Access File Path Question

I usually use SQL Server, but have occasionally had to use Access. This is
such an occasion. My research, mainly at, has been that you need
to put the file path in your connection string, like this (watch out for the

strConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data
Source=c:mydirectorynamedbname.mdb;User Id=xxxxx;Password=xxxxxxx;"

Well, the host of this new site I am working on is asking me if a relative
path will work. I don't think it will, but thought I should ask.

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Path/File Access Error

I have one COM (.dll) for uploading files to server. Its working fine on server A but same code and file not working on server B giving error Path/File access error .

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How To Open A File Dialog And Get The Path Of The Selected File In ASP?

i am having a problem in how to create a Open File dialog to enable user to select a image file that will be stored into database. i just want the file path to be stored in database, not the image.

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Store File Path And File Name Seperately

if i got a file path as a variable say for Example:

c:folder1folder2folder3folder4file.txt (The Path could be any long)

how do i just store the Path of the file name and the file name seperately. like :

File Path=c:folder1folder2folder3folder4
File Name=file.txt

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Access Database Path To A Network Drive

Database path works on drive c:, but it doesn't work on a mapped network drive while i move the database to the mapped network drive it stops working.

Can anybody help how can I write Access Database Path to a mapped Network drive in my vb script?

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File Path Show

I have a problem. I tried my best but could not solve is. I have a
page where user selects the folder name from a drop down list. It takes
user to show.asp page, where it how all the files in the folder and
also user can click on them and download them. If I select name of the
folder from the list, on show.asp it shows all the files and their

When I click on the link then most of the file which has long
name and have space in their names wont be hyper linked. For example if
files name is Virus Control.vsd or file name is INCIDENT-ACCIDENT
INVESTIGATION REPORT.htm. If I click on them it will say "The page
cannot be found". Code:

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Dynamic File Path

I have setup a site that allows users to login with a username and a password that are stored in a mysql database,
now what i need to do is set it up so the users can only download specific file(s) related to their username.
With my current set up using all asp and iis 5.0 all the users can download the same file from a certain directory.
I was thinking of somehow using the session variable of the username as a variable in the download path of the file, but i don't
know if this is a correct method of doing this or the correct syntax.

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Get File Path From Refereing URL

This does not seam to work for me in IE, but does in Netscape? What I am trying to accomplish is this.

On the footer of everypage we have a link that opens a comment page, example [<a href="#" onclick="javascript:view_win(/comment/comments2.asp');" class="notes">Send Comments</a>]. I am trying to write asp code to that takes the referering page and then gives the the filepath of that page which searches a database of web authors, and then returns the authors email address. after that I loop to add input sendto's for each one found. Code:

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How To Split Path And Get File Name

i want to trim the given path and get the file name with its extenstion:

i.e. only get the "XPIcon.jpg" in the following example

URLImage = "D:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopXPIcon.jpg"

Note: the URLImage is always chaning, its not constant.

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Parsing File Path

I'm needing some help on this. I need to know how to parse a file path for the file name in a browse box. Lets say I have a browse box in a form with the input of


I need a piece of code that could convert the input into just somefile.asp?

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Get The Current File Path

In my ASP file, located at the "/test" directory of the website, I include another ASP file as below.

<!--#include file="../templates/_header.asp"-->

Inside the _header.asp file, how can I get the current file (_header.asp) directory? I need to get the web relative/absolute directory of _header.asp, but instead even if I can get the physical directory location of that file should be fine.

I tried Request.ServerVariables("") with almost all the variables, but none gave me what I wanted. This is necessory, becase the location of _header.asp and the file which includes that can vary.

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Uploading File W/ Dynamic Path

I am attempting to upload files to a folder on a remote server. However the folder is different for each user based on login. Is there anyway to do this using the code below. If not can someone tel me of a way to do it.

