Accept Page Entry

Linkpoint central does this with their payment gateway as a securty measure... you cannot post a sale request unless it comes from a specific address, that you specify in their management console. (which im pretty sure its checks the referer page.)

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Accept /decline Page - Session Cookies

I need help with setting up a page where the viewer has to accept terms before they can access the rest of the website.

The page will have a bit of text explaining why they need to accept oor decline the terms and then have 2 buttons. ie. accept or decline.

What I need to be able to do is set this up so that if the viewer tries to bypass the accept/ decline page they will get re-directed to it. If they have clicked the accept button then they can view anywhere on the site.

I understand that 'sessions' in IIS don't actually close until about 20 mins after the user has left the site and can live with that. But if they come back the next day they must go through the accept/decline page to get into the site. It doesn't have to have usernames or password, they just have to accept.

I understand that you set up several pages to do this, i.e. the accept/decline page, a 'checkterms' page (which sets the session cookie?) and then some code on every other page on the site to check for the presence of the session cookie and let you view if it is there. If not, redirects you to the Accept/Decline page.

The problem I have is I don't know what code to write and where to put it into the page.

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Textbox Accept Only Big5

I have put one textbox in asp page . the textbox accept only Big5 (Chinese encoding ).

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Accept The Text File

how ASP on the server accept text file like following one and get each data deliminate by "|"


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Check If The Browser Is Able To Accept Cookies Or Not!

There are many articles and script samples that provide a work around to this problem by redirecting the visitor to another page that does the testing and bringing him back to the main page with the cookie test value in a querystring.
But that is too long a procedure. Is there no instant cookie test solution, either through components (not expensive ones) or through Javascript etc.?

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How To Accept Apostrophe When Adding On Database

how to accept ' or apostrophe when adding on the database? because I created a simple guestbook and when i tested it it works fine but once i add apostrophe like TOY'S etc it generates error.

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How To Accept Credit Cards Online In Asp

I have built a shopping cart and have reached the point where I need to create the payment page. At the moment I have a checkout page with all the customers details i.e name, address etc, credit card details, order total, product name etc as fields in an form. It is at this point that I am not sure what happens next.

I am using a windows server ( with an MS Access database. I would be grateful if some one could explain to me exactly how I use the variables to take the payment and also how the information is sent back from the bank once the order has been processed.

I have read a few articles, but they just don't give you the actual practical steps involved with the asp pages/database, instead they mention payment gateways /merchant accounts in general. It would really help me if someone could explain this one.

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How Do I Use The Replace Function In Javascript To Accept Apostrophes?

I need to insert field data with apostrophes into Access. However, I keep getting "object expected" errors when I post. I heard about using the replace function like this:

var incidentlocation = Replace(Request.Form("incidentlocation"), "'", "''");

but I get the "object expected" error. What I am doing wrong? My code is below in the text file.

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CopyFile And MoveFile Doesn't Accept Wildcards

I have a website and I'm having users upload their homemade mp3s to my server. Anyway I want to have random filenames attached.

The user uploads from their computer

I want it to be saved on my server as
d:wwwrootmywebsitemywebsite.comwwwuploadsfnm 8uy.mp3

I have tried the MoveFile and the CopyFile method but when I use wildcards in the Source it gives me a Path Not Found error .....

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ASP Access Stored Procedure Doesn't Accept Leading Zero

I'm pasing a zip code as a prameter to an Access stored procedure. In
Access the parameter is a text data type. It works for non-leading zero
zip codes but, apparently access (or ASP) is converting it to a value
first (dropping the zero) then sending that to my SP.

Even if I use cStr() to be sure the parameter is sent a string it still seems to drop
the leading zero. Any thoughts? Note: It needs to be a string for canadian zip

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Last Entry

What i have is a form that puts data into a DB. But what i need is for the page to display the reference a field in the row the data has just been entered.Does anyone know how to do this?

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Repeat Entry

I have a booking page that the user enters 2 addresses date and time etc
what I need is the option for the user to select multiple date entries for
the same journey or maybe multiple days ie they want to travel the same
journey every Monday or every weekday etc.

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Data Entry

i m making a page on login basis, i hve an access datbse, after login user will enter a code which is already store in datbase, then form checks if this code is in databse if found then it will show some other records in databse, otherwse disply msg, user enter data in fields, after completing data cursor must go to code agian for another record, this data entry is in bulk, mean 200 recrds or more in one session, so may be i use batch procdure, then form save the records, same time a link on pge to edit this record, or if no code availble , operator can add new records

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ASP Data Entry

I'm building a data entry and search tool. I've created a basic search facility and it seems to work ok but I don't know the code to create 'data entry' buttons. I want something that looks the same as the search facility but the submit button creates an entry in the databaseCan anyone give my the relevant commandscode?

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Table Entry

I have an ASP page that allows the user to input specific fields which in turn update a database. I have managed to get this working although I have one more question.

Can I format the fields so they are not all in a line. Maybe two per line. THis was the user can see all the fields at once without scrolling right and left. Code:

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Unique Entry

This is about a simple form validation in asp using javascript.there is one field called invoice_number which requires an unique invoice number as input. Whenever user inputs duplicate values message should pop up as warning on submit of the form. A sql fetches all the invoice nos. from database into an array using do i use the result of getrows in javascript to perform client side validation

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Numeric Entry

how to control numeric entry into a textbox? so that no other character is allowed only numbers and decimal?

