Writing Query Results

I want to write all the query results onto a file so that it is all ready to give to the client.
I am currently writing a query to pull out certain orders in a day and i want to write these results directly to a text file.Also this text file will be obviously placed on the server..is there any way of creating this file on the computer you are accessing this web page on?

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Writing A Query

I want to write a query which basically invoves 2 tables: Status and Code.I want to insert the content of one of the field of the table code into one of the fields of the table status.Something like this:

INSERT INTO Status ([Instructions] values ("Select doc from Code where Id="&Request.Querystring("ID")&" ")

I wanted to know the query how i could insert data from one table to one of the fields in other table?

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Displaying Results From SQL Query

I'm stuck on trying to display a single row from a query I'm executing.. it was fairly easy in PHP and I'm sure it is in ASP too, I'm just not sure what to code.. I couldn't find anything on the web that was simple.

If anybody has some suggestions on how to display just the one row that is returned from the query that would be great for now. I'm looking to eventually add 'LIKE' to the query to allow for similar names/passwords to be displayed.. but for now this should do. Here's the code:

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Presenting Query Results

I need to create asp page witch has a form at top of the page. This is the search form. Then I need to present the search results from database query on the bottom of the page as a table. That table has about dozen columns. Some column values can be modified and saved to the database and some column values has to be modified and saved from another page.

Search table is no problem but I have problems getting the results table to work right... Query results are in recordset.

I need some advice on how to do the results table on the best way!

So far I am thinking on creating a form on every row of results and posting the changes of values to save.asp page where I would save the modifications to database.

For the values witch have to be modified on another page I would add a link something like this... Code:

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Form Results In Query

How can I get this line to work? I am trying to get the results entered in a form to be part of my query. I am able to get the form results but I get a error stating Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'Assignee = Tom Jones'.Below is the line where the error occurs

Session("dbWhere") = "Assignee = " & Request.Form("assignsearch")

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Multiple Results From One Query

I'm trying to get results from a number of areas via one command string.for example ?location=devon retrieves everything in devon but I've only got a link for the whole south west so I need to send ?location=devon or cornwall or dorset etc. altogether.Is there a way I can do this without changing the asp page or do I have to only search one field at a time.

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Streaming Query Results

I am working on a classic ASP application. This application needs to run an SQL query and take the result set and stream it into an XCEL spreadsheet for processsing by the users. Is there an ASP method of third party product to do this?

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Displaying Query Results Per Where Clause

I am trying to design a page that displays data from a query in groups of a field in the where clause and then displays a 'total' per each group. Code:

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Displaying CrossTab Query Results

Has anyone experience with rendering CrossTab Query results with ASP?

For example, using this SQL:
TRANSFORM Count(threads.threadid) AS CountOfthreadid
SELECT threads.threadSeverity, Count(threads.threadid) AS [Total Of threadid]
FROM threads
GROUP BY threads.threadSeverity
PIVOT threads.threadStatus;

This returns the following in Access:
[threads_Crosstab] [threadSeverity] [Total Of threadid] [Analyzing] [Closed] [Coding] [Open] [Re-Testing]
[Medium ] [1] [1]
[Not Set] [160] [1] [122] [1] [35] [1]

I want to create a HTML table to display the results in my webpage. However, I don't belive the output from a "Transform" is a true recordset. When I request the names of the fields in the recordset, I am getting data from the "rows".

Is there standard way to display these types of queries? How does one access the data in a crosstab query? Are there ojbect classes to handle this?

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Limiting Results From An Access Query

I'm attempting to limit a query which is being ordered by a date field to 10 records. The date field contains duplicate values, which are sorted from most recent, back.
However their suggestion of sorting by a secondary field is not providing acceptable results (it returns all the rows in the database). Does anyone have any suggestions of another way around this?

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Using ADODB.stream To Get Results From A Url Query

I have an asp page that needs to display the string that is returned from a
cgi file.

As an example, if you enter http://mydomain.com/mycgi.cgi?98127398 in to a
browser, it will display YES or NO

I need to have my asp code query this url, get the resulting string, then
act upon it (basically use the answer to display a nice big tick or a big
cross). Code:

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Error-checking And Query-results After Execute

After commands like:

tmpDBconn.Execute("DELETE * FROM mytable WHERE rc_id = 10" )
How do I check for errors?
Is there a way to check the results?


