Asp Formatting For Form Textbox

I have to use the nl2br function in the asp file, luckly I got this code from a site. What I need to do is literally extract the information from a textbox exactly as it is i.e.

the paragraph breaks, the formatting (which I have specified) but most importantly I need to extract the formatting the way it is. When one copies and pastes text in the textbox it extracts the data as an entire paragraph. Code:

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How Can I Lock A Textbox Value In A Form !?

How can i lock a textbox in a form !?

so no body can change its value

<input type="text" name="adddate" size="20" value=<%response.write(date())%>>

<input type="text" name="name" size="20" value=Killerpm>

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Sending Textbox Value Without Form

I have an input type text in my 1st asp page....when i go to the 2nd asp page i want to retrieve my textbox value in my previous page...i know how to do this with a form...i want to do it in another way, is that possible?

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Form Formatting In Asp

I would like to know how to format phone numbers and ssn numbers in textbox. That is when I enter the phone number, it is going to the database as 000,000,0000. I want to have it as either 0000000000 or 000-000-0000. Likewise, for ssn also. I am really fed up with javascript, somehow, it doesn't work well for me. Always, get page errors and it is not that easy to find out the errors in javascript.....

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Autofill Form Textbox From Database

I have a form that has a table that contains a textbox where the user inputs a part number. Depending on what the user enters, when the user tabs to the next textbox, I want it to go to the database and search for the number that was entered.

If found, I want it to populate other textboxes with information found for that item in the database. How can I accomplish this??

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Formatting HTML Email From Form Submission?

All of my previous web page work has been done with .html and Cold Fusion. My new host does not support cold fusion but does have ASP 3.0 and ASP.Net 1.1. They've told me that I have to use CDO.Sys for sending email. I've spent the past 3 days doing all the research I can find but most of the examples assume a basic knowledge of ASP (which I am severly lacking in).

I have a simple .html form (4 fields) that currently DOES get sent through email (although it is sent as plain text). I would like to be able to send an email that is formatted into html (allowing me to use tables, images, etc.

Here is what I have so far (I've commented out the "text" based part and am trying to send as an html email now).

<% @ Language="VBscript" %>
<% Option Explicit %> .....

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CDONTs - Problem Formatting An Email, From Form To Email

I am having a problem formatting an email message which comes from a form.

I am currently having difficulty with the <br> tag which I am using for line spaces within my email. I am getting an expected statement error message which is pointing to the line which is underlined below. I can't think what is causing this.

The code for my processing page is below:-

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I have a text box but I want to insert the max number in a text box. Here's the code I have for selecting the max record:

objconn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("calibration2.mdb")
Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") objconn
set rsEmps = conn.Execute("select Max(recordNumber) from CalibrationRecord")

How do I put it into a textbox? Here's the code for the textbox:

<td width="34%"><INPUT NAME="RefNum" TYPE="text" id="RefNum" VALUE="<% response.write RSEmp("recordNumber") %>" SIZE=25 MAXLENGTH=50 ></td>

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Textbox Value

textfield from form1 is called SID
primary key in database is called "School ID"
i tried

SELECT * FROM Schools WHERE "School ID" IS form1.SID
but errors out
ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cc1'

Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.
/tp/display.asp, line 37

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I am using a textbox with in a forloop, for each time when i click a button
it genarates a new textbox, so for example for first time there will be 1
textbox, i will enter some value into that textbox and i click the button
which adds another textbox and i enter someother value and i go on clicking
for to add a new textbox and enters some value. after creating 5 textboxes i
want to know the index of the textbox, basing on thet index i will find the
value and do some calculations and some more. so i must compulsorily need
index of the textbox.
SO can any one help me.
when i see in the view source i am seeing that 5 textboxes names are same.

<input type="text" name="txtStores" id="txtStores" value="0" size="4"/>
<input type="text" name="txtStores" id="txtStores" value="0" size="4"/>

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Value Of Textbox

I've got a textbox (within a form) which is blank. How can I program a button that will make a value appear in the textbox without refreshing the page??

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3 Textbox Value

i have 3 text box,in that one gets value from a picklist these three values have to be displayed down in table format and every time the page gets refreshed when a new product is selected using the picklist

for example

product :
rate :
Quantity :

| | product|rate|quantity|amount|
1 adb 23 2 46
2 xcv 25 2 50

i need to display like above for n products

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how to display 2 values inputted on a textbox and transfer it to another asp file? below is my code


<form method="get" action="names.asp">
enter name :
<input type="text" name="xname">

<input type=submit>


Response.Write("<input type=text name=frm_name value=" & Request.QueryString("xname")& "><br>")

what happens is when im in enter.asp and i typed in for example Michael Jordan it goes automatically to names.asp but what happens is when it goes to the textbox of names.asp it would only display the word Michael.

