Windows 2000 SP 4; Browser Hangs

I installed SP4 for Windows 2000.

Prior to the upgrade my system was at SP3 and I was able to run ASP
scripts from my browser just fine. For exmaple: Code:

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Browser Hangs

I am having the form elemetns for "FILE upload" 4 nos. and 4 "textarea" elements. I am keying the UTF-8 text in the textarea. The storing mechanism for the "images" and "text" are done in a separate file. The problem is here:

While submiting the form to the storing page, the browser (IE)gets hang & closed. But the data stored properly in the database.

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Server.Execute Hangs Browser

I have a content management system with a html editor embedded in a page (uses a text area tag) within the tag I use Server.Execute(pageToExecute), it works for some pages but others it hangs the browser.

If I remove the ServerExecute line the page loads fine. Theres no error messages nothing and the page it is executing is simple html in an asp file. Any reasons why this would happen? Im using Windows Server 2003. All browsers.

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ASP.NET On Windows 2000

Our current websites are hosted on Win2K Servers using classic ASP and IIS
5.0. We will be acquiring a 3rd party website that is written in ASP.NET.
Hate to sound stupid, but is it possible to run ASP.NET on Win2K or does it
need to be run under Win2003?

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PWS On Windows 2000

Overnight my work PC has been upgraded - I'm re-installing all my software, and PWS does not work

It may be that it's a permissions thing (I need to get this sorted, as it is stopping me from installing a few things) However, I also suspect that PWS for NT is no longer any good for W2K Is there a new version for W2K?

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Logging Off Windows 2000 From IIS

I will be traveling and I will need to show someone a
secure folder in an IIS website and I will be on a public
computer. When we are done, I will need to be able to log
off so no one else using that computer will find
their way into that part of the website. The security is
Windows authentitication using Clear Text.

Can ASP log me off. If so I will need to code this before
I leave. Can anyone point me to where I can get some
examples of code to do this ?

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IIS Windows 2000 Not Loading

I've searched several articles about this and cannot get any suggestions to work. My IIS on Windows 2000 Server won't run ASP pages like default.asp. I've tried reinstalling IIS, syncing the passwords for IUSR....etc.

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Windows Server 2000 Question...

Will CDO work under Windows Server 2000? I'm guessing it will. The problem is that I wrote a nice little ASP app under Windows Server 2003 which works REALLY well. Sends out the email with NO problem. 'Course, it uses an external SMTP server, but I'm assuming this shouldn't matter, right?.

Because when I port it over to Windows Server 2000, it blows right past it. Is there a particular setup procedure that needs to be done for Windows Server 2000 to enable CDO to work properly?

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Mac To Windows 2000 File Uploads

I've recently installed an asp component called smartupload, it works very well. The problems start when a mac user uploads a jpg or gif, windows will not open the works fine with a windows user.

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Connecting To SQL 2000 Database In Windows 2003 X64

I'm trying to connect to a SQL 2000 database on my Windows 2003 x64 Enterprise edition server, and so far I've got the error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not
found and no default driver specified

My ASP code is straight forward: Code:

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Setting Up MSDE 2000 Release A On Windows XP Professional

I recently downloaded and installed (hopefully correctly) MSDE 2000 Release
A. I previously, and still do, have the version of IIS that comes with XP
Professional installed on my computer. I wanted MSDE 2000 Release A so that
I could do database access using ASP from my websites, which are on my
computer. When I went to my first test website, I recieved the following

Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Neither DSN nor SERVER keyword supplied
/testDB.asp, line 26

The ASP code that I used on my web to connect to the database (which is
currently just an empty text file) is the following: Code:

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Formmail Email Page Won't Work After Windows 2000 Update

I'm using formmail.asp which is an emailing utility. Basically, the user
fills out a request page, clicks "Submit" and the page posts to formmail.asp
which emails the user information.

I'm running IIS5 on a Win2k server box and recently ran the Windows Updates
(the last time I do that). Anyway, that emailing form doesn't work now on
any of the sites I host. Any ideas?

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ASP, CDO For Windows 2000 & Embedded / In-line Images Showing As Attachments

I have been using the CDONTS.Newmail object for a number of years to send
nicely formatted HTML Emails with inline images.

I am now trying to switch over to using CDO and I cannot reproduce this
functionality. I am using the AddAttachment method instead of the old
AttachURL method but the attached images just show as separately attached
files rather than in line in the HTML.

According to MSDN:

"If you populate the HTMLBody property before calling the AddAttachment
method, any inline images are displayed as part of the message."

Well, I am doing that but it is not working. The images show up as if I had
attached them using the old AttachFile method.

Code follows....