Set rsCatCount = tmpDBconn.Execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cat WHERE key_id = 10 AND cat_id = 6")

How do I get the count? Do I use rsCatCount(0)?

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Asp Search Returns No Results From Access Query

here's what i want to do. from an asp page, perform a search on a
table in access. i have used sql code in the asp page itself, but i'd
rather execute a query in access. i have success in running any query
(basic SELECT, SELECT with conditions _other_ than LIKE, etc..) for
some reason, when i execute the query below from the asp page, i get
no results.

the search.asp page just has a text box in a form that submits the
srchBOX field to the results.asp page.

here's the asp code from the results.asp page: Code:

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SQL Query Not Returning Results In Access For Dates

I am trying to search through an access database for tickets createded with in a certin date. I am using the below code.

strdate = DateAdd("d", -2, Now())
sqlstr="SELECT * FROM Incidents WHERE TicketDate BETWEEN #"& Now() &"# AND #"& strdate &"# ;"

I verify the query with response.write and get the following.

SELECT * FROM Incidents WHERE TicketDate BETWEEN #15/07/04 19:19:32# AND #13/07/04 19:19:32# ;

I know there are 100% tickets within this date. Yet my query returns nuthing. Please help i've searched this forum for other peoples code looking for examples but end up with the same result.

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Need To Convert This Sql Query For Access To Identical Sql Query For Sql 2005..

My code retrieves a username and a password from a form. Then this information is compared to some usernames and passwords that are stored in a database. The important thing here is that the comparison must be case sensitive meaning that "passWord" is not the same thing as "password"

I have this code, working fine in access 2003

SQL = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE StrComp(username_column,'" & entered_username_in_form & "',0) = 0 AND StrComp(password_column,'" & entered_password_in_form & "',0) = 0"

but get the following error when I run it against my sql 2005 database.

[Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]'StrComp' is not a recognized built-in function name.

I don't know the corresponding t-sql for the query.

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Query A DB - Pass The Query To Next Page

I am running a querry on an access database and have set the number of records/page displayed at 20. if there are more than 20 records returned, then 1st page will show the first 20, the next page will show next 20 and so on....

The trouble:

the count of total records displayed is correct and the first page is displayed correctly. But when i click on *Next* to go to the next page, all the records of the database get displayed (not the 2nd page of records from the query).

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Query Access With Multiple Query

I am using ASP/MS ACCESS to see how I can query the same database, via 2 formfields.

{name: - search}Textfield 1: - Search by Category
{name: - searchT}Textfield 2: - Location


strSearchwords = Trim(Request.QueryString("search")); where "search" is the name of Textfield1

Which is fine, but how can I set it so that on Submit, the string from search, and searchT are somehow joined together into one string?

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Writing To DB

Ok, for my company, we have two current webpages, one for general company info and one specific to a product that we market. On the 2nd page, there is a form that allows users to request a consultation from the company. When it is sent, the information is stored in an Access DB for tracking purposes.

Now, I have been requested to put this same form on the general company website. All works fine, but I can't save to the db that is stroing the info once it is submitted. Boith sites are hosted by the smae company, but they do not have (as far as I know), a shared repository for files where I could put the db.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can get around this issue? What I want to do is to have the form on both sites and have the submitted data saved into the one database.

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Not Writing To My DB

I'm not getting error messages on this one so I don't know where to start looking. I type in my data in my form and this page should check it, add it then set a flag. Code:

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Writing Out XML With ASP

I have to perform a database query and write the results to an XML

I also need to form this XML file with a DTD file.

I'd like to hear some opinions on the best way to do this.

I figured out how to write out just raw XML using adPersistXML. But
that doesn't really help as the XML needs to conform to the DTD.

I also found a way to write out the XML file line by line
using .createNode and .appendChild...but that would take forever as
the database query returns 72 columns.

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Writing Xml To Asp

i need have a problem on line 86 of this code. Could anyone suggest problmes.

