Asp Guestbook Image Swap Help

Ok say a person puts their email into my guestbook example ( Well i want to take the person's email and convert it to an image when they post it.

here is the code for the email anyone know how to do it?
href="mailto%= CmdShowEntries("EMAIL") %>"><%= CmdShowEntries("EMAIL") %></a>

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Swap Image

I'm having a problem with a script.When a customer upload their picture I would like for them to place there picture on a t-shirt for example.what script can I use for this purpose?

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How Do I Swap Variable In ASP For An Image

how to swap a variable which comes from an xml feed for an image instead using ASP. I will explain in a bit more detail what I mean:

My variable is called strOperator and is supplied as a 3 letter code from the xml feed i.e ABC, CDE, DEF for different operators (each with their own associated 3 letter code).

What I want to do is instead of displaying my results with the code it would be more meaningful to display an image instead for each associated operator. (each operator has their own image).

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Image Swap Using Asp Variables And Javascript

I have 1 large image and small 3 thumbnails. Whenever a user clicks a thumbnail, it swaps with the large image. This, of course, is very straight forward when just including the directory and filename of the image in the Javascript. However, my images are sourced from an Access database (using the directory path of the image as a text field). I would like to insert the ASP <%=rs(?FieldName?)%> or variable within the Javascript so that it pulls the images from the db. I have tried this but it does not work.

I guessing that it has something to do with conflict between client and server side coding. I have included a snippet of the code. There seems to be nothing amiss with the source code. Can you help?

//javascript function
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function swapPhoto(photoSRC) {
document.images.imgPhoto.src = photoSRC;
//swap thumbnail pics with main pic

<!--Main large image-->


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Can Asp Swap Images This Way?

This is my scenario...I have three images that I want to put on a website that will change to one another constantly. There will be three table columns on the top that indicate what the available three images are. If the user's mouse hovers over one of the table cells, the image will immediately change to what the table cell corresponds, and the user will be able to click on either the table cell or the image to go to another website.

I have included an image to better illustrate what I am talking about.

What is the best scripting language to do this? javascript, css, asp, flash?
All of the above seems hard to me, especially the last two....

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I am having guestbook on my site with asp classic
But I do not think this is the problem
I am working with SQL server 2000 database
I always find a porno posts in the posts like
"Hi see this site []"
What make me say that the problem is not from the asp code
Is that even when i deactivate the send button or remove the page I still got

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i have created a working register/login system.. so now i need
to add the function that every user has its own guestbook.
(im using access)
i thought of having a system wich creates a database sub for
every user.
though i dont know wich code that would create this for me..
please help me with that code.
(u dont need to think on the type of system i suggested, as long that
i will get on the right track)

database specs:
need to have 3-4 tables:
(optional) to

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I am trying to make an "Ask an Expert" page where people can enter their question using a form. This form will then be sent to an email account. If the question is answered by someone in my office, both the question and answer will be sent to a webpage automatically.

Automatically is very important. This sounds like a guestbook but instead of displaying all the "questions (comments)", only the ones that are answered will appear. My server doesnt' have CDONT, so I think CDOSYS is my only option.

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I have a client that is using a non-functional ASP/Access guestbook. The admin area is actually the only part that doesn't work. I don't have time to put much effort into debugging this problem. Does anyone know of a simple guestbook that utilizes ASP and Access?

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How Can I Create A Guestbook?

I want to create a web page for my friends.(I have a subdomain and my server supports ASP scripts) It will contain a small basic guestbook.It must write the entries to a text file on the server.And i must be able to view the guestbook.

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Viewing ASP Guestbook

Right i am making an ASP guestbook. I have got the code and everything sorted for INSERTING into the database. But i dont no how to view the guestbook, in a guestbook kind of way I have searched everywhere, but theres no look.

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Guestbook Enties

if any body could point me in the direction of some tutorials for creating weblog/guestbook style entries. Where the comments can be added, displayed and viewed by visitors.

