Array Error: Variable Is Undefined

Can someone point out why this is giving me the error "Variable is
undefined: 'arrProducts' "


Dim m_arrProducts()

Sub SerializeCart()
ReDim m_arrProducts(m_intCartCount -1)
response.Write("ARRAY: " & IsArray(m_arrProducts) & " Cart Count: " &
For intCounter = 0 to m_intCartCount - 1
response.Write("product 1" & "<br/>")
End Sub


the Response.Write prints "True" for IsArray and "2" for m_intCartCount.

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Variable Undefined

I got this error:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01F4)
Variable is undefined: 'myapp'

When I was doing this:

Set myapp = Server.CreateObject("MyAppCOM.MyApp.1")


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Variable Is Undefined: 'JMail'

Error shows in browser as

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01f4'

Variable is undefined: 'JMail'

/SendEMail2.asp, line 38 ....

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Undefined Error

Is there a way of detecting what the causes is on a undefined error without using asp?

Asp scripts have stopped working on my site. HTML pages still work, but not if I change the extension to ASP. I get a 500 error, even when the asp script only contains HTML.

My host is Fasthosts but my reseller never returns my emails.

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Undefined Error

I am getting an undefined error on the SELECT line that contains locaiton_form. Can someone help me fix this error.

<form action="connopen.asp" method="get">
First Name: <input type="text" name="first_name"><br>
Last Name:<input type="text" name="last_name"><br>
<form name="location_form" method="get">
<select name="Location" onChange="location_form.submit();">
<option value="null"<%IF loc_id = "null" THEN%> selected="selected"<%END IF%>>
<option value="MAE"<%IF loc_id = "MAE" THEN%> selected="selected"<%END IF%>> MAE
<option value="LCQ"<%IF loc_id = "LCQ" THEN%> selected="selected"<%END IF%>> LCQ
<option value="GSO"<%IF loc_id = "GSO" THEN%> selected="selected"<%END IF%>> GSO

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Runtime Undefined Error

I have the following asp code and the functionality works, but before it works a dialog box pops up and says 'Runtime error 'Episodes' is undefined. I don't know how to get rid of it. Anyone have any ideas?:

for i=1 to 5
response.write "<tr><td><a style='text-decoration: underline;' class='biosLinks' href='" & i & ".wmv' onclick='" & i & ".wmw); return false'>Episode " & i & "</a><br></td></tr>"

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Syntax Error (missing Operator) In Query Expression '''undefined'''.

I am trying to insert values into a database using an sql statement that i read from a table that contains all my different sql commands. The sql statement is stored in the following way in the table: Code:

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Array Variable In Asp

how to use an array variable in asp i want to know how to difine it and use it as a session varible actually what i want is keep several mail addresses in a session variable
i hope the way is difine a array variable and assing it to a session need .

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Set Array With Variable

Is it possible to set an array with a variable e.g.

dim ss


Dim myFixedArray(ss)

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Session Variable Array

I have a declared a session variable array. I want to create an array in my client side vbscript with the same values. I know you can set an array in server side script equal to the session variable array.

AryDocCache() = Session("DocCache")

How do you set an array in client side script equal to the session variable array?

I know this does not work.
AryDocCache()= <%=Session ("DocCache")%>

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Session Variable - Array Problem

I need to create an array with a session variable. According to thebook I'm using, the following should work, but if fails:

for each key in request.QueryString
if left(key,6) = "cboRun" then
iIndex = cint(mid (key,7))
response.Write(iIndex & "<br>")
end if

it is the (iIndex) part which fails. If I remove this, then I can create a
single session variable Any suggestions where I'm going wrong.

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Server.execute Inserting A Variable Into An Array

I have a main page 'album.asp' which server.executes a file 'alicia2.txt'.

I am currently using session variables to move the values of the variables back and forth. I have run into a problem with an array. I currently have : Code:

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How Do I Retrieve Values Of An Array Variable From A Form To An Asp Page?

if i have a vbscript function on a certain form and I assigned some values on an array variable on that function, is there a way for me to retrieve the values of that array on another asp page once i submitted the form?

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Undefined Function

My site web is using database in ACCESS. I'M using a Table and a Query, the table work fine but the Query don't work.I got the error : Undefined "NZ" function.
I did some search and found that when query are used, it use a function "NZ" to replace NULL with " ". But ASP can't use that. It's what I understood.
I found some code to repair this but they modify my Database, and I don't think I should do this because maybe it could crash it.Somoene know how to get ride of this with out modifying the DB?

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Window Is Undefined


<script language="javascript" runat="server">
function test()
var s = window.dialogArguments;
return s

from my asp page1 i am calling the showmodaldialog and passing the argument. this is the code i was written in asp page2. it's thrown an error like.

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AdUseServer Constant Undefined

I have an ASP page in which I reference quite a few ADO constants such as adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly and they work fine but a reference to adUseServer comes up as undefined?

I have a typelib definition in that page:

<!--METADATA TYPE="typelib" uuid="00000205-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4" -->

For the time being I used the constant 2 to replace that reference - I hope
that is correct?

Any ideas on why that constant remains undefined?

