Asp Search Returns No Results From Access Query

here's what i want to do. from an asp page, perform a search on a
table in access. i have used sql code in the asp page itself, but i'd
rather execute a query in access. i have success in running any query
(basic SELECT, SELECT with conditions _other_ than LIKE, etc..) for
some reason, when i execute the query below from the asp page, i get
no results.

the search.asp page just has a text box in a form that submits the
srchBOX field to the results.asp page.

here's the asp code from the results.asp page: Code:

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Limiting Results From An Access Query

I'm attempting to limit a query which is being ordered by a date field to 10 records. The date field contains duplicate values, which are sorted from most recent, back.
However their suggestion of sorting by a secondary field is not providing acceptable results (it returns all the rows in the database). Does anyone have any suggestions of another way around this?

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SQL Query Not Returning Results In Access For Dates

I am trying to search through an access database for tickets createded with in a certin date. I am using the below code.

strdate = DateAdd("d", -2, Now())
sqlstr="SELECT * FROM Incidents WHERE TicketDate BETWEEN #"& Now() &"# AND #"& strdate &"# ;"

I verify the query with response.write and get the following.

SELECT * FROM Incidents WHERE TicketDate BETWEEN #15/07/04 19:19:32# AND #13/07/04 19:19:32# ;

I know there are 100% tickets within this date. Yet my query returns nuthing. Please help i've searched this forum for other peoples code looking for examples but end up with the same result.

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ASP Search Using Query In Access Database

I have an Access database that I created a query in. The query brings fields from related tables and prompts users to perform a search based on 3 criterias.

NOTE: the prompts can be bypassed by just leaving it blank and selecting OK. So in other words, the user does not need to fill in each prompt for the search to work, it just give them a more narrowed down search if they fill more in...

Now for the ASP part... I want to create an ASP page where the use selects from 3 drop downs. These drop downs are named the same as the field names in my query. How do I get this to work??

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Crosstable Query Returns Too Many Records

I'm writing a work schedule application in ASP, and I am using an Access 2000 DB with the following tables:

| ID | Date | EmployeeID |
| .
| .
| .

| EmployeeID | Name |
| .
| .
| .

| StatusID | DateFrom | DateTo | EmployeeID | Type |
| .
| .
| .

I need to retrieve a list of employees, which are not scheduled for work between the given dates and which have no status (sick leave, maternity leave etc). The object is to see which employees are available for scheduling on the different dates.

The resulting table/recordset should contain one record per date per available employee (see example below). Code:

View Replies View Related Returns Access Denied

I have a windows 2003 server with a "classic asp" application on it with some com Dlls doing the business logic. my problem is when i add these DLLS to component services, all my buttons on my web server start returning the error access is denied. it keeps this
problem if you remove the dlls from component services and restart the server.

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Search Results

I have an access database search engine. I am trying to make it resort by clicking on one of the results.

This search engine looks through CDs and returns Title, Artist, Description, Disk Number, Track Number and Price. I would like to be able to click on the disk number and show what all is on that disk. Code:

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Displaying Results From SQL Query

I'm stuck on trying to display a single row from a query I'm executing.. it was fairly easy in PHP and I'm sure it is in ASP too, I'm just not sure what to code.. I couldn't find anything on the web that was simple.

If anybody has some suggestions on how to display just the one row that is returned from the query that would be great for now. I'm looking to eventually add 'LIKE' to the query to allow for similar names/passwords to be displayed.. but for now this should do. Here's the code:

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Writing Query Results

I want to write all the query results onto a file so that it is all ready to give to the client.
I am currently writing a query to pull out certain orders in a day and i want to write these results directly to a text file.Also this text file will be obviously placed on the there any way of creating this file on the computer you are accessing this web page on?

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Presenting Query Results

I need to create asp page witch has a form at top of the page. This is the search form. Then I need to present the search results from database query on the bottom of the page as a table. That table has about dozen columns. Some column values can be modified and saved to the database and some column values has to be modified and saved from another page.

Search table is no problem but I have problems getting the results table to work right... Query results are in recordset.

I need some advice on how to do the results table on the best way!

So far I am thinking on creating a form on every row of results and posting the changes of values to save.asp page where I would save the modifications to database.

