Asp Pages Shown On Localhost - After Restart Only

Recently changes were made to my pc. So I am now using another profile (which is a copy of the old profile), in order to enter a different domain when signing in to windows xp.

Since those changes, when I am trying to view asp pages through localhost, I am getting a 500 error, saying the page can not be displayed.

After shutting down and restarting, it works again (maybe a shutdown is not necessary, but only a reatsrt. I haven't tried).

When it was not working, I have checked the IIS and the directory "WEB SITES" state was "Running".

I do not remember anything regarding IIS, as I installed it a long time ago and once it worked, I did not have to do anything more. I do not want to reinstall, as I do not remember how, and it will take me a lor of time now.

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Asp Pages Not Running On Xp Pro Localhost

I have a desktop with XP Pro that happily runs my ASP pages via localhost
and a laptop also with XP Pro that won't. A very simple web page without
any ASP in it will run as page.htm but not as page.asp; XP Pro is running
IIS 5; all windows updates are up to date. Pages simply displays Server
Application Error message

I don't even know where to go to find more diagnostics (friendly messages is
already switched off)

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Pages Not Appearing In Localhost

I have installed iis and setup a new virtual directory, I then try to view it with the correct address but IE just hangs, nothing appears except the title on the titlebar and busy cursor. Going to view>source shows the source (which is correct).

This was a previously working website, I just moved the files onto a new computer. And wanted to use that instead. More info can be supplied if required. Alternatively, a good website showing how to setup iis again for asp including db's.

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I have an site that is running asp,sql server and iss.
The problem is, when I click on the any link, on the IE status bar it
says Done but there is just a blank page is shown.
When I refresh the page, it works and shows normally.
What would be the solution?

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Images Shown

I have a script that uses filesystemobject that reads files from a given path, in my case images. It is runningon a server that is 2000 adv svr w/ all current patches.
The script prior to some patch updating worked fine and showed the pictures.

Now the pictures no longer show when looking at the source code the absolute path of the fileis correct but will not display the image. I tried it on another 2000 adv svr and the script worked fine. I cannot find the difference between the settings. Does anyone have an idea what could be happening?

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Id Of Shown Notice Is Missed...

I have a page "view.asp" that it would have it shows a notice, and it has a button in this same page that opens one popup "print.asp" with the same notice, only text for impression, but the problem that occurs is that when I am in view seeing id40 and clico in the button that opens popup "print.asp" that it would have to open the same notice, is opened the last inserted notice in the DB and not the one that I tava seeing in "view.asp", because this happens... Code:

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Limit Amount Of Characters Shown

Is there a way to limit the number of characters shown from a db field on a web page. In other words, instead of showing the entire title of a work order, I may only want to show the first 30 characters followed by .... Does anyone know how to do this?

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Restart Iis

Is it possible restart IIS from ASP? I tryed activex dll, but it wont work, i think its an "user rights" problem When i use this dll form vb6 all works fine. Any other solution?

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Restart Your IIS Programmitcally

Sometimes i need to restart the IIS on a current server, but the
problems is that if i want to, then i have to contact them by either
email or phone, but sometimes it takes few hour to do it. So i wonder
if there Is a way to restart your IIS Programmitcally?

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Restart Apache

is it possible to restart apache from asp? the asp, of course, is running on the apache. it seems impossible to me, but.....of course, that is exactly what i am supposed to do. my asp script edits the config files, and i want the changes to take place immediately after i edit the files.

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Cannot Restart SMTP Service

I have a big problem with the SMTP service in IIS on Windows Server 2003.

I tried to install FTP service on windows Server 2003 but had to cancel it as it did not appear to be working. Since then, i went back into IIS Manager and all services were stopped. I have got the default web site services started OK, but the SMTP service is stopped, and right clicking and selecting start does not start it running again. I just get a dialog box saying that the service isn't running and to start it running again (!!!!! That's what i was trying to do!!!!!!!!)

i also tried to restart it from DOS and got a message saying that the service was already running!!

i have also tried to stop the service from DOS and get a message saing that 'The Service could not be controlled in it's present state'!!!

