Auto Serial Number In Multiuser Web-based Application

I am developing a web based application that has autonumber field for the serial number. Every time the user open the page a serial number will be generated. The problem is when more than 1 user open the page at the same time or before the first user submit the form they will get the same serial number.

How do i make sure the second user will get a different serial number?. This application seems to work as standalone only. How do I change it to multi-user environment.

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Auto Generate Number

I want a sample code for developing an " auto genearte number " and want to store in database.

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Auto Number Generator

i am developing an e-move system. basically, this system required a customer to login first into the system before make any reservation. when a customer complete fill up a form with required data such as name, address, telephone number, email, date and time, i was wondering to give the customer a specific number as a reference number. customer will use this number to retrieve back the information if he has any changes to make and also to view the propose quotation from the mover company. my problem is, how can i include that particular process (reference number) into my e-move system?is there any auto number generator code/application?

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Auto Number Field

I have one auto number problem in one table in sql server 2000. I'm inserting new record using insert statement and am not giving any value for that field as its auto number.
On the very next statement , I need to know which number it inserted in auto number field for that record??What should be the logic?

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Pulling Auto-number

Is there a way to pull the auto-number of a row entered into a database? IE, if I create an order, automatically pull the order_no from the order_table so that I can insert it into an order_detail table. There has to be a better way then selecting max order_id because that might not be the most current order? I know there is a buiilt in function in php what about asp?

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Auto Number Retrieving

how to retrieve the auto-number value from the table. This value will be displayed in the textbox.

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Expert Suggestion Needed For A Asp Based Web Application

We have a couple of web applications where data is updated on a weekly
basis. The data entry is done in a vb access application which is kept
internal. The database is uploaded to the web which has a web interface for
clients to check their records. Thus dat a gets updated once a week.

In a new application, I would like to build a single web based application,
where the data entry is done from the same application and clients would look
up their records from the web. The clients should have only read access. In
other words, I would like to do the system real time. My question is whether
I would face any problem when somebody needs to edit a record while a client
wants to read record.

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Displaying Auto Number Prefix In ASP

I'm developing a help desk system and i need to specify an ID for each call.

Using autonumber in Access i formated it ("NS"0000) to display NS0001 but
my ASP page only shows 01 when i display it.

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Auto Numbering (letter-number)

i want to make a data field with an auto numbering , but i exactly want is like this CT-1 , CT-2,CT-3 , the Ct letters must be before the autonumber , so its seems to me in that case i cant choose the dat field in my db as int and choose identity Yes cause the identity seed will be an integer only and no way to put with it a number.

so i want to make throw asp and put this datfield as a char so it can accept the(letter-number)value , so how can the asp make an autonumbering, and know what the lastnumber so it can add 1 to it.

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Auto Number Field Error

sqlstr ="INSERT INTO BorrowerTab VALUES('" & strName & "','" & strEmail & "','" & strPhone & "')"

These are the 3 fields i wish to insert value.

I cannot do it because there is an auto-number field in my table.

How do i tackle this ?

The error tht i get is query or destination are not the same

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Validation Of Define Serial No

how to validate the serial number in numerical format like this:06-02-01-xxxxxx
the code i try to use was as below but cannot be done:

Form_serial_no= request.form("serial_no")

If IsNumeric(Form_serial_no)=0 OR InStr(Form_serial_no,"-")=0 Then
Response.write "<br>*Serial Number in wrong format"
Validated_Form =False
End If

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Printing To Serial Port

I have to setup a point-of-sale system for a friend. He has a PC, barcode scanner, receipt printer and cashdrawer.

The receipt printer connects to the serial port.
The cashdrawer connects to the printer.
The barcode scanner has a keyboard wedge.

Do I need to setup the receipt printer as a windows printer?
OR can I send output directly to the serial port using ASP?

The salesman told us that there is an epson escape sequence that you append to the end of the sales receipt information, which will kick the cashdrawer open, so that sounds simple enough. Just not sure on how the printer should be setup/configured so I can send the escape sequences to open the cashdrawer.

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Update Column Serial Wise

There are 2 columns in 1 database for Id and name but the serial number is random.
I want to update those serial number in serial order, how to? Code:

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Exporting Data Into A MS Word Serial Letter Via ASP

I have a asp page with a database connection where I need to export adresses
into a MS Word Serial Letter. Is this possible and if how??

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Convert Real Number Into Text Number

I need to insert some number into database as text. My problem is if I insert the number (ie. 4.0), the value in the database only show (4). So, is it possible to convert a real number into text number using ASP?

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Sequential Number After Batch Number

here is the scenerio

in master batch table i have various master batch like

Now each master batch can have multiple final mixed batch like


and this record is inserted in to fmix table.

so i have a form in which i have a dropdown menu in which all the master batch is listed,
i select 200701-0001 and that value is passed to next page where i will enter other fields data and insertion to my fmix_no will be done automatic like 200701-0001-01, 200701-0001-02 and so on,

how to achieve this

so in short each master batch will have more than one final mixed batch.

pls help, also if u have any online contact in yahoo or msn pls send me, i am so confused and badly struck deadline is just couple of hours away. my yahoo id is(E-Mail address blocked: See forum rules) you can PM me i am online right now.

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Retrieve The Error Number In VB With Err.Number

I want To handel the error messages by myself in one part in my script. I know that in VB I can Use the statment - On error resume next And I also know that I can retrive the Error Number In VB with Err.Number.

