Access Cgi Environment Variables

can't seem to find how accesss the standard cgi environment variables in vbscipt/asp, remote_addr, server_port, etc they are accessible right? or a similar vbs set?

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Can't Access Client Side Environment Variables

I am trying to find out how to access %APPDATA% environment variable on the client side of an ASP Intranet application. I need this so that I can perform some cleanup function. So far everything I read points to using Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables("APPDATA"); I can't seem to get this to work. Error message says Environment not defined.

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Difference Between Environment Variables And Server Variables

can anyone tell me difference between environment variables and server variables.

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How Can I Access GET Variables?

How can I Access GET Variables in ASP?

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Access Variables

I am having an issue with disabling a form field. The page pulls up records in a database. A user is allowed change the record as needed until it is published in one or both of 2 options (combo boxes). If the record is published in one then all other fields except the unpublished combo box is disabled, allowing the user to publish the other at a later date. However, I run in to my problem here.

I cannot access the data in the fields if they are disabled. Is there some way to access the data in the fields while they are disabled? Or is there some way to not allow a user to edit the contents of a text fields without disabling it? Either way would likely get me past my problem.

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Access The Variables

is it possible to access the servariable inside the client script? if so can some one give me an example?

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Access Variables From Asp Server To Client?

isit possible to access variables (code) from ASP server script to ASP client page?? take for example the code supplied below:

'server script
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
dim svalue
svalue="access me"

'client code
dim x
x = svalue 'svalue isfrom server script
response.write x

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ASP Development Environment

Does anyone have any suggestions what software would be best used for an ASP development environment with several programmers working on the same project? It would have to have source control and version control etc.

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Development Environment

I am about to dive in to the world of ASP. I have done HTML sites before using Dreamweaver MX.My question is: What is the best development application for me to use to create ASP web apps/sites?should I go with ASP or

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HTTP_REFERER Environment

A week or so ago, I needed to find the HTTP_REFERER environment variable to check and see if a user is coming from a certain website:

If Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")_
= "http://localhost/mydir/page1.aspx" then
response.write "Click on a menu choice"
response.write "check back later
end if

I have a page nested in an IFRAME (for example framepage1.aspx or ..asp), and I need to check to see if a user is coming to (not coming from ) a certain page where the framepage1.aspx is (the framepage1.aspx could appear in not only page1.aspx, but page2.aspx ,or page3). I'm not sure how to accomplish this given that the
HTTP_REFERER checks on address only incoming.

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Debug Environment

I have an asp pages which uses ActibeX dll and Exe written in in VB and VC++. I want to debug the components from asp page. When the asp page is run I should be able to get the breakpoint in my VB & VC++ dll and exe.

what could be the setting to do that. I can debug those componnets from another VB/VC++ applications but I want to debug from asp page.

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Staging Environment For Two Asp Developers?

What is the best way to allow a second developer access to existing html and
asp files in the office from a development point of view. At the moment, I
have been developing locally and then uploading my files to my web host but
I now need to create a usuable office environment which allows a second
developer to work my folder structures and files.

We do not have a big budget.

I am thinking of asking the company to buy a second hard drive loaded with
Office XP professional and use this to server files locally in a staging
environment before pushing the files to the remote web host.

Am I on the right track?

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ASP - Reading Environment Variable

I would like to read a client environment variable... How can i do this ?

I can read server environment variable using

but concerning client environment ?

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Setting Up ASP Environment In Windows XP

how to set up ASP development environment in windows XP (or i have to have windows 2000/2003)? Any good tutorial out there? By the way, I already have Visual Studio .net installed in my computer.

I am a PHP developer and want to learn ASP for my new project. How long u think it will take for me to catch up?

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Environment Variable From ASP Page

My goal is to retrieve my local machine's %USERNAME% environment variable
from ASP page.

When I enter http://RemoteServerName/testusername.asp?id=%USERNAME% directly
into the IE Browser URL box, %USERNAME% is repalced with the local machine
ID. However <a href="http://RemoteServerName/testusername.asp?id=%USERNAME%"> get mahcine id</a> in an html file and use Request.Querystring("id") to retrieve it in testusername.asp page, it returns "%USERNAME%". I guess IE browser is smart enough to replace %USERNAME% with the local environment variable value before sending URL string to the web server when you type directly into the Browser URL box.My question is , is there any way to retrieve local machine's environment variable, %USERNAME% from ASP page?

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How To Read An Environment Variable?

I have a variable in an INI file (fileLocation) which will point to the location where i can store some temporay files.

This fileLocation variable has a value "%USERPROFILE%Local SettingsTemp" >Now, how do i get the actual expansion of this variable (for ex:i.e : C:Documents and Settings<username>Local SettingsTemp).

How can this be achieved through ASP?

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Cookies In A Load-balanced Environment

Users in our load-balanced environment get to our home page via where a persistent cookie gets set. bedineta is 1 of the machines in this setup. You can unofficially get to our home page that way too. Question I have is if the user comes in thru bedineta how can I get their machine to recognize the cookie I set when they came thru They come thru the same block of asp. I've played around with the cookies.Domain and Cookies.Path setting with no luck.

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Network Login In An Intranet Environment.

The goal is to retreive the network login in order to validate users. Right now when I try to get Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER"), it returns a null value. Currenly in IIS, anonlymous access is checked. Is there any way for me to get the LOGON USER?

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Debug With Microsoft Development Environment

Before I was able to use Microsoft Devleopment Environment to debug my asp code. I did that by going to Microsoft Development Environment 6.0, go to Debug menu -> Processes, and will see inetinfo.exe and then I can attach it. But lately, (and I don't know if it's got anything to do with the fact that I have recently installed Norton Internet Security and Norton Anti Virus) when I opened the Processes window, the list is blank, and the Machine drop down is also empty.

