Write Information Form A Comma Separated Text File Onto An ASP Pag

I have a text file that has two lines in it, the first line gives item
labels, my second line gives values for those labels. I would like to use
ASP to present this data on a web page. I also want the page to reload every
10 seconds so that any updates to the text file would be relfected on the web

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Form To Comma Delimited Text File

how to create a comma delimited text file from an asp form. Assume my fields are: Name, email, phone number.

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Comma-separated List

I have a post-form that holds a listbox with mulitple selected items. When
the form is posted to the server ASP file, I want to loop through the
selected items, to insert each of them into a table. How do I do that?
If I execute the line:
I get the list of selected values, separated by commas.

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Searching A Comma Separated List

I have an Access database which contains a Table of
Books, and in that table their a field called 'KeyWords' which
is a comma separated list of keywords.

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Read Text File By Line And Values Separated By Tabs

I have a log file from my email software program. Each entry is on a line and the values are seperated by tabs. How can I read through this text file such that I insert its contents into a database? Thanks. Tom

Here is one entry from that file:

11/30/06 00:00:21SMTP-IN25AA24076F2041D7B35E97EE7748D06C.MAI65284.244.91.208EHLOEHLO []250-home [], this server offers 4 extensions11922

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Write Info On Form To Text File On Server

I want to write the info on a form to a text file. Code:

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How Do I Parse A Textbox Of Text Separated By Carriage Returns?

how do I parse a textbox of text separated by carriage returns?

I have a web form with a textbox, when the user presses submit I would like to process the text in the textbox line by line. How can I iterate through it line by line and do something on each line of text?

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Write To Text File

Client said "Yea, our current host does PHP and all that" and of course they don't. I know PHP, so hopefully it is somewhat similar to ASP. Anyway...I want to know how to take information from an HTML form and write the info to a text file. It is going to be *very* basic as I only need to write one line to the text file.

It is just so the client can type in the monthly loan rate, or something like that, and save that info to a text file. Then, show the text file on all the pages.

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Read/Write To A Text File In ASP

I am working on a safetywear deduction system and i need to perform the following functions: write to a text file and read from a test file and wrute to a table in the database. I need code to write and read to a text file in asp please.

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Capture Rendered ASP And Write To A Text File

Greetings- <br><br>I have a site that is kind of a portal site- many sites within a single site. Users of the site must use a single logon page that redirects the user to a predetermined "subsite".

Each "subsite" has a few different session variables that are used in varying ways to display information germaine to that user. <br><br>My customer (the portal owner) wants users to be able to render any page on the site to a .PDF that is then sent via email to the user.

I can render an HTML file to PDF via a .COM object, but the problem is that I cannot figure out how to render the .ASP page to HTML. My initial thought was to use MSXMLHTTP to GET the page, but when I do this, the GET method always returns the logon page.

<br><br>What I'd like to do is have a link to a processor page that just "captures" the HTML as it's sent to the browser and writes it to a static HTML file, which I can then easily turn into a PDF. Anyone have any ideas?

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IIS Delete/write Text File Permissions

ive set the permissions to the folder which the text file is in to 'Write' and 'Read', but i still continue to get:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'

Permission denied

/modules/admin/program.asp, line 197

all the path leading to the file is set to allow write aswell.... any ideas why this might be happening?

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Write Unicode Data From SQL To Text File

I have a problem

DB:SQL Server

Field type is varchar and some data is unicode like this "•õ" It is a chinese. How do I transfer the data I retrive from DB and then I can write it into an text file with its proper chinese word using FileSystemObject. Or any other way ?

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Network Persmissions Write To Text File

I have an asp page that writes to a text file. Can someone tell me what the
correct permissions should be on the network - so it's safe from various
users coming in to manipulate any files?

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Write To Text File In Password Protected Directory

I have a form mail script that sends an email and then writes to a text file using Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").

The problem I am having is that the information needs to be saved in a Password Protected Directory. When I try to save the info it gives me a permission denied error.

I had my hosting company change the permission on the directory and the script was working ok but now it isn't.

Is there a way to pass the username and password in the script so I don't have to worry about the hosting company messing this up?

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Write Data From A Database Field Into A Text File On The Server

Is there away to write data from a database field into a text file on the server.

The data would be more than one line.....

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Response.Write Server.MapPath(".") & Reading From Text File

I found the complete physical path to the doman by Response.Write Server.MapPath(".") and the path is: C:Inetpubwwwrootmyweb"&"gg.txt

With this,there's still error to read my text file.The error source code is place at below,please help me do correction!!! Code:

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Form Data Not Going Into Text File

I currently am trying to get a form to send its data to a text file. I use the code I have found in tutorial/help sites around the web, but when I try the code out, nothing happens.

When I click the "Submit" button on my form, I am sent to the .asp file and the code in that file is displayed in the browser. There is nothing written to the text file either.

The code I have in my test.asp file is:

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Form Including File And Text Fields

i want create a form that include many text boxes and an fiel field for upload a file to server but when i add "enctype="multipart/form-data" in the form tag i cant get the texts . how can i do a form working with file upload and text fields.

