Windows Server 2003 Probs
I have a site thats been up for 2-3 years on an NT4 server using IIS & Ms Access, and I used MAcromedia Ultradev to build it with MX 2004 to maintain it.
The hosting company decided to upgrade the server to Windows Server 2003 and now none of the Dtabase connections or include files can be found. Does anyone know what I need to do to re-code this site.
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I made some of the web pages using ASP on windows 2000 server, now i wanto to upgrade my Operating system from windows 2000 server to Windows 2003 Server , Are my web pages will work fine if i do this upgradation or there are any configurations on IIS i have to make to work fine ....
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I've had a new server installed for me. with Windows 2003 and II6 with ASP.NET. but I want to run a small (but important) application written in ASP(all .ASP files)
as it stands the server will not 'understand' .ASP files (only .ASPx)To avoid having to modify the whole application ( :-} ) can I get the server to execute. ASP files?(is it as simple as copying over an existing II4 ASP.DLL and installing that?
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We have several extensive sites and all use a lot of include files. We have the coded as include file and virtual include using ../ since it is a shared server etc. The sites were moved by the hosting company to a new windows 2003 server and now we get invalid path error part of the time, others it works fine.
The host says it is our programmers did not follow asp procedures and used ../ I always thought this was ok, it was never an issue before the this new to windows 2003.
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I just set up an acct. with godaddy for a shared virtual dedicated server using Windows 2003 and IIS 6. None of my ASP scripts work to send emails using CDONTS. Research took me to how to install the cdonts.dll file and after doing so I don't get the error about not being able to create an ojbect but rather that of permissions on the line that has the .send. Other research led to me believe that windows 2003 does not support cdonts at all? I'd prefer to use CDO but I was told by Godaddy that the script below is not supported on a shared server - Code:
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It works properly in my former webserver until it was upgraded to Win2003. Please do the amendments below.
My code:
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Some one has posted this question on 10th August, as CDONTS is not working
on windows 2003 serever. I have the same problem and I copied CDONTS.DLL
from Windows 2000 Server and registered on Win 2003 server but it giving the
error on line when I calling method send of the object.
Error is
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'
Permission denied
I tried to register CDONTS as COM+ with Admin user right to execute but it
still giving same error.
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At the early testing stages of writing some simple ASP scripts hosted by my Windows 2003 Server but I have hit upon a problem.
When I open an asp page, IE just returns the script rather than expected web page. What have I or am I doing wrong?
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In Windows 2003 Server, when I include a file in upper directory, it will
occur error.
Active Server Pages Error 'ASP 0131'
cannot include file '../' with '..' from upper directory
However, it doesn't have any problem in windows 2000 server
could anybody help me?
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if I can use CDONTS in W 2003 Server environment to send emails the same way it is used in W2K Server. I have heard that CDONTS is no longer available in W 2003 Server and if so, how can I send emails from ASP page.
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I am recieving a weird error when I try to run asp scripts on my local
machine, I can use pages that access a database, but when I try to write to
the file system ie upload a file I get the error message below.
any ideas?
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Hi people, I currently have a website and the asp pages include the following line:
"Set Tools = Server.CreateObject("MSWC.Tools")"
My site is hosted on Windows 2000 server.
The hosting company has offered me a new deal but on Windows 2003 servers, I took them up on this but found that my asp pages did not function as these servers do not have the Internet Information Server (IIS) Resource Kit installed on them. I found this out by
looking at
As I am not the original creator of the asp pages and have no knowledge of asp, can anyone help me fix this problem where my asp pages will function correctly on the Windows 2003 server?
