Windows Media Player

I've seen sites selling jukeboxes that allow you to run a multimedia server, but is it possible to stream to WMP from ASP? It doesn't have to be a true stream. What I basically want to happen is somehow allow the user to create a playlist, or allow them to "queue it up" when clicking on different media types.

In other words, if I have 10 mp3s on my site, and the user wants to listen to 5 of them, without clicking on the next song to play after the first song is finished, and can queue additional songs while any song is playing. Can this be done?

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Close Windows Media Player In A Web Page After Its Played?

How do you close windows media player in a web page after its played. I have added a windows media player to my web page as:

<object id="Player"

After its played I would like it to automatically close.

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Media Player In Asp Page

how i can put a frame like Microsoft media player to old asp web page (for video clips)

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Media Player Object

I have a media player object in ASP on a default page. I'd like to have the
audio play continuously no matter what page the user goes to.

In all of the ASP files I have:

<!--#include file="header.html"--right after the <bodytag. The header
file has the page header graphic and menu. I tried to put the <OBJECTin
header.html but the playlist restarts on every page.

Any way to get the object to load and stay without restarting?

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Important Media Player

how i can place a media player on my asp page to allow user to listen to sample songs, etc? or anyone know where to find the code?

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Dynamic Media Content And Player

I have multiple video and audio files that I want to play on my site. They are also multiple sizes. Some are 320x240 and some are other wacky sizes. What I am trying to do is create a dynamic PopUp player to embed Windows Media Player in.

I have a Database where I have put the links and the display text for the video and audio files. I am currently using JavaScript to make my PopUp window.

Is there any way with ASP I can automatically size the PopUp windows to the right size to correctly house my embedded media player? I use ASP to create the link to the PopUp Window and then once the Window is open I use ASP to get the video file, i do the same for audio files.

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Xml Based Mp3 Player

i found a flash based mp3 player for my myspace that pulls the playlist from an xml file. my question is this... i want to be able to change the playlist (add, delete songs, change play order, etc...) without having to change the xml. here's my idea and i'm not sure how exactly to do all of it, but let me know if there is an easier way.if i create a db that stores the information i need (filename, song title, and track number) i can create an html form that will allow me to change the track number (i know how to delete and add songs). my question is how to i update the xml file at the same time it updates the db. in other words, how to i send the data in the db to an xml file.

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Important Player

Dear all, anyone know how to include a window media player in asp so my
user can listen to sample music on my website?? Or anyone know where I
can find the code?

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How Do You Run Media Not Download It ?

I have an example running at the moment that shares some 15,000 MP3 files however to offer these as downloadable i would be breaking the law i think !

I would like to set it up so that i have a method where the user can build a play list by going through the files and selecting them and then they would would be played either through the clients own system applications or through media components i can build into the site.

Maybe i could have some controls on there.

also why does the script not like to display files with the .ISO file extention ?

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Embeding The Player

I'm trying to include a simple streaming of audio file in my web.I come across this web:

which i have follow the simple instruction of creating a RAM file to point to the .rm file.The link is working, but instead of having the Real Player pop up. How can I embed the player to the browser, so that it is being display in the browser itself rather than having the player pop up.

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Flash Player

Is there a way to determine with VB Script, or Java Script, if MarcoMedia Flash Player is installed as a plug-in in a browser?

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Using Media For Multiple Pages

I am using some flash movies & images in a many pages of my site. (like page1.asp, page2.asp, page3.asp)

The problem is when I browse one page to another (redirecting from page1.asp to page2.asp) the other page is again start downloading these images & flash movies. But they are already downloaded by previous page (page1.asp)

Is there any way that to save time, I use the same media (images & flash) that are already downloaded by first page.

While for variables, we can do that by putting them in session. But for media...any know any way....

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Setting Up A Default Media Dir.

All I want to do is set a session variable in my default page which points to a directory on my server where all media for my site is contained. Now, I used a session variable to do this, and fell into a trap. Say I set it up like this:

Session("mediadir")="D:dev<sitename>media". Now, when anyone looks at my site, the mediadir variable is trying to point to their d:dev.... What should I do. I know it is crazy, but I have mental blank.

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Online Music Player

I want to make my own music player in my site..In such a way that when i click on the sone my popup window open and my own builtin player opens and runs the song...

