Automatically Jump To Another Page

how can i jump directly to another page ? let me explain better...i've got this form...the user fullfills the form and presses send...the form calls and asp file...after executing that file i want to be able to send the user to a specific web page, but i don't want him to press any link...just go there can i do it ?

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Page Jump In Asp URL.

I have in an order 3 tables with three different orders in them. If the customer wishes to purchase a forth item then they would click on the add new item. Problem:

When the customer click on the add new item button it then adds the new order form for the forth item. The problem is that it reloads the page at the top meaning that you have to scroll down to the new order form.

I have tried the Auto Page Jump technique like so:

PageRedirect "folder/pagename.asp?page=showAll#order4"

Order4 being the new order form in the page.

All forms have the anchor tags and are named correctly but this still doesnt work.

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Jump Down On A Page

I have an asp page, where under special circumstances, I want the page to scroll down a bit. I know how to set up the conditions, but how do I get the page to scroll down to an anchor further down when the it loads?

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Page Run Every Day Automatically

I need to set up an asp script that will be run at the beginning of each day. How can I get this page to be opened at a certain time each day?

BTW - My page is to update a database, where based on a timestamp stored in the database, will deem records valid or invalid.

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ASP-Automatically Deletion Of Page

Is there any script which can delete a webpage after a given time-period within that script?

I want a page to be deleted after a desired time and to not work untill reupload or recode.

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Need To Launch An .asp Page Automatically

I would like to run an ASP page each day at the same time automatically. it reads from my product data and ftps the data to another server.

I am running on a windows system with IIS I have no idea where to begin. Is there anything else I can do? it is not my own server so I don't have access to server. I can just ftp.

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Automatically Refreshing A Page

I have an ASP page that displays random facts. Data is stored in a database. Everytime user hits on refresh, randomize function shows a new fact. I would like my asp page to refresh automatically every minute or so and run the randomize funtion and show a new fact. Is it possible with ASP? I have seen it done with Flash.

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Automatically Sending Email From Asp Page

I have a page that allows user input. On click of the submit button I call a javascript function that verifies that all of the fields are filled out and then submits the form. I need to add code after the verification that creates and sends an email. I know how to do this in VBscript, but don't know how to call a vbscript function from a jscript function (is this even possible?).

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Automatically Fill Out An Excel File From An ASP Page?

My boss wants me to develop this page so that users can click on a button alongside an employee's page and this will open up the company Expenses Claim Form with some of the fields automatically filled in, pulled from the same SQL database that the webpage gets its info from.

I have been looking this up for *weeks* now, but the only solutions I can see involve the dot net framework, 3rd-party plug-ins or installing the Microsoft ODBC driver for Excel. My boss will not accept any of these solutions, as we are a huge organisation and this has to work accross the entire system. We're stuck with MS Office 2002, Windows XP and SQL Server 2000.

So far the best I can manage is getting the Excel form to open (but without the fields filled in), which I accomplish using the following code:

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"ASP Page Should Be Executed Automatically Daily.

I have an ASP page which checks some condition from database and based on that it sends mails to respective persons. All mail details is in SQL server. The page works perfectly fine.

What i need is this page has to be executed daily without the interaction of any user/administrator. Is it possible?

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Automatically Posting Form Values When A Page Loads

is there a way in ASP to automatically submit a form and its values when a page loads ?

if not is there any way round this scenario. i want to have a drop down list of options depending on which is selected will depend on where the form is submitted to.

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How To Post A Page Automatically When An Option Is Chosen From A Drop Down List

what I want to do is - the user is presented with a form with a drop down box at the top with two options - Yes or No, If No is selected then the form stays as is and the user can complete the other text boxes.

However, if the user selects yes I want the page to refresh with a different set of input boxes.

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I have done asp and want to start with can u plz suggest some good book from beginner's point of view . also can u suggest some online resources

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Jump To A Line Of Code

In VB there is the Goto Statement. In ASP, what would be the equivalent of that? My code looks something like this

For x = 0 to Counter - 1

' Checking for duplicate values
Checking for duplicate errors
If duplicate jump to NextVal

' Meat of Code
I only what this to happen if there is not a duplicate


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Set <selected> Of Jump Menu

how would I go about setting the <selected> attribute of a jump menu to one representing the current page? background info: i have a template-based site employing a jump menu as the navigation, but for usability's sake it needs to not reset back to the first option in the menu, but rather hang on to the current page as the 'selected' option. example of similar HTML showing the hard-coded 'selected' option I need to change: Code:

<form name="form">
<select name="menu1" onChange="MM_jumpMenu('parent',this,0)">
<option value="page1.asp" selected>page1</option>
<option value="page2.asp">page2</option>
<input type="button" name="Button1" value="Go" onClick="MM_jumpMenuGo('menu1','parent',0)">

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Jump To Named Anchor

Let's say I have a form like this:

<form action="handler.asp"> ... </form>

Within handler.asp, I output a number of named anchors:

<a name="important1">Important 1</a> ...
<a name="important2">Important 2</a> ...
<a name="important3">Important 3</a> ...

