Adding Text To Database Via Browser

I am trying to make a guestbook, wich should be accessable through a executable exe. I think, the easyest way to do this, is through your browser. I am looking how to add text to a database without entering text in a form, but only text in the address bar of your browser.

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Adding Text Formats

I have a text area, similar to the one i am using to write this message, and i want to have the font toolbar like the one in Microsoft word as well as the one used here which allowes the user to select font styles, size, bullet points etc.

I am using web tandards so have several style sheets already so was wondering if i would have to go about it this way or would i use some sort of scripting language like Javascript. Not sure which way i am meant to use as this is the first time i have ever needed to creat such a feature.

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Adding To The Database

Right now I think I've got the idea on how to work on ASP pages after such a hectic start, then I 've got a small problem . i have contructed my form but i can't seem to add to the dbase, i can fill the info but i see nothing on my dbase.

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Database Access By Browser

I was looking for thoughts on having a piece of a web page updated when a button or drop down is selected. The update would have to be via the results of a database lookup/query. Any ideas on this? I am thinking of having to do it through javascript/asp mixture but unsure.

As an example, say you have a drop down of, say, 100 names to choose. When the person chooses a name, a query is fired and the person's address is populated in a box. I'd rather not have this happen via a full-page update if possible.

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New Lines From Database To Browser

I entered the data in the database table but, when I print this data on html page thro' asp script. I don't see my new lines. I tried by storing <br>(html new line tag) in the database. Then I am getting only 1st word of each line.

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Errors Adding To Database

I have been working on this form for a couple of weeks already but I keep running into errors after errors. Can someone try to test it on their computer and see if it works? My guess is that our server's setting is causing all these problems. All the files are uploaded.

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Adding Users To A Database

I am trying to run a script that will add users to a database so they can register with the site. ive got it working so that the users are added however i am trying to prevent people from registering the same username or email address and this is not working.
the script firstly checks that the user has filled out all the fields in the form from the previous page then the script is supposed to check the database for the username and email then adds the user if it is all ok however if the fields have all been filled out it simply adds the users anyway. here is one of the check scripts i am using VBscript and an access database .....

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Adding Up Values From A Database

I am trying to add entries in a database together and place the summed value into a text box. Like a total ordered type function for an ecommerce site. I have a field called ArmChairs in my database and based on how many people buy them, I want to know how many I need to have shipped.

I am really struggling with this last bit and would be really appreciative if someone has some code examples.

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Adding Record To Ms Access Database

i cant add a record to my access database! i think the code is right which i used asp script but then only blank record was added! It added a record but then no data in it! Code:

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Adding Database Fields And Displaying Them

This code has worked in the past on this same page, and for some reason it doesn't want to calculate the numbers anymore. Anyone see anything that is out of whack?

Basically I am taking the input numbers for each field and adding them up on one column, then taking the totals of all of those columns and adding it up to display as an overall total. Code:

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Adding A Record To A Access Database With Asp

I'm trying to add a record to an access database using asp. I create the database, the input form where i put the information, the asp code where i process the information and last the asp code to view the record added but when i press the submit button it show me a Downloading box for a downloaing process.

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Adding A Checkbox Which Returns Value To Database

I am trying to write a basic holiday booking system for the company I work for, it is quite simple in that the user selects the dates they want off work, and they can view if it has been approved or not. It has an admin screen so that the manager can go in and approve the holiday request.

To do this I would like the admin screen to display all the dates in the database that the user has selected off and to have a checkbox next to each that the manager can select to approve it. However I don't know how I would do this, at present all it does is read the info in the database. Code:

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How To Accept Apostrophe When Adding On Database

how to accept ' or apostrophe when adding on the database? because I created a simple guestbook and when i tested it it works fine but once i add apostrophe like TOY'S etc it generates error.

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Update Database Using Variables Passed Through Browser

I am creatiung a track record website which displays a list of branches and how many people are available at each individual time slot.

I thought the best way to update would be to create a link which passed two variables, the branch and what time slot. This would then be retrieved int he book.asp page which then would knock one of the current count. I came up with the below page: Code:

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Adding Info From A Form To Access Database

Except for extremely basic ASP programming that I did two years ago and have forgotten I have not touched coding since!

I've taken a look at a couple of tutorials but they all baffle me!

Can anyone tell me how I can just create a simple html form with input fields of FirstName, LastName, Email and Phone amd when the user hits submit it is recorded in an access database?

I can do the HTML part fine. And I believe I've set up access ok although Ive never used it before.

Also, if the server that the database will go on is a Microsoft one i suspect that is ok? Im not sure if all i have to do is upload the database and it will work? or do i need to talk to my hosting company to set up some kind of odbc thing that ive heard about?

My database will just be called clients.mdb and the table is called Customers.

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Adding Data From A HTML Form To Database

Basically i have a form on a HTML page which someone fills out with a few IDs, then i have a .asp file which is meant to add the info to a database.

However it just wont work, the field names in the database are correct. - i hope the if statement is correct too. Code:

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Problem With Adding Array To Database Table

I have an array which I want to save into a database table I tried a few things but it doesn't work. This is as far as I got: Code:

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Adding Rows To Database Table Thro ASP

I want to add a row to library table. Table has total 7 fields. But I
want to create the new row with 5 field data. When I run the following query
in MS Access

strQ = "INSERT into library (index,title,author,itemtype,createdate) VALUES

It successfully adds the row. But same thing I am trying with the following
ASP code. It gives error, saying syntax error in INSERT into statement. Code:

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Problems When Adding,deleting,editing Data In The Database

actually, I have a problem while i want to add, delete, or edit a record to a database through a asp page, I can read well but when i want to submit changes using rds object , the data does not change on the source database,

I tried hard to get a solution but i think that the actual problem is only on one figure which is the server value of the data control when i use my own iis server, I do not know this value and microsoft is saying use an empty value but it does not work either.