For the values witch have to be modified on another page I would add a link something like this... Code:

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Form Results In Query

How can I get this line to work? I am trying to get the results entered in a form to be part of my query. I am able to get the form results but I get a error stating Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'Assignee = Tom Jones'.Below is the line where the error occurs

Session("dbWhere") = "Assignee = " & Request.Form("assignsearch")

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Multiple Results From One Query

I'm trying to get results from a number of areas via one command string.for example ?location=devon retrieves everything in devon but I've only got a link for the whole south west so I need to send ?location=devon or cornwall or dorset etc. altogether.Is there a way I can do this without changing the asp page or do I have to only search one field at a time.

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Streaming Query Results

I am working on a classic ASP application. This application needs to run an SQL query and take the result set and stream it into an XCEL spreadsheet for processsing by the users. Is there an ASP method of third party product to do this?

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Filtering Search Results

anyone have any tips on creating a search results filter to provide the best
matches first? we're using an access database as part of a very small custom
CMS, and we need to site search function that doesnt just output any base
matches for a given term.

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Searching Results From A Search

I have a mdb file with the fields Country, Name, Date. The data when filled out would like like this

Australia - John - 21/7/02
Australia - Bill - 22/7/02
Australia - wendy - 23/7/02
Usa - Geoff - 23/7/02
Usa - Bill - 23/8/02

What i need to do is a search on the name "Bill" but only search on the latest records added to the database for each Country (by date) and return a result that matches "Bill".

I currently have a search set up that does an outter and inner search but it searches for anything matching "Bill" and then returns the latest records for anything that its matched (so i get results for Australia because its found a bill record but it displays the latest record for wendy)

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Paging Search Results In ASP

Hey I keep getting this error when i try to use paging in asp for my search results. Error: "Current Recordset does not support bookmarks. This may be a limitation of the provider or of the selected cursortype." I have read a number of different websites to try and fix the problem but none of the solutions seem to work. Code:

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Search Results Looking In More Than One Field

I am having trouble getting my scripting to look in more than one database field when presenting results from one form field.

I can get it to work when there is more than one form field but I am trying to get the system to look in both a description field and keyword field then present the results.

The problem area is: Code:

formFields = Array("name", "shop", "suburb", "city")
dbFields = Array("shoptitle", "shopdesc", "shopsuburb", "shopcity")

The formfields and dbfields relate to each other. What is want is 'shop' to look not only in shopdesc but also in shopkeywords I have tried commas with out quotes, semicolons etc etc Code:

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Highlight Search Results

I currently have a working search w/highlighted results page. My problem is that there is HTML stored in the text that is being searched and whenever the searched keyword is within HTML, it throws off the rest of the page.
I would happily throw away my code and use another if I could get it to check for things like <> and avoid breaking them. Ideally what I tried to do was display approximatly 10 words on either side of the highlighted keyword, just to give it some context, but I have thus far failed to get this to work properly.

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Ranking Search Results

I'm wondering how I can rank search results based on how close the result is to the search term. For example, I have a database that includes a field for position title. When a user searches for the title "President", they are shown a list of everyone with the word "President" somewhere in their title.

However, I want to show the records for the presidents above the records for the vice presidents. So I guess I should say that I want to show exact matches first, then loose matches afterwards. Can anyone tell me how to get started on this?

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Search Results Broken Up

What do you call it when search results are broken up into page numbers across the bottom? I want to try that instead of getting a long list of results. I was going to search but none of the terms I tried returned anything.

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Sort The Results Of A Search

I am trying to sort the results of a search. The SQL statement looks like this:

strSQL = "SELECT * from DVDTable WHERE [Category] = '"&searchCat&"' ORDER BY '"&by&"' " & order

The output of strSQL is as follows:

SELECT * from DVDTable WHERE [Category] = 'Action' ORDER BY 'Rating' asc

Not sure what the problem is but the results do not get sorted.

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How To Limit Search Results

I have web page that returns all the entries from a table in the database. the web page becomes bigger and bigger as the database is expanded. how do i limit the results such that only 15 rows are dispalyed per page and the user will be able to go to the next page to view the next entries? .....

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Refining Search Results

I have an asp results page that returns results depending on their search criteria.I'd like to give them the option of clicking on check boxes in order to narrow down their results.

