Add Column To Display No. Of Record

I want to display all records from the database based on keyword entered by user. As for example,

ContactName Title Phone
xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxx
xxxx xxxxx xxxx
xxxxx - xxxxxx

I want to add another column (to display no. of record), as for example,

No. ContactName Title Phone
1. xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxx
2. xxxx xxxxx xxxx
3. xxxxx - xxxxxx

Is it possible?

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3 Or 4 Column Display

Is there a way to have a piece of repeating information display in multiple columns like a phone book? I need to display a list of contract numbers which will link to the actual contract.

There is no other information to display and it would be better if I could display 3 or 4 columns on the page like a phone book. Hope that makes sense. I am using Dreamweaver and it's and Access db if that helps.

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Display A Column Of Records And Count

This is the code of the page that should display a column of records (categories of my blog), next to the number of articles contained in each category. Code:

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Display The Second Record

i have a news page which a user can update etc add new news articals etc etc.The page which is to display the news needs to start at the second artical, ie if a user has posted a news artical on the 20/11/2005 .

a other person comes along and posts one on the 22/11/2005 i need to ignore the 1st one and display the second (20/11/2005) do i create a query when doing my record set or is it a asp thing on the using ASP VBScript and a access database. Im not 100% with asp im still learning so if u could expalin exactly how to do this .

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Display Only First Instance Of Record

.asp, vbscript, ms Access

I want to display a list of records on my page, like this:
California - Los Angeles - Sheraton
- Los Angeles - Meridian
- San Diego - Mercury
Colorado - Denver - ..................

ie. only display first instance of California..

Can this be done..

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Display Part Of A Record

I need to limit how much of a record is printed to screen. I just want text up to the first full stop.

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Onclick Display Record

I have the below code. I am trying to send information to a subroutine, I am getting an Object Required Error.

<input type="button" name="pSearch" value="Search"

Then in my ASP page I have this

Sub DisplayRecords()

dim conn
dim strsql
dim mycount

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Database Display Record

i am trying to figure out the best way to display records. I have a page which pulls multiple data from mulitple tables in multiple queries. In order to get the page layout to put the records in the right spot i would like to be able to display each record invidually.

Is there a way to echo a record to a spot instead of using a datagrid? I know in php i can specify the database recordset and then echo the value for that particular record. Does asp have the equivalent to this?

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How To Display Only First Five Record In The Database?

I've situation where I just want to displaying first five record in the database. I've search in this forum but could'nt find it.

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Display Partial Text Of A Record

On the webpage, I want to display like this:
I use Response.write objRS("FieldName") to display the value of a record .I guess a number of chars is allowed to display a part of record.

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Display Color If Record Set Is Empty

I am using a calendar, and I want the calendar to show a different color on the date if there is something with in that recordset. So if there is an event for that date display a color else do nothing. Im not sure how to do this?

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Display Textbox For Each Record Retieved From Db From Same Table.

When a selection is made from a list (lstpos) - single selection allowed, (for example a user selecting engineer), it retrieves all the duties (it may b a duty i.e. 1 record OR many duties i.e. more than 1 record) an engineer performs (each one on a different line) from a table and automatically displays text boxes next to each duty so that the user can input "scores" for each duty (rate the engineer).

How to do this?

Next this data needs to be input in a table when the user clicks a button (ADD or OK) in the format :

user duty score

user1 duty1 score1
user1 duty2 score2
user1 duty3 score3

Anyone has an idea how to do this?

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Getting Record Increment To Display In Form Field

How would I get the max record + 1 to auto-populate in the GMVINC form field? I have a feeling that my query is not correct. Code:

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How To Make Column Of Table 1 = To Column Of Table 2?

I want MS Access 2000 database column of table 1 = column of table 2. This is what I was doing: Code:

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0x80004005 Error, Cannot Add Or Change A Record Because A Related Record Is...

I'm getting this error message: Error Type:

Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80004005)

You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table 'employees'. Code:

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Insert Record Goto Last Record

I have an insert record form that posts fine to a db which automatically creates an ID how could I get the next page to do a preview using the ID just created by the DB to go to the right record?

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Record Numbers Against Record Problem...

I have a .asp page which lists a date, then a bunch of record lines for data that falls within that date, then the next date and it's bunch of data record lines. e.g.

Ship Date: 04/06/04

Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ship Date: 11/07/04

Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

What I want is:

Ship Date: 04/06/04

1: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
3: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
4: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ship Date: 11/07/04

1: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
3: Data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

How can I get these numbers printed againsts the records ?