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im trying to run a bat file on windows server 2003 and am running into nothing but problems.
i have IIS on my XP workstation that accesses the 2003 server. what im about to explain below works properly on the XP IIs.
i have two files: somefile.asp and somefile.bat. the asp file creates a and then tries to execute the run method for somefile.bat.
however, it isnt working. after an unexaggerated 7 hours of searching google/etc, i have found nothing but frustration and deep, seething anger regarding this problem. Code:
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I have installed MSDE on my local computer - Windows 2000 Professional. I have created a function which runs me a link whose path is placed in the input field. This function looks like this: Code:
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oChart.ExportPicture file_path, "gif", 200, 200
Response.Write "<img src='"&file_path&"'>"
if file_path=/smart/chart.gif
how this code can run in client computer as it will search in the local cmputer
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Is html based form for upload files. ASP script are get and save files on web server. Works fine on Windows 2000 Server.
Under Windows 2003, if try to upload files more than 100Kb got error:
Error number: -2147467259
Error source:
Error description: Operation not Allowed
in next line:
Binary = Request.BinaryRead (Length)
Any idea why it happen?
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How do I add additional IP's manually in Windows 2003 Web Edition? I was told to add them to subnet mask? I am not sure about this as I am new to it. Also, in remote desktop connection perhaps? Where after I login?
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some of my sites which is working perfectly on Windows 2000 But when i tried the same thing from Windows 2003, it gives me error..
I am using IIS 6.0 By the way i am getting an error 80005000 login error.
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I recently upgraded my servers to 2003. Since then the error-information shown in the browser has changed.For example, if under Windows 2000 I executed an SQL statement from within an ASP, and the SQL statement was syntactically incorrect, the error thrown
by ADO would finally show up in the client browser.
If I do the same with an Windows 2003 Server, only a "HTTP 500, internal server error" is sent to to client browser. The IIS LogFiles still show the actual error, but looking there is not that comfortable.Is this some configuration that can be done on the Windows 2003 server?
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Is there a workaround to allow .log files to be accessed
The access is just so it can be downloaded.
I get 404 errors for Windows 2003 but not for Windows 2000 for this.
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I used to have the following ASP code (below) that runs on windows 2000 and authenticates users against the Active Directory. The code is working fine. However, after upgrading from Win2000 to Win2003 (IIS 6), authentication is failing, although the code is still working if run on win2000.
I tried to capture packets during the authentication phase from both win2000 and win2003 and I found out that there is a slight difference between the two although I believe that this is an OS bit not ASP thing. Code:
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I have a very rare error with one of our Windows 2003 server. We have some componentes COM wich ones use the CDONTS in order to send mails. Well, one of our server get the follow error when we try to send the mail.
error '80004005'
Method '~' of object '~' failed
I know it's possible to have CDONTS over Windows 2003, and this article confirms it:
I have registered the cdonts.dll as the article dictates but I really don't know what can be happening with that server.. and I really appreciate any kind of help because that is one of our QA servers.
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I'm using windows 2003 with asp. However, I'm having problems sending email using the cdosys object.
My code is below and I don't believe its the code but on the send command.
dim sch
dim cdoConfig
dim cdoMessage
sch = ""
Set cdoConfig = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
cdoConfig.Fields.Item(sch & "sendusing") = 2
cdoConfig.Fields.Item(sch & "smtpserver") = ""
Set cdoMessage = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Set cdoMessage.Configuration = cdoConfig
cdoMessage.From = ""
cdoMessage.To = ""
cdoMessage.Subject = "Sample CDONTS NewMail"
cdoMessage.TextBody = "This is a test for CDONTS message"
Set cdoMessage = Nothing
Set cdoConfig = Nothing
error '8004020f'
/tad/testing.asp, line 30
I'm not sure what's wrong. When I go to my SMTP Virtual Server
settings in IIS --> Properties --> Delivery --> Advanced .
The FQDN is localhost and the smarthost is blank.
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My company has recently started testing Win 2k3 servers to replace our current 2k versions. The problem I have is that our IT group sent out an email to all web developers stating that HTML forms would no longer be supported in 2k3 and all forms would have to be converted to asp pages.Since the form tag is in the html specs, I find this rather hard to believe.