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Guestbook Script

I have been looking around for a long time now to find one. All I want is a simple ASP guestbook script that is customilizational (sp) and free.

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Asp Guestbook W/ Textfile

i need a asp script out there for a guestbook. all the form input will be stored to a normal txt file, not a database. anyone have any links out there for this ? i have found a couple, but got errors when setting them up and it's been the script, not the server.

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I have made a guestbook using ASP, and SQL (so he says). This is the first thing I've done using ASP, so as you'll probably realise I don't know much ASP and I don't know any SQL, most of the code is copied and pasted from my friend.

For some reason my guestbook isn't working, I'm not getting any errors, and the test entry my friend put into my database(adobe) isn't working. My friend thinks it's the SQL, I've been trying to fix it, but I don't really know what I'm doing, he can't find whats wrong with it either. what could be wrong, or willing to take a look at the code for me?

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Guestbook Spam

Can anyone help me with a script to avoid people posting links in my guestbook ?

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How To Block IP Address In A Guestbook?

I use a free database-driven ASP guestbook. I want to add a IP address
blocking filter to it( just to block one particular guest). What is the
easiest way to do so?

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Simple Asp Based Guestbook

i want to implement a guestbook on my website hosted on IIS.

i have created the form already and what i want is a page returned (after submission) saying thanx as well as showing the comments on it.

the fields i have chosen: name, email and comments.

i do not want it to be database connected but rather a file (txt) connected guestbook.

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Arranging The Order Of Messages In A Guestbook

I have made a guestbook in .asp. Everything is working fine in that. But the only thing I want to change is the order in which the messages appear on the guestbook. Let me explain properly -

At the moment whenever anyone enters a message, that last message comes first on the guestbook. I dont want that.

I want that anyone who puts the message in the guestbook, their message should come last in the guestbook and those who has already put their message first in the guestbook, their message should come first. Code:

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Simple Guestbook-type Script

I'm trying to create a simple guestbook like script to work off a database. All I want is for people to add their Name and Comment in a form, and once a comment has been made, it directs off to another page which shows all the comments. Code:

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Display An Image From Access, Stored As Location Name Not Actual Image.

I have a client who has had a ASP site with an Access database for several years. It stores information for the used cars on his lot. I have stored text in the database that points to the location of the image for each record. Each record will have a thumb image that is supposed to display in a list of vehicles available then the user can select an item from this list and a new page displays with the information and the regular size image. So far everything has worked fine exept for the display of the images which are stored in a separate directory called veh-photos. All I get are image place holders. I am using Dreamweaver 2004 and and Access 2000 for the database.

Following is the code to list vehicles: ....

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Open Image In 'Kodak Image Edit Control' With Web Browser

1.I want to show a image file of type '.tif' in the browser window; for that I'm writting as ASP code page.

2.This '.tif' type image can be shown better with 'Kodak Image Control'.

3.To have this 'Kodak Image Control' on my code page I just add it's ..ocx to tool box and then drag it from 'Toolbox' to the page.

4.Now after dropping this control to the code it's type is getting changed to 'object' instead of type 'ImgEdit'(and I think this is the
reason I don't get correct result).

5.On one button's 'Onclick' event I'm calling a javascript function with which I'm setting a 'Path'and'Display' property of a control.

6.And want to show a image at location -- '..MFTDRCMF919685173-62.tif' which get shown in new browser window but could not get shown in that particular control. That means the path is correct, then what is the problem?

For better understanding of problem I'm pasting a following code which I've tried up till now......
<%@ Language=VBScript %>

<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript>
function showpic()
var path;
path = document.frmtif.path.value;
document.frmtif.ImgEdit1.Image =path;


<BODY bgColor=#ffe4e1>
<form name="frmtif">
The Image
<OBJECT id=ImgEdit1 style="WIDTH: 409px; HEIGHT: 218px" type="ImgEdit"
border=1 classid=clsid:6D940280-9F11-11CE-83FD-02608C3EC08A

<input type="hidden" name="path"
<input type="button" name="show" value="Show" onclick="showpic();">



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Displaying Alternate Image When Image Source Not Found

I am creating a dynamic ASP VBScript page, which gets data from an Access database.

