Writing Code To Countdown Hours

I'm trying to write a script to countdown the number of hours and minutes until tomorrow. So far, this is what I have:

response.write(dateDiff("h",now(),date+1)) & " hours and " & dateDiff("m",Time(),date+1) & " Minutes "
The code above correctly displays the hours until tomorrow. but it's not displaying the minutes correctly. It's displaying the total minutes until tomorrow. If there at 4 hours left until tomorrow it's saying "4 Hours and 240 minutes."

I need it to display "4 hours and 0 minutes."

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Writing Code

Totalperdayleads contains 2 & totalleads contains 11. now inst_register table contains per_day_download,download_Date fields in per_Day_downlaod is initially 0 & it will be go max upto Totalperdayleads i.e.2 for one day then i have to compare date with download_Date from inst_register & again for next day 2 Totalperdayleads this way i have to allocate totalleads in per_day_downlaod field of inst_register.

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Writing Code To Identify

I need to write some special logic in my ASP.NET page. If the page is visited by a human visitor, I want to show an advertisement. If the hit is from any search engines, I do not want to show the Ad.

How can I identify if the hit is from a human visitor or search engine? Is there a server variable I can compare with the list of available search engine names?

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12 Hours Format Into 24 Hours

i'm importing a date ( 13/2/2005 1:20:22 PM) from SQL server
to informix.
The problem now is informix doesnt accept alphabet in datetime format,
so i plan to convert it before the date insert into informix db.
But the problem is i dont know any function that can convert the date time
from 12 hours format to 24 hours format.

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Writing Binary Code To Text

I have been asked to store text files in a DB as an OLE Object, (don't ask why just what they wanted) Anyway, I have got the files going into the DB. But now I am stuck on how to retrieve the OLE object, convert it back to usable text, and dumping it into a variable, to use in my ASP code.

I have googled response.binaryread, binarywrite, and other such keywords, but have come up with a blank of this particular problem, can anyone advise me on the correct approach to the above.

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Slow Code Writing Data To Table

I am trying to plot the days off employees have taken in the selected month visually using the following code. The code below takes a long time to execute typically about 8-15 secs each time. Code:

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I want to show a countdown clock in my page. While login, the sytem date and time as input. I want to show the using time. Is any logic?

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Countdown Function

I originally had this in javascript. A countdown that would start at say, 200 and then when it got to 0 it would start over. But who ever visits that page will start at 200 and if they close the browser and go back to the page it starts at 200.

i want to create a countdown similar to the home shopping 80 widgets left,79,78,77.... and keeps going no matter who opens page revisits, whatever. Is this an ASP function? Or can this be done at all?

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Countdown Timer

I'm creating a countdown timer to a dynamic date, it reads a date from a db and then counts down to that date. I need to know once the date has been reached how i then display a message stating that the users member ship is up.

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SQL Countdown Clock With Redirect

I have been searching everywhere but can't find any information on how to do this. Hope someone can help. I am using ASP, SQL, VB, Javascript.

I have the date data in SQL like this 08/28/08 5:20PM I'm trying to create a countdown clock that would take the date and time from the SQL database. Then once it reaches that time it will redirect to another page. Is there anything out there with this example I can use? The time is counted from the server and not the client.

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1 Minute Countdown Clock

Is it possible to do a 1 minute countdown clock in text via asp?

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Make A Countdown To The Year

I need to make a countdown to the year 2004. I want it to have days, seconds, minutes, hours, etc.

The only problem is that my server is 3 hours faster than my time, and I need to adjust it in the script somehow, and also please give me the script for the actual countdown.

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Countdown Timer By Day, Hour, Minute And Seconds

how to do the count down timer? which their is count down timer for sepacific day, hour, minute and second.

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Number Into Hours

I need to convert number into hours..Example: 12.60 should be 13 hrs,etc.

My variables
Total = oRs0("Tot") + oRs1("Tot1")

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Average Of The Hours

I need to get average of the hours after (start_date - end_date). *start_date and end_date is in format 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss am' . Is there any function in oracle that i can use so that i can directly get the average of the hours in SQL statement?

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Subtracting Hours From 'Now()'

How can I subtract hours from 'Now()'?

I can subtract a day, but that's by only having ONE integer...what do I do for hours? (i need this because our server uses EST and clients need their TimeZone)

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Add Hours To The Current Time

how you convert an integer such as 5 into an hour string so the system identifies it as an hour instead of just the number 5 and then once you do that ("if you need to do that at all") add 5 hours to the current time...

Also is there a way way to add lets say 50 hours to our current time and date so when it is calculated it shows 2 days and 2 hours away from now... If you cant do that it would be nice to know how to change 7.85 into just 7... or 8.94 into just 8... no rounding up or down just the first number before the decimal.

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Total Weekly Hours

I am using a select sum(tot_daily) as total hours ...it calculates the time incorretly...
ID | Tot_hrs | Person
1 5.45 A
2 5.45 A
3 5.45 A

The total hours should be 17 hours 15 mins...but the result comes as 16.35.... Is there a way to calculate it as 17.15 in db level in a select statement

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ASP DATE Between NOW And 24 HOURS Earlier.

