Any Ways To Clear Form Cache Or Prevent User From Pressing The Back Button

Are there ways to let browser forget about the previous submitted form data?

Or prevent user from pressing F5 to submit the same form again

Or prevent user from presising back on the browser?

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Clear The Back Button History?

The back button that appears on every browser has a list that allows moving back to a specific page quickly, I'm sure you all know the one I mean. Is there a means of clearing said list? perhaps some DHTML method or the like?

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Prevent Users From Accessing A Web Page When The Back Button Is Pressed

Is there a way in ASP to prevent users from accessing a web page when the back button is pressed in the browser.

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How To Prevent Pressing Submit More Than One Time?

I have created asp pages to submit logs online. It is used generally to log from handset similar to iPAQ, Pocket PC.

I have on html form and one submit button. On pressing submit , it redirects to other pages and inserts log into db.

But the problem is when they press submit, it takes a little bit long to go next page so people press submit button 2-3 times and finally its insert duplicat records in the database.

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Any Ways To Prevent Explorer From Showing My Asp Error ?

what should I write for my code if I do not want the explorer to show my asp error ? Like instead of the ASP error being shown to the user, I would like it to show " An error has occured ,

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Disable Back Button Response.Cache-Control = "no-store"

I'm trying to disable the back button on an asp page I've tried the code below but it does not work. Code:

Response.Cache-Control = "no-store"

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User Back Button

I've created a asp form that the user submits, the information is wriiten to a database and the user is redirected to a thankyou page

The problem is, if the user presses their browsers back button the form the just submitted is still filled and allows them to resubmit the form.

How can I clear the form session once the user clicks the submit button? I've read about this before, but can't seem to find the darn webpage that explains this.

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Clear Out Cache

Is there any way I can clean the cache at the top of each web page so that users cant use the back button in explorer ?

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Dynamic ASP Form - Prevent User Choosing Default

I have an ASP form which only includes an option list. The list is dynamically created but includes a default value, which is an instruction "Select a group".

The code is shown at bottom. I want to ensure the user does not submit the form with the default value selected. Code:

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ASP - Form Redirect To Same Page - BACK Button Does Not Work ???

I have created 2 asp pages called testa.asp and testb.asp

testa.asp has a link to go to next page testb.asp

testb.asp has a form that ask you for a reference number and post it
to the same page testb.asp

If the reference number is not blank, it will just write out what the
reference number is.

Now my problem....

If you go to testa.asp and click on the link to go to testb.asp you
will see the form. At this point, if you click the back button, it
till take you back to testa.asp ALL FINE SO FAR.

If you go to testb.asp again and see the form, enter a number say 33
and click on search. This will now show you the number you have just
entered. NOW - click on the BACK BUTTON, it will just show you exactly
the same page ! WHY does it not go back to the FORM in order to refill
in a different number. Code:

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Empty Form When User Clicks Back

I want to empty the forms fields when a user clicks on the back button. I wrote some js that will do this, but I can't figure out the right time to execute the script. If I do it on the submit form event, the values entered do not get posted, if I do it on the <body> onLoad event, the form name isn't recognized (the page posts to itsself). I also tried putting the js in a <script> tag inline just after the form, but it doesn't seem to have any effect.

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Back Button : : How To Fill Values Back

I have a form that submits values to an asp page. If their is an error on the asp page that is called and you go back to the first page with the form. The values are not in the form.

How can I set the value back into form without the user having to retype them in? If I use hidden fields on the first asp page and I go back to that page wouldn't the values for the hidden fields be empty as well?

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AVOID Multiple Form Submittals Via "back Button"

I know there really isn't a way to disable the "back button" on the browser BUT ... I'm trying to not allow multiple entries via a form submit when the back button is depressed on the browser.

Basically is there a code snippet that somebody can provide so that when a form is submitted and somebody attempts to go back by hitting the "back" button, that form information just entered won't resubmit into the database?

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Prevent Button From Scrolling

how to prevent a button from scrolling i.e keep its absolute position same on the page.

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Refresh Button Resubmitting Data - How To Prevent This?

My application is written in .NET (C#) with the inline Edit mode from
DataGrid. When a SAVE button is pressed it will perform a action on the
database either to add, edit or delete data that a user has entered.

When the refresh button is pressed at the top of the page the same
exact data is re-submitted again resulting duplicate transaction in the
database. Is there anyway of stopping this happening? From client-side
script, how can we detect that the "Refresh" button is click?

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Cache A User-specific Menu

My web application uses a custom-generated menu system which is tailored for each user individually when they log in, based on their permissions. I've got this working very quickly on the server using ASP, and the menus are just included into each page as it's served out.

The problem is that the menus take up a fair amount of bandwidth (about 12 seconds over 28.8 modem - not an uncommon dial-up speed in this part of the world). I can't really simplify the menus any further, so the only thing left to me is to somehow cache the menus on the client, but I can't figure out a way to do it.I've thought about getting the asp menu builder program to write out the menu item data to a .js script file and then build the menus on the client using the cached .js file, but this is clumsy, and if the user's machine is low-spec it could take longer to build the menus than download them.

