Website Mapping Tool

I am thinking of mapping out a website. The website is very large and the reason I am doing this is to find out which files are redundant and how I can go about tidying up and simplifying the code.

Can anyone recommend any good mapping tools? I am working for a company which gets all the Microsoft development tools. If anyone can recommend a Microsoft tool that would be better as I would already have access to it.

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Website Admin Tool

Can I use the Website Administration tool to manage users and roles for
multiple ASP.NET applications using a single, common ASPNETDB?
If so, what changes do I have to make to the web.config files for these
various applications to allow authentication from that single ASPNETDB.
I'd also like to be able to maintain the users/roles and application access
from the web server rather than from my development computer. Right now it
seems like I have to make changes to user/roles in each web app and then
transfer the database and code over to the server, just to add a new user.
And each app seems to have it's own ASPNETDB which defeats the goal of a
single point of administration for the server.

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What is it about mapping that's fixing my problem, b/c the UNC will not work?
I would prefer to use the UNC if possible in my current situation.

Here's my code:
Map - ImagePath = "v:" - this one works but UNC doesn't
UNC - ImagePath = "srv-file-bLic Pic"
Response.write "<img src=" & ImagePath & RTrim(LastName) & Left(LTrim(FirstInitial),1) & Right(SocSecNum, 4) & ".jpg width ='100' height ='100'>"

testimage = ImagePath & RTrim(LastName) & Left(LTrim(FirstInitial),1) & Right(SocSecNum, 4) & ".jpg"
Response.write testimage

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Mapping Path In Asp

I have created my asp pages in "D:/test" . This i have created as a virtual directory.
i am having some files in "D:/download/cont/somename" From the asp page i want to access the files in the d:/download/cont/somename folder. Here somename changes according to username. i.e first i want to check whether this path is valid and then get all the files from it but its giving me the following error

Server.MapPath(), ASP 0174 (0x80004005)
An invalid '/' or '' was found in the Path parameter for the MapPath method.
/test/contractsfile.asp, line 11

somename = Request.cookies("username")
source = ".. est" & "/download/cont/" & somename
if fs.folderexists(server.MapPath(source)) ---------------------------> line 11

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Mapping Software

Is there some good mapping software out there that integrates well
with ASP apps? I need to be able to pass in several addresses, and
display a route on a map with driving directions.

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Field Mapping

Does anyone have an example of field mapping? I am trying to write an app that reads a .csv file and then allows a user to map those .csv fields to existing SQL fields.

I have the reading of the .csv & writing to SQL, but hit the wall trying to get a mapping process to work. Ideally, I would check off a field from the csv and check off a corresponding field in the sql field then hit a map button and it would set the fields in the sql statement according also removing those two selections.

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Mapping Remote Machine

I was susseesful in mapping remote machine with vbscript. Now I am building the same tool with ASP .I am using the same code but its not working. Below is the portion where I am mapping the drive: Code:

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Mapping Network Drives Through Asp

I was wondering is there a way to map a network drive a on persons machine with a online gui interface?

Is there a way user 1 can map drives on THEIR computer using an online interface?

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Dropdown Mapping Doesn't Work

I try to use the below code to do mapping but, i saw no value in my dropdown. I'm using classic ASP, with MS SQL Server 2005. I have check, There are value in rs("statusid") and status table. Anyone can detect the problem here?

<select name="status" class="FormTextField" id="status">
SQL = "SELECT (CASE WHEN statusid='" & RS("StatusID") & "' " & _
" THEN '<option selected>' " & _
" ELSE '<option>' " & _
" END) + statusid " & _
" FROM Status ORDER BY statusid "

Set RSTypes = MM_cSupport_STRING.Execute(SQL)
Response.Write RSTypes.GetString()

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ASP IIS 5.0 Mapping An FTP Share To The Physical Directory

I've setup several FTP shares on IIS 5, where some of the shares are
located on another computer, while other directories are on the local

Is there a function similar to server.mappath that I can use to return
the physical path of a FTP virtual directory using ASP?

For example, I have a virtual directory called TestA located at
C:TestA on the local computer running IIS 5. I have another virtual
directory called TestB located at DevserverTestB where Devserver is
another machine on the network.

In my ASP code, I need to be able to access the physical directories
directly and I would like to avoid having additional code to deal with
hard coded directory paths.

Is there something similar to the command server.mappath("TestB") which
would return "DevserverTestB"? This way, the physical path is
transparent and I can treat local and network shares in the same way.

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Field Mapping Sample - CSV To Sql Serverusing Asp Or VB

Does anyone have an example of field mapping?

I am trying to write an app that reads a .csv file and then allows a user to map those .csv fields to existing SQL fields...

I have the reading of the .csv & writing to SQL, but hit the wall trying to get a mapping process to work...

Ideally, I would check off a field from the csv and check off a corresponding field in the sql field then hit a map button and it would set the fields in the sql statement according - also removing those two selections.

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Testing Tool

May I have the list of good ASP testing tools available on the market?

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Debugging Tool

Is there any tool for debugging ASP scripts? I wanted to do some tracing and check whether the execution of my statements and queries are in the correct order or not.

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PDF Tool For Free?

Does somebody knows an asp PDF creator Objects free or cheap?

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Tool For Asp Report?

I want to use reports in ASP.Can anybody suggest me on any available tool.