In the database, there is a field which holds a URL to an image. I can get the image to display fine, but where there is no file that matches the URL (i.e. a missing image) I want to display an alternative, default image (e.g. one that says "Awaiting Image"). The field is never blank, but the image file may not exist for all records in the database.

I think what I am trying to get to is the following:

If file exists (using URL from database to get location of image file) then
display image using the url from the database as the image source
display default image - hardcoded in program

I have had a go and come up with the attached but I get an error with my if statement...

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Image From Image Folder Into Byte Array?

I can convert an image that is retrieved from a FileUpload object into a byte array and insert it into the database..

When the user signs-up i wish tosimply insert into the Picture (DB Type = Image) field to an image i already have saved in my images folder?

Anyone know of a way to do this? Tutorials, articles or advise??!

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Show Image From SQL Image Field?

Here is my code. I'm using 2 pages.

(Page 1) blob.asp

set Recordset1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Recordset1.ActiveConnection = MM_blob_STRING
Recordset1.Source = "SELECT AboutPic FROM Elizabeth.GF_AboutUs"
Recordset1.CursorType = 0
Recordset1.CursorLocation = 2
Recordset1.LockType = 3
Recordset1_numRows = 0
Response.contentType = "image/jpg" 'Recordset1.Fields("AboutPic") <---Tried
both methods
size = Recordset1.Fields("AboutPic").ActualSize
blob = Recordset1.Fields("AboutPic").GetChunk(size)

(Page 2 Show the Image)

Dim urlString
urlString = "?" & Request.QueryString

<% Another rs to show other information as text from the same table %>

<img src="blob.asp<%=urlString%>" width="194" height="256">

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Upload New Image Get Path Of Old Image

I'm working on a project where I'm suppose to upload a image to a server. The uploading works fine but when I want to change the image I uploaded to another image I can't get the filepath of the old image to show in my "filefiled" it possible to set a "value" where I can retrieve a filepath in a form if the input type is "file"?

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<%=request.querystring("image")%> Image Won't Display

This worked fine for enlarging my images until i put it onto a secure server, anyone know how i can fix it ??? just comes up with the standard box with a red cross in it .. and the url when i click image properties says: http://url/images/<%=request.querystring( which is only part of the code)

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Merge An Image Into Another Image

I'm looking for a simple way to merge an image into another image.What i have is a screenshot uploader, and i want to make it so that when they upload the SS, the script will automatically merge a small copyright type image onto the bottom right of the picture.

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Image Not Available

I need to verify if images exist and all I have are the URLs to the images,therefore using the FSO is out of the question.

Is there an easy way to check and see if it exists.If not,I'd like to show an "image not available" graphic instead.

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If Image Is There

how can I check weather a image exsists e.g.

if xtra/img/v_.jpg exits
img src=xtra/img/v_.jpg
img src=images/awaiting.jpg

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I am looking to store images within my database. I would like to be able to store the paths, within my tables so that I can set a pointer to the externally stored image, that I can pull my image from and place on an page. How would i go around doing this, is it as simple as taking the file directory and commiting it to my table?

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Image Id

What I need to do is to get the id of an image and set it to
a variable that I can use throughout the page. What I'm trying to do
is see how many images I have on a page, place there id values into an
array and then based on their ID values call the function to change
the image.

See i have the same image being generated on some rows that
are brought into a database. They a named with a number after each
ie:image1 image2 and so on but because I have other elements it would
take too long to check through them all.

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Image Src

i m using this to print image:

Response.Write "<img src='"&rsGuestbook("url")&"'>"

but the problem is that url field just contain image name like 1.jpg

So i want to add


in above sql so that it become a complete image url.i used httpurl because i m not permitted to write full url.

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