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Prevent User ReEntering Same Data In Fields

i have a table which has many field, they go across and are named as a1a2a3a4a5a6-a16 the next row will be b1b2b3b4b5b6-b16 the last row is g1g2g3g4g5g6-g16 and so on.

now in the first column i.e which would be a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 f1 g1, the user enters a part number what i want to do is prevent him or her entering the same part no.

twice if this the case the two filds with same part no should be cleared.i.e if user enter p45 in a1 then p45 in d1 then both a1 and d1 should be cleared would be better if the later was only cleared but any method would do. Code:

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IE Back Button

i have this prob. example,

i have created 2 .asp pages which,
1. Index page
2. Adding asp function

User will start to add contents in index.asp, then clicked on the "Add" button. the form will post to addContent.asp to add the contents to the database, then prompt the user for Adding contents complete and lastly display the added content to the Index page.

However, when i clicked on the "back" Button at the IE Standard Bar, it display the addContent.asp page and prompt user for the last msg -> "Adding contents Successfully". how can i redirect the page to the previous page before the adding page when the user clicked on the "Back" button at the IE Bar?

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Log Out And Not Be Able To Use The Back Button

I am devloping a site with a log in function and it works fine, but what I want to make sure that when the user logs out, he/she can not use the back butten and then automatically enter the protected site again, and this is where I am at the moment.

I have tried several no-cache solutions, but they don't work as intended. Users should still be able to go back and forth between pages within the restricted area, and this does not work with no-cache, at least I am not able to make it work.

How do I make sure that using the back button will produce either a expired warning page, or redirect the user to the log in page?

How would this code look? and what page should the code be in?

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Back Button X3

I want to put a back button on my page, but to back 3x pages is it possible?

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Javascript Back Button

I am trying to implement a javascript back button on my page. I had everything working on my test server, however, whenever I migrated over to the secure server, it throws an error saying that the page cannot be displayed. I am using javascript.back

I have searched these forums, and couldnt find anything to help me, so I figured I would post to see if anyone may know of a solution.

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Deactivate The Back Button

i want to deactivate the back button on left top corner to the browser window, is it possible to do it in ASP. if yes please help me friends

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BrowserHawk Back Button

IS anyone having trouble with BrowserHawk's GetExtPropertiesEx changing the behavior of the back button?

The manual says this is only an issue in IE 3. But FireFox and IE 6 are mouse trapping with a GetExtPropertiesEx 0 type call.

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Web Address Bar And Back Button.

I would like away to make my users of my ASP application have to use the buttons on my web developed web pages to go from one screen to next.

Not allow them to use the back button or go to another web page of my application by using their browser's address bar. I would not want to disable the browser's address bar and back button in case they get knocked off my application for some reason.

Just want my application to ignore the clicking of the back button and new entry into address bar that has to do with any of my pages in my ASP application. They all have to same beginning //CEOSH_Web/applications/myaspapp/... Code:

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Disable Back Button

This isnt really a problem more like extra secutiry.
I am creating a wesite for a user who isnt completely computer literate and i want to either disable him from having access to the IE Back button as if he goes back on one of the pages and then re-clicks on the button on that page it will re-submit data that he shouldnt be!

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Back Button And Aunthentication

I used the Macromedia Dreamweaver Login Authentication forms to gain access to my page. The user logs in and logs out just fine. But if they log out, and then click the "BACK" button, then they can return to a secure page that they should have been restricted from.

Does this have to do with Session variables? I'm just confused why they would get access. Do I need to clear something that isn't being cleared?I can upload my code, but I'm not sure what to upload, its all standard MMX stuff.

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Clicking Back Button

After logout, if the user clicks the back button, the session should expire. how to do this

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Disable Back Button

I'm having a problem disabling a back button. Normally what I would do is just throw a history.forward() javascript on the preceding page and be done with it. My problem is that the preceding page can either lead to an error or a confirmation page. If the user produces an error and are taken to the error page, they'll need to be able to click back to correct their mistake. If everything is correct and are taken to the confirmation page, then they shouldn't be allowed to get back.

Has anyone come across this? I've tried setting a session variable when everything is correct but clicking on Back makes the value of the session variable what it was when you originally got to the page.

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Understanding Back Button

How can we understand that the user presses BACK button of browser?

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Using Browser Back Button

On a current website, when I submit a search from a form, the page with results are shown. If I then click page 2 of the results I get page 2 no problems. The PROBLEM then is a user clicking the browser back button. When this is pressed IE shows this error which makes sense but sites like dont have this problem. Quote:

Warning: Page has Expired The page you requested was created using information you submitted in a form. This page is no longer available. As a security precaution, Internet Explorer does not automatically resubmit your information for you. To resubmit your information and view this Web page, click the Refresh button.

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The Browsers' Back Button

I use the following code which simulates the browsers' back button. window.history.back(), but whenever i use this , i get a "404 page not found error . is this related to browser settings?

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Problem With The Back Button

On one or two pages if I click on the back button, I get the Page Not Found error messagepage. How can I get it to go back to the previous page?

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Select Box & Back Button

Annoying behavoir from IE6, haven't tested other browsers. Have a select box, onchange event submit the form (it's a date). Data is retrieved for selected date. Everything's wonderful

User clicks the back button, the previous data is displayed, but the current option in the select box is still chosen, so the date that's retrieved doesn't match the date that is selected.

Looks like this is by design, which doesn't make any sense, so I thought of killing the cache. Is this acceptable practice in an ASP app? It's an internal business app running on our intranet if that makes any difference.

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