Word Automation Problem On Word2000 Server

I have problem in word automation. I have a code in VB that opens word document and performs some Find & Replace operations in it and then shows to the user the document. The script runs perfectly on local machine which has Word2000 and OS-win 2000 professional. But When I test the same script on Server which has Os-2000 server Edition and word2000 then it does not opens the word doc eventhough script has line "WApp.visible = true".

I am using Word.Application and Word.Document object in my script. When I create a word document with same script but close it in end of script and then open it with shell script command it works perfectly. But my requirement is not to save the doc but only show it to user and leave it for users choice to save it or not.

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Word Automation

I need to generate one document on the server and then send it to de client. I having problems of security when i try to open word by code. How can i do that?

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Asp Word Label Automation

I'm about to create an ASP script which will essentially parse SQL
tuples (rows) into a Word file, creating labels, although would need
to use the pre-defined label templates within word.
Can anyone direct me in the right direction?

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Word Automation W2K3 IIS 6.0

I've develop a simply exe app that merge two or more document in one using MsWord automation.

I call this exe from an asp page (giving authorization to IAWM IUSR...). This run ok on a web server with Xp and IIS 5.1 but don't work on W2K3 and IIS 6.0.

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Server Side Automation

I want to do some time based house cleaning chores on a server based on server time/date. I know how to do it based on a call from the client using asp, but is it
possible to have a program residing on the server that comes alive based on server time (not a client call) and does it's tasks such as delete an inactive page, or more importantly, send out a cdonts e-mail to a client list? I should also mention that this is a shared Windows 2003 Server (Interland Blue Halo).

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Server-Side Automation Of Office

I am facing some problems with generating the word documents usin ASP pages. This is the automated process and it is breaking often Since Microsoft is not providing any support for this issue, I though using WordPerfect 12 for the automated document generation would hel me a lot. Is there any possibility of facing the same problem with wor
perfect too?

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Server-side Word To XML

Any known COM objects or ASP-callable functions that will perform at least rudimentary conversions?(Word IS installed on the server, although I'm familiar with MS's policy on
using this.)

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MS Word Not Closing Its Instances On Server

I tried this code below and there is a problem in the code which is not closing the word instances in the server you can see that from Task Manager

Code in test.asp.

Set word = Server.CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set word = Nothing

Create a test.html in the same folder.

Execute the code in the server

Is creating the 2 files WINWORD.EXE instances in TASK Manage every time we browser the test.asp page. This is creating the load on the server and making our application DOWN. I am a coldfusion developer working on ASP.

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Details From SQL Server To MS-Word File

I have a strSQL line.. that basically does a SELECT * from many joined tables. The output is displayed into a table. What I'd like to do is, to have each table's field entries (say a Name field) displayed as a URL.

Clicking this URL will spawn an external viewer, which will open a predefined MS Word template. ASP code should then do a few SELECT statements, parse them, and write them to certain areas of the MS-Word document.

Practically, a user should be able to click on a name, and have MS-Word launch, filling in details on the Word document, such as Name, Address, ZipCode and so on, which are stored in SQL-Server 2k. how I can get this to work?

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Saving Word Document To Web Server Using Macro?

I have a web application that enables a user to download a word or excel file. I want them to be able to edit the file and then when they close the file I then update the image that contains the file in the SQL database. This is all quite simple apart from I can not see how I can get the cotents of the file.

Things like "ActiveDocument.Content.Text" seem to work in word just for the text but I need to get the lot in order that I can then post it back to the webserver when the file is closed.

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RSS Automation

I have a very small ASP function that basically allows me to add items to a list and it all gets stored in an Access DB. The output is a loop that displays all of the items.

I wanted to know if anyone knows how or if with ASP I can update an RSS file so that when it saves the new list item it also updates the RSS feed with the new items as well. Sort of like updating a Text file just not sure how or even if it can be done.

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Automation Error

I have an ASP page using Jet 4.0 oldeb provider for mdb. (ADO 2.8). I use
the _same_ code in ASP from my well working VB application.
The problem is:

when I do the same "SELECT * FROM table WHERE field1 LIKE '%asdf%' " query,
it works in Access (SQL query) or in my VB .exe code, but generates OLE
automation error in ASP. The same code!!!
If I use "=" instead of LIKE, it works. (field1 is string type). But I need

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Form Automation

I am getting ready to build another ASP page with a form on it. This form is part of a very complex application I am in the middle of building. It is an event management and scheduling application. The whole idea of this page is to register an individual for the event and to schedule their activities they want to participate in.

