Basic Contact Form

i have a basic contact form on a website and im trying get an asp script to send an email off to the sites sales people.

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Contact Form With Asp

i am using the following code in my asp and it works fine. i just need to add a subject line that displays "contact form". can somebody help me out? Code:

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Contact Form

We have paid a designer to create our website here. I know it's not perfect, but it's done now, and that's the important thing. We are receiving quite a few information requests via the 'Contact Us' page, which is great, but 70% of them are coming through blank, which is strange because it is not possible to click 'Submit' without completing all the fields.

Do you have any idea how or why this might be happening? The worrying thing is that clients ARE fully completing the form, and the data is being lost somewhere? I'm afraid I don't know a lot about ASP or CDOSYS which is how the mail is set up, so you'll have to go easy on me.

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Captcha On A Contact Form?

I am trying to implement an asp captcha on a contact form. The form action is set to activate another page taht contains the script for mail. I found the captcha code from the web. I have tried to implement the code into my form but i am not having sucess. I am new to asp and vbscript and therfore i am out of my depth in finding a solution. I was wondering if anyone on this forum could help? Code:

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E-mail Contact Form

I am looking for a good e-mail contact form script for my bands website. Does anyone happen to know of any good free scripts for me to check out?

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Html Contact Form

I want visitors to be able to react on the website i'm making. I'm not an ASP-expert, but i've created a html contactform which sends it's data to a sendmail.asp-script. So far so good: i receive email.

What i don't like is that when the asp-script is executed a blank page is displayed and i would like to display a "Thank you-message" not in a new window but instead of the filled contactform. Again, i'm not an ASP-expert, but willing to learn.

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Contact Email Form

i just want to create a simple contact email form for my website. how should i do this?

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Contact Form Varying Recipients

I have a standard formmail contact form that I would like to customize the recipient on. In other words, I want to be able to specify the recipient in a string in some cases, but when it is not specified have it send to a default recipient. What's the easiest way do accomplish this?

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File Upload And Contact Form

I did an contact form page using asp, when we press the submit button the information r going to a mail id. i want to add an file upload to that page . i can use that , when i used it , the file is going to that mail id but i cannot download that file. can u tell me how can i do that?

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Contact Form Sending Through Email Using Cdosys

I am new to asp i am facing in sending the contact form sending through email using cdosys the following is the code server space work on Microsoft Windows 2003 w/IIS 6.0.

When i press send button i get a error as The page cannot be displayed and HTTP 500 - Internal server error .....

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Contact Form Email And Database Insertian

i made this asp script that should email and insert the data into a database but somehow i don't think I've done it right. Code:

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Basic Error Checking Within ASP In A Form

how to create a form that would handle basic error checking within the ASP itself?

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ASP "contact Collector" Form Not Using CDONTS

I am new to ASP and am looking for a script that collects user contact information and a choice of 3 radio buttons that doesn't use CDONTS.

I would like for this script to send the information collected to my e-mail address.

There is tons of information on forms but, I can't find one that does what I want and will allow me to deconstruct it and re-use it over time.

Also, all the examples I find use CDONTS. My host no longer supports CDONTS.

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Save Contact To Outlook With Asp?

Where can I find docs or help on how to do this?

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Unable To Contact Webserver

I have IIS. I have interdev. whenever I am trying to contact the shows what I have written in the title.

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Contact Details To Allow Download

im trying to work out basicly what i want to do his have a list of downloads and then at the top of the page have a form that has contact details that enables the download links and sends the details to an email address. is this possible and if so are there any scripts avaliable

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Get Msn Yahoo Contact Lists

i will be launching a site on which i will have a birthday reminder service along with some other features. Site is being made with the help of ASP and MS-Access. its birthday reminder service is a bit similar to that of Now if you go to you will notice that when it gives you an option to add birthdays to your list, it allows you to get access to your msn list on that very site..a user just has to enter his msn id and password on that site and then it shows his full contact list, and then with just one click it can e-mail all those users in the contact list. I want that kind of a system with which users on my site can have access to their msn and yahoo contact list...after they provide their user id and password. Similar system is also integrated at to invite friends. Does someone has any idea on how that thing can be made available on my site...any help would be greatly appreciated as its a really important part of my site.

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How To Include Html Files In ASP (similar To Index.php?page=contact)

I'm building a site which runs on 4 templates, each a different colour. I would like to pull in different content into each template using ASP.NET, similar to the php version of index.php?page=content.