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Validating Entry

whats the best way for me to validate the data that has been put into a form on my page?

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Detecting ID Of DB Entry

I have a DB with 3 fields.


If I write an entry into this DB, Name and EMail, the ID is auto increment. How can I detect what ID has been created ? I want a user to submit details to me, they get the ID as a ticket number ?

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One Record Or Entry

i have a question and comment page for students to comment on tests. each question is set with an auto-ID number.

I have the comments saved to access database but it only holds one comment, or record to the question with the ID number. Everytime someone makes a new comment, the other comment is lost and it only shows one comment. I use the <%=objRS("comment")%> and it will show that one comment, but I need away to show all comments to each individual question. Is there someway I can alter the database (comment table) or that <%=("comment")%> command to show all coments by the question id number?

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Remove First Entry

used to other languages and using ASP for a particular project. Is there a way in which I can remove the first element from an array and then return the array with remaining elements intact?

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Access Database Entry

Does anyone know how I can use asp to access a specific entry in a microsoft access database table without having to run a search of the entire database? I figure this can be done with the primary key, but I'm not sure how to do it. I've looked for tutorials, but none seem to deal with this.

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Deleting Database Entry

I am having considerable difficulty figuring out how to delete more than one entry in my online database at a time. I thought I had it
Sub Delete()
Conn.OPEN "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("/db/database.mdb")
sqlWhere = ""
aSelected = request.form("Select")
sqlWhere = "ProspectId IN ('" & aSelected & "')"
sql = "Delete * from tblProspect where " & sqlWhere
Conn.Execute sql
Set Conn = Nothing
End Sub

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ASP Data Entry Implementation

I need to write an ASP page that will allow a user to paste in data from an Excel spreadsheet. The data will only be in one column. I'm not a web programmer and would like some advice on the best way to do this.

I have a page working using a text area and some JavaScript to parse the data entries using the split function. This seems to work ok but I wondered if anyone could suggest a better way?

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MSAccess Entry Form

I have successfully created a master detail page for this database, now I want to create an form to update the database.

When I created the form and tried to view it, I got this error

Error Type:
ADODB.Command (0x800A0BB9)
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.
/dlrc_resources/book_list/book_entry.asp, line 113

Line 113 is : Code:

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Duplicate Data Entry

I have a form to enter details about companies into a access DB, it all works fine the way it is set up except this one small problem.

The same company details can be entered again by mistake and take a new record set. Now what I need to know is how to stop this from happening, do I use ASP code to check the DB (if so could someone tell me how it is done) or do I set this up in the Access DB itself.

What I want to happen is if the same company details are entered then the user gets a warning telling them that that company has already been entered.

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Blank Database Entry

How do I change a blank database entry, so when I retrieve it blank I output a string say <i>N/A</i> into a table? Currently I have an if/elseif/else like this.Code:

if = "ID" then
Response.write(bla bla)
else if tf.value = null then
Response.write(bla bla)
Response.write(bla bla)
end if

*Note, where the word null is, I have also used the string "" and it still does not work.

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Detect Duplicate Entry

Is it at all possible to display only one of possible duplicate records from a database in a recordset. The field that needs to be recognised as a possible duplicate is a column for names but then needs to show the one with the highest score only.Fields are name and total (numerical). Currently I have only a basic recorset which is all that was needed until now:

SELECT * FROM leaderboard ORDER BY total DESC

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UK/US Format Data Entry

We are creating a multi-region ASP application which will be using SQL Server 2000. As our users exist in multiple location i.e. UK, US, Australia how can we distinguish that the date the user is entering is captured correctly i.e. no confusion with DD/MM/YYYY format.

I guess to remove database ambiguity I am going to use the format YYYYMMDD format but how do I know in the first place when the user entered 01/06/2006 that the user meant 1st June 2006 or 6th Jan 2006.

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Highlight Latest Entry

I have a database with multiple records which are often updated. I am trying to display the latest entry in a certain way (with css div styles) and then list the rest of the entries another, less elaborate way.

Is there a good / preferred way to do this? Right now I have it so that it SELECTS TOP 1, displays that in a certain DIV, and then SELECTS * - however what is wrong with this is that it displays the first record twice.

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Successful Database Entry

I have a string of ASP code that writes a new database entry into my SQL server table. Is there a function that I can run directly after the database entry code, that can tell me if the data was successfully entered? Eg of current code:

SQLCode = "INSERT INTO GarProductList VALUES (" & "'" & App_Name & "'" & ", " & "'" & Option_Number & "'" & ")"
response.write "SQL Code is: " & SQLCode & "<br>"
Set objRS = MyConn.Execute (SQLCode)
<< perhaps call certain function here to verify SQL table was updated? >>

If database update successful -> function should return 1 If database update fails -> function should return 0 ... or something like that. In any case, some exception response should be returned.

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Passing User Entry

I have a form in which a textbox is filled using a pop-up page. This pop-up page has a selection of values created dynamically from an access table. I need to know how to get the values selected from the pop-up back to the main form. Can anyone guide me in the right direction.

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Show Pic If Entry In Recordset Is There

Ive got an asp website which has a news function. Its pulling through info and a pic ref to a url on the server that in turn puts it onto a page.

My problem is that i only want to show this picture if there is a record in that news item (some news items willnot require a pic) - at the moment its coming up as a broken picture link. Is there a way of showing it only if that record in the table is filled in? Code:

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