Adding Delete Confirmation

How would I add a delete confirmation popup box for the following? Here's what I have... A table (not a form) that contains this line: Code:

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I have a page called Closer.asp where the closer fills the details and hits submit.After he hits submit an email goes to him with all the details he has filled.
Also it takes him to the next page where i want to display his all details properly .
How should i get all his details and display on the next page.I tried Request.Querystring but all the date is getting displayed in one line and i want it to be in more formatted look.

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Email Confirmation

Is this right? I'm trying to email the username and password fields to the user once he/she has signed up. this doesn't seem to work- it seems to take issue with the first line for some reason. Is there another way to return email?

Set Mail=Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
Mail.Subject="Welcome to MEDIADDICT!"
Mail.Body="Welcome to MEDIADDICT. Your Username is: " + Response.Write(UserID) + " and your Password is: " + Response.Write(Password) + "."

Set Mail=nothing

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Confirmation Page

I'm trying to pull information entered from a form that uses a standard formmail.asp script to generate an email to a specified recipient. That part of the form works just fine and all the fields show up properly in the email.

I'm trying to figure out how to place the form fields into a confirmation/thank you page. I've inserted <% Request.Form("name") %> into the Confirmation Page hoping that it would display: "Thank you <name> for completing the form," but of course it doesn't display the <name>. I think it is because my confirmation page has no way of calling to the actual form field entries but I'm so new to asp that I do not know how or if this is the issue.

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Verisign CSC Confirmation

does anyone know how to confirm verisign csc (security number) ?
currently i have a site that sends this information to verisign but I dont know how to
confirm it so if someone puts a wrong number, after the JS validation, it is still going to take that number.

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Confirmation Form

When the customer orders the item and completes the transaction I would like to send them and the retailer an email confirmation. Here is my problem, I would like to send the confirmation mainly in HTML format.

However, I also realize that some email programs do notaccept HTML format and in that case I would like to send it in TEXT format, how do I let the ordering system make the automated choice without the user selecting it?

I see that when I order things online, some of those stores will send a HTML cofirmation without me selection the format (newegg, amazon etc...), how is that done?

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Confirmation Email From A Form

I have a small shop on my web site and you order the products via a simple form. As an owner of the site, I want the order confirmations to be emailed to three email addresses, two adresses of mine plus one email to the person whoplaced the order. I donīt know how to fix this in the code though and that is my problem.

I can easily arrange for two of the addresses to get emails via the objMail.To command, so itīs when I try to add the buyers email that it gets weird.

That email address, Iīm getting through the form and the name tag "Emailaddress".

I tried to use the commands objMail.Cc and objMail.Bcc, but nothing happend and then I still only got emails sent to the addresses that I put in at the line objMail.To. Below is as far as I have gotten. If I put the three addresses like that and separate with a "&", I got all three email addresses right, but no space between them. So do you have any ideas on what character to use, to split these three addresses so that an email can be sent to all of them? Code:

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Email Confirmation Request?

Does anybody knows is there any kind of asp mail script (CDO prefered) that will, when i send newsletter, send back to me confirmation from server that email has arrive?

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How Do I Change A Confirmation Page

In my ASP page i have the following:

If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Response.Write "The following error occurred: " & Err.Description
Response.Write "A quotation request has successfully been sent, thank you."
End If

The thing is that the confirmation page looks so dull with just a line of text at the top. I want to add my logo and other things.

Can I just start using html or can I direct to another confirmation page?

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Confirmation Of INSERT In ASP/MySQL

I wrote an ASP prgram to insert a row into a MySQL database using data from a form. It works just fine, however is there a way to check a return code and trap any error that may occur (duplicate row error for example) so I can format and display a message in the browser instead of having the error just show up?

I've been looking in my ASP & MySQL books and searching on the web but can't find anything that sounds like what I want to do.

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Form Confirmation In Dreamweaver

I need to know how i can set up a form submitted, that will link to a confirmation page on my website, rather than showing results of what the user filled out... this is bugging me so much....

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Send A Confirmation Mail

Most sites just don't complete the registration process until the email sent has been clicked, sending confirmation of the email. how to Add auto email confirmation after people have registered, so when people have registrated, an email should be sent to their email account while another email be sent to

And in the email sent to people who just registrated, i need to provide a link for them to click to activate their account.

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Send Confirmation Email

I have a Frontpage-ASP form that allows users to add their names to a database and indicate their interests for a newsletter that I do. I want to send a confirmation email from my system account when they submit the form. I don't want to use their SMTP because I also want to see what bounces from the address submitted. Frontpage does not allow sending to email and to a database at the same time.

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Generating Confirmation Codes

I have made a booking system, but need to somehow generate a unique confirmation code to be sent to the bookee to confirm the booking. I hve done a basic Google search, and a search through the archives of the forum, but to no avail.

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Email Confirmation Link

I'm using CDO mail in my asp scripts, and I need to find a script that whereas a user signs up for your website.

when he hits submit,an email goes to his email box with a confirmation link for him to click so to ensure he has a valid email address. Does anyone know of a package or series of scripts that works with this?

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Signup, Confirmation Email, Login

tell me in a ZIP or upload the code to a simple system that:

uses an access database and:
Allows someone to signup.
Get a confirmation email
And for them to be able to change their password from a page.If it is possible could you please make it so that it says "you are logged in as" and gets something form the access database like their email address or username.

This is just so that I can see how to link all of the code and learn some of the language so I can help people in the future. This code that hopefully will be provided wont be sold given away or used commercially.