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Adding A New Entry To A List Menu Based On A Database

Let's say I have a dynamic list/menu, which gets its values from a
database table, for example a list of contact people where the value is
an ID number and the label is the name. However, if the value the user
wants is not in the list I would like to place a hyperlink which

(1) open a small window, with an ASP form to allow the user to add a
new entry

(2) save the entry to the database

(3) add that value to the list/menu in the parent window and make it
the selected option

(4) close the small window and return to the original window.

I can handle the code for 1,2 and 4, but 3 is what I'm not sure about.
I don't like the idea of forcing the user to leave the current screen,
go to some other form, add the entry they need to the lookup table,
then come back; this seems like a logical approach, but just wondering
how to make it work.

This seems like a common enough situation; anyone have any code samples
or suggestions about how to do this?

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Text For Database

I want o create a small site and I dont see the need for a database. So I want to use a text file for this site but I don't know how!
I know I can use Mysql or Access, but I don't want to. I simply want to use a flat file as it is called.
My site is an ASP site, so can anyone guide me on how to use "flat files" for databases

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Format Database Value Into Text

how can i format text so it can be read by a database? for example, for numbers i do cint(whatever). whats the equivalent for text?

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Get Data Into Text Box From The Database.

I have 2 textboxes. In first text box i need to enter name, the second text box shud be automatically filled with the person'd id.

Both the name and id is coming from database. I tried using this code, but i'm getting error saying System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at line 1 Code:

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Find Text In Database

i am building a search form by word from text field in a table. for example the table has

1. ID
2. Price
3. Note

the Note field of a record could have sentence that contains words or jargon. What sort of method or approach can i use to solve the problem? can we use sql statement? if yes what sort of?

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Format Text From Database

Is it possible to store html tags in a database field so that when data is retrieved from this field the formating is retained? For example I have an address field in my database, which I return using:


However they are times where I may want to have my city, state etc on seperate lines by using <br>, but right now if I store a <br> in my database it does not affect the formating of my displayed address.

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Formatting Text From Database

I have a text field i am pulling from a database that uses vbcrlf to create line breaks.

I used the following code to replace them:

response.write Replace(rs_classes.Fields.Item("DESCRIPTION").Value, VbCrLf, "<br />")

But ran into the problem that when the field is blank, I get an error that shows a problem w/ the "replace" function.

So I tried the follwoing: Code:

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Text Or Include File Vs. Using Database

Question about the performance of using an include file or reading from a text file compared to hitting the database.

I set up a client's web site so they can post a weekly message and also post a "of special interest" message on their home page. Originally these messages were stored in and retrieved from an Access 2000 database. I decided to try writing the messages to a text file then retrieving it through include file and also tried the text streaming object.

I used to gauge the download times for all three methods on a 56K modem. According to the results, using the database was around 4 seconds quicker. Does this sound right? The site is on a shared hosting package using Win2000.

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Cleaning Up Text For Database Insertion

I'm trying to write a page that will accept form POST method variables from another page and save them to an Access database via a DSN connection. I'm using code like this:

SQL = "INSERT INTO myTable (postVar1,postVar2,postVar3)"
SQL = SQL & " VALUES ('" & request.form("postVar1") & "','" & request.form("postVar2") & "','" & request.form("postVar3") & "')"


I'd like to make sure that I clean up the text that the user inputs before trying to send it to the database. Can someone please give me an example of what ASP code I need use to get rid of quotes, slashes, and anything else a user could enter that might mess up the SQL insert?

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Inserting Messy Text Into Database?

I'm trying to put some text into the database using ADODB.Command object. Seems like a reasonable thing to do and I can do it. But in this instance my text is an HTML code which contains many quotes. But i have to save it as is into the database field.

I use:

INSERT INTO (f1, f2) VALUES (v1, v2) comand. But since my v2 contains some quotes in it, (many quotes), I get an error. (it works otherwise). Is there any way ?

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Formatting Of Text Inputed For Database

As i write this post i have a variety of options to format my post such as bold, changing font, font colour, font size, putting text into paragraphs etc.

I am able to then preview all of this by clicking on "Preview Post". When i click on "Submit New Thread", my post gets stored inside a database (fully intact with paragraphs.)

I would very much appreciate anyone that can point me to script (prefferably ASP and javascript) to be able to do all of this including storing all the text fully intact (paragraphs) inside an access 2000 database.

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Formatting Text From Access Database

how to display data that I have in an Access Database to be formatted in paragraph style when I have it written to my asp page - but does anyone know how I can format text to display as bolded or to show http:// as a hyperlink?

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Open/read A Text Database

I have a database that was originally in Excel. After modifying it, I have saved it with .txt and another one with .csv format. DB.txt (Text (Tabl delimited)(*.txt)
DB.csv (Text Comma Separated Value) (*.csv). What is the command/statement in oppening database record for these formats?

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Large Piece Of Text In Database?

I am looking for a script in which I can replace any word in one table
(which corresponds) to other table with a link....

To for example when the name Bill Clinton is in a large piece of text in
TABLE1 and Bill Clinton is a row in TABLE2 then I want Bill Clinton in the
text to display as a link leading to a page where there's more info on Bill
Clinton from TABLE2

I was thinking something allong the way of: Code:

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