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Need To Load File Path From Web Server Into Text Form Box

I need to load the file path of a file on a web server into a form text box. I tried using a normal form box using type=file but that just seems to return the file path from the local machine.

Ideally I'd like it if someone can get this to work with a file on a web server without using asp. If not then I suppose I'd have to use the FileSystemObject method. I can see how you can get a list of files from a remote server using FileSystemObject.

The problem I need help with is selecting a file path from the list of files into a text form box. The path of which I am then going to write to a database field.

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Importing Comma Delimited File

I've been asked to develop a semi-automated type situation where we have a
database table (sql server) and periodically, there will be a comma
delimited file from which we need to import the data, replacing the old.

I naurally know that we can use [truncate tablename] to kill the other data,
but does anyone have any examples of importing a comma delimited file into
SQL Server with ASP?

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Multiple Pages Pulling Form A Single Text File

I've got multiple pages on the same server that all have the same drop down
boxes in them. It is a list of all our facilities. Every time there is a
change, I have to change it on every page. They are in the format below. Is
there an easy way to store all that data in a text file so I only have to
update it one place?

<option value="fac 1">fac 1</option>
<option value="fac 2">fac 2</option>
<option value="fac 3">fac 3</option>

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Create Comma-delimited File From .asp Recordset

Is it possible to have a search page that queries a sql database and then writes the results to a comma-delimited text file instead of displaying the results.

I have no problem creating the search page and displaying the results I just don't know how to create the comma-delimited text file from the recordset results.

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Regular Expression :: Split By Comma (CSV File)

I have a sting that have to be split by comma (cvs file)

Let me give you an example:

this is my string:

I have to split this string but the string that is in quote I dont whant to be splited

result have to be like that:


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Populate A Select List From A Comma Delimited Txt File

I would like to use ASP to populate a select list from a comma delimited txt file.....

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Passing Information From 1 Form To Another

I am trying to pass information from form 1 to form 2 and then write all the information to the db using form 3.

I am writing contact information into Form 2, but making it a hidden field, below are the hidden values that i am passing to form 2: Code:

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Save Information On A Form

What is the best way to return the information entered on the previous form. Lets say i use a form.asp to get the info, and then submit it to save.asp, where the information entered is varified.

How do I keep the information entered in the form if save.asp rejects the information and returns the user to the form (incorrect email entered or something)?

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Pass Form Information

I am hosting a site with Globat.com, and they provide me with webmail. I would like to create a form on my website that will automatically pass the username and password that they put into the form on my page, onto the webmail login page, so they don't have to login through Globat's webmail login. Any ideas?

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Information Form Lost!

I've made a form that works almost correctly. Problem is that When You fill
in a form and push on preview, you see the information you've filled in. Now
in this page (preview page) I made a few hidden fields with all information
to send it further. Now in the result page I don't see all the information
I've typed before on the form. Especcially the text or number after a &nbsp;
(non breaking space.) It is just lost. Why???

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How To Write Multiple Records In A Text Box

I have been trying to populate multiple email addresses in a textbox like in Hotmail.

My aim is to send a mail to multiple recepients at the same time.

I want to populate all addresses to "TO :" section.

The problem I face is that I was not able to write multiple email addresses near by near

For example
xxx@yyy.com; eee@www.com

I can only populate adresses one by one in a text box

You can find my code which works but not in a way I want. Code:

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Function To Read In Information From A Form

Is there a way to read in information from a form? I need to read it in then test it and then submit it into a table. Is this possible without JavaScript? I have done this with javascript but having problems with submission.

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Write Text Files To Local Machine

I need to know how to write a text file to a local machine. Here is my code:

Set myFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set WriteText = MyDrive.CreateTextFile("C: est.txt", True, False)

Right now it writes the file to the C: drive on the server.

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Wrapping Text Around Images Using Response.write

I cannot find any information on how to insert an image into a block of text
and have the text wrap around the image. All if the text and graphics in
the client's site are being pulled from the database using response.write.
When I write straight HTML, it is easy to place an image into a block of
text and align the image right or left, having the text wrap around the

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Form Submission And Thankyou With User Information

I have a query form on my website. Once the user enters data and submits it, it should be e-mailed to a specific e-mail address and then should generate a page that shows to the user that has been entered by them. For this I am using three pages:

1. enquiry.asp <!-- enquiry form -->

2. email.asp <!--gets the user data and e-mails using CDonts. I use a redirect to thankyou.asp-->

3. thankyou.asp <!-- shows the user what they have entered -->

Now the problem is, when i use the redirect, the mail doesn't go any where and lands in the thankyou page without any user data. Whereas, when i take off the redirect, the data gets mailed.

So alternately, I used the hidden field method in email.asp page to pass the data to thankyou.asp. This again doesnt work when redirect is given. When i take off the redirect and give a submit button instead in the email page, it works fine.

How do I send the user to the thankyou page without using the submit button again on the email page and still show him all the data that they have entered. And at the same time have the data e-mailed to my mail id. Code:

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