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Iis Restart And Session _onEnd

When IIS is restarted session_onEnd is called. though the debugger is not available at this point in Session_onEnd, is there any way that the code in session_onEnd is running due to iis restart and not from the timeout.

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IIS Restart + Session Time Out

I am using classic ASP. When the session times out theglobal.asa event
called session_on end is invoked which is absolutely correct. When I
explicitely do IIS reset or iis restart then again session_on end is
invoked. How can I distguish in global.asa event session_on end that this is
natural session time out or explicit IIS restart....

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Sql Open Exception Persists Until I Restart IIS

using win 2000, asp and mysql. when i perform a bad sql statement in asp like...

dim cn
set cn = server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
cn.Open "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=homerton;UID=root;PWD=;OPTION=35"
dim rs
set rs = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
sql = "selec * from tablename" 'note the typo on select
rs.Open sql,cn

IIS complains with
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01FB)
An exception occurred: 'Open'

If i correct the error IIS still fails to work until i restart the w3svc service. On another pc running the same setup this doesn't happen, and correcting the typo enables the asp to work again.

IIS isn't crashing, it would still run a simple asp page with response.write etc on my pc, it's just when it comes to an sql statement again.

Anyone know why this occurs and if there's a solution?

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How To Capture The Server Restart Event?

I am trying to capture the server restart event, so when ever it restarts, it connects to a web page to update its current ip address.

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I am trying to test a website that uses ASP on my PC. I am running Windows 2000 and have IIS 5.0 installed.The first page is a form where the user enters a password. When the form is submitted the progress bar indicates something is happening, but I can leave it for 20 minutes and the file has not loaded.

I am using the URL http://localhost/webname /.

I have tested it on 2 servers and the script works. I have had similar problems with other ASP pages and assume the problem is something to do with IIS.I have tried re-installing IIS.

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All this while I have been running my ASP pages on the webserver.
In the web server, I can access the web server through the Internet Services Manager.
Now I want to access these web pages locally, so that I do my development locally and then when it works, I move to the web server.
I have Windows XP Professional 2002
How can I access the web services within this machine?
When I type in http://localhost in this machine, i get the message-Page cannot be displayed. Cannot find server.

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I just bought a new computer with win XP PRO. I'm trying to set it up so
that I can use it as a local host and with IIS etc. I don't really know where
to start. How do I start running IIS? At this point, pointing to localhost
doesn't work but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing.

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Localhost ..

I have downloaded this example from this site i have tried reading the install guide but i still dont understand. I manage to set up localhost in my pc. Anyone who is kind enough to guide me thru step by step....

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I like to learn ASP and database related, how do I practice it at home using XP pro? Like with PHP I use localhost and stuff.

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Is there a way I can run ASP on my localhost? I run a valid copy of Win XP pro, but I do not have the CD as it is a pre-installed version on my Dell Latitude. So, is there a way I can run ASP?

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Asp Pages Randomly Showing As Blank White Pages

Using IIS 5.0 and sometime some asp pages (absolutely
randomly) showing as blank white pages. So far only one
way of fixing it - restart whole server. Restarting IIS,
or specific web server not helping, only whole server.

I enable server side and client side debugging, but no
errors showing up...

In view source pages always look like this:
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html;

Any idea why it can happened and how to fix?

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Sessions With Localhost

I am working with sessions to check if the user is logged in.
This usually works fine and all my .asp-pages checks if: <%
session.Contents("loggedIn")=True %>

But this only works on my web-hotel
When I run the same pages on my localhost, it can't find any sessions and I
appear to not be logged In.

I have tried to set my localhost on the "trusted sites" list and "always
allow" in "override cookie handling" in my Explorer.