Dim DestinationPath
DestinationPath = Server.mapPath("UploadFolder")

what I'm doing is executing a query based on login for a varible called "uploadFolder", so I want my destination path to be something like
<% DestinationPath = Server.mapPath("rsRecord(uploadFolder)")%>

Of course my code doesn't work,

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Upload :: Save The File Path

I am not able to save the file path into database remaining everything is working good i can upload the image to the folder and save the data to the database. I am using MySQL database .....

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Determine Whether A Path Is A Directory Or A File

does any one here know of a good way to to determine whether or not a
given path is a directory (e.g., "c:mydir") or a file (e.g., "c:mydir

i started attacking this problem by using filesystemobject to check
whether or not a directory existed for the path. if so, it was a
directory path. if not, i checked to see if a file existed for it. if
so, it was a file path. Code:

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Passing File Upload Path

The file uploader code I've been using won't let me use Request.Form and BinaryRead on the same page so I've resorted to having the file upload code on another, seperate page that is spawned from the first. Trouble is, the path to store the file at is determined on the first page and I don't know how to pass it along to the second.

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Asp Writes Csv WITHOUT Complete File Path?

I have a simple asp form which writes to a csv.
The code it's based on (from "ASP for Dummies") is:

Set peoplefile - _
filesys.OpenTextFile( _

The form is going live soon, and I'd like just a dash of due diligence
in terms of security. I tried using a relative link to the gbpeople.txt
file which didn't work. Is there a better way around this without

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Stripping File Path Name Before Insert Into DB

Does anyone know of a function that will take the file pathname and just keep the file name before doing an insert into a database? Code:

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File Path Of Currently Executing Script/Page

Is there a way to determine the filepath of an ASP script being executed, like so? First file contains:

For Each x In arrNuggets
Server.Execute "/nuggets/" & x & "/default.asp"

The executed file, default.asp, needs to be able to figure out what it's parent folder name is.

Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") only returns the name of the first initial page loaded, and nothing about the page currently being executed.

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Finding Absolute File Path On Server?

I am trying to create a log of certain events on the website by writing them
to a text file. The logging code is in an "included" file that is inserted
into the pages that need to be monitored. Currently, the target text file is
just specified in the FSO MapPath as "thelog.txt", so it writes the log to a
text file within the same folder as the web page.

The problem is that I don't want to grant browsers Write access to my pages
folder, so I need to have a separate directory to hold the log text file
that browsers can have Write access to. The web site is hosted on a shared
server that I do not have direct access to. In the past, occasionally an
error has popped up that states the exact location, but I can not get that
to repeat. I know it is something like "D:customersmyuseridwww"

How can I find out the actual location on the server so I can use an
absolute path to write all the logs to one file in one location?

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Show Path Of Uploaded File To User

I have an upload script but i would like to show the person who uploaded the file the path to the file he uploaded. Ex:

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Check If A File Exists - Relative Path

ive got a bit of code to check if a file exists and it works if I use the full path ie "C:Inetpubwwwrootfile.txt" can someone advise me how to get it so I can use the relative path ie "file.txt" where the file and the code are in the same directory? Code:

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Convert A Physical File Path To A URL For Hypertext Links

I have a Physical path that I need to convert on the FLY I thought using Replace would be a good idea, and it almost works

function MapURL(path)

dim url2
'Convert a physical file path to a URL for hypertext links.
url2 = (path)
MapURL = Replace(url2, "", "/")
MapURL = Replace (url2,"E:","http://myscs/docLibraryDocs")
MapURL = Replace (url2, "IntranetLibrary", "")

end function %>

- Is it possible to have multiple replace on the same variable ?
- am I doing it the right way ? or is it possible to concatenate those replace in one go ?

Is there a limit on how many Replace one can use for one variable ?

The problem I have is that it takes the first two Replace in consideration but not the third one. If I remove or comment the second one then the First and the third one works fine. For some reason, it doesn't like to have the three in the same time.

by the way, the link I try to change is as follow: Code:

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Need To Load File Path From Web Server Into Text Form Box

I need to load the file path of a file on a web server into a form text box. I tried using a normal form box using type=file but that just seems to return the file path from the local machine.

