Arguments Are Out Of Acceptable Range, Or Are In Conflict With One Another

i got this error message

ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BB9)
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

/searchresults.asp, line 21

from the code in my site


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Arguments Are Of The Wrong Type, Are Out Of Acceptable Range, Or Are In Conflict With

I have created a login page for my website but I am trying to add some code to the page so that once a user has voted they can't keep on voting. Code: ...........

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Error :: 'Arguments Are Of The Wrong Type, Are Out Of Acceptable Range, Or Are In Conflict With One Another

Iam using a filter in asp and it doesn't work with the wildcard '_' or even using IN it only works with LIKE '% (anydata) %'. In my table i have a column, which stores values as 1,23,40 etc. How do i get it to bring back all rows where X='1' and not X LIke '%1%'

I get the following error message:

'Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.'

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Error :: ADODB.Recordset(0x800A0BB9) Arguments Are Of The Wrong Type Are Out Of Acceptable Range Or Are In Conflict

I'm trying to connect a dbase but an error appear. This is the error type:

"ADODB.Recordset(0x800A0BB9) arguments are of the wrong type are out of acceptable range or are in conflict"

I used the code for example:

rs.Open "SELECT * FROM table1", db, adOpenStatic, adLockPessimistic

The microsoft ASP documentation says that adOpenStatic, adLockPessimistic, equals to 3,3 notation. I used first the code above then the error appears. But when I change it to 3,3 it runs ok.

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Arguments Are Of The Wrong Type, Are Out Of Acceptable Range

perct = Math.round((cInt(objRS4("total"))/cInt(objRS5("ttl")))*100,4)

i am trying to grab 2 integer values from a mysql db and get their asp...what is wrong with the above statement, b/c i get this error:

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bb9'
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

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ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BB9) :: Arguments Are Out Of Acceptable Range

I have problem with this. I want to log an admin within the system in a session but I have an error with line 14:

ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BB9) Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

Code: .....

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Error :: Arguments Are Of The Wrong Type, Are Out Of Acceptable Range ...

where do I go wrong? I tried closing the first connection and then reopen so that I can view the "results" table. But it doesn't work entirely.

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bb9'
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

/kjvresp.asp, line 298

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Error:Arguments Are Of The Wrong Type, Are Out Of Acceptable Range, Or Are In Conflic

In the existing code is a recordset created with a function with the property forward-only. The behaviour of the result has to be changed. If there is one record found then an action has to be taken place. So I created a new recordset with the goal to count the records. Code:

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ADODB.Streamerror '800a0bb9' Arguments Are Of The Wrong Type, Are Out Of Acceptable ...

I am getting one error .How to fix this error

ADODB.Streamerror '800a0bb9'

Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another. /design/ppl_all/fieldclass.asp, line 165

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Asp+javascript Conflict

for some reason, when i run my website through my browser as a local host (IIS) to test the asp, the asp works but the javascript doesnt, when i run the website through the browser normally, obviously the asp doesnt work but the javascript does!!!!

is there a reason for this?? is it a problem if i when live with it??
or is this just what happens???

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Namespace Conflict

I have an ASP 2.0 Web site I'm building and I'm adding Atlas to one of the pages. I've created a simple Web Service as a separate project and compiled it. The Web Service has a class to connect to our SQL Server to get data. The service takes two strings and an array of SQL Parameters. I have added the Web Service reference to my Web site app in the App_WebReferences folder.

when I create an instance of the Web Service it attaches the local namespace of the Web Service to the SQLParameter type and gives me an error like: "Value of type '1-dimensional array of System.Data.SQLClient.SqlLParameter' can not be converted to '1-dimensional array oflocalhost.SqlParameter'.because 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter' is not derived from 'localhost.SqlParameter'.Why is it doing that?

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ASP Connection Conflict

I have created a Membership Directory that is sorted alphabetically using ASP/VBS/Access (although the access was converted to mysql before loading to remote server). It runs perfectly on my local server, but I cannot run when loaded to remote server.

Tech support for webhost sent me a "test.asp" w/working connection string, but putting it into the connection include file causes an "empty connection string" error in my asp doc. I don't know how to clear up the conflict. Code:

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ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BB9) :: .. Are In Conflict With One Another

I have coded an application on an XP Platform with a Microsoft Access backend.

1. On my development system I have successfully ran the application using Internet Explorer where I type: http://localhost/sad.

2. The customer wants this application to be self contained and working off a CD. So, I burned the application on a CD, created a virtual directory and in IE typed: http://dhurtu/testapp/sad and again no problem worked beautifully.

3. I took the CD, went to my IBM laptop it is configured the same way as my development machine. Again it worked flawlessly.

4. I went on machine similar to the customer's configured with Windows 2000 Professional and IIS 5.0. We created a virtual directory, put in the CD and the application worked beautifully.

5. At the customer site I wasn't so lucky! I put the CD in, created the virtual directory. Fired up Internet Explorer got the greeting screen, made a search and from the search made a selection to get further details ... AND CRASH ... ADODB.Recordset ......

My question is simple. Why would this application work on three different machine and then fail on another.

Customer machine runs Microsoft Windows 2000 (5.00.2195) Service Pack 4. IIS was not installed when I first got there and therefore I installed it. The install CD was not of SP4 vintage but of year 2000 vintage. It seems to me that the IIS version on the client machine is 5.0. Code:

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ASP - UTF8 For MySQL, UTF16 For WinXP Conflict

I am having problem regarding utf8 (used by MySQL) and utf16 (used by WinXP)

I want to store the CJK string into both MySQL and use the string to create a new file name. The problem here is,if the string is in utf8, MySQL can accept it, but the filename will have strange character.

If the string is in utf16 format, MySQL will store as '???', and the filename will be created correctly in WinXP.