How can I handel the errors by myself in ASP? I heard about the ASPErr Object, Is it the same thing like the err object in VB?

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Access VB Application From Web Application

We have our web-site developed in classic ASP, and I need to add this additional feature on one of the pages to access a VB application. How can I do that? The VB application basically sends output to the COM3 port and opens a USB-Cash drawer that is attached to it. I am not sure how to go about with this.

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Web-based Sql Db Mgr

it appears that my ISP is blocking port 1433 which means i can no longer connect to my sql db on the web. had been using an access project or another program called WinSQL. so i'm forced to go with a web-based solution and i don't really have time to build one from scratch. the host this site is on still hasn't installed the .net framework so i have to go with a classic asp solution.

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Auto Run

i have a page with top frame (html) and bottom frame (asp)the top frame come with choices and then submit value to bottom asp page by submit can i do it if i wish the bottom asp to run automatically in specific value when the html is loaded.then the user can change the choices after.

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How To Redirect Based On The Url??

I want to do on my site and if anyone can tell me it can/can't be done that would be great. If it can be done, is it difficult or is there already code available and I can just *plugin* the info that pertains to my site? Code:

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Recorset Based On Some Value

I need to open recordset and select one record based on some value?
I need some script which will select random record based on the some percent or some number from 1-10, for example.

Its banner rotation system i have made, and it select randomly record, but I need some percent or some number(1-10) for selecting recordset based on that number.

banner1 10
banner2 70
banner3 40 every will be selected based on value from DB.

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Xml Based Mp3 Player

i found a flash based mp3 player for my myspace that pulls the playlist from an xml file. my question is this... i want to be able to change the playlist (add, delete songs, change play order, etc...) without having to change the xml. here's my idea and i'm not sure how exactly to do all of it, but let me know if there is an easier way.if i create a db that stores the information i need (filename, song title, and track number) i can create an html form that will allow me to change the track number (i know how to delete and add songs). my question is how to i update the xml file at the same time it updates the db. in other words, how to i send the data in the db to an xml file.

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Web Based Install

How ca I write a asp page that will handle web based Install? Is it possible
or I need to go for some 3rd party Software for this, If Yes what is the
Best to use with ASP?
My requirement is: I have one Software that I wanted to install in Customer
PC directly from Webpage instead of allowing the user to download the
Software and Install.

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Based On Temperature

I have dynamic weather on my site based on the users' zipcodes, but the feed takes much too long to load; therefore I would like to see if it is possible to query a site for a temperature only based on zip, and then use an "if...then" to display 5-6 different gif weather images. I know it can be done... does it. Or if anyone out there has a good source for dynamic weather and or movies that can be used

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Keyword Based Ads

i want to develop a small application which will generate a list of
product from a database based on a user web page contents. something
like google adsense but not that extensive. any help or resource

any guidelines. i want to use ASP , access or SQL server .

in short a script page, when called, read the contents and search a DB
for products and diplay it .

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ASP-Based Forum

I have been mostly frequenting the PHP forums but now my job makes it necessary to get my hands dirty with ASP.
I am trying to find a Forum Software (Open Source or Commercial, doesn't matter) that has all the bells and the whistles. The following are some of the major requirements:Integration with existing Site and DB (including migration of data from current forum)
Ability to apply the look and feel of the site (if various parts of the Forum can be broken down to components/panes/boxes/windows that can be included in other site pages as well as customisable through CSS)
If anyone knows of any software that meets these requirements, please do let me know. Additionally, if you have experience in using that software, your opinions on it will be much appreciated. Currently I am going through some forum's that I managed to find through searching in SitePoint (ASPPlayground, Snitz, Web Wiz Guide, IdealBB). If are experienced with these

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Day-based Web Loader

I am working on a script for a client that will switch a web element every Monday at 0:00:00 time. I have the entire website finished, however I now need to add a VBScript that will rotate between elements ONCE on every Monday.

If I am being too vague, here is an example:

<img src="puzzle1.jpg" />

I now want to rotate through puzzle1.jpg, puzzle2.jpg, puzzle3.jpg up to 12, then start again (a loop), but only make this change once each week on Monday mornings. So, this week it would be puzzle1, then starting Monday, it would be puzzle 2, etc.

I hope I am being clear enough, if I could provide further code, I would, but I am unsure as to how to start.

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Web-Based Email.

I currently have a web-based email for my site for users. Is there any way that I can make this so that it can be accesable from Outlook Express? It would have to call the database for the emails.I would need it written in ASP.It also needs to be free!

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Web Based Front End

iis runs on win2k3.i need to have a web-based app that among others does something like this:

1. login - validate against the local user database.
2. user must belong to a certain group (say backup operators group).
3. create a web-based front end to the task scheduler. create, modify, delete schedules.

i dont have a starting point with regards to the three requirements

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Day Value Based On Month Given

I'm looking for asp functions that can do the following:Based on the Month (& year) given I'd like to find out:

1.) The # of days in that Month
2.) The day of the Week the 1st falls on.

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Web Based Dopewars

preferably in ASP, but perl would be better than nothing. I have seen one vers which connects through telnet - this isn't what I'm looking for. I'd like it to send html to the client, and hopefully support for logging in and updating high scores etc.

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So far I've only found one, and the site for it is down.

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