Allowing Access To A Printer Over The Internet

I want my clients to be able to print straight to some of our printers over
the internet. The reason: 1) So I don't have to purchase all the
applications they have, simply to print their data. & 2) So they can have
access the printer drivers options.

Sharing a printer on the internet isn't wise, which is why I thought of
doing it via a website. And a few factors came into mind:

1) will the data be secure? maybe encrypted even?
2) who will be able to print to it?
3) can a client only print, once his deposit payment has gone through the
payment system?

Has anyone been able to make such a project work? I tried Google, and most
of the stuff refers to the HP internet-print print server, which won't work
in our scenario, since we have printers that work on LPR, their controllers
are OS/2, and the supplier won't change it just for one company.

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Allowing Write Access Without Using IUSR

Is there any other way to write files to a directory than allowing the
IUSR write access. We have a website that will be writing XML files and
Label files to a directory outside of our website directory but I am
hesitant to give the generic IUSR account write access to anything and
wondered if we could asign a different account or if there was some
sort of ASP script we could use. These files will be created based on a
received XML string (used for label generation) then saved to the
server for archiving and/or recreation of the labels.

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Allowing Site Access For One Hour

One of my client is requiring that a section of his website to be restraint. It is currently in ASP. The visitor will be attributed an access code. This access code will be alpha numeric and contain 6 digits.

When my user will be entering this digit he will be allowed one hour access to the website. I guess the best way to do this is thru cookies. Any experience on this ?

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Allowing Different Characters

I have created a form in which people insert there fax number, at the moment it returns an error if a space is inserted in the fax number ie: 0234 76893.
How do I correct this?

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Allowing The User To Back Track

I want to track the steps the user has gone through to get to this page and then display links so they can click on them to go back to that page. I would do this as hard code but the problem is most of the pages can be accessed from several different pages.

a product page a home page and a specials page

the path to the product can be home -->product or
home-->specials --> product

exactly like the viewing link at the top of this page but in instead of php.

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Allowing User To Download File From Webpage

I would like to be able to allow the viewer of a website to download a file when they request it. Like seen at tucows or

Can someone give me some rough pointers on where to get started?

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Treat User Input As Text Only (allowing The Apostrophe)

Isn't there some line of code that I can write to tell ASP to treat everything between BLAH and /BLAH as text (including the apostrophe). So that users can type a name of "O'Malley" in a form and I can retrieve it and store it in my database.

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Allowing Only "some" Of The Html Tags.

For my CMS, currently I am using a function for stripping HTML tags.


Function SQLMemo(strSQLMemo)
strSQLMemo = Replace(strSQLMemo, "'", "''")
strSQLMemo = Replace(strSQLMemo, Chr(13), "")
strSQLMemo = Replace(strSQLMemo, Chr(10) & Chr(10), "</p><p>")
strSQLMemo = Replace(strSQLMemo, Chr(10), "<br />")
strSQLMemo = "<p>" & strSQLMemo & "</p>"
SQLMemo = strSQLMemo
End Function

Now, I actually want to allow only the following tags for the messages.

<p>, <b>, <i>, <a>, <em>, <br>, <br />, <strong>, <img>, <center>, <blockquote>, <tt>, <li>, <ol>, <ul>, <div>.

are there any easy way of doing this?

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IE Printer

In my WEB application (developped in ASP), i would like to be able to print
a report with data extracted from DB.

I would like to have a button that when i click on it, i launch action like
IE - > FILE -> print.

how can i do this ?
I think that one way is to use activex but i would like to be able to not
use activex too.

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Printer Friendly

Just looking for an affective and easy to use free 'Printer Friendly' script for an Intranet.

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Printer Setup

Is there code that I can write that will change the user's printer setup so that my web page will always print out on one page. I would like the output of the page to look the same no matter who is printing the page. How do I do this?

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Printer Orientation

I wanted to set one of printer friendly pages to landscape, where the user do not need to set it manually.... I tried adding this code to my page, but it doesn't seem to work:

<style type="text/css">
@page { size:landscape; }


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Printer Friendly

I have an asp application that generate reports. The reports are a list of tables that contain information about users. each user has his own table. how do I get the tables to be printer friendly using either css or a script.And how do I page break the tables.

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Printer Command

In Vb6 i use Printer.print command with coordinated printing... Is there any
way to use it also in ASP or how.

if creating server.createobject("param") what will be the param.

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Buffer To Printer

Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objTemplateFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("template.txt"))

strTemplateText = objTemplateFile.ReadAll
Set objTemplateFile = Nothing

strTextToPrint = strTemplateText
strTextToPrint = Replace(strTextToPrint, "{date}", Date())
strTextToPrint = Replace(strTextToPrint, "{time}", Time())
strTextToPrint = Replace(strTextToPrint, "{message}", strMessage)
Response.Write strtexttoprint

How do I send strTextToPrint to my default printer?