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Set Textbox Value

I'm modifying an existing ASP app. I'm quite used to ASP.NET but have never worked with classic ASP before. I'd like to know how could I set the value of a textbox to the selected text of a combo on client side ? It has to be done every time the page is loaded because the combo is hidden.

I know I'd be better using server-side, but I can't modify too much things on that side, and I donno how to set the value of a control on the server side.... I miss the good ol' 'runat="server"' from .NET

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I have 2 textboxes on one page. How can I get the value of one textbox (key in by user) and display the value of that textbox to another textbox?

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Checkbox With Textbox

anyone have any idea how to do checkbox with textbox beside.

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Dropdown On Textbox Using ASP

I have seen some techniques like this on the web. Currently, I'm using Combo
box which values came from database table. One disadvantage is when the
combo box have lots of values, users are complaining since you cannot use
keyboard to search the value that is needed.

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Invisible Textbox

How do I make a textbox invisible so that i may add code that i dont want the users to see and pass it along?

<input type="text" value="<%=email%>" name="T1" size="20">

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Textbox That Allows HTML

I was wondering how to make a text area that allows the input of html tags or custom tags for fomatting of text.

Actually almost exactly like the textbox we use to post to this forum. I would only need text formating like bold maybe colors of fonts alignment etc. I can't seem to find anything that teaches people how to do this.

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Masked Textbox

Im doing a code in asp.
I dont know how to format the textbox in a way that when the user enter the number the format must be for sample:


Or a date format sample:


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Simple Textbox

i have a shopping cart type system where a user adds items to their cart, and as they are doing this, i have a textbox for the user to enter the quantity of the selected item they want!i want this textbox to be max. 3 characters in length (for asthetic purposes!!) but no matter waht width i make it, it is always displayed much bigger(longer) than i want! So how do i force this
textbox to be no more than 3 characters in length?

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Prepopulating In Textbox

can anyone send me the code for prepopulating for the textbox?

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Query From Textbox

I'm wondering if it's possible to search words from a huge text instead of one or two words. Example:

If the actual text says:
I'm walking the dog tonight. The dog is hungry.
Is it possible to search "walking" and "hungry" from one textbox or textarea?

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Hiding Textbox

I would like to know if this is possible. I'm using ASP with JSCRIPT.
I have a dropdown box that when the use selects a particular value, I would
like the textbox to become visible.
also if they dont choose it, I would like the textbox to be hidden.
I have this web input form with many other fields. This dropdown box is in
the middle of these fields.I dont see any property to set. I see the disable property but I want it

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Textbox Property

I have a requirement like this.When the textbox gets this even i want to change the input langauge arabic.
Currently i have to do it manually by pressing the Alt+Shift toggle between twon langauages

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Displaying A Textbox

I have a form that has a dropdown list. I would like to have a textbox be displayed after the user chooses "other". How can I do this? I would also like the field to go away when the user chances their mind. Is this possible?

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Query From Textbox

I'm wondering if it's possible to search words from a huge text instead of one or two words. Example: If the actual text says:

I'm walking the dog tonight. The dog is hungry. Is it possible to search "walking" and "hungry" from one textbox or textarea?

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Query From Textbox

it's possible to search words from a huge text instead of one or two words. Example:If the actual text says:Quote:

I'm walking the dog tonight. The dog is hungry.Is it possible to search "walking" and "hungry" from one textbox or textarea?

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Quotes With Textbox

First Question:

When I try the fallowing I get an error message:

Field1 = Replace(Field1, """, "& quote")

Second Question:

I have some info stored on Access DB, when i pull it for updates I should print the data as fallow:

<input type="text" name="Field1" value="<%= RS ("Field1") %>" size="20">
All that well and good but the problem occur when "RS ("Field1")" contain a double quote!

Let's say I have:

RS ("Field1") = Hi "guys"....

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Picture In To A Textbox

how to develop a form where we can enter text and also paste a picture?how can we take unlimited matter in a text box?wat data type should we use?

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Text To Textbox

does any1 know a how i could make it so that when i click some text, it will turn into a textbox, and when i press enter in updates mysql database.

this is the kind of thing im looking for...
where you can click a field and edit it
(URL address blocked: See forum rules)

does any1 know any good tutorials on how to do it? or show me how?

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Display Into Textbox

I want code about displaying records into textbox that is selected from dropdownlist. For example I have dropdown that display Itemnames from database and if I select any itemname from dropdown than textbox display the price of selected itemname.

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Enable A Textbox

I have a form called form1, On this form i have 3 textboxes and 2 radio buttons.(called yes and no) If i load the page the 3 textboxes are disabled, Now comes my question. If i check radioButton(yes) i want to enable the 3 textboxes, does anyone nows how to do this?

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