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Changing The Link On FP Generated Confirmation Page

I am passing variables around from page to page using the following:


then re-capturing it with:

<% 'Get the users info passed from the previous page
strUserInfo = Request.QueryString("info") %>
strUserName = Request.QueryString("name") %>

I use that info to personalize pages:

Hello <% strUserName %>, glad you are back to work on your <% info %>.

This works great for pages/forms that only update a record or display the strings, but the problem I'm having is with a form that creates a brand new record using the passed data.

I use hidden inputs into the new record so that the user does not have to re-enter it but when they hit submit Front Page posts a confirmation page with a link to return to the same form. I need to change that link but cannot figure out where the confirmation page is generated.

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How Can I Send An Instant Confirmation E-mail Based On Form Info?

I have a form where the visitor should enter the e-mail adress, a password and some additional info. When the form is submitted I want to automatically send a confirmation e-mail to the visitor, containing the information from the form (like the procedure when joining this forum :-)). Is it possible to achieve that with ASP? Would be very grateful if anybody can finish the code below... because I don't know how to handle the variables after I have retrieved the form info..

This is enterinfo.htm.....

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Is It Possible To Send An Instant E-mail Confirmation Based On Form Info?

I have a form where a visitor can enter som information, in this case the e-mail adress, password and some additional info. As soon as the form is submitted I want to send an automatically generated e-mail confirmation to that user's e-mailadress (like the procedure when joining this forum for the first time). When I have retrieved the info from the form in the "confirm.asp" I don't know what to do....

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FSO Delete

I have this code that deletes a file using FSO but it wont work Code:

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I am trying to delete all the records from one table and insert a few in the same table.
When I run the asp it gives me the error message

"Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Could not delete from specified tables."

Before opening the connection to the database, I tried setting the mode to 3 as follows:

Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Mode= 3

Then I open the connection. But it still gives me the same error.

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Delete Value

How do you delete from the objRs when you choose the value to be deleted form a dropdown menu?

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i would like to be able to delete a record from a database this is the code i have atm but it is not working:

if request.querystring("action") = "delete" then
strSQL = "DELETE * FROM DVDDescription WHERE DVDDesc_ID=" & request.querystring("DVDDesc_ID") & ";" strSQL,conn,1,2

end if


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SQL Delete Timeout

I'm getting an error from something that seems too easy to cause
trouble. Here's the scenario. User fills out a form. User saves. On
submit, an asp script attempts to save the data. it deletes all of
existing child records, and then re-inserts new child records.

Heres the chunk of code thats bombing out with a 'Microsoft OLE DB
Provider for SQL Server error '80040e31' ':

'delete all children for this Parent record
strSQL = "DELETE FROM qcspec_is_tasks WHERE parentID = " & nRecID
debugPrint strSQL
cn.Execute strSQL

The print statement yeilds the following, before the Execute statement

DELETE FROM qcspec_is_tasks WHERE parentID = 20

If I run the above in query analyzer, it executes instantly.

Incidentally, at this point in time, the table is tiny. Its only 50
rows or so, at the moment.

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Delete Query

I have this query

strsql = "Delete FROM College_List WHERE
STDID = (Select ID from Students where StudentID='" & getstdid & "')"

i get this error

Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

but i want to delete all the records in the child table that have the ID in the parent table which is students.

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ASP And Cookies - Delete It

During the development, I need to test cookies (ASP and

For the first time I test (First username), it writes the cookies into my computer using the First username, and when I want to test second time, using another user name (Second username), it wont't show up the login page, but instead it automatically let me access the protected page (using the first test username).

Question: I want to delete this cookies! How?

I have searched:

Temporary folder, and can't find it.
Document and settings (W2000 Professional), and can't find it as well.

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'Email' Delete

The easiest way to describe my situation is by using the 'email' example. I retrieve my email messages and place a 'delete' checkbox by each message. I select the messages I want to delete and then click the delete button. They magically disappear.

I'm using ASP-->COM-->Stored Proc. I've envisioned creating a recordset to hand to the COM, then for each record fire the stored proc (although I'm unfamiliar with modifying a recordset before a form submit).

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Delete In The Same Window

I have this code where I can check mark the items I want to delete and hit the submit key and it will delete the records, but the problem is that when I hit submit it opens another window for the same page and I can see that the records are the deleted, but the page where I checked marked the boxes to delete the records is still there and its still showing the records.

I dont want to open another window, I want all this process to happen in the same page and when I click on the delete button it should delete the records and the same page should refresh. Code:

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Delete Record

I been working on this code for a long time, code doesn't work and It also doesn't show any error. All I am trying to do is delete record. I click on id number from first page that brings me to this page. Code:

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Delete Files

Is it possible after i run my process i delete text files from server.
I run a process to read from text files after that i want to delete
these text files so that no one again run the process.I am using ASP.

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SQL Delete And Inner Join

Basically I'm trying to combine an SQL inner join with a delete statement, like:Code:

var cnn = Server.CreateObject('ADODB.Connection');
cnn.Execute('delete * from editors_sections inner join editors on editors_sections.editor_id = editors.editor_id where editor_id='+intEditorId+' and editor.isSectionOne=0 or editor.isSectionTwo=0 or editor.isSectionThree=0');
But it gives me the following error:

Incorrect syntax near '*'.

Can this be done, and if so, can anyone see where I'm going wrong (I'm using JScript if that makes any difference?)

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Delete Content

can someone help me. I'm writing an onlineshop in asp and for the shopping cart
i use an array. If someone wants to delete some articles from the cart, i have to
delete them from the array. How i delete only one article (on line) from the array.

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How Do I Delete Record Using ID ?

I am trying to delete a chosen record out of my Access database using the ID field as the parameter. I can get the script to output the record so I know it has the record, it just won't delete! Code:

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