The bit in red is where i think the problem is, but may be wrong. it is where it says the problem is in the browser when i go to run it Code:

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Writing Few Messages

I have the following code as a part of authenticating a system.
If Rs.eof Then
Session("Authenticated") = 0
Response.Write "Sorry, your userid or password did not match"
Response.Write "<BR>"
Response.Write "or you have not registered yet. Please register"
Session("Authenticated") = 1
Response.Redirect ("Welcome.asp")
End If
In the first if statement, I would like to display the above messages
before forcing the login.asp page to display. Is is possible to do both
message and contents of login.asp in the same page? Thanks

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Writing PDF Docs From ASP

how to write PDF documents from inside
of my ASP application. I understand that there are commerical APIs , SDKs that
I can use. eg. cutePDF.

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Writing To A Database

i am having problems figuring out the syntax used when writing information to a database thru a dropdown.
i have a dropdown w/ all the months listed and i need this recorded into a database where i have already set up a column named "month".
right now all i have is html that says:


<select name="month">
<option value="January">January</option>
<option value="March">March</option>
<option value="April">April</option>
....... and so on.......

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Writing To Excel

I have an asp page that queries a database and displays a report. There is a
button on this page that I would like to dump the report into Excel. The
code behind the button:

var xl = window.open("/reportexport.asp", "_blank");

and a new window is displayed with excel. Now the problem is how do I get
the report html into this new window?
xl.document.write(window.document.body.innerHTML); is obviously not the way
since it doesn't work.

reportexport.asp contains only two lines:
Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "filename=report.xls;"

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Writing Cookie

I've been having problem writing a cookie. Everything goes ok but when I
supply the .Path property to "/" It just write the cookie when there is no
cookie present, but when I try to update the cookie (or overwrite the cookie)
it doesnt change it.My requirement to supply the path to "/" because ASP.NET reads it. If I write the cookie without supplying the path, the ASP.NET pages are unable to
read the cookie.

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Writing To The File

I have written a program where according to my query all the ouput is written to the text file. I want to add 3 lines to my text file which are needed so that it can be exported into outlook. Code:

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How Can I Writing To A File

how can i write to a file and save to it by coding.

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Writing To A Log File Using ASP On IIS

We have an existing ASP app that is doing a very simple form submission to an Access db. So it opens a connection does a write and closes the connection.

The problem is that every other form submission is failing because of an "Unspecified Error" - according to our IIS web server log.

I have 2 things I'd like help with.

1) Writing to a log file:
I'd like to write to a log file (either the web servers or a different one) from the server side code within the ASP app. So, once the code opens the DB connect I would like to know it was a success. Once it writes, I want to see the string its trying to put in, etc...

How would I do this in our ASP/IIS environment?

2) Catch errors:

If I'm opening a db connection to this access db, how can I be sure the connection is a success? does a value get returned that would indicate success/failure? if so how do I capture it?
I'm speaking of some type of try-catch system.

is there another approach I should be taking to debug this problem?

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Writing ASP Files Using ASP

I have been playing with an idea that generates ASP files using an asp document and the file system object, so far it is doing great except one thing, when I have a chunk of text and I need to include an asp bracket ("<%" or "%>") regardless of being within the "quotation" marks the active asp document assumes it is a part of its own code and the script errors.

To get around this currently I am writing brackets like this "[<]" or "[>]" and then swapping them out of the generated ASP page using dreamweaver after creation.

The question is: Does anyone know how to represent asp brackets within a string being processed using asp??? Code:

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Writing To .txt File

Im using this code to write information to a .txt file :

Dim objFSO, objTextFile

Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objTextFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile("C:Domainsattle-hq.comdbaction_log.txt", True)

objTextFile.WriteLine("This line is written using WriteLine().")



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Writing File

im writing an asp code to extract data textfiles from the server using FSO, but when I run the script the file were save at the server drive(c not on my local drive

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Writing Cookies

writing cookies seems to be a no brainer, but for some reason, my temporary internet folder does not contain any of the cookies when run the pages. i am starting to think that it may be IIS 4.0. anyhow, these are the cookies that i writing:

Response.Cookies("userInfo") = "quiz2.asp"
Response.Cookies("userInfo").Domain = "localhost.com"
Response.Cookies("userInfo").Expires = "August 31, 2004"
Response.Cookies("userInfo").Secure = True

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