How would I write in SQL or ASP the following?:

Count number of Database Records between NOW and 24 HOURS EARLIER? I know
how to retrieve recordsets etc - its just the date thing I cant grasp. I am
stuck getting the 24 hours earlier data capture.

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Obtaining Work Hours

I have a request from the boss to make a report that will require me to display how many hours something has been in a particular state. (As in status). Hard to explain. Anyway, I need to go to the table in the db, find all rows for a particular trouble ticket, find when they were put into one of our 7 statuses, when they were put into another status (this info is already in those rows), then determine how many hours they spent there in
each status.

So a ticket report will say that ticket 1000 spent 4 hours in customer research, 5 hrs in our company coding. 3 in our company testing, 4 in customer testing, etc.

The thing is, It has to assume an 8-5 workday, and leave out any hours which don't fall in between 8 am to 5 pm, and also rule out any weekends.

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Date, 12 & 24 Hours Clock Format

I have two Win2K machines. Both "appear" to have been set up identically.

They both reckon that they're using UK date format.

However, if I create the following ASP code:

Response.Write Now

One returns
16/01/2004 17:12:19

Which is what I want, whilst the other returns:

1/16/2004 5:15:21 PM

Here, the day and month have been transposed and the time appears in the 12 hour clock format.

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If The DateDiff Is 24 Hours, Delete Record

I just need to know the DateDiff function for what I need to do...

I will store the date of the database record in a variable called 'sDate' what now? (Also, the format is xx/xx/xx 2:4:56 PM/AM)

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Years, Months, Days, Hours, Seconds

Been playing with the function DateDiff, and with it it's easy to calculate the difference in years/months/days between two dates. However, if i wanted to calculate the difference in Years, Months, Days, Hours, Seconds (a la Ebay bids) how can I do this? Is it easy or complicated?

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Database Current Time -(minus) 3 Hours

Ive got some code on my site that shows how current the database is. Basically it looks at fixed text file that I am basing the database on, checks to see iwhen it was created, then displays the time.

My webserver must be on the East Coast and I am on the West Coast, so the time the stamped file time is 3 hours ahead. Code:

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I Just Spent Several Hours Shaving A Total Of 250 Milliseconds Off My Application

building variable width/DB tables etc using getrows instead of movenext.
Performance is a major concern as this app requires SSL.

My question is, when does it become more about the challenge of building
faster apps vs. getting the job done??? If my calculations are correct, I
just added an extra 10,000+ possible hits within a 12 hour day or so.. an
extra 10,000 hits???!!! What percentage of applications do you think will
ever see this kind of traffic?

Is this insane? If this app ever gets maxed out, will my end users ever
realistically notice a difference?

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ASP Code - Anti Spam Verification Code

I'm looking for sample code that will require a use to enter a code from a scued image format.

I'm sure you've seen them before where the image is barely readable by a human and the user has to enter the code correctly to submit the form.

I'm looking for ASP code and NOT ASP.NET code as I am supporting a legacy site.

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Writing To DB

Ok, for my company, we have two current webpages, one for general company info and one specific to a product that we market. On the 2nd page, there is a form that allows users to request a consultation from the company. When it is sent, the information is stored in an Access DB for tracking purposes.

Now, I have been requested to put this same form on the general company website. All works fine, but I can't save to the db that is stroing the info once it is submitted. Boith sites are hosted by the smae company, but they do not have (as far as I know), a shared repository for files where I could put the db.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can get around this issue? What I want to do is to have the form on both sites and have the submitted data saved into the one database.

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Not Writing To My DB

I'm not getting error messages on this one so I don't know where to start looking. I type in my data in my form and this page should check it, add it then set a flag. Code:

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Writing Out XML With ASP

I have to perform a database query and write the results to an XML

I also need to form this XML file with a DTD file.

I'd like to hear some opinions on the best way to do this.

I figured out how to write out just raw XML using adPersistXML. But
that doesn't really help as the XML needs to conform to the DTD.

I also found a way to write out the XML file line by line
using .createNode and .appendChild...but that would take forever as
the database query returns 72 columns.

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Writing Xml To Asp

i need have a problem on line 86 of this code. Could anyone suggest problmes.

The bit in red is where i think the problem is, but may be wrong. it is where it says the problem is in the browser when i go to run it Code:

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Writing Few Messages

I have the following code as a part of authenticating a system.
If Rs.eof Then
Session("Authenticated") = 0
Response.Write "Sorry, your userid or password did not match"
Response.Write "<BR>"
Response.Write "or you have not registered yet. Please register"
Session("Authenticated") = 1
Response.Redirect ("Welcome.asp")
End If
In the first if statement, I would like to display the above messages
before forcing the login.asp page to display. Is is possible to do both
message and contents of login.asp in the same page? Thanks

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Writing PDF Docs From ASP

how to write PDF documents from inside
of my ASP application. I understand that there are commerical APIs , SDKs that
I can use. eg. cutePDF.

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Writing To A Database

i am having problems figuring out the syntax used when writing information to a database thru a dropdown.
i have a dropdown w/ all the months listed and i need this recorded into a database where i have already set up a column named "month".
right now all i have is html that says:


<select name="month">
<option value="January">January</option>
<option value="March">March</option>
<option value="April">April</option>
....... and so on.......

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