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JScript: Can't Programmatically Delete Cookies On Windows 2000 Professional

I persist the login info using cookies so that a user doesn't have to login every time they come to our website, unless they previously logged out. Everything works OK on W98 SE, and Windows XP Pro machines.

On a W2K machine, IE6.0.2800.1106 SP1, the following function won't delete cookies, or deletes them but they're mysterioulsy re-created when the web page is subsequently referenced. Therefore, a web user can't logout.

// ============================================
// remove login cookies
// ============================================
function KillLoginCookies ( )
Response.Cookies ( sCookieCustomerID ) = '';
Response.Cookies ( sCookieCustomerID ).Expires = '01/01/1980';
Response.Cookies ( sCookiePassword ) = '';
Response.Cookies ( sCookiePassword ).Expires = '01/01/1980';

What am I missing here?

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Opening Multiple Browser Windows

We have an app in which we want to enable our users to open numerous documents in new browser windows. I got the new window open thing down but each time I open a new document it opens it in the same popup window. I want to be able to select new documents
and open those selected documents one at a time in a new browser window as the custormer selects a new document to open. So how do I do that?

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Access 2000 Or SQL Server 2000

I am planning to design a database (destined for the web) that will have
between 20000 and 45000 records in it and will receive a lot of reads but
very very few writes (just from me).

Now the question is should I use:

1) The combination of Access 2000 (accessible through ASP or ASP.NET) using


2) SQL Server 2000 ?

Of course I know that the SQL Server option is a better one, especially
since it's said that an Access DB can have about 9 users or so accessing it
at the same time. But is that a general rule or is it about many people
writing to the DB? In other words, if an Access DB has hardly any writes
and 99.9% reads can it be used as efficiently as it would be used on SQL
Server 2000?

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Error In COM+ While Migrating From 2000 Server To 2000 Advace Server

I have one 3 tier architecture application running on Windows 2000 Server.

I have created replica of same machine on another machine where OS is
Windows 2000 Advance Server.

But when I port same running application on new machine i.e. Machine with OS
as Windows 2000 Advance Server, my middle tier (Active-X Dll, COM+
application) fails.

It throws common error
Invalid Procedure Call or argument

What could be the problem? Do I need to change any settings for running
application on Windows 2000 advance Server.

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please some one help me Sometimes ASP hangs, and ASP pages aren't served anymore. I have to reboot. Is there some workaround so I don't have to reboot every time this happens?

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IIS Hangs

I have a number of clients running an ASP applcation on iis6.0 and windows server 2003 web edition. Occasionally IIS seems to hang and has to be restarted. I have seen in other messages mention of a known Jet engine bug in ws2003. What is this, What does it do and how can I clearit?

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IIS Hangs Itself

We have an application which uses Crystal Reports, FireBird and dynamic
views to display reports. When in a short period of time a lot of reports
are displayed IIS hangs. Stopping and starting IIS does not help. The only
solution to get IIS working again is a reboot. One time I got a message that
there are to many users. But only once. All the other times it just hangs.

The to many users I do not understand, because at the moment I am the only
one using (testing) the application. Anyone an idea what could be the
problem and how to solve it?

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IE Hangs

I am using JSRS
I have 3 select boxes(on an ASP page),city and zipcode.When user selects a country,city select box is filled for chosen country using JSRS.but I am facing a problem..for some countries after select the browser hangs like Australia.for which there r 11,000+ cities..but same thing works in Netscape

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IIS Hangs

I'm struggleing for months with one problem. I have created one COM (dll) object. When I call it inside IIS (ASP/VB) it works fine for a while and then IIS hangs. Then I have to restart my PC (Win 2000 Server) using (hardware) tower button, because Windows can't turn off IIS either.

As much as I could, I insured there were no uncought exceptions thrown and dialogs displayed by my COM object. How can I find out what causes IIS to hangs? I'm totally beginner with IIS. Is there some ATL/IIS guide which explains what ATL settings (threading model...) should be used when deploying COM object to the IIS?

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IIS Hangs

I'v Windows 2000 , IIS4 and SP3 as WebServer.I use ASP 3
there. In an interval of 4-5 days the system stpos
working, just request for a page and it doesnt work. I
just terminate the process of dllhost.exe and it starts to
work file but upto 4-5 days only.

For information I use
COM written in VB6, that opens the connection for me and i
close it once my i get data. And only asp page stops, a
simple htm page still works in that situation. I would
have liked to send the IIS logs of the day when it hanged
but i think i cant do that.

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IIS Hangs With ASP

My site was working well but when I restarted the computer after having a automated virus update, My IIS stopped working with ASP, I've restarted, re-linked with other directories, changed the IP address, and I've tried all the other usual methods.