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Current Media In Local WMS Server

anyone could assist me in finding an ASP script to find the current playing media in a local Windows Media Services server. Since the particular stream is a broadcast, it will have constantly changing media.

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Detect The Users Window Media Version?

Im embedding a streaming .wmv file into a page, and for some reason windows media player 9 is having problems Im looking for some vbscript on how to determine: Code:

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Pop Up Windows

Is it possible to open a new window using ASP? If so, can you control the size and position?

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Windows XP
how to Run IIS on Windows XP Home Edition

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Iis For Windows

does anyone know if you can get iis for windows xp home edition i have xp pro on my desktop but only have home edition on my laptop.

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Iis With Windows Xp

i intend to buy a computer with windows xp.Is there a webserver included (like iis) and if not, how to get one?

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Windows XP PRO

I have windows xp professional and i am using asp on it so to give alias to the folder i right click on folder and click on webshare then give alias and type its not working it takes me to other page when it dont found no ASP is working

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Pop Windows

i want to do is i schedule something send it to another user,within intranet in that user's machine he should get a pop up window about the latest can i make this happen?tell me specifically about creating this pop window of this purpose

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Windows XP Pro OEM

I am going to purchase Windows XP Pro in order to install IIS. Is IIS included on the OEM version of the software, or is it only included on the full retail version?

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New Windows

I hv asp page which, upon selection from a dropdown,opens a new window (target="_blank") using the selected value as the parameter (page.asp?Test=(dropdown value))

What I want to do is control the look of the new page. I have been told I need to use JavaScript to open the new window. But how do I fire the JavaScript procedure and how do I pass it the selected dropdown value?

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LOG In With Windows

How can I use the windows component to log in into my site?

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New Windows

During testing on my home PC running XP when any of the big blue
buttons are clicked a new web page opens. If a team is selected from
the drop-down list a new page opens with the selected team details in

However when deployed live, whenever any of the buttons are clicked,
not only does the new window appear for that content, but also the new
team page window appear with an error because no team has been

Can anyone explain this, and more importantly advise how I make the
live web site function as intended and how it does when testing.

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ASP In Windows CE

I've been doing some research on talking to an access database on windows CE using asp. The website listed below says I cannot use Server.Createobject So I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the usual method was for creating the database connection on the windows CE platform since the server.createobject method is not available.

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Not Windows

Do asp pages work for any other OS than Windows, as they are? How can I know what is the operating system of the web server of a certain site (not mine)? I rememeber there is something I can check with asp.

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CMS On Windows Hosting

Is there a Content Management System that runs on ASP Windows hosting that allows an user to go to an admin page on the website, login and make content update to the site without touching code?

I know there are lots in the Linux world. What about Windows? I know about Contribute, but that requires an install of a desktop application. Or do they have a web verison now? I want an admin web page.

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Can IIS & ASP Run On Windows NT Workstation 4.0

I want to install the NT 4.0 Option pack to install the IIS web
server. Does the option pack install to get the web server working on
my Windows NT workstation running SP6a work. I want this web server to
connect to a SQL Server which is running on this NT Workstation as

Please clarify what are the steps I need to follow to get the web
server running on my NT 4.0 workstation to run ASP.

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C# Windows Control Lib

I have C# windows control libarary (Dll), which I could able to load them
into browser using <objecttag with following syntax (In aspx page) and user
able to see the contolr properly.

<object name="chk" id="chk" classid="http:GSIM.dll#GSIM.gsimManager"></object>

I would like to load a client C# windows control libarary (Dll) instead from
webserver. (something like OCX)
So is there way I can load .NET control from client machine?? (Assum that,
the libarary exists in client machine GAC or in physical path)

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Windows NT Authentication And Asp???

Can someone tell me how I create a login page which
authenticates users against the servers user manager. I
want the login to be a form in my website not a pop up

I would be grateful for any advice relating to this
subject. I have a script for windows 2000 active directory
but was wondering if you could achive the same with
windows NT 4 and IIS 4 Code:

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Windows Authentication

In my CMS application (authentication = windows), I've tried to force a reauthentication after a button click by returning:

Response.StatusCode = 401;

However instead of reauthenticating once, I'm asked for 3 times despite the correct userid and password.

Is this due to certain configurations? Or is there any other alternative available to achieve the same effect?

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