Here is were it gets complicated... We have over 30 events and they are all happening at different times. Some are overnight and others are half day and other are full day. We even have some that are two days long.

Some of the events can hold 80 people but their are 40 instructors for that time period. I solved this problem by creating section numbers kind of like in a college. Here is my actual question:

How can I build drop down boxes that change according to what is selected in a previous one. I am using the DB to populate the drop down boxes. Here is an example of what should happen: Code:

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Excel Automation

I have a recordset containing some data.
Using that recordset I want to populate them in a work book in differrent
sheets, using client side VBScript.
Previously, I used server side automation for this. But it gives error
"ActiveX Component can't create object" then and there. Some times the
automation works fine.

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Input Automation

i have a software application and i have to import around 250 users data into the app.
I want to automate this step,it the most common info
like FN,LN,e-mail etc.
The app runs on IIS and uses ASP. I am looking for a GUI input Automation tool which will have scripting capability to take input from a text file and fill the user input fields "automagically".can testing tools like winrunner do this for me?

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Script Automation

I have a script that populates my access database upon form submision.I was asked to find a way to automatically Populates 10 records, that do not change, to the database
once a month.I thought of using WHS to to call IExplorer to execute and launch the URL. and set the windows scheduler to execute it once a month.
But my 10 records that I need to add have different names. How do I set the loop to call the record set
for each field name.Another approche is to set those uncahgeable data in a flat file and use my asp script to call the file and append the records in the table.
What is the best approch

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Excel Automation

I developed an application using VB6 as FE and Access as BE ( Lan based solution). This application involves picking up preformatted excel workbook with multiple worksheets as template . This excel workbook is more like a form ( containing checkboxes and option radio buttons etc). This also contains clients logo, Header, footer. In this application, on a button click event, the Excel file is picked up from a fixed location, opened, and some data like name of the user, address etc which are available in Access are filled into predefined cells of the excel.

In case any of the fields is already filled, the application reads that fileld and performs validation. After this the workbook is saved at the original location. Most of the fields are not stored in database and data is not in a tabular form.

Now I need to make this application web enabled instead of being on LAN.
Can the above excel automation be acheived in conventional ASP or ASP.net.
I can force the excel path to be fixed path on server ( IIS). I would be too happy if the said excel workbook can be picked up from client machine, modified and stored back at same location.

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Email Automation?

i have a problem in email using ASP.i have created 3 fields named EMP MAIL,TRAINING START DATE,TRAINING END DATE.now the user enters these 3 details and on clicking the SENDMAIL button the mail should be reached to that particular employee 1 week before the date entered in the TRAINING END DATE field.after testing the application this all is working fine(i used CDONTS in ASP).

The problem is that every day user has to run my application atleast once only then all the mails that are to be sent on that particular day will be sent.

i think this is no good as user will enter the details once for any day and he or she may not run my application every day..in order to send mails automatically what should i do..pls any body can give me any suggestion?

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Excel To HTML Conversion Automation

We have a excel document, which is been updated regularly. After everyday
updating, we export as HTML file and upload it.
As a ASP programmer, I want to write a script, which can parse this excel
file and make it as a web ready file.
Is there any simple way to do this?
Our data entry operator, is very new to computers and all he know is a
little in Excel.

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File Name Or Class Name Not Found During Automation Operation

Could someone point me in the right direction? I've
migrated three FrontPage 2002 websites to a new web
server. Each web site has a Access 2000 database on the
data server.

I have the global.asa on each site pointing
to a .udl file which is pointing to the appropriate access
DB on the data server. We're not allowed to use DSN's.
Front Page 2002 will not allow me to create a network
connection to an Access (only SQL). Only one of the three
web sites work. On the other two I keep getting the
following message when I open an ASP page: Code:

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Timeslots :: File Name Or Class Name Not Found During Automation Operation

I have a page in my website which display the weekly timeslots. The code that generates these slots is giving me the following error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01b0'
File name or class name not found during Automation operation: 'regExp'

It used to work fine, I have no clue what has gone wrong.