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Value From Commanline-tool

i have a little commandlinetool, that returns a value (number) via stdio -how can i display this value on an asp-page?currently i use this "workaround": run the tool every 5mins (using thescheduler) and redirecting the output to a txt-file (tool.exe > temp.txt)
and then i use the filesystem-object to read the value and display it on the

....but this is:

a) not realtime
b) certainly not the best solution
so what's the propper way to do that?

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IIS 6.0 Migration Tool And Asp

After running this tool, IIS serves up .asp pages completely empty. It can serve up the migrated tools, but not the .asp pages.

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Testing Tool

May I have the list of good ASP testing tools available on the market?

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Html Tool Tip In IE

I am using IE7 Beta 2 for html tooltips for combo box and found working thru this code:

<option title="Capital Assets" value="09200000" selected>CA </option>

When other users using IE6 SP1 view this page, it doesn't work.

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Upload Tool

I've been looking for an upload tool for a long time now. I have little ASP programming experience, so I'd like to edit it as little as possible. Most tools I found had way too many options or not nearly enough. Here is exactly what I need:multiple file upload capability drop-down menu to choose which directory to put the files in no database support needed.

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Search Tool

I have a website that is on a windows hosting. It's straight HTML site. I need a way to have a search on the site that can search HTML text. How can I do this in ASP? How do I index my site? Is indexing necessary?

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Search Tool

What do you think the best design is for a search tool? Query Strings are commonly used. They are bookmarkable, yet unattractive.Form Submission to self keeps a clean address bar, but search results are not bookmarkable. My teammember likes the idea of using the FileSystemObject to generate a file EVERY TIME someone submits a search.

The file would contain a specific database query. It's bookmarkable and clean looking, but it generates a crapload of files.So far we have avoided the use of query strings in the web site. I think they would be acceptable for the search tool though.
My teammember is steadfast about avoiding query strings however, and wants to use the last option. If there are any programmeres out there experienced with mid-size asp applications involving a similar search tool.

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Lockdown Tool

I am trying access a virtual directory I set-up through IIS and my web pages are built on asp. I also ran the IIS Lockdown tool on the server, and I have never been able to
view the website. I know this is vague, but I am wondering if there are certain features turned on within the IIS lockdown that prevents you from viewing asp?

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Which Reporting Tool Goes Well Is ASP

I am building a ASP financial reporting application. Here the user inputs
quarterly financial information. The data obtained is being used for
uploading a separate in-house application. The end-user should be in a
postion to run reports on their own based on the quarterly information they
furnish via the web applciation.

My question here is what is the best way to devleop reports in the asp
applications so that users can view their own report online? Somebody
suggested pure html reports. However, I believe there should be better ones
which would be web based.

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Notification Tool

I am looking to build a desktop based notification tool which can be placed at tray bar. Well I have an asp script which checks my emails now I want to build a notification tool so that whenever I receive any new email the notification tool pop up a message at tray bar and show me that New email received.

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Page Watch Tool

Does anyone have any ideas on a PAGE WATCH tool or an application that
allows a user to be notified when page changes automatically by email.

My immediate thoughts would be to use the FSO object to go in and check
files by date and then generate a CDO script.

Another possibility would be to limit the tool to database portions of the
site where I can track changes.

But, both approaches are complicated by the need to automatically notify the
user when a change is made. A scheduling function...

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Hover Pop Up - Tool Tips

I am trying to create a hover pop up on a mouseover on a hyperlink. What I want to do is allow the user to hover over the hyperlink to see a description of the item. This hover pop up will pull the information from a field in the database that is associated with the hyperlink.

An excellent example of what I'm talking about is in this very forum. When a user mouses over a topic, a hover pop up box comes up with the description of the topic. Does anyone know how this is done, or of a tutorial, or what key words I could look up in google?

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Developement Tool And Tutorial

I wanted to find out any web site where i can get devlopement tool free on the internet whereby I can program in ASP- other than crimson editor or front page- and which is free and easy to use.Also any good tutorials sites out there for beignners in ASP other than w3schools and on google.

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System Monitoring Tool

I need a tool open source prefered that I can use to monitor system processes, disk usages etc. ASP or PHP is fine. Something like performance monitor that comes with WinNt.

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Best IDE/tool To Code And Debug

what is the best IDE/tool to code and debug asp and scrips?

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File Upload Tool

I've been using SA-Fileup for a while on one server and need to buy some similar ASP file upload software for another server. I've haven't been thrilled with some of FileUp's features and it's pricing is pretty severe.

I'm also aware of Persits' ASPUpload, which is running around $150 for a single license these days. That's an option. But I'm curious to hear of any alternate tools you guys use that are maybe under the radar a little right now but offer great features for lower prices.

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Asp Web Site Test Tool

I have a company web site which has asp pages and html pages. We have build
a new site and I am doing QA for that. How can I test that web site to check
if all the links work fine. there are so many links and I can not click each
and every one. Is there good automation tool.

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What's The Tool To Use To Deploy Web-based Apps?

What's a great tool to use to deploy n-tier web-based apps? I'm thinking in
terms of an installer that produces a package that a client can run that
will set up one or more IIS sites, copy files to an NTFS partition and set
permissions, create an application and install COM objects in Component
Services, attach (or script the creation and population of) a SQL Server
2000 database, etc.

I'm currently using ASP, IIS 5.0, SQL Server 2000 and VS 6.0 but am about to
take the plunge into .NET for new development. What are the tools that I
should be looking at?

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