What Is The Bext Way To Scroll Through Elemtns In My Page Checknig The Id Attribute

I am trying to scroll through all elements in my page testing each element for a particular id I have set a <td> tage :

<td id="myvalue">blah</td>

does anyone have any JS I can use to scroll through elements checknig the id attribute???

can I wrap the <td> in a <form> and use :

numelements = document.form1.elements.length;
for (var j=0; (j < numelements); j++)
if (document.form1.elements[j].id == "saletotal") {
strsumsaletotal = document.form1.elements[j].text;

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Force Scroll To Bottom Of Page?

I have a page that does a postback using ASP.NET and VB.NET. Basically, there is a form item that changes the settings on the page and it is near the bottom of the page. If you change it, the page has to refresh to display the changes to the page, but when it does, the refresh causes the page to be displayed at the TOP of the page.

Is there a way to force the page to either A: scroll to the bottom or B: (even better) scroll to a certain focus point on the page by giving the name of a control or something?

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Scroll Position On Refresh Of Page

I have an asp page that shows dynamic data. I have it refreshing every 10 seconds. It is a very long page and when it refreshes it goes back to the top. I want the page to refresh and keep its same position.

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Scroll Msg

How can I make a text scroller(up-down) with some msgs that serve as links too! I want the msgs to be on a simple text file and will be imported to the script and scrolled.do you know of any ready asp script or javascript?

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Scroll Text

I want codings to scroll text on click event using javascript.

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Scroll Bar Issue

I am working on a site that has 5 main pages each accessible from a standard menu. On 2 of these pages the content fits within the window and there is no need for a scrollbar, while the other 3 have more content and a scrollbar is needed to view it all. The site functions perfectly in IE. On the shorter pages in IE the scrollbar remains in place even though it is not needed, but it is disabled. However in Firefox the scrollbar disappears on the shorter pages where it is not needed.

This makes the page slightly wider, and as a result my page shifts slightly so that it remains centred in the now slightly-wider page. So as I browse between the longer and shorter pages, they move slightly from side to side. Can I make the scroll bar in Firefox remain in place on pages where the content fits in the window, as happens in IE? Or are there any other ways around this issue?

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Vertical Scroll Bar In A Table

As a mean of not having to use Framesets/Frames with all the bad side effects/workarounds that come with them, I want to know if it is possible to code a scrolling veritcal bar into a table <TD> ...

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Removing The Vertical Scroll Bar

Apparently you can do a window (for want of a better word) without having the vertical scroll bar to the right there, which you get regardless of the height of the window.We are working on pop up message boxes (JS, calling standard ASP), and can't work out how to get rid of the scroll bar. Some one in the office is claiming it can be done, but am at a complete loss how to do it.

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Require Scroll Through Textarea Before Submit

i have a question about a form i am taking online. you have to check the "I have read and understood..." checkbox before the form will let you submit the form, but i have all the terms and conditions embedded in the form as a textarea, and i know that i have seen form's requiring you to scroll through the contents before the checkbox would be enabled (FORCING you to at least acknowledgingly ignore them).

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Id Attribute

I want to know if we need id attribute? Or just name attribute is fine?
For example:
Name: <input type="text" id="text" name="fname">

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Attribute Value

The code
<input type="button" name="btn" value="ok">

will produce a html button with caption ok and value ok.
The problem is the width of button is dependent on the length of
attribute value.

And I do the following, which is not a good solution.

<input type="button" name="btn" value=" ok ">

The problem is if I want to get the button's value:
Request.Form("btn"), then I need to trim the data.

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Removing Attribute

Does anyone know of a way where I can remove an attribute from a querystring? For example, say my URL is thispage.asp?view=all&filter=col1 is there a way I can request the querystring but remove the filter=col1 attribute?

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CDO Attribute For Bulk Mail?

I was wondering if there was a CDOSYS attribute to mark the importance of mail messages. I'd like to set their importance to "80" so the CDO Generated messages are treated as low priority by my mail server.

I was wondering if their was an configuration attribute like the following which I could use.

ObjMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing")=2
ObjMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") ="mail.domain.com"
ObjMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport")=25

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XMOL Dom Object Attribute Value

I have some code to build a table list of all our clients in xml i am buioding an html table with all the links using asp here is the code:

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ASP Update XML Child Nodes By Attribute Condition

I am trying to update and append to an existing XML file. However I seem to be stuck. I am using ASP as my scripting language.

The form fields has the same value as the KEY attribute so all i have to do is loop through the submiting form for its fields and use the name to update the XML via the keys... Code:

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Images On Firefox Browser Ignoring The Width Attribute

I have some ASP.NET code which works fine on IE, but on Mozilla Firefox it completely ignores the width attribute and puts the images out at their full size.

here is the code....

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Manipulating A Button Based On Readonly Attribute Of A Check Box

I have a asp page where a checkbox, when clicked will disable all text boxes
associated with the page.

The following is a part of a code for the checkbox with its name and
readonly attributes. name="chk_Complete" <%= isReadOnly %>

I have to disable(or make sure does not disaplay) a save button in the same
page when this checkbox's attribute is readonly. I have no idea how to do

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Manipulating Save Button Based On Readonly Attribute

I am trying to use the following code to make the save button invisible in
the asp form when the checkbox is either on or the session variable has a
particular value.


<%If ( cbool(l_IsChecked) = "FALSE" ) or (session("sess_FiscalFirst") <>
"Y") then%>
<input type="submit" value="Save" name="btn_Save">

<%End If%>

In the above, my logic is if the value of the checkbox is not true or the
value of the session variable is not Y then only show the SAVE button.

However this is not happening. I find that when the second part or the first
part is not there, the logic goes fine i.e. the logic holds with only the
first condition or the second condition itself but not with the or syntax.
Not sure why.

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Invalid ProgId Attribute Error Has Grounded My Project WinXP PRO

I am using WinXP Pro and IIS. For some reason, I can not get any ASP pages to work. All I get is this error below. I have even removed all sites on the server, but I still get the error. Html pages work just fine. All permissions are in order. How do I fix this? When I view same pages on Win2000 machine, they work fine

Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0134'
Invalid ProgID attribute
//global.asa, line 1
The object has an invalid ProgID of 'MSWC.MyInfo'.

My OS is XP Pro

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Carriage Return Does Not Display Properly In Mozilla In A Title Attribute

Am facing a problem when trying to display a carriage return in firefox in a title attribute,i ve tried using VbCr and chr(13) ,in either cases a strange character appears instead of the carriage return. does anyone know about this error. The code looks like this:

titles(iday) = titles(iday) & chr(13) & objRS("event_title")
<a href="javascript:showevent('0<%=links(i)%>')" title=" <%=titles(i)%>"><%=i%></a>

Am not having this strange character when running it on explorer.

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Regex :: Grab Any Style Attribute Within HTML That Uses Double Quotes

I have the following regular expression:

re.Pattern = "style[^=]*=[^""]*""[^""]*"""

It will grab any style attribute within HTML that uses double quotes, and put it in the re.Matches collection.Now, I want to include single quotes into this regular expression. Here's what I have so far:

re.Pattern = "style[^=]*=[^""']*(""|')[^1]*1"

but it does not work.

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Active Directory :: The Attribute Syntax Specified To The Directory Service Is Invalid

I have written a script to update user information in the Active Directory using ADSI. Here is part of it:

Set User = GetObject("LDAP://<GUID=" & GUID & ">")

User.Department = DepartmentName


Set User = Nothing

This works fine unless DepartmentName is an empty string ("").

Then I get error 0x8007200B: "The attribute syntax specified to the directory service is invalid."
This happens with all the attributes I have tried, including TelephoneNumber
Do I need to delete the value of the attribute instead of setting it to an empty string? If so, how do I do it?

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Form Control; Want A Little More Control Of The Name Attribute

I would like to be able to control an asp text box control's name attribute.

I know i can manually type the whole string
<input type="text" name="username" value="" />

but then i can't use the validation control on the inputs. [free javascript ]

PHP Code:

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ASP Read The Execl Cell's Data, Web Page Created From Excel2000 -- Save As Web Page

I created a web page from Excel2000, using "Save as web page..."...Publish
function. then, I moved htm file to my IIS web server. Then I added a form control, and submit button.

