Browser Based Content Management System

Our organization's web site requires a lot of content updates. I like to develop a browser based content management system in asp. I like to show my end users
exactly live format of our web site into edit mode so that they can just go there and change the text, or text within a table, or change a link. Is there any ASP component that can help me to develop this?

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Content Management System

Do any of the ASP programmers on this form utitlize ASP Content Management
Systems for any of their customer (or own sites). If so, I would be grateful
for any feedback and thoughts on using CMS in a hybrid static or asp web
page environment.

We are reaching the point where our site content and
format is chaning too rapidly to be able to deploy custom asp applications
quickly enough or smoothly enough.

If this is too off-topic could someone advise a robust discussion forum
where I could pose this question?

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Content Management System

created a CMS and it's all working fine. One feature I'd prefer is to have the person editing the page to have an option of sending the page for review (like Contribute) does or simply confirm changes like usual.

I have a few ideas floating aorund like having a seperate table for it so when they choose 'review' it submits it into table, person can review it, editor goes back to page, to the 'review' table and can update/add it into the main table.... anything easier than this?

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Content Management System

I'm looking for an ASP content management system that has like a premium access system included, so we can set parts of the site aside for the premium members only and was curious if anyone here could provide me with some names of programs.

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Content Management System

it would allow a user to create a file.asp by allowing them to specify the name of the file and then the script will create the file on the server. but how would I go about doing that, I haven't seen any examples of this.

Also how would I make it so that the user could create sub files to be a sub part of the parent file? Basically lets say they create a sports file, and then under sports they create files called baseball and so on. But how could I program this so that the user would be able to see this structure as well as create files to go into this structure?

Also, I want to create a dynamic menu that would take the files and then create a menu that holds parent links as well as child many content managers easily create dynamic one link menus, but I would like to create a dynamic menu that has parent links as well as child links.

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Adding E-mail System (for Web Based Tracking System)

I am currently developing a final year project which is a web based
tracking system tracking exam questions. I am using IIS as the
server, MS access for the database, and ASP with VBScript for the
scripting side of things.

One of the things I want to do would be to e-mail a user/moderator
whenever a exam question is edited/completed/updated. does anyone have
any previous expierence in this? i don't even know where to start.

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Content Management

can anybody provide good links of content management services in asp.....
If I want to develop CMS for a website then how should I go for it???

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Content Management

I am looking for some type of way to allow a client to update their web site. The thing is, I do not want them to be able to format the text in anyway. All I want them to be able to do is just type the text that they formatting by them allowed at all.

Is there a program already made that would allow me to do this?If not what would be the best way to approach this?

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Content Management

I want to know how to write a code to get related articles which have posted in a cms system, in other way I want get related articles with one which I have posted in my database like some thing in Vbulletin forum system, it under each pages has a section named related topics and show related articles about opened topic.

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Content Management

Is there an article out there on dealing with content management systems and
how to replace characters (i.e. an apostrophe in a content management system
can't be put directly into a DB column, likewise paragraphs have to have the
html code in them to work).

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Content Management Solution

I have a certain Internet project to develop,and I'm Interested in advices Regarding good development tools available in terms of getting Maximum job done in minimum time and minimum investment in buying third party development software.

In general,the project is to turn a static HTML website to a dynamic ASP pages Enabling the site owner a friendly interface to change its contents.In addition it a required to have the possibility to change the Website into a "members only" website allowing A registration process and an automatic or manual billing.

i was thinking that the use of some Content Management Solution is the most
suitable for this case.I would like to hear your opinions on the subject + references,
links,Recommendations for the easiest, cost effective ways to implement that
sort of project.

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Content Management Form

What I am looking for is a way of taking an access db memo text field that has serveral paragraphs and using it on my page. Then when there is a new paragraph in the text it inserts a <P> . I can not seem to find a way of doing this, an ideas? how do things like this forum do it?

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Content Management Systems

I'm looking for a content management system, which integrates with asp. I could write my own bespoke asp website but why re-invent the wheel? The site is of small scale, bookings, events etc. to run on win 2000 server. Would somemone be able to help with this and make some recommendations.

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Req ASP Project Management System

anyone know a freebie project management system that gives both admin and
clients the ability to add notes with file attachments (COM less)

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Page Caching For Banner Management System

I'm doing a banner ad management system and am storing about 400 banners in my database. I need to pull them all and then sort them by weight and pull randomly from that sort to populate the page with banners (6 per page).

My problem is that pulling 400 banners and sorting them on every page is obviously a performance issue.

Does ASP have any sort of session or page caching capability that would allow me to cache these results and then update the cache anytime something changes with the banner database tables?

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Mouseover Based On Cell Content

My asp page pulls from the database into a table for example


What i want to do is create a mouseover based on what that content is, rather like when you hold your mouse over a image and view what the alt tage says i want it to display a short description of what the item means: I.E

AName AITEM ANOTHER SOMETHING <---- users mouseover "Something = Something that has a description"

This has to be dynamic based on the value in the table cell

Anyone have any ideas?

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A Decision Based System

I am trying to create a system where an ASP page asks a question from a database, for example:

Is it an animal, vegtable or fruit? Dependent on the users answer, the next question asked would be based on the answer, for example:

If animal is selected the question would be: Does it have legs? If fruit is selected the question would be: Is it round? And so on. Does anyone know how this can possibly be done?

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Content Managment System?

i need an asp driven script that will allow me to post News topics and have users login to be able to comment on a news article.