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Localhost Is Not Being Recognised

when I run my asp programs, suddenly I'm getting the page "page can not be displayed"

when it worked fine till the previous day suddenly what made those pages to be not recognized I didn't understand.

the browser is atleast not able to recognise the "localhost".

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IIS Version 5.0 Will Not Run ASP On LocalHost

I have a new ASP project that I need to desperately test on my Windows 2000
machine before posing to my Hosting Company. I am having problems getting
the ASP pages to run from LocalHost. I will attempt to give as much
information of what I have done to try to correct this without success.

First my setup. Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 2 installed.
IIS is installed. I have turned off the firewall just in case that was a
problem as the laptop is operating as a stand alone and not on a network at
this time. I also have VB6 with Service Pack 6 installed. I will explain
later why that my be pertinent.

The error that I am getting is:

The Page Cannot Be Displayed. with a HTTP 500 error. This occurs every time
I try to access a ASP page. HTML works fine from LocalHost. Code:

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Localhost Slow

I'm trying to surf on a website on winXP, but IIS response is very slow. It doesn't load a lot of images (red x). Besides, it alerts always there's no connection (from each page to the following), asking whether I want to connect. The browser keeps waiting for images then it fails. What can I do?

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Localhost Access Is OK But Not IP ADD

I developed a small asp application. My problem is that everytime I use LOCALHOST, accessing and adding data on the database is OK but if I use the IP ADDRESS for accessing the website it would generate this error

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E4D)
Login failed for user 'MYSERVERIUSR_MYSERVER'.
/o/dog_evaluation/add_dog_db.asp, line 22

The connection string on my page is this


conn.Open "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=MYSERVER;Initial Catalog=dog_evaluation;Integrated Security=SSPI;"

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Localhost 404 Error

I get the 404 file not found error message when I try

I've created a virtual directory and pointed it to the asp
file and the error message appears.

I've tried creating a new directory and received the same
error message when I pointed it to the new asp file. I
think it's something in the IIS configuration. Any ideas?

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my applications run as


- i've downloaded a sample aspx solution,
and get the following error when trying to
open it:

"Unable to open web project "FormsAuth". Unable to
validate that the file
path "c:/downloads/ddj/aspnet/aspform/FormsAuth" matches
the url
path 'http://Localhost:/FormsAuth'. A connection with
the server could not be established."

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Connecting To Localhost

I have got a scenario where an asp script needs to request via xmlhttp a file sitting on the same server. The code all works find on my local machine. However, on the hosting server, it does not. The problem is that I am on a shared server and the server can't "see itself", i.e. it's probably blocked by the host to receive request from itself. The problems comes in as the server will hold multiple sites and use host headers to channel request. I thought of using "localhost" and some kind of header sending scenario to get the server to go to the correct subfolder/virtual host. However, googling has not brought up much.

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Http://localhost Is Not Available

Installed IIS on w2k pro, started Personal Web server and pointed the home catalogue to the folder with my asp codes. However IE keeps saying that http://localhost is not available without Internet connection. Such thing often happend on other computers, but after several refresh it worked. How shall I get rounf this now?

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Can't Connect To Localhost

I have installed wamp5 on my laptop so I can develop php pages with mysql.I have started the wamp5 which give you a semi circle and three quarters of the icon is shaded yellow - this is supposed to mean that apache is running. I then type in http://localhost in the address bar and I get the "page cannot be displayed" error.

This is weird because wamp says apache is running ok.Is there any other setting that may affect the connection?If this is any help, I also have a sneaky suspicion that because I have visual installed on my laptop there may be a conflict with IIS? I have not developed any sites with visual studio yet but could there be a conflict here? Thing is, I am not sure what to look for or change?

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Localhost On Mozilla

I try to run localhost on other browser other than IE, in this case i run on FireFox Mozilla.Can anyone tell me why does the browser popup with the security windows where i need to type a Username and password. However, that wouldn't happen if i run on IE. Is there a special setting where IIS can check whether a user run scripts on that type of server on other browsers than IE.

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