I have attached my code. Notice that, If I set @CodePage=65001 'UTF-8'
WinXP/IIS will convert all the UTF8 string in the asp file to UTF16 for internal processing. MySQL can only accept utf8 for client connection, so aftï½…ï½’ UTF16 converted to UTF8, ??? will appear. Code:

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ASP - UTF8 For MySQL, UTF16 For WinXP Conflict

I am having problem regarding utf8 (used by MySQL) and utf16 (used by WinXP)

I want to store the CJK string into both MySQL and use the string to create a new file name. The problem here is,if the string is in utf8, MySQL can accept it, but the filename will have strange character.

If the string is in utf16 format, MySQL will store as '???', and the filename will be created correctly in WinXP. Code:

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ENCTYPE And Response.Form.Item(...) Conflict?

I have an simple ASP form and I am using the following statement to get the

emailFrom = Request.Form.Item("ctrl:EmailFrom")
emailTo = Request.Form.Item("ctrl:EmailTo")

However, after I added attribute ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" to the HTML
tag <Form> for uploading files (not implemented yet). The above code doesn't
work and the value of Request.Form.Item("...") become "Undefined".

How to solve the problem?

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Arguments With &'s

When requesting a url, I'd like to be able to give it arguments which contain &'s and %'s (infact any character for that matter). I know these two cause problems.

Is there an escape character or a workaround? What are the other problem characters?

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Variable Arguments

Is it possible to send a variable amount of arguments to a sub or function? I have a case where I may need to send a function a list of arguments whose number will change from time to time.

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Why Do I Get Arguments Are Of The Wrong Type?

Why do i keep getting the following error?

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bb9'

Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

/_script/main.asp, line 22

I have a simple script that has always worked!


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Send Arguments In A String

I have a static URL with two links:

<a href="someASPpage.asp?category=yes">Show category 1 </a>
<a href="someASPpage.asp?category=no">Show category 2 </a>

They both pass an argument to the “someASPpage.asp”. The URL that retrieves the passed argument should be one of two frames in a frameset. Therefore I also have the frameset called “frameset.asp” and frame1 (that should hold the “someASPpage.asp”) and frame 2 (that should hold “someOtherASPpage.asp”).

when I click either of the two links I get taken directly to the “someASPpage.asp” page (which unfortunately covers the whole screen) and the passed argument is displayed. I want the “yes” or “no” string to be displayed in one of the two frames instead. The other frame in the frameset should be empty for now. How can I display a frameset and at the same time pass an argument to one of the frames?

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Arguments Are Of The Wrong Type

I'm getting the following error:

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bb9'

Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in
conflict with one another. Code:

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Wrong Number Of Arguments Error With Access??

I'm trying to query an Access database with an asp page hit with a hidden form from an ecommerce site. It was working fine until I added a new variable ("speed"), and now I get the following error: Code:

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IsNull Function Requires 2 Arguments Error

I used this to sum column with nulls and it worked fine but then when I tried to do the same with the next column over, I get "IsNull function requires 2 arguments error".

In my select statement:

Sum(IsNull([1st Qtr],0)) as Sum1QN

The one above worked fine, so I thought I would just do the same for the next column over like so:

Sum(IsNull([2nd Qtr]),0)) as Sum2QN

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ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BB9) :: Arguments Are Of The Wrong Type

ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BB9)
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

I'm trying to populate a form based on records determined by the selection made from a drop down box. The drop down is populated fine, but the same methods seems unable to work for the rest of the form and I receive the above error message.

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Wrong Number Of Arguments Or Invalid Property Assignment

I've just installed ASPXMLRPC library and testing their main function:

xmlRPC ("URL", "command_name", params)

The function converts all parameters to XML, sends a request to third-
party server and receives XML response. It seems to be getting
response fine. But when I call the function like this:

myresp = xmlRPC ("", "get", paramList)

I get error on this line:

"Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment"

All code details are: Code:

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Wrong Number Of Arguments Or Invalid Property Assignment: 'Open'


Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: 'Open'
/job_modifyConfirmed.asp, line 26

Still gettign this this is my db connection included: ...

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Wrong Number Of Arguments Or Invalid Property Assignment: 'Open'


Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: 'Open'

Still gettign this this is my db connection included: Code:

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IP Range

If an ip address falls in between to then i would like something to happen. I m not too good with the sql math part but i figured it would be something like this


<% if Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") >= "" or <= "" then Response.write("hello") end if

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Out-of-range Datetime Value.

Once i inserted "date()" in date field
This worked fine for 3days
but on the 4th day I got this error

The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.

Again I changed the format of date to oracle DB format
and Ive solved the prob

I just want to know why I got that error

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Date Range

I have a database with a table that contains date fields "startdate" and "enddate". How do I build a code in asp to select the data contained between a date range entered
by the user?

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IP Range Comparison

I need to compare an IP address to a database that contains ranges for each byte in a potentially "valid" IP.

Columns in the msSQL db are IP1, IP2, IP3 and IP4.

The problem is that one entry in the database may have a range. If I were to query all four columns and concatenate the data, I may get something like this:

So if a user sends me 4 variables (1 for each byte in IPv4) over a form, how I would I begin to compare this data?

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Out Of Range Error

I'm trying to set up a random product feature on my site. Originally, I set up a hard-coded array of the ID numbers I wanted to randomize, but now I want to set it up so the random numbers are the ten most recent products. Code:

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Date Range

My SQL statement is returning either 0 or all members not just the members that are beyond todays date.Code:

strCountPaidForumMembers = "SELECT COUNT (members.membersSubExpires) AS totalPaidMembers FROM members WHERE (((members.membersSubExpires)>=" & date() & "));"

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