Automatically Sending Email From Asp Page

I have a page that allows user input. On click of the submit button I call a javascript function that verifies that all of the fields are filled out and then submits the form. I need to add code after the verification that creates and sends an email. I know how to do this in VBscript, but don't know how to call a vbscript function from a jscript function (is this even possible?).

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Sending Page Via Email

Is there any simple way of doing this? I want to redirect my end users to a
"results" page that lists the details of their order, but I also want to
e-mail them the exact same think (not a link). All of my end users have
HTML e-mail enabled, and I know that I could just create an e-mail manually.
But, I was curious whether I could do this in a much easier fashion.

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Automatically Sending Notifications

For a project I am doing I would like to offer customers the chance to recieve notifications of an order by e-mail, SMS or MSN messenger. Is this possible using asp and without spending any money!

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Sending Reminder Emails Automatically

I have an online classifeds website and would like to send automatic reminder emails to advertisers 3 days before their advertisement expires.

I am able to send emails via CDONTS from a form but are unsure how to extract the date details from the database 3 days from the renewal date and send an email to all relevant advertisers . I have an Access database attached to the web pages.

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Possible To Get Outllook Email Address Automatically?

Using ASP and CDONTS to send a simple email to an address that is chosen from a drop-down.

This works, however I currently have a textbox ('From') that the user has to manually enter their email address.

Is there anyway I can assign the outlook email address to a variable, without actually using outlook to send the email (i.e mailto?)

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Page Run Every Day Automatically

I need to set up an asp script that will be run at the beginning of each day. How can I get this page to be opened at a certain time each day?

BTW - My page is to update a database, where based on a timestamp stored in the database, will deem records valid or invalid.

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ASP-Automatically Deletion Of Page

Is there any script which can delete a webpage after a given time-period within that script?

I want a page to be deleted after a desired time and to not work untill reupload or recode.

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Need To Launch An .asp Page Automatically

I would like to run an ASP page each day at the same time automatically. it reads from my product data and ftps the data to another server.

I am running on a windows system with IIS I have no idea where to begin. Is there anything else I can do? it is not my own server so I don't have access to server. I can just ftp.

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Automatically Refreshing A Page

I have an ASP page that displays random facts. Data is stored in a database. Everytime user hits on refresh, randomize function shows a new fact. I would like my asp page to refresh automatically every minute or so and run the randomize funtion and show a new fact. Is it possible with ASP? I have seen it done with Flash.

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Automatically Jump To Another Page

how can i jump directly to another page ? let me explain better...i've got this form...the user fullfills the form and presses send...the form calls and asp file...after executing that file i want to be able to send the user to a specific web page, but i don't want him to press any link...just go there can i do it ?

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Automatically Fill Out An Excel File From An ASP Page?

My boss wants me to develop this page so that users can click on a button alongside an employee's page and this will open up the company Expenses Claim Form with some of the fields automatically filled in, pulled from the same SQL database that the webpage gets its info from.

I have been looking this up for *weeks* now, but the only solutions I can see involve the dot net framework, 3rd-party plug-ins or installing the Microsoft ODBC driver for Excel. My boss will not accept any of these solutions, as we are a huge organisation and this has to work accross the entire system. We're stuck with MS Office 2002, Windows XP and SQL Server 2000.

So far the best I can manage is getting the Excel form to open (but without the fields filled in), which I accomplish using the following code:

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"ASP Page Should Be Executed Automatically Daily.

I have an ASP page which checks some condition from database and based on that it sends mails to respective persons. All mail details is in SQL server. The page works perfectly fine.

What i need is this page has to be executed daily without the interaction of any user/administrator. Is it possible?

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Automatically Posting Form Values When A Page Loads

is there a way in ASP to automatically submit a form and its values when a page loads ?

if not is there any way round this scenario. i want to have a drop down list of options depending on which is selected will depend on where the form is submitted to.

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How To Post A Page Automatically When An Option Is Chosen From A Drop Down List

what I want to do is - the user is presented with a form with a drop down box at the top with two options - Yes or No, If No is selected then the form stays as is and the user can complete the other text boxes.

However, if the user selects yes I want the page to refresh with a different set of input boxes.

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Sending Email

I have a few queries regarding on email. Currently my web hosting provider uses Windows 2003 Server IIS 6.0 to host my ASP websites. In my own PC, I am also currently using Win XP Profession IIS 6.0 to run my ASP files.

I would like to create a pogram that would automatically sent out an email. But the problem is I have know that CDONTS do not work for Windows 2003 Server or XP Professional. It only currently work for Win 2000 Server.

Please help and perhaps show me the code of sending an email out automatically. Is there a code that can work for all servers?