If I hit Properties or Refresh, I'll get the "Development Environment has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience" error, and the app will close. If I hit the Machine button, even if I find the machine, it'll say "Unable to connect to the machine". Has anyone had similar problems before?

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Dialog Box Too Small In Windows XP Environment

I have a problem with dialog boxes. When in Windows XP, the dialog boxes are too small, but when in other environments it is ok. What should I do to accomodate all environments?

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How To Access Variables (form Text Box Values) On Same Form?

I have a form on an ASP page that has 5 text boxes, for data entry. I am trying to get data from the text box, and pass it to a hidden text box on the form.

The hidden text box is called "MyDateTime" (a SQL date and time value). I am attempting to concatenate data from two other textboxes (one for date and one for time) to give a string like : "8/8/2004 8:00 AM" I am trying to use the following: Code:

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Referencing Variables Through Other Variables

I'm not sure how to best describe my problem, so a simple example should help explain things:

I have two arrays, called set1_data and set2_data

if I create a variable like so:

firstPart = "set1"

and then assign like this:

copyOfArray = firstPart & "_data"

how do I make copyOfArray reference the set1_array, as opposed to just a string "set1_array" which is what it's doing?

I've had a good rummage round ye olde Internet but couldn't find anything there must be a keyword or function to achieve this?!?

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ASP Attempting To Access MS Access 2000 On File Share

I have a Development server that is running Win2k, IIS 5.0, and ASP enabled. I am trying to gain access to an Access 2000 DB located on a file server within my domain. I'm pretty sure I have all the correct permissions set, but I am having problems when trying to access the DB.

The error is similar to:

The Microsoft Jet Database engine cannot open the file '******'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.

I'm looking for ways to fix this... Microsoft suggests turning off the ability for IIS to sync passwords. Unfortunately, this is not a viable solution for me.

Is it possible to create a new virtual server that is a share to my file server? Put my ASP and MDB file in there and have it work? Anyone have any other ideas?

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ASP + Access Question (Determining The Last Id Generated By Access)

I'm working on a site that inserts records into an Access database and Access assigns an auto-incrementing id for the record. How can I quickly figure out what id that was just created? I seem to remember there being a function for this....

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Access A MS Access Database Using ASP But On A Linux Box

I want to move my only window shosted client to linux. The site they have access a Microsoft Access database with the below code but i can't get it to work under Linux.

<code>Dim MM_connPang_STRING
'MM_connPang_STRING = "dsn=pangDSN"
MM_connPang_STRING = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:clientdatabasepangDB.mdb"</code>

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MS Access - Table Access Problem

I'm trying to access a table in a MS Access database using ASP but the name of the table is causing me some trouble. The problem is the table name has a space in it eg, "My Table".

If i try and access it using a query "SELECT * FROM My News", it says i cant find table "My". If i remove the space from the name (to MyTable) it works fine. But the trouble is its a customers database and i cant easily rename it because its linked to other tables and db's.

How can i access a table with a space in its name? I've tried "SELECT * FROM My_News" but that doesnt work either.

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Access Remote Access Database From ASP

I have an ASP page needs to access a remote MS Access2000 database, I got error "The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file 'F:Collect.mdb'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data. ".

The 'F:' is a mapped drive from remote machine where the access database loactes. If I copy the database back to local box, no problem.

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How Many People Can Access The Same Access Database

I'm looking to make an online multiplayer game which will utilize Access Database... basically I require thousands of people writing and reading from the same database... I was wondering if this is possible for that... or is mdb file restricted to 1 person at a time...

If it is limited what would you suggest as the best way to control an interactive online environment? .txt files possibly?

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Query Works In Access But Not In Asp->access

What is this all about? Generally I run against SQL Server but now I have to use access. The query I want to run is a simple double join

SELECT tblArtists.*, AS genreName,tblPages.pageId
FROM (tblArtists
INNER JOIN tblGenres ON tblArtists.genreId = tblGenres.genreId)
LEFT JOIN tblPages ON tblArtists.artistId = tblPages.artistId
ORDER BY surName ASC, firstName ASC

Now If I run this question in access against the database it accurateley returns two posts. BUT When I paste the same query into an asp document and runs it with a fileDSN against the same database it returns nothing!? Is this some kind of joke from Microsoft?

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Access An Access Link Table

I have an Access DB which contains couple of link tables. All these tables are from different databases. So each one has it's own database password. Since there is no way to save the password during the DSN creation. Then you need to manually type in the password each first time when open the table.

This causes the problem in ASP code during run a query. Since the table cannot be accessed due to the password protection. Is there any statement than can open a table and meanwhile pass the password in? Does anyone experienced with the similar situation?

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Write Access To MS-Access

I generate my codes using a generator. My problem is that I can not write into my Access database. I had gone to tools to allow access permission . still nothing.

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Variables In ASP

I am trying to build a web based database using Access and ASP. I can retreive data form the database in a web page. I can send data from one page to another. However, I am stuck trying to figure out how to make the data variable. I would like the second page to display only data the user selected from a drop down list in the previous web page. I tried using the WHERE function and replace the hard coded information with a variable, but it isn't accepting the code. Could someone please help with this? I have research mulitple sites and can't find this particular piece of code or in tutorials. I must be missing something because seems like it would be basic stuff.

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I'm trying to reference a username variable that is saved after the user
logs in. I can reference it using $(Username) in standard html parts of the
page but how do i use it in the script sections enclosed with <% %>

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