Do I put the <form> tags outside these results?Because if it returns many results,will it work if each result has the same select name?

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Emailing Search Results

I have a SQL statement that returns the following list:

Email | Client_ID | Search | Description | 1 | chevrolet | chevrolet, in new condition | 1 | chrysler | very nice chrysler, $ 500 | 2 | chrysler | good chrysler as new

Email = e-mail address
Clienst_ID = ID of the client

Search = Keyword that a client entered in the database to search for Description = The result from the database based on the keyword. Code:

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Retaining Search Results

I have search capability in the web site that I'm working on. I submit my search criteria, and using the post method, displays my results on a results page. Now here is the problem: If I click on a link within the results, and opt to go back to the results page, my page has expired as it needs to request those objects.

I used for the search criteria again to repost and display the results. Is there an easy way around this so that when I hit the back button it can just redisplay the results with the criteria I've already used to query?

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Displaying Query Results Per Where Clause

I am trying to design a page that displays data from a query in groups of a field in the where clause and then displays a 'total' per each group. Code:

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Displaying CrossTab Query Results

Has anyone experience with rendering CrossTab Query results with ASP?

For example, using this SQL:
TRANSFORM Count(threads.threadid) AS CountOfthreadid
SELECT threads.threadSeverity, Count(threads.threadid) AS [Total Of threadid]
FROM threads
GROUP BY threads.threadSeverity
PIVOT threads.threadStatus;

This returns the following in Access:
[threads_Crosstab] [threadSeverity] [Total Of threadid] [Analyzing] [Closed] [Coding] [Open] [Re-Testing]
[Medium ] [1] [1]
[Not Set] [160] [1] [122] [1] [35] [1]

I want to create a HTML table to display the results in my webpage. However, I don't belive the output from a "Transform" is a true recordset. When I request the names of the fields in the recordset, I am getting data from the "rows".

Is there standard way to display these types of queries? How does one access the data in a crosstab query? Are there ojbect classes to handle this?

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Using To Get Results From A Url Query

I have an asp page that needs to display the string that is returned from a
cgi file.

As an example, if you enter in to a
browser, it will display YES or NO

I need to have my asp code query this url, get the resulting string, then
act upon it (basically use the answer to display a nice big tick or a big
cross). Code:

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Displaying ASP Search Results Issue

Well I was able to build a simple search page, that would search a database and give the results on the restuls page from the criteria on the search page....

However I am having a issue with the data that's shows in the results. I'm getting the ID Column of the table in stead of the Column with the names. Eg:


Is there a way to change the data to be displayed to another column?

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Recordset Paging :: Results From Search

I have a database with several hundered images and I need to retreive them using recordset paging, otherwise the page will be to long. So far so good.

I added a search function which will return only the desired results. The first page returns the search results (30 per page) and I also have a line of code that tells me how many records was found, let's say 70. This should give me 3 pages of results.

But when clicking on the next link I don't get the next set of results, instead ALL the images from the database is returned on the following pages, starting from image 31 in the DB. Not just the rest of the originally search results. Code:

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Search Two Tables And Display Results

I have two tables like this:


TapeID - Integer Primary key
Title - Text


RecordId (Primary Key)
TapeId (related to the taperecords table)
ProgramDetails (Text)

The tape details table has a record of the programs that are stored on each
tape and each tape we have about 20 programs.

What i want my users it to allow them to search by programdetails and
display the list of tapes that match that search. I am not able to built a
query to search and display at the same time.

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Divide Search Results Into 2 Or More Pages

At the moment, I'm working on search engine based on several crtierias. Upon submiting their query, the system will then compare the values entered with the DB and return the search results. Those search results are displayed in a table and users are able to print out that search result page for reference.

However my problem now is if there are more than say 4 search results, though they can view it on screen, they cant print out the whole table! The table will be cut into 2, leaving the rest of the data out. So I was wondering if I can program it in a way where if there is more than 4 rows, it will break into 2 tables. I've attached my files for references. Code:

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Adding Counts To Search Results

I found this on the net but it shows that he is using one ASP page for both search and response. I need it for two pages. The first for HTML coding and the second (response page) with ASP coding. What do I need to modify? Code:

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