What I've found out so far is that with HTML it is working perfectly, but when I hook on asp, I have problems. First It gave me the error message: 500.2
now the browser is just hanging.

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IIS Hangs When Certain SQL Submitted

Does anyone have a suggestion how I could debug this

1. Data is collected from database and displayed in a form.
2. User updates data and submits it.
3. Submitted data is compared with old data.
4. SQL is generated for changes and put into an array.
5. SQL in the array is executed line by line.

I've copied the code which does the update from a working
page that does something similar. And tested it with a
basic update to be sure. But for some reason when I
submit this sql:

update table set currency = 'USD' where currency = 'GBP'
and company = 'LQ' and supplier_id = 'BCX0926' and
invoice_no = '654664432'

IIS hangs and the browser displays a blank white page. At
this point the whole site becomes unusable until I restart
the IIS Admin service.

I've pasted the sql into Toad and tested it there and it
works fine. Could anyone suggest what the problem is, or
how I could go about debugging it. Normally when I get
errors thet are written to the screen. But in this case,
I dont get anything back at all. Code:

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IIS Hangs ASP - Tried IISState

I've a server which hosts couple of hundreds sites. From time to time I can't access some of the websites, all of them are ASP. HTML ones are fine.

I've tried to use iisstate, but I can't seen any errors in the log, not even a warning. Also, there is nothing in the Event Viewer. The server is 2003 standard.

If I will restart IIS service, all is back to normal. I know this doesn't say much, but do you have any ideas where should I go from here?

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Redirect Hangs

I have an ASP script that is called from a PDF form to process form data.On the last line of the script I have a Response.Redirect "webpage.asp" that leads to another target page with actual HTML. However when I start this process (by submitting form data) even when I comment out the processing code, the address bar shows the desired page, but the page never appears and the flag keeps spinning indefinitely and doesn't stop even after 15 minutes.When I finally press Escape to stop it and then I press Refresh
the page appears immediately.

I've found that if I remove all the HTML code that has links to other files images, javascript,stylesheets that the target page loads promptly from the same Redirect method.

Does anyone know what could be causing this?It seems IE or IIS gets lost looking those other files.

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Page Hangs

When calling an ASP from within a Perl script to perform a query against a web-enabled database (don't ask how we arrived at this architecture), the first query almost always times out with an Timer_EntityBody error.

Our timeout is currently set at 300 seconds. We can see that the worker thread
(we only have one for compatibility purposes) gets kicked off when the query arrives. Successive queries do not time out. Has anyone had any experience with this type of issue? What did you do to troubleshoot it? Did applying SP 1 help?

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Textobject Hangs IIS Server

This code works fine local with PWS on win98 and also on the Internet:
Set emailLog = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
But on a local XP computer, the IIS hangs. The message is that too many are
trying to access the page.

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Database Access Hangs

I'm using IIS on W2k, using ODBC access to the database (which is on the
same server as IIS).

The system is designed to generate reports from users after they have walked
thru a few pages, supplying report parameters. The actual creation of the
report is done on another server, accomplished via a COM object that the web
server creates. This all works wonderfully.

However, after going thru this process, it seems the database connection
from the web server 'hangs', meaning any subsequent page requested from the
web server that has anything to do with the database will never complete,
and at this point never timeout either. My only solution is to reset the
IIS service.

At the point that the hanging occurs, I am still able to access the database
from other programs. I am able to access static pages on the web server. I
have looked at a number of performance counters under the ASP, IIS Globals,
and Web Service objects, but all show zero activity. Even the lowly Task
Manager shows nothing going on in the web server at all.

Is there anything I can check to see what is going on, what is being held

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Form Submission Hangs

When I submit my form to the same page its on, the browser hangs up with lengthy strings in my "textarea field."
It won't take anything over about 200 - 250 chars.
Right now I have Request.Querystring for each element of the form. I've tried just Request and it does the same thing. I also tried Request.Form and it doesn't capture the values.However, as far as the database field, i have a VARCHAR(8000), the max the datatype can hold, so that I can post, if necessary, giant news articles.

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Application Process Hangs

The asp script uses the WSHSHELL run method to launch a local application on the web server but The application process hangs each time when this is called from the web.
If the application is manually run from the command line or through a bat script (by double clicking on it), the application process launches and executes the batch file successfully.

If either of these actions are called from the .asp script, the application process.exe is seen running in the task manager and hangs.

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AdLockOptimistic Hangs Up MySQL

This line: "SELECT * FROM Events WHERE EventID=2", db, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText

in my page give me an error that says:

ADODB.Recordset.1 error '80020009'

Unsupported Lock Type.

Can anyone offer a suggested cause?

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