Writing Multiple Lines Into A Database

When inserting multiple lines into a database asp removes the whitespace so:



hello all

is there any way to detect the return and inset it as intended ie:


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Blank Lines When Writing To A File

When writing to a file, is there an equivalent to the HTML non-break space character? Using “ “ works okay if there are other characters on the line, but when you want several blank lines in a table, if you use “ “ these blank lines are ignored. Code:

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Display Multiple Lines

Can anybody give me some tips on the best and/or easiest way to display
multiple lines in a field. The data is collected from a "textarea" field
when the form is submitted, and I want to display all of the data (multiple
lines) in a resulting HTML page. The data displays on a single line
(obviously) and does not wrap without manipulation of the string variable.
Is there an easier way to display the data?

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Remove Multiple Lines?

i'm creating an app where the user will copy/paste BIG word documents into a textbox to save into db. problem is -> some of the documents have a lot of whitespace which needs removed.

anyone know of a script / method to remove multiple lines of whitespace? i.e. if i come aross a large portion of whitespace (extra lines) i want to remove them and leave only one <br /> line in it's place.

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Asp (visual Basic Script) Break Long Text Lines Into Several Lines.

asp (visual basic script) break long text lines into several lines.

This line of my guestbook (visual basic script) - response.write "message: " & Recordset ("message") & "<br><br>" displays access database field "message" in one line in web browser.

How do I break this text line into several lines? I know in asp.net there is datagrid. Is there something like datagrid in asp. Or perhaps this problem can be solved with htm?

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New Lines From Database To Browser

I entered the data in the database table but, when I print this data on html page thro' asp script. I don't see my new lines. I tried by storing <br>(html new line tag) in the database. Then I am getting only 1st word of each line.

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Writing To Multiple Rows

I am try to insert data from a form in to an access db When a store is added this asp page writes to two tables in the database But the product data need to be add to 5 individual row but I get this Error Identity cannot be determined for newly inserted rows.

I think I am writing The data into the same row every time. What can I do to make sure I a creating a new row every time I update rsproduct Code:

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Multiple People Writing To XML File At The Same Time

I have a standard ASP page that appends to an xml page.

Currently if there is more than one person attempting to append to the same XML file at a time. One user will have the ability to append, and the other user will append nothing.

Is there a way to avoid this from happening? For example. Lets say the user opens up a cached version of the page then append to the actual file. For some reason I remember reading about something like that, but just can't recall.

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Writing To A Database

i am having problems figuring out the syntax used when writing information to a database thru a dropdown.
i have a dropdown w/ all the months listed and i need this recorded into a database where i have already set up a column named "month".
right now all i have is html that says:


<select name="month">
<option value="January">January</option>
<option value="March">March</option>
<option value="April">April</option>
....... and so on.......

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Writing To ASP Database

I cant seem to right to my asp database... This is my code. Code:

set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open Server.MapPath("/db") & "/db.mdb"
ors = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
sql = "SLECT * FROM members"
ors.open sql,conn,adOpenDynamic,adLockOptimistic,adCmdText
This is the error message I get...

Object doesn't support this property or method: 'ors.Open'

P.S - I have adovbs.inc included.

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Problem Writing To SQL Database

I have an asp form that sends data to a redirect page with SQL using JScript. There is a function that I'm using called replace(). The form submits without errors and goes to the redirect page but the data doesn't populate the SQL database. Instead, referrs to the last key ID. Code:

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Writing Files To A Database

Does anyone know the ASP code for taking a PDF file and a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and inserting them into an Oracle database?

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Writing Values To Database.

I'm a newb - so if this is a stupid question, my apologies.

I have a simple form that users fill out and then that info is written to a database. What I'd like to do is perform a calcution on a number and then write those numbers to other records in the database.

So for instance, if someone enters 12 in one field1, it would multiply that by 3 and that would be saved as field2, then mulitply it by 45 and that would be field3, then add field2 and field3 and save that as field4.

I was thiking of passing the form variables to a second page instead of writing them to the database, then using variables in the second page to perform the calculations and then have the second page write all the info to the database, but I thought there had to be a better solution.

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Writing Records From A Database

After this statement, I want to be able to then show the data in the database in a recordor table view for the user. Any ideas?

'Check if username doesn't already exist
do while not rs.EOF
if rs("username")=Request("Username") then
set rs=nothing
set conn=nothing
end if

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Writing To An Access Database

i would like to write information to an access database. I have tried websites that have scripts but the ones i have saw are fairly complicated. All i have is a form for the user to input information and then i want it to write to a pasific table in microsoft access. how to do this.

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Problems Writing Files To Database

I'm having some problems writing files to my Access database using ASP. I have a table with a couple of fields, one being of OLE datatype, that holds the file. I'm able to write and read small images, but I'm getting corrupted files when I try Word files, and my code is erroring out when I try to writing pdf files.

I think I've found the problem with the uploading of the pdf file (I think I need to adjust some IIS setting to allow larger file uploads), but I don't know what's going on with the word documents. They are small, so upload fine. Does anyone have any experience writing files to Access?

