Allow User To Download Data In MS Money Format

I need to allow user to save dataset to their computer in Microsoft Money
format. I searched internet for help on this but found nothing helpful. I
also chatted with MS Online Concierge to no avail.

If you could, please provide pointers to steps how to accomplish this. If
you will provide the steps yourself, please be very explicit in what you

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Convert Data Type Varchar To Money

how to do the conversion of data type varchar to money Code:

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Excel Download Format

i have a excel download which works fine, but the format is incorrect if i need to re-upload the worksheet to the database via a file upload.

so i think the problem is that in the download i am using a table format with <tr><td> etc. how can i change these to just be cell entries?

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Allowing User To Download File From Webpage

I would like to be able to allow the viewer of a website to download a file when they request it. Like seen at tucows or

Can someone give me some rough pointers on where to get started?

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Who Block Download File If Not User Logging?

I using ASP Windows 2003, i need in my web site, block files to download. if a user is logged, when download a file the direction of file save in URL, example:


and any user get this file written this direction in URL, i like to block file or folder if the user is not logged.

The logging use session, and MySQL ...

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Download Data

We have to provide a facility on the client machines to download the data
visible on a ASP page into an excel sheet. We are using WIN2k clients
connected to WIN2k server with IE6.0 installed.
The way we plan to implement it is that :
a) provide a right click and download to excel button from the ASP page
visible in IE.
b) on click of download make a server call passing the appropriate command
to send back the data in excel format.
My questions are :
Q1) Is there anyway to avoid the server call? I am not looking for OCX
Q2) Are there any issues to do with memory leaks / deadlocks in case we use
such office automation to generate a report in excel? Is there a way around?

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Data Format

Database procedure's condition -

IF i_as_on_date >trunc(sysdate) THEN

Database(oracle 8.1.7) date formate - dd/mm/yyyy
webserver data format (IIS5.0 hosted on win2k server) -mm/dd/yyyy

purpose - how to pass date's so that it both work in syncronised manner? can you write code of getting data format of webserver through asp page?

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How Can I Get Data In A Specific Format

I want to get data in a specific format. For example i have 10 names in database and i want to show these 10 names in this format.

Name1 Name2
Name3 Name4
Name5 Name6
........ ........
....... .........

how it could be possible.

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How I Can Getting Data Specific Format

I want to get data in a specific format.For example i have 10 names in database and i want to show these 10 names in this format.

Name1 Name2
Name3 Name4
Name5 Name6
.. ...
... ....
how it could be possible.

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Format Incomming DB Data

I have a DB field (Access2k) with a field who's data type is "currency". If I do a plain ol'

numberVariable = rs.Fields("price")

the data is not formatted (ie: $9.50 becomes 9.5)

Is there a way to format the value in ASP, or to bring the field's data type over when querying a DB?

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UK/US Format Data Entry

We are creating a multi-region ASP application which will be using SQL Server 2000. As our users exist in multiple location i.e. UK, US, Australia how can we distinguish that the date the user is entering is captured correctly i.e. no confusion with DD/MM/YYYY format.

I guess to remove database ambiguity I am going to use the format YYYYMMDD format but how do I know in the first place when the user entered 01/06/2006 that the user meant 1st June 2006 or 6th Jan 2006.

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Web Form Which Send Data In XML Format

I've written many pages that emails the content of a web form, but the data
formatted very nicely. Is there a way to have the content of the submitted
form data via email in XML?

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Format The Db Data To Webpage (with Subtable)

I have 2 table, tblCart and tblItem.

The structure for tblCart

The structure of tblItem

a Cart containing several Items, it's one-to-many relationship.

I want to display Every Cart with the items in one webpage (ASP or PHP).
It would appear like Code:

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Extract Data In Good Format

i get some data from a session variable.(the session variable gets this data from another page).I want to display the data in a formatted manner.

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Check If A Text Box Data Is In Date Format?

Is this possible to check if a text box on form.htm is in mm/dd/yyyy format before submitting to asp page?

if you enter say 2/2/04 it gives a incorrect date format error. The asp page uses this text box in the select statement for a db2 table query that is a date field.

View Replies View Related How To Output Data From DataGrid In MSword Format?

I just want to ask if it is possible to output the data from "DataGrid" in MSWord or MSExcel format. If yes, How to achieve it?

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How To Display Data In 3 Columns By 4 Rows Format

I will be eternally greatful if someone can provide snippet of code,
URL or reference material that shows how to display data in a "n
colums * n rows" format.

I am new to ASP and have looked everywhere that I could, but I have
not found an example where data can be formatted to be displayed in a
3 * 4 foramt, like many of the professional sites would do (actually
rows and columns can be any number of rows and columns) All the
examples that I have seen, show data displayed in a top down format.

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Read Data In An Excel File And Than Write It In The Format Of XML?

How can I use ASP to read data in an Excel file and than write it in the format of XML?