Ideally I'd like it if someone can get this to work with a file on a web server without using asp. If not then I suppose I'd have to use the FileSystemObject method. I can see how you can get a list of files from a remote server using FileSystemObject.

The problem I need help with is selecting a file path from the list of files into a text form box. The path of which I am then going to write to a database field.

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File System Object Doesn't Work In Virtual Path?

I have a virtual path setup in order to give my web server access
to a file on my app server. I am using the file system object to check
for the existance of the file and if it exists, it has to validate the
file date.

The problem is I can't seem to find the file. I can successfully check
for the existance of a file on the web server, but once I enter the
virtual path it can't find anything. All three of these calls return


However these two calls work, so I assume I am referencing the file

Response.Redirect "http://server/localfolder/virtualfolder/test.txt"
Response.Redirect "/localfolder/virtualfolder/test.txt"

Am I doing something wrong here? The virtual path is setup with an id
that has full access to the folder.

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ASP Attempting To Access MS Access 2000 On File Share

I have a Development server that is running Win2k, IIS 5.0, and ASP enabled. I am trying to gain access to an Access 2000 DB located on a file server within my domain. I'm pretty sure I have all the correct permissions set, but I am having problems when trying to access the DB.

The error is similar to:

The Microsoft Jet Database engine cannot open the file '******'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.

I'm looking for ways to fix this... Microsoft suggests turning off the ability for IIS to sync passwords. Unfortunately, this is not a viable solution for me.

Is it possible to create a new virtual server that is a share to my file server? Put my ASP and MDB file in there and have it work? Anyone have any other ideas?

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Physical Path & Virtual Path

I have problem with physical path & virtual path on the server.

<!--#include virtual="country/inc.bottom.asp"-->

In this script it is working.

In all the file i have <!--#include file="../"--> this script.

I have about 10,000 files in the website.

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File Access

Is it possible to read a file from a local computer? I know how to read a file that is in the server, however I would like for the user to read a values contained in a file that is loacted in his/her computer and then load these values into a database.

A way around this would be for the user to upload his/her file into the server, but reading the file directly from the local computer would be much faster.

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Same Database Access File

is there a way i can read into two tables in the same database access file?and if so.. how would i write the code?the code below is already connected to a database reading from table1.. and i wish to read it from table2 as well...

rsMap.Source = "SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE (State = '" + Replace(rsMap__MMColParam, "'", "''") + "') OR (City LIKE '%" + Replace(rsMap__MMColParam2, "'", "''") + "%') ORDER BY City ASC"

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Databases File Access

Is there a way to upload a file first to a directory (which is have done) and then either upload it to a database or referance it within a database

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Moving Access File Using Asp

I want to do one of two things and I not sure which until I know the difficulty level (knowing a little asp but not alot) of each. I am helping in the office and we will have several small access dbs using the FrontPage forms methodology.

So, now that I have some data bases, I will want my users to be able to 1)copy the database to their own machine where they can massage and do whatever they need to with the data, or 2) perform a query against my data bases, and have that result sent in db form to their machines to do whatever.

I've seen somewhere that asp has some file system components but am not sure how that
works. I am willing to read and figure it out if I can get a push in the right direction.

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File Access Components

i've bunch of files in a directory which need to be displayed in a html page. is there a way to display those files by order (dateCreated (descending))?

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How To Access Database + Asp File From Webpage

I worked on a database on PWS (Personnal Web Server). But transferring the database and all the files (html is used for inputting "search" words, asp used for results from database table). Here is my code:

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Export Dbf File To MS Access Programatically (asp)

1. I want to import a dbf file to access through ASP Programm. When i import a dbf file with filename greater than 8 chr, it gives an Server error saying File Not Found,Maker sure if the path is correct or filename is spelt correct. what should be done do import a dbf file with a longer name.

2. In the dbf file i want 3 fields to export to MS Access table. for eg : - Name, Address,City.

How can i make sure if all the field Names (Columns) ie: Name, Address and city is present in the dbf file programatically. for eg : if There is Only 2 fields in the dbf file while importing to Access rather than giving an server error message, it should display my customised Error .

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