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Communication With The Printer

i need a asp coding to communicate with the i need to get printouts of the selected data from the system .inside my interface i give the printer port in the network,printer path and the username password,after checking these things it specify the print job .

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Output Printer

i m giving link print this article to my users to print the page.


<A HREF="javascript:window.print()">Print this article</A>

but it is printing whole window but i want to print only news part. i want to make the printed output "printer friendly". means stripped off the left and right side crap. And the banner ad at the top.

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Pause Printer

I am printing a payslip contains nearly 22 lines. Each time i am generating one employee payslip. If i print using window.print() prints the payslip and aligns to next page. I want to stop the printer and go back and generate next emp payslip. so that i can save paper.

How can i do this. I can generate 3 payslips but there are many calculations for each emp. so i want to generate one by one.

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Printer Dialogue Box

I have print icon on a page and when clicked it goes to a page which is the same but without any buttons etc that do not need to be printed.

The client now wants that instead of clicking file print etc that the printer dialogue box pops up automatically.

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Duplex Printer

Anyone had any fun with setting page breaks with a duplex printer? Example, you have one document with several sections each with a different number of pages.

But you always want each section to start on the front side of the paper not on the back of the last page of the previous section. I have seen information on setting left/right but I have not been able to get it to work.

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PWS Keeps Trying To Connect To Internet

I have just installed PWS on my Win98 SE machine. Even though i change my internet connections to "Never dial a connection" it still tries to connect when i try to view my asp pages.

Presumably there is some simple option i need to change which will allow me to run my scripts without connecting to the internet.

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Printing Over The Internet

I am developing an ASP.Net application where I need to direct a
rendered print job to a print device (private) situated behind a router with
a firewall enabled. I hope that I can explain this properly, the details are
as follows...

PC with internal IP address of
Print device with the internal IP address of

PC sends a request to my remote ASP.Net web site for a print job (report) to
be sent back to the internal networks local printer. Is this possible to
redirect the output to the print device rather than the internal client that
made the request. code:

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Internet Issue

Issue: whenever I try to get online, a window pops up on the screen
and gives a message, "the webpage you are requesting is not available offline. To connect,
click connect tab".

And later I can get online, or sometimes it never let me to connect to
internet. I'm fed up with this problem. I tried doing many steps to
block this message. Nonetheless, I always see this pop up.
Steps which I performed: 1. uninstalled the network drivers &
restarted the computer.

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Internet Connection

I'd like to know how to implement a program which measures how fast a user's internet connection speed is?

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Internet Browsers

This problem occurs in classic ASP on a simple asp page I am writing.I am trying to output a random number using VBScript's Rnd() function.Whenever I refresh my browser, the same number appears(0.7055475).This happens in both Internet Explorer and Firefox. This is all I'm doing:


I have pressed F5 to refresh, cleared both browser caches,and even restarted IIS.I was under the impression that a psuedo-random number would at least change values when I refreshed my browser.Does anyone know what the deal is with Rnd() not producing different numbers?

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Internet Faxing

we need to send about 300 pdf files via an internet fax per day. does anybody know of a good hosting outfit or know of a software package we can install on our own servers to do this?

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Intranet And Internet

I'm dowing a web site on my intranet in a ASP page I have to made save option, on the intranet everything is working fine, but when I upload my website in the internet I have this message:

The page cannot be displayed
There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach
and it cannot be displayed.

What is the probleme my page is in ASP and on intranet it's working fine.

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Intranet And Internet

How can I programmatically in ASP detect the difference between being on an Intranet (ie no outside www access) and the Internet (where can can get www access) ?

I have a program, which has a registration module being built. The module automatically skips across a couple of servers and checks the registration codes, and skips back to the program and informs it the registration code is authentic;

the program there after continues as normal; one of my users wants to install the program on an intranet in their office - I have no problems with that except the registration system will keep stalling and requesting a valid user registration code:

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Internet Explore

When one of my users are navigating my ASP website, and click on submit type button to move from Page1.asp to another ASP page, Page2.asp, they are getting message like

"Internet explorer cannot download <asp page> from <server>. Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later."

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Printing To The Host Printer ??

I am writing a website in asp for a take out restaurant. Customers can place order from their website. What I want to do is, print out the order form from the restaurant's printer when an order is placed, so none is required to manually print out the order list. Is it possible and how??

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Printer Friendly Form

I have developed a client based form using vbscript for a web page to run on IE and would like to make this form printer friendly. Anyone have some ideas?

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Printing From ASP To Network Printer

I have 2 questions :

1. - I want to print from my ASP page directly to my network printer. For this i use the following code, but everytime, my document to print is sent to local and physical port LPT1 not to network printer : Code:

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Page Breaks To Printer

I am creating some reports with ASP and have come to a bit of a problem. Does anyone know how can I send a page break to the printer? I need to be able to start different items fresh on a new page and I really have no idea how to do it.

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