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Checkboxes In Asp Writing To Access Database?

I am tring to create a front end for this Access Database someone has given me and i have trawled through these and other forums for the answer to my question but have not found anything!!

I have used 4 checkboxes in a form with 4 different names, when i try and create a record in the access database which uses the Yes/No Field Type it displays the error, " Provider error '80020005'

type mismatch" when trying to right the value into the field!

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Writing Array Of Random Numbers To A Database

I am trying to write an array of random numbers to a database. The array part is working fine, but when I go to update the dataabse, it inserts the last value of the array into all the fields in the database .....

Dim MyValue,sqlRandom
Dim arrayRandom(8)
for i = 1 to 8
MyValue = Int((100 * Rnd) + 1)
arrayRandom(i) = MyValue
response.write "<p> Array Value:" & arrayRandom(i)

sqlRandom = "UPDATE CarParkDetails SET FreeSpaces = '" & arrayRandom(i) & "'"


I can't see whats wrong!

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Multiple Database Connection

I am trying to connect to two different database(Oracle and Access) in my ASP page.

I keeps getting the following error message
Error Type:
Provider (0x80004005)
Unspecified error

What would be the best way to do the multiple database connection?

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Save To Multiple Database

when we press submit button,it will save to both db1 and db2.Prob2:- How to make when we press multiple submit button it connect to different database. Let say, button submit1 will save to db1,submit2 will save to db2 and so on.

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Multiple Users Accessing Database

When more than one user tries to access my system, one user gets his page processed, and the other users recieve an error message stating:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'

Could not use ''; file already in use.

/processweb/html/cpr/admin/sel_sc.asp, line 25

I am using ASP 2, MS Access 97 and IIS 4. Any ideas why only one user is allowed to access the database simultaneously? The database file itself is closed.

I have a hunch it may be because the IUSR_[machine name] user account on the web server does not have access to the *.ldb database locking information file... Does this sound like a plausible reason?

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How To Insert Multiple Records In Database?

how to insert multiple records in database?? i have this problem like i have this one form and there are three fields like the (quantity,unit,item name)..the item that will be inputted will vary, depending on the number of item to be inputted..

enter the number of item: 3
qty unit item_name
1. 2 pcs pencil
2. 2 pcs glue stick
3. 2 pcs clip

what should i do in order that these items will be inserted in just one insert statement?

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Add Multiple Records To A Database From A Form

I am trying to have a form that has multiple records on it and the user can check a box on which ones to add to the database. I created the form but cannot get the fields to enter into the database.

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Multiple Insert Into Access Database

I need to insert into an access table multiple times i know how to insert 1 item but not multiple times.

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Deleting Multiple Records In A Database

I get this message when trying to delete:

The column prefix 'username' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query. I am not sure what this error is. I checked all over the place for the problem.

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Last 30 Lines

Got a total blank on this one this morning, could anyone point out how I read a specified number of lines from a textfile, the last 30 in this case. (I know I'm gonna have to use the fileSystemObject before anyone mentions it.)
I'm guessing I could use a for i = 1 to 30 loop but I'm completely at a loss this morning if anyone has a nice efficient way of doing it

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Select Database Then Multiple Tables For Updates

What I want to do I select one database and the set the Rs1, rs2 etc.. like in Vb6 I would set DB then:

Set rs1 = db1.OpenRecordSet("Table1")
Set rs2 = db1.OpenRecordSet("Table2")


However how do I do this in asp3? Code:

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Multiple Drop Down Boxes Querying A Database

This is the solution needed to have Multiple Drop Down Boxes querying a Database(s) that will not wash out you other textboxes and objects on the select. Copy the code, change the connection to get you data and fly. Code:

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Searching Database With Multiple Text Boxes?

The user can search the database when they put in a date, that works fine, but when i put in another text box to search the database for a certain date range Code:

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Insert Multiple Selection From Listbox To Database

after a lot of searches to see if i can get such a code on the net, i've finally come to ask my questions here bcoz i can see bits of code here n there on net but not what i really want.

i have a form with a listbox(lstduty) on it. i have been able to populate it with data(dutyName)from table 'duty' from a sql server 2000 database.

now when a user makes multiple selection and click the 'add' button, i want to be able to add it to another table in the database as below: Code:

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Black Lines

I'm butchering up the top part of my site so I can make it percentages and make it the same size on every browser.


If you go there you'll see a black line that disects mario and ninja gaiden. I don't want that line there but I want those to be seperate images.

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Blank Lines

I am creating a directory of suppliers.I have a form that collects data - business name, address1, address2, town, city, county, country, postcode.
The data is stored in separate fields in an Access database. Another page is used to display the data, one field per line. However, if some of the fields are blank, I want to suppress the blank liens as at the moment I am getting:

My Business Name
1 High Street

Any Town

Any County
United Kingdom

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Erasing All Lines

I know how to read a text file in ASP, I know how to append lines to a text file. How do I simply erase all lines from a text file?

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