I've not programmed in ASP before so am hoping someone can either supply me with a script or point me in the right direction.

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FTP Put Via ASP Using Visual Basic

I've read hundreds of posts regarding this, but haven't got a working solution yet. Does anyone have a working snippet of code from an ASP page that can be used to upload a file to an FTP server? I read all about INET, but due to some licensing issues it won't work....

View Replies View Related And IIS Basic Question is that what is used to create web pages on a server such as IIS? is part of visual studio, what software package contains IIS?

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Basic Authentication

I have an XML file which I access from a remote server like

Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") "GET","",false
strXML = http.responseText

The real server is password protected with, I think, with basic
authentication. How do I pass it the username and password.

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Basic ASP Problem

This is ALL the code that i have..

response.write("This is a test")

the file is saved as test.asp

I have uploaded it, and when i run it, I get the code being displayed ie.
response.write("This is a test")

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Basic Search

I am having one asp page in which a table is displayed. The table displays the values in textboxes.when the client uses search functionality it searches in the whole page but doesnt search in the table. Can any one tell me about how to search the values contained in textboxes in the table.if possible give me some code

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Basic Update

However I have a complicated update page so I am going to hand code it. I started by breaking down to the basics of Updating but I keep getting a 'Syntax error in UPDATE statement' error. Can anybody see where I am going wrong?:

<!--#include file="../Connections/Publishing.asp" -->
<% If Request("Submit") <> "" Then %>

set Command1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Command1.ActiveConnection = MM_Publishing_STRING
Command1.CommandText = "UPDATE Test SET Value = Paul WHERE ID = 2 "
Command1.CommandType = 1
Command1.CommandTimeout = 0
Command1.Prepared = true

<% End If %>

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Visual Basic

Is there one? I need to hash a sensative string before inserting it into the sql server database. It HAS to be done in the ASP code, because it is also stored in a cookie. Any ideas? Server asp code is vbscript.

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MSN API In Visual Basic...

I need source code for a simple MSN API example, something that interacts between MSN's controls. I want to break it down test it and use it for my own applications.

Or can people even suggest free source code sites for VB. I can search for them there. Planet-source-code had an AMAZING app, but it wanted an ocx file which I obviously didn't have.

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Basic Question

I have two simple problems which I think are related(?) I have a form with the folowing code:

<form method="post" action="sendemail.asp">
<input name="submit" type="button" value="SUBMIT">

when I click the submit button it does not go to sendemail,asp I have tried adding the full/parstial path infront of the sendemail.asp but no luck

Similarly I have the following code which I have taken an asp file from another project and changed the name accordingly but the image does not show Code:

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Basic Authentication

I'm using MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP to get a web page using an url with basic authentication (e.g.

Microsoft denied basic authentication within Internet Explorer URL (see KB 834489) so I'm unable to get the page contents.The client-side workaround is to change some registry settings (see, anybody can help me with a different solution ?

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Basic Chat

How to create a basic chat?

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Another Basic SQL Statement

I've got a field in my database called notes, where they of course are leaving notes for certain orders. I'd like to create a page that lists all orders that have notes left in them but I'm having trouble figuring out what sql statement to use. In my words it needs to say "select everything from the table where notes does not equal null"

I guess I just don't really know what to put for the null part. I'm thinking it'll be somehting like..

SELECT * FROM requests WHERE notes <> ...??? this is what I dont know.

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Basic SQL Statement

i am trying to pull records using a partial name, here's what i have

PlayerName = "'" & "%" & txtFindPlayer.Text & "%" & "'"
this part works fine, for example text is 'ric'

Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM EVENT_SCORING_TBL WHERE PLAYER_NAME LIKE " & PlayerName & "")

no record containing 'ric' is found, but the syntax seems to be ok. Am i using the right wildcards? there is definatly an Eric in the database, but it doesnt pull. any suggestions?

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Basic Instructions

I'm having some problems to perform select on sql statements just cause I'm really confuse on how to refer some variable I got by request.querystring or request.form or even inside form variables...sometimes just using "var" others using "&var&" others '%"&var&"%'...

Does anyone have an article link or some tips regarding this kind of issue?

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Setup Basic Authentication

I have setup basic authentication on one of my web sites. For some reason, I get challenged when I navigate to some of the ASP's within the website. I have checked all the pages and made sure they all have authorisation set to a specific group.

What can be causing this?

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