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Money Issue

i have a field which has datatype as money
when i add a value in it like 110.00


it comes like $110.00 which is right
what i want to do is instead of $110.00 i want -$110.00

i tried like this
rsadd("Amount")="-" & txtamount

when it added it came like this ($110.00)

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Securing User Data

How can I protect from SQL-injection in this instance?Code:

sql = "
FROM dbo.admin
WHERE dbo.admin.username = '"&Request.Form("user")&"'"

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User Data Vs. Database

I have been thinking about storing some data, which my users upload, in text files rather than database, since often I do not know how much information users submit for things like item description or images URL paths.

This information may be very short or very long. MS SQL Server requires a maximum field length to be set. Thus, if user enters 5 characters into 5000 character field, a lot of space will be wasted. On the other hand, the database reference would point to the text
files to read users' data and display it on page.

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How To Get Data From The User In One Page And Display Related Data In A New Page

how do i get data from a user on one page and display the result on the other page
actually i have written a prgoram that displays a set of checkboxes and based on the checkboxes selected the related data is displayed .but the problem is the data is displayed on the same page below the list of check boxes. Code:

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Converting Varchar To Money

The problem I am having is that I am trying to insert data from a form into a DB, but I cannot figure out how to change the form value (varchar) to the db value (money).

I've tried cast(bill_priceA as money) and I get

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03ee'

Expected ')' Code:

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I'm having some trouble converting my varchar datatype to money. Code:

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Stop 'money' From Displaying

I can't get the following code to display only two decimal places.

ProductPrice.Text = String.Format("{0:c}", ProductDetail.Price)

Can someone tell me how i can only show two decimal places and also how i can just show rounded to an integer.

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Inserting Data When User Logon

I am inserting data into Access when user logs on:
SQL = "INSERT INTO tblLog (fldUserName,fldTimeIn,fldSID) VALUES ('" & u & "',#" & session("Date") & "#,'" & session.SessionID & "')"
in here it inserts the date :01/09/2003

But when logging out :
SQL="UPDATE tblLog SET fldOffline=1,fldProper=1 WHERE fldUserName= '" & session("admin") & "' AND fldTimeIn=#" & session("date") & "# AND fldOffline=0"
it doesn't update the record.If I eliminate the date query here,it updates there is no syntax error is there?

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User Entered Form Data

I am storing user entered form data from an ASP page in a MSSQL 2000 database. I would like to give my administrators a way to download a tab file with the entries. Is writing an ASP page the best way to do this? And if so, how can I convert database records into a file that will download through the browser?

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Convert Varchar To Money/currency

I am updating information in an SQL database through a form and I need to convert my varchar string into the money datatype in my database. Can anyone help me with the syntax? Here is the code....

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Regular Expressions :: Take Out Money Amounts

What regular expression would I use to take out all of the money (US amounts) from a string?

Right now I have:

Set RegularExpressionObject = New RegExp
With RegularExpressionObject
.Pattern = "$(.*)"
.IgnoreCase = True
.Global = True
End With
xmlText = RegularExpressionObject.Replace(xmlText,"")

Set RegularExpressionObject = Nothing

which obeously doesn't work. What should I use for:

.Pattern = "$(.*)"


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Build Secure Money Transaction

I want to know,

. Operation Behind the Online Money Transaction.
. If Once The client paid the money,
. How is it validated..( Credit Card)
. Also how Can the Admin of the Site will get the Money from the User.

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Prevent User ReEntering Same Data In Fields

i have a table which has many field, they go across and are named as a1a2a3a4a5a6-a16 the next row will be b1b2b3b4b5b6-b16 the last row is g1g2g3g4g5g6-g16 and so on.

now in the first column i.e which would be a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 f1 g1, the user enters a part number what i want to do is prevent him or her entering the same part no.

twice if this the case the two filds with same part no should be cleared.i.e if user enter p45 in a1 then p45 in d1 then both a1 and d1 should be cleared would be better if the later was only cleared but any method would do. Code:

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Preserving User Data Despite Session Timeout

I am developing an ASP application where the user may spend large amounts of time manipulating data on a worksheet. An amount of time that will certainly exceed the security mandated session timeout intervel of 15 minutes.

So the user pushes save after the session has timed out and is thrown to the user login window -- all according to standards. How can I either detect the timeout before the submit or preserve the user entered data despite the redirect?

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Removing Special Characters From Money Fields

I need to add and subtract transactions for each of our accounts
within our Access DB for account reconciliation.

Values found in our PdAmount field are either positive or negative.
Positive numbers are entered like $690.34
Negative numbers are entered like ($42.36)

I will use something like:
Do until rs.eof
If rs(PdAmount) <> "" Then
'need function to check for positive
'if positive...remove "$" and add to total
'if negative...remove "(", "$", ")" and subtract from total
End If

Can someone give me a function that I can use?

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