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I have and ASP form that sends out an email on Windows 2003. I get the following error: ActiveX component can't create object. What should I do to fix this? Code:
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I have a ASP 3.0 web application that uses IIS 5.0 with W2K (with parent
paths enabled). In my research about migration to IIS6 with W2003 it says
that you need to change every INCLUDE FILE= to INCLUDE VIRTUAL=.
I call an ASP page at the root of the website and that ASP file has an
include that also is at the root, and the include is like this:
<!-- INCLUDE FILE="copyrightstuff.htm" -->
So what I've read say that this has to be changed to VIRTUAL like this:
<!-- INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/websitename/copyrightstuff.htm" -->
I could do this for one website that has one name listed in IIS. However, my
website code was designed to work on many different websites, each with
different domain names. It seems like a LOT of work to have to change ALL
the includes to accommodate the name given to the site in IIS. Code:
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We have a WEB-based application (developed in Visual Studio 2005) running on
handheld devices in Internet Explorer on Windows Mobile 2003. The application
needs to print tickets on a Bluetooth printer, which is accomplished by
preparing a RTF-file on the server and then downloading this file to the
handheld device. We use a third-party application (PrintPocketCE from
FieldSoftware) for the actual printing of the downloaded file. However, when
the file is about to be downloaded we first get a question saying "Download
<filename> to the My Documents folder in Main Memory?" with Yes, Change and
Cancel buttons.
Is there a way to avoid this question and download the file
directly? We need the checkbox "Open file after download" to be checked (as
it is by default when the question is displayed) to get the file processed by
PrintPocketCE after download.
To avoid adding file by file to the handheld device we always use the same
filename for the downloaded file. This leads to another question on each
download, asking whether to overwrite the previously downloaded file. Since
the file has no interest after being printed this question is always answered
with Yes. Is there a way to avoid this question too, for example by setting
some Registry value?
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I'm trying to connect to a SQL 2000 database on my Windows 2003 x64 Enterprise edition server, and so far I've got the error:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not
found and no default driver specified
My ASP code is straight forward: Code:
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User clicks a link that displays a customer card and financial stats (has a
lot of database calls). Every 5 times the user clicks the same page/link it
takes about 30 seconds (normal response time is <1 second) to display. Code:
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I have a client that just switched to Windows 2003 server. Their website
has always run fine under Windows 2000, using an email program
queue_manager.exe to send order and support emails (sending a receipt to the
sender). This seems to work under Windows 2003, but won't send the email.
I suspect it's a security configuration issue, but can't seem to pin point
it (since I am a novice with 2003 server). The server also has Exchange
Server installed.
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I am getting the following error in my asp page
Server object error 'ASP 0178 : 80070005'
Server.CreateObject Access Error
/exctest/test.asp, line 7
The call to Server.CreateObject failed while checking permissions. Access is
denied to this object
The dll in question has been installed on a windows 2003 server as a COM+
application. This has then been exported as an application proxy to another
windows 2003 server.
The web app has been set up for Basic Authentication only. If when running I
logon as a Domain user, who only has domain user rights the above error
occurs, if I add my domain user to the administrators group on the server
where the actual com+ application resides everything is fine and works as
expected. However, having a domain user a member of the administrators group
is not ideal. What am I missing in security configuration so that domain
users can create and run with the com+ application.
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I have developed an ASP.NET (version 1.1) application which I have deployed
to a number of webservers.
The web application works fine on Windows 2000 Server computers. It also
works OK on Windows 2003 Server UNTIL Windows 2003 Service Pack 1 is
installed! Code:
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I moved ASP WebPages from Windows 2000 server to Windows 2003 server platform. Those double-byte characters (Japanese) retrieved from SQL server 2000 are corrupted.
I am using Macromedia Dreamweaver MX as the development tool, by encoding webpage as "UTF-8" as the following, <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
I also add
Response.CodePage = "65001"
into my ASP page. But it does not solve the problem.
My ASP pages are working perfectly in Windows 2000 server, but they are not working on Windows 2003 server (Web edition & Enterprise Edition).
Is there anyone encountered the similar problems before ? I research the Microsoft website, no any answers on that.
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