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ASP, Word And IE 5.5

I use asp to create a report, using content type I push it out as a word document. On my build this works fine, on my co workers it does not. The only difference between the two builds is I am on IE 5.5 sp2 and the other is 5.5 no sps. Unfortunatly I am in no position to get the machine and others like it onto sp 2 and the User agent variable is only returning 5.5.

The problem with the output on the no sps machine is that it opens in word with all the HTML tags visible Does anybody no a solution?

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ASP + Word ???

I am trying to create a word document via asp.

I keep getting this error:

Server object, ASP 0178 (0x80070005)
The call to Server.CreateObject failed while checking permissions. Access is
denied to this object.

I am running window 2000 professional with IIS 5.0 installed.
I know it is a ntfs permissions error and that IUSR_ComputerName needs
permission to interface with word, i am just not sure which file needs to be
the recipient of these permissions. I have located 'word.exe' in program
files, set appropriate permission but no joy.

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ASP To Word

I have a system that Im about to start building it is in planning stage at the moment and if I was going to a database and keeping everything in HTML I would be right and not posting here at this stage.My client is after a system that they can register a new document enter in the basic information and on save, Create a Word document based on a Word Template prefilled with some of the data from the HTML form.
Can any one point me in the direction of some? tutorials/code/tips/prebuilt systems that I can donate or buy from the developer/

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Asp To Ms Word

is it possible to produce a report of asp to ms word?

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Ms Word

What is the best way to generate a word-document with wbscript code?

I have a text string I would like to save as a word document on the server.

Any tutorials? or code examples?

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ASP + MS Word

I am creating a word document using asp.I have this on top of my asp page.


everything works fine.I am displaying some data in the table format.on some machines.may be old machines.the asp page opens up word document fine but the table tags are not rendered properly.

i get all the data fine but not displayed in the table format.instead i see <td> and other tags.it works on my machine(Windows XP) but it does this weird thing on windows 98 machine.what do i need to do to make sure it works fine on all the machines.

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MS Word To XML

how to set a variable to contain the xml data from a file, including the xml tags too.
So if I have an xml file like:

I want the variable to contain:

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Whole Word Only

I cant seem to figure out how to ensure that a whole word is replaced within a string. For example, if I have an array with two items, "mpeg" and "mpeg4" and the text to look for is "blah blah mpeg4 blah blah"

the text to match with is the array, which is in a loop. how can i prevent "mpeg" from matching with part of "mpeg4"? i only want the whole word to match. do i have to use regexp here? vbscript functions seem inadequate.

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MS Word Document

I want to do a Ms Word document in a ASP page. I can do it, With the code lines:

Response.ContentType = "application/msword"
Response.AddHeader "content-disposition", "inline; filename=OrderFax.doc"
With these lines all document content show like a Word document.

But i can not change the MARGINS of this Word document.And Default
left/right margins are very bigs.

I try it, change the <body> attributes and with styles, but this don't work,
the margins are always the same.

How can i modify the margins of word document? I should do this with another method?
Can I modify PC client settings to change the defaults margins of word document create througt the web?

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String With More Than One Word

My problem, i got a string that may can contain more than one word, it can contain upto ten, now my problem is i gotta replace some of the words, but with Replace, you can only do one word at a time?
so how do i go about running thruogh the string and replacing all the relevant words, and putting them back into a string?

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Word Object

The following code hangs or gives me a "can not fire event" message

The code works from a windows app.
Fails in ASP.NET on the word.open call

I have done the following:

How to configure Office applications to run under a specific user account

Before doing the above the cod use to get an access denied on the
new word.application();

oWordApplic = new Word.Application();
object fileName = "filename.doc";
object readOnly = false;
object isVisible = true;
object missing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;

// hangs here or returns cant fire event msg
oDoc = oWordApplic.Documents.Open(ref fileName, ref missing,ref readOnly,
ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing,
ref missing, ref missing, ref isVisible,ref missing,ref missing,ref missing,
ref missing);

Any ideas?

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Finding Word

i want to make a program to find out and highlight a particular word on the browser using ASP and javascript.

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