tag will do this?

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