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Sending An Email From Within ASP

I have a form which will be processed by being sent to an ASP page. I would
like the ASP page to take the data from the Request.QueryString (which I
know how to do) and format it so I can have it emailed to me in a nicer
format. My problem is that I do not know how to have ASP send an email. I
know how to send an email using the mailto: protocol by making it look
something like the following: SAGE=mymessage

However, this will usually take the user to their default email client and
ask them to send an email by putting the specified subject and message in
for them, but wait for them to do any desired editing and click their send
button. I simply want the email to be sent straight from ASP. Is this

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Sending An Email

Can anyone provide me with an example how I can send an email through ASP.NET!

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Sending Email

I have made a .asp file in order to send email to my Join Bytes!:

Set mail = Server.CreateObject ("CDONTS.NewMail")
mail.To = ""
mail.From = ""
mail.Subject = "email subject"
mail.Body = "email body"

The smtp function have been installed with the IIS, there is no error and the .asp seems running properly but I can't receive any email, any wrong?

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Sending Email

i have to do a project regarding employee transfer in which sending email to concerned employees yet to be transferred play a pivot role.

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CDO Not Sending Email

I've been using CDO to send email from my web server for a while now but
today the emails aren't being sent. They are in the queue folder on my
server. I've restarted SMTP service but that didn't work. How can I get
these sent?

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Sending Email

how can send email using ASP?

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ASP Email Sending

Im have made up a form that sends the information via email to an email address. Whenever I test the form though, the email does not display in HTML format. The email displays the html code but I want it to display as an html page.

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Sending Email Via .asp

Set ObjMail = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
ObjMail.From = emlFrom
ObjMail.To = emlAddress
ObjMail.Subject = emlSubject
ObjMail.Body = emlBody
Set ObjMail = Nothing

I recently upgraded my webserver from NT4.0 to Windows 2003 Web Edition. Now, the above code no longer works. It worked great on NT4

What do I need to do to make it work with my new server?

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Sending Email In ASP...

I am trying to send an email to someone as the person clicks on a link...i have been trying the CDO, CDONTS, JMail and other methods but none of them work!!an example is as follows:

Set myMail=CreateObject("CDO.Message")
myMail.Subject="Sending email with CDO"
myMail.TextBody="This is a message."

I Im getting this error:

CDO.Message.1 error '80040220'

The "SendUsing" configuration value is invalid.

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Sending Email With ASP

I need a way to send an email using a normal HTML form and then taking those values and sending them to myself.

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Sending Email

Could someone advise me on the best way to send email either using asp or html? I'm not sure which way would be best. Basically I have a page confirming that data has been entered into a database and displaying what has been entered. I then want to have a link to email the information to someone. The email address has already been entered into the database.

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Sending Email With CDO

I asked how to send an email using CDO instead of CDONTS and got several responses. They were all good, I tested the code and it works well. However, I forgot to mention that I need to set the email body to be in HTML rather than in plain text format. Would appreciate if someone could post a complete example on how to do this.

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Sending Email

I have tried to use this peace of code to send test email

If Request.form("submit")="Submit" Then
Set objMail = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
objMail.To = "alex@alex"
objMail.From = "alex@alex"
objMail.Subject = "Feedback"
objMail.BodyFormat = "0" ' -- HTML format
objMail.Body = "Name: "
Set objMail = Nothing
end if

It works fine but when I go to the drop folder it is filling it with hundreds of emails. When I look inside pickup folder there is only one email message. Does anyone knows why the drop folder is constantly filling with new email messages?It looks like it repeats it all the time like some kind of loop.I am using it locally for testing only

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Sending Email

I am using an asp page to send email from a access database. I would like it to send an HTML version if it can, and if not then it will send plaintext. I have seen this feature before, but not sure if asp can handle it.

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Sending Email

I have written a code to send email through asp. I want to make particular text bold or underline in the main body of the message. Code:

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Sending Email Using ASP

I want to test my mail method, when i was setting up IIS i installed stmp so thats ok. When i send the mail it goes into the mailroot folder and into a folder called queue but it does'nt actual send to the address?

Set EnquiryMail = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
EnquiryMail.From = ""
EnquiryMail.To = Email
EnquiryMail.Subject = "Access to NCI Recruitment"
EnquiryMail.Body = BodyText
Set EnquiryMail = Nothing

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Sending Email Thru ASP

how to send emails ..thru asp code?

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Sending Email

I have made one site for me, I have created one contact us page where user can fill the form and send his message to us. I am using SMTP to send email to my domain and I also want to send confirmation email to visitor but email does not go specially when domain are hotmail and yahoo etc.
I am using code like this:

Dim emailMessage As New Mail.MailMessage
emailMessage.From = "visitorsEmailAddress"
emailMessage.To = "myEmailAddress"
emailMessage.Subject = "Email from web"
emailMessage.Body = "Message here"
SmtpMail.SmtpServer = "myServerAddress"

Can some body tell me how I can configure SMTP to send 2 way emails from my web page?

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