In my form processing code, I want the returned page to jump to one of these anchors depending on the result of the processing.

How can I do this?I don't want to use a redirection because then I would have to
re-process the same page.

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Jump Menu Difficulties

I put jump menu with a dynamic value of username field in my ASP JS... i want to display the field information every time i click or select the certain username.

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Select Jump Menu With No Javascripts

Can I create a select jump menu with using javascript to enable users with scripting turned on to use a page?

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Jump Menus To Query String

I have four pull-down menus and a GO button. Each menu contribute a parameter to an URL query string (like asp?a=1&b=2&c=3&d=4) where variable a is return from menu1, b returns from menu2 etc.

I created the four menus using Dreamweaver's INSERT JUMP MENU function and I find it difficult to modify its auto-generated javascript code to suit my needs. Does anyone has the complete code to accomplish this?

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Adding Values To A Dynamic Jump Menu

I've writen the code below which displays a drop down select menu and can be displayed by writing the variable 'sjobs'. The code works fine as it is and the menu is populated with the requested info from the database ok. The problem I'm having is adding url links to the menu values. Code:

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Run Asp Automatically

I have asp code. I would like to run it automatically by time interval using wondow schedule, but it can not be excuted. Is the reason that ASP is not executable? If so, how to run asp using window schedule?

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Is There A Way To Automatically Run ASP Pages?

I'd like to set-up an ASP page that emails shoppers 30 days after they've purchased an online product.

Constructing an ASP page that searches the database and if the datediff of the order date and now() = 30 to send out an email shouldn't be that difficult. But is there a way to have it run automatically?

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Form Tag Appear Automatically

when write open asp code in front page it automatically insert a </formtag in appropriate place. what is its cause and how to stop it.

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Automatically Delete

how do i automatically delete records on date submitted

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Automatically Add Data

if there is a way to use asp to automatically (i.e each time the source table is updated) take data from one table in an access database and add it to another table.
This would include getting data from multiple columns in the source table and concatenating it into one in the destination table.

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Automatically Close

Pls what code can i use to automatically close and asp page after execution.

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Automatically Calculate

I am building a database that users will update.
I have a table named "products".
Every product has a shelf life of 3 years and expires exactely at the end of the 3rd year.
Here is my table:
Productid ---- int
productName ---- varchar
manufacture_date ----- datetime default (getdate)
Expire_date ----- datetime

What I want is this, whenever a product is entered, the defualt date is the date the entry
was made. (I am using the "getdate") to automatically grab this.
BUT I also want the "Expire_date" field automatically calculated and then filled in.
That is, a user enters a product "manufacture_date" as 05/22/2003,
Then I want the expire field to be filled with 05/22/2006.
My preference is to handle this on the DB site and not ASP.

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About How To Automatically POST

To create a asp file in a wbserver as a interface for the IPphone and the internet. As IPphone can only have GET function ( that means it can't POST thing to the internet).

The asp file's concept is that the file is firstly read the data sent by the IPphone and then encode them into html format and then POST them to the required website. However, i only know the following method to POST. Code:

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Automatically Upload

Let's say i have a text file on the web server callled "text.txt". And I have another text file on my computer called "text2.txt". I want to somehow write the contents of "text2.txt" into "text.txt". (or even upload the file from my computer to the web server)

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Get Sub Price Automatically.

i have 3 textfields: txtPrice, txtQty and txtSubPrice.

price for an item will be fetched from db at display in the txtPrice (i can do this). then, user just key-in the quantity for the item and automatically the sub price will appear in the txtSubPrice.

i have coded a function name CalculateSub() using javascript and tried to do the automatically calculation using onClick and onFocus at the txtSubPrice but failed. seems like textfield cannot has this function.

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Automatically Re-POST

I have a problem with IIS 6.0 + IE 6.0. I'm POSTing back to an ASP page a long lists of IDs used for sending emails (>10.000). This process takes more than 30 min. The problem is that this process is automatically restarted by posting again all the data. I checked ASP page and there is nothing to reload the page. But after more than 30 min. (changed the timeouts) the process simply restarts by posting again the full list. I only need to
execute this page once.

why the whole process restarts posting back data (is not a simply GET, but POST)? There is no F5 / CTRL-F5 or Back buttons. It simply re-post data, without an error. It's my ASP page wrong? Or something wrong with IIS?

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Get Connected Automatically

I want to add in my website a share rate and which changes automatically. how can i dispaly it in website what i have to do for that. I dont want to be linked with its website bu t i want to be displayed it in my web site.

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IIS Shutting Down Automatically

IIS in our server is shutting down automatically on its own. I don't know what is the problem?

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