I have found various free php scripts, but have not come accross any asp ones. I am not concerned with an admin area, just as long as the above priorities can be acompished.

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Print Browser Content From COM

Has anyone written code in COM to automatically print to a server printer. I am having trouble doing this at the moment. I want to be able to print the contents of a web browser to a PDF print driver, which will convert the web browser content into a PDF file.

I can currently print a word document by creating a word object and using its print command but cannot print browser using browser object. I'm access COM via ASP page. So just wondering if anyone has had experience in printing browser content in COM.

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Web Based Email System Like Hotmail

I have been looking for some time now, for a web based email system like hotmail, where we can set it up on our LAN. Have found some but all are a bit expensive ,would like to find as free ASP script if possible.

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Include Different Asp File, Browser Based

I have different asp files to "include" in asp page, depends if the browser is IE or not. The browser detection is not the problem of course. I would like to know how can I include the right file, based on the browser detection.

In partly free language I need:

IF (IE) ->
<!--#include file="x.asp"-->
<!--#include file="y.asp"-->

I have tried to test something simple in an asp page, but not working (not too surpriseingly)

<script language="javascript>
<!--#include file="../menu/menu.asp"-->

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Storing Content In DB And Presenting It In Browser

I've got a bit of a problem which I need sorting. I'm creating a news system on our work intranet. The main content is entered into a textarea which most people will use as a simple text editor (carriage returns for paragraphs).

The advanced users will be able to enter HTML tags for more advanced articles (lists, character formatting etc). The problem comes when I'm rendering the text.

At the moment, I'm storing the content as it is submitted (carriage returns are stored as carriage returns, not <br>'s). When rendering the articles to the screen, I replace the carriage returns for <br>'s.

The reason I don't convert the carriage returns to <br>'s on submission is incase the content needs to be rendered for another program/platform in the future (we use all sorts of software from the same database at work so it is a possibility at the moment). Code:

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Loading Content Of *.txt File Via Asp Dynamically To Browser...

I'm using a flat text file in place of sessions to run my shopping cart. I have a couple different asps' that manipulate the session file to preform tasks like deleting items and updating quantities. The file stores one product along with the user selected options per line so it looks something like this:

product, color, qty, unit_price, selection_total |
product, color, qty, unit_price, selection_total |


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Print Content Of An ASP Page To Acrobat PDF Destiller And Send PDF To Browser

I have an ASP page, whisch generates dynamic report for a SQL server DB.
Now the users want to have the content in PDF format (not HTML page). The
server machine had "adobe acrobat destiller" installed.

How can I print the content of this ASP page to acrobat PDF destiller and
send PDF file to browser?

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Using ASP To Replace Content But Not Tag Content In HTML Pages

Using ASP I'd like to modify a string that contains HTML. I need to modify the content (the bit that the users see) but not the stuff in the tags. For example, if I had the following string Code:

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What Is The Asp Code Variable For System Date And System Time?

What is the asp code variable for System Date and System Time? Are they built-in system variables, or is there some code involved to return the values?

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DB Management

provide some example/template/links for a web-based access
database management (CRUD) system?

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ASP Forum Management

if anyone has a bead on an installable forum besides SNITZ. Im not totally concerned aboutit being free or not

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User Management

What I am trying to do is to develop a dhtml based chat system.
So far everything is working as planned, took me over 6 hours to get it
working, but I am pleased with the results, it is comparable to java
chat. With no page refresh.
My problem is
How do we manage which users are online on chat and which are not.
I do not wish to use any application variables nor do i wish to use
session variables. i am trying to avoid the 2
Either the user may simply close the chat window, or he might just go
and browse another site. Either way I do not get to write the even to
the database.

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Management Thingy

I have been asked to create a contact form for a website in ASP that will mail off the form data to a e-mail address but also log the e-mail data in a database.
They then want a web page on-line that they can view all the e-mails in (not a e-mail client, just a html view of each one).Now i have two issues with this, 1. i have never coded in ASP in my life, (php yes, lots) and 2. i dont see the point in being able to view them online when they will have the e-mail in their desktop mail client.Does anyone know of a script that will do what i'm after that is free and uses MSAccess not SQL Server?It's a big ask, but if there was something a bit like it i could have a go at modifying it.

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Link Management

Could anyone tell me what big corporations do for link management? For my site, whenever I want to change a URL, I don't want to because I know there are 10 pages with that link...

But, right now I'm doing a redesign and will be editing every page, so I thought I'd better find out if there's an efficient way to manage my links...

My first thought was to create a page which I include in every page, and this page has all the links for diff pages, like so:

' For Default.asp

lnkTitle = "view.asp?articleid=" & rsArt("articleid") & ""

' Then using like:

<a href="<%= lnkTitle %>">

But, I'd like to know maybe of an easier or more efficient way... If anything is database related, I use mySQL on a Win 2000 machine.

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Picture Management

Has anoyone ever tried to create an asp page that displays images that
either displays them as a slideshow or on a long webpage?

I have an html page that displays my pictures, but as there are many of
them which are large and my bandwidth is restricted I want to download
them and display them one at a time. Currently it the client tries to
download them all at the same time, or four at a time. This slows down
the downloads to an unbearable rate.

Is there a component that allows you detect when an image has been
downloaded and then allow a trigger to start downloading the next one?

Any Ideas?

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Folder Management

How do you create a folder in the server and then upload files to that folder? could you recommend a good and free FTP plugin?

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