How can get the data on the excel file using ASP from server side?
For example, the value of Cell(1,2), Cell(2,3)....

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Display Aspx Page Or Reporting Services Page In User Control

What I want to be able to do is create a user control that will display an
entire page page within it. Does anyone know how to do this or better yet
have any same code?

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How To Transfer A Data Display On 1st Page To 2nd Page Upon Clicking On The Link

I like to know how to write this specifc function on ASP where the user eg: display a set of records on the webpage. Example the data are ID, Name and address.

Lets say i display the data on the webpage and i set the Name as the <a href>. So when i click on the name, it will move to another page with the id of the specific name. Code:

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An ActiveX Control On This Page Might Be Unsafe To Interact With Other Parts Of The Page ...

I have an ActiveX control in my ASP page that has not been signed yet, so currently just for testing I set the Security for Intranet to "Low". When I run the ASP page on my machine (the IIS is in my machine), I have no problem, except the page prompted me with "An ActiveX control on this page might be unsafe to interact with other parts of the page. Do you want to allow this interaction?"

But, when I run the ASP page on another machine (even though the other machine is also a development machine that already has the ActiveX control and I set the Security for Intranet to "Low"), it did not prompt me the above message, and I got an error when accesing any method of the AX control (e.g Object doesn't support this property or method 'myAXControl.method').

Is this because I have to create a CAB file and mark the AX control as safe for scripting ?To create a CAB file for this AX control, do I need to create my own VB AX
Control project that contains this control and then create a cab file for this VB project ?

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On Session_OnStart() Getting Fired When Going From Page To Page At The Same Level As The Global.asa

This is a standard ASP application that has several pages at the root
withthe global.asa. I set a session variable session("accountid") =
"123456" within an asp page and then response.redirect to the next page and
immediately response.write session("accountid") and I get back nothing.

But if I set a session variable session("accountid") = "123456" within an
asp page and response.redirect to a page in a sub directory and immediately
response.write session("accountid") I get back 123456 on the screen.

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Including Inverted Commas To Specify Page Elements While Page Is In ASP

I am having a problem with a site that I am developing - my aim is for it to validate as XHTML Strict however, I am running into a couple of problems validating it; in my Response.Write ASP script, I am not including " 's to define page element tags as they keep throwing up errors in the page. Code:

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Blank Page Running ASP Page On Windows Vista

I've a strange problem with Windows Vista, running an ASP page on local
machine (http://localhost/test.asp), the page does not give me any error but
the asp code is not executed (simple code : <% response.write("hello") %),
it show me a blank page, I think I've put all the setttings correctly, but
maybe I must do something obvious to fix that.

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Differentiate Page Requested Versus Page Refresh

I encounter a page reload situation in ASP. It is I need a way to differentiate whether the current page - "Application_Result.asp" got reloaded itself when user click on the browserRefresh button or is requested by the previous page "Application_Form.asp".

I tried using
<%if Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" then%>
<!--it is requested from "Application_Form.asp, do something-->
<!--Application_Result.asp refreshed itself(such as user clicks on the
browser Refresh button, do something else-->
<%end if%>

However, in both cases, the IF statement above all evaluated as true. how to differentiate this two different behavior (Page Refresh versus Page requested by another Page) ?

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Page Can't Directly To Login Page After Session Expired

I have page for user to update his/her details. What i want is after idle for more than 20 mins, the page will redirect to login page automatically. So that the user knows that his/her session already expired and need to login again.

But it doesn't working. This is because if he/she update the details (after idle more than 20 mins), and click the Submit button, it will go to login page and all the data will be lost. Code:

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Can An ASP Page Read A Cookie Written By A PHP Page?

I am working with a developer, on two portions to a site, he is working in PHP and my work is done in ASP.

Is it possible for my pages to request data from a cookie that was written by his pages that are PHP but residing on the same server? Just want to make sure before I spend too much time planning out the development on my end.

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