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Array Error

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch

I'm using Query String and using arrays to select data for a flash file.The 'type mismatch' is where my array starts.I'm not sure i'm using it the right way or not?

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'undefined' Form Input Value Inside JS Function

I'm developing an account lookup, mostly in ASP, that displays a list of radio buttons to select one account from those found in a recordset. Here is a snip of the account display, after the recordset is populated: Code:

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ASP Error : This Array Is Fixed Or Temporarily Locked

i got this error when trying to looping through an array

Quote: Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000a'

This array is fixed or temporarily locked

Here are my code:

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Split() Into Array() Type Mismatch Error

I am retrieving a set of values from some checkboxes in a form. When I put the values into a variable it prints fine:

Code: .....

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Type Mismatch Error When Accessing An Array

I have a method on a com+ object that is returning an array of objects.

I know the array is popluated as calls to check the ubound and lbound
show valid values. However, any calls to get the value of a cell in the

array results in a type mismatch error.

Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)
Type mismatch
/idmTest/userTest.asp, line 30

I have pasted below some of the samples that i have tried. Each results Code:

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Single Record In Array Produces Error.

I get a "Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.

/tourasp/town.asp, line 200 "

error when running following piece of code:

set RS = Conn.Execute(strSQL)
DS = RS.GetRows()' -- (this is line 200)
set RS = nothing
set Conn = nothing

If the recordset has two or more records in it, it works fine, but if the recordset has only record in it, I get the error. Code:

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Error With SQL And Variable

This is a Screen Shot of the error i am receiving.

ht t p:/ / ww w. geocities. com/sn owthef ear ed04/ error. jpg

Any Ideas? I fixed the end quotes and semi colon those are no longer at the end of the sql statement.

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Error Variable With Space

please see the variable in red, this variable is basically a search string, this works perfect if there is no space in search string, but if there is space like "air condition" then it only takes the first word "air" and leaves the "condition", is there a way i can keep both words together Code:

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Passing Variable Error

Can someone tell me if they see an error in my SQL statement? I'm passing the TEAMID var into this page. I know that works because I tested it.


Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e10'

No value given for one or more required parameters.

/league/teams/team.asp, line 13

<%@ language=vbscript%>
<!--#include virtual="/includes/common.asp"-->

<% Dim teamID %>

<% teamID = Request.QueryString("TeamID") %>

<% Set rs = Conn.Execute("SELECT * FROM tblTeams WHERE TeamID = " & teamID )%>

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500.100 Error Passing Session Variable To SQL

I am getting the following error when I run my page I just created. The
first time I run the page I get this error, if I run the page a second time
I get no error and everything works fine. This is the case everytime.

The error is:

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Passing Variable With Querystring - Update Db - Error !?

i have a table 'Accounts' in my database, which contains a bunch of
users. From the main menu i choose "edit user" and all users in the db
are presented in a table. The first column 'Pnr' is a unique ID for
each user that i made appear as a link. clicking on one userID should
present a form where the picked users userdata is already filled in so
i can easily edit it and then move on to submit the form to update the
db. i get to the part where all users are listed nicely in a table,
but clicking on one, i get this error:

Error Type:
ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0CC1)
Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested
name or ordinal.
/VS_Files/updateUserForm.asp, line 19

I think i'm doing something wrong with passing a value with the
querystring...? Code:

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Rebuilding Of An Array From An Existing Array

I dump the entire recordset into an array:

If not rs.EOF Then
aEmp = rs.GetRows()

Contents of the array are in this order:

EmpID,EmpName,Indent,Sub_ID,Lft,Rgt,MgrID, LastName

This query sort on the basis of Lft and Rgt columns.

The name of the array is: aEmp.

My question here is how can I get only the LastName from the aEmp array into another array so that I can sort the names alphabetically and then display the employees in the alphabetical order.

Or is there is another way I could this by using the same array while keeping the lft and rgt sort of the query? If I sort based at the SQL query level, I can see the names sorted by the lft, rgt and lastname, but since the lastname is at the end of the sort list - it does not appear alphabetically.

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Array Integers Vs Array Variables

In working with arrays, I have found that I am unable to dimension and array
with a variable that has an integer value but I can redimension one this
way. I haven't see any information that tells me if this is a requirement,
although it appears to be because I get an error if I try it.


Dim b
b = 10
Dim a(b) ' this errors out but
Dim a() ' this
Redim a(b) ' works


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Calling Com + Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set

I'm turning my application into a "DLL". Everything worked fine untill I try to do a "While" in my asp code. Then I recieve an error like this:

"Object variable or With block variable not set"

My vb code look like this.....

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Passing Data From Javascript Variable To Asp Variable.

is there any way of passing a javascript variable over to a asp variable so
i can write it to my database.

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Create A New Array From An Array

I want to create a new array called arrNames2 and copy contents of arrNames to arrNames2.

I then want to loop through my db and add more names (while going through the loop) to arrNames2. What is the best way to do this? Do I have to keep redim the array wehn I add more names?

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Convert ASP Variable To Javascript Variable

How do I convert an ASP variable to a Javascript variable?

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