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Add A Column

I have a csv file that I'd like to be able to add a column to. Specifically, I want to take the first 6 chars of the filename and add it to each row as a new column. e.g.


whatever.csv 'before

whatever.csv 'after

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Get Column Name And Value Of Specific Row

Ok let me explain what I am trying to do as easily as I can. I have a table in my access database that I am connecting to. I select a specific id number using my SQL statement. Now what I am trying to do is scroll through that records row and get the column name of that column along with the value of that cell. I hope that isn't to confusing. Now I'm not sure whether this would be done using ASP or done in my SQL statement. Code:

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Column Descriptions

How do you get the description of fields in an Access database? I really need this and can't find it anywhere....
It would also help if someone showed me how to get the datatype and other info (like if it's a Yes/no or True/False field).
What is the resource/doc for this so I know where to look before asking from now on?

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How Do I Call The Last ID In A Column

Ok i'm self taught with regards to ASP so not great etc, so sorry if this is a really basic question..

On the last line here i'm trying to some how get it to call the last ID entry...

ImageID = Request("ID")
If (Len(ImageID) = 0) then ImageID = "1"
If Not IsNumeric(ImageID) Then ImageID = "1"
If ImageID = "0" then ImageID = "1"
If ImageID>3 then ImageID = max(Len(ImageID))

This is basically for some max min links for a online comic here's what it links to

<a href="default.asp?id=<%=ImageID-1%>">< Backwards</a> -
<a href="default.asp?id=<%=ImageID+1%>">Forward ></a> -


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Column Sorting

Can someone please explain to me why the hyperlinked column headings will sort in Firefox and IE 7 but not in IE6. Code:

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Changing Column

I need to set up an HTML table or the like, with 4 columns.
Each column needs to have a header with a FRIDAY (dd/mm/yy) date.
i.e. this weeks Fridays date is 16th Feb, the following is 23rd Feb
So, I need column 1 to be headed 16th Feb, col 2 to show 23rd Feb etc.
As this week passes, the dates need to move up 1 week, so that next
week, col 1 will display 23rd Feb and so on.
These headers need to change according to the date.
Please can you advise how I best achieve this ?

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Freeze Column

we have a requirement to freeze the column and row column heading... so that when the user scrolls to the right the first two columns ( I refer them as "row headings") will stay and the remaining columns scroll left and when the user scrolls to the bottom the first row stays ("column headings")and the remaining rows will scroll up.. This can be easily accomplished in EXCEL by freezing the itersecting cell... How can the same be accomplished using HTML tables /ASP code.... Is there any Active X control available that can be used to accomplish the same?Our technical env is ASP and Oracle DB

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Splitting 1 Column Into 2

Pretty basic but I cannot figure it out.

FULLNAME (lname, fname)

Needs to be


Should split at the comman.I already have all the columns created; just
need to SQL command to make it happen.

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Invalid Column Name

I am trying to access a table in a SQL server using ADO in ASP. It works fine in the rest of the site. Here is the code:

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ORDER BY A Column?

If I have several fields:
a | b | c | d | e

and the original SQL = SQL & " ORDER BY a ASC ".

I want to place links to b, c, d, e to make the table of results to show by ascending order of b (or , c, d, e).

do I need to place an "if/ end if" in the sql or do I put some statement in the paging?

a (ORDER BY a ASC)| b | c | d | e
1 | 3 | z
2 | 2 | y
3 | 1 | x
4 | 5 | w
5 | 4 | v


a | b (ORDER BY b ASC)| c | d | e
3 | 1 | x
2 | 2 | y
1 | 3 | z
5 | 4 | v
4 | 5 | w

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Highlighting The Column

I have a SQL query that produces a table which displays account numbers and the amount owed on those accounts.

the page that displays that table is written with ASP. Does anyone know how can I highlight the rows in the table where account numbers have more than 7500 dollars in amount owed? Code:

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Column Names?

im reading from multiple databases, and one restraint is that i must know the amount of columns and the names of the columns before i can display info from the question: can i somehow GRAB or READ this information from each database and then just adapt my Display accordingly

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SmallDateTime Column

I have an asp page which the user enters a time(e.g. 12:21). I need to insert this time into a SQL Server DB, which has a smalldatetime column.

I have tried everything I can think of (such as CDate, TimeValue, FormatDateTime etc) to convert the time string, into a valid time. However, the insert always try to insert a datetime datatype (e.g. 12/12/1899 12:21:00).

I am trying to process the insert through ado, eg:

objRS("Field1") = strText
objRS("DateField") = dteValue

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How Can I Create A YES/NO Column?

I use this code to dynamically create a column in a table...

strSQL = "CREATE TABLE (FirstName TEXT(30), LastName TEXT(20));"

This will create two text columns. How can I create some YES/NO columns
instead of TEXT columns?

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Create A YES/NO Column

I use this code to create a table dynamically.

strSQL = "CREATE TABLE (FirstName TEXT(30), LastName TEXT(20));"

This will create two text columns. How can I create some YES/NO columns instead of TEXT columns?

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Is it possible to get a db's column names not the data inside the columns just the columns names.

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