Calling A Dll

I am running a project in which i use a web application writen in ASP to create some quizes, then i would like to call a compilor (dll) to compile the data i created and change it to .mms file in order to be able to send it to mobile device.

Can you please guide me on how to call the dll file from my ASP application?

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Calling Vb Exe

I have got a vb exe. I want to call that vb exe from an asp page. I have saved it in the server but I dont know how to execute that from the asp page.

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Calling DLL

I have created an Active Server Component (ASC) as a bridge between ASP and my existing C++ DLLs that we use in our PC-based program. Our intent is to re-use as much code as possible.

when I call the ASC from ASP, and then call the DLL, the security profile that is specified in IIS is no longer associated with the process, and therefore, any "network-related" calls fail due to insufficient privileges.

I don't know if there is "another" way to call the DLL from the ASC or not, or any way tospecifically load a DLL with a certain security profile.

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Calling Exe In Asp

i am calling an exe from asp program. Its not working fine. When i execute the exe through the dos program directly i get the desired result. My exe will convert files in the folder to encrypted files.

But when i call it thru asp program its not working fine. I have tried the
following method.

a) Calling the exe through shell program.
b) Calling the exe through ASPEXEC.
c) Calling the exe through the Batch Files.

I would like to know your suggestions.

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Calling Sub

Here's a problem I can't solve.
Let n sub procedures A1, ... An

sub A1()
end sub
sub An()
end sub

I want to call indirectly one of them with a variable name like
this :

Ex :
Call myProc()

This doesn't work. Is there a way to solve this problem ?

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Calling A Sub

i've got two pages. they have the same name for two sub procedures that do pretty much the same thing and have the same number and types of arguments. i either run one page, the other page or both. when i run page1 it somehow is accessing page2 even if it isn't called with an include statement.

page 1 is using the sub with the same name from another page even if it isn't included. so what's going on? is that normal? should i just make one page instead of 2? didn't think that sub's could jump accross pages that weren't included, but i could be wrong.

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Calling Functions...

Where's the best place for me to include all my functions that I want to call throughout different pages? Should I just put them all in one ASP file and include that page on every page? Or use global.asa somehow (how??)?

Anyways, I was just wondering because I didn't want to slow things down if I could help it (I didn't know if having another big file attached to every page when I'm just using a small portion of it was very effective or not)

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TypeMismatch Calling Sub

in my serverside vbscript I have:

call MySub();

then in the <Head>section I have:

sub MySub()
msgbox("Holding not found")
end sub

when I run it I get a typemismatch against the serverside call.

Anybody any ideas?

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Calling SQL Script From ASP

I want to create tables in my database programatically. I know i can do it using adodb connection object. I have too many tables, views and stored procedures. If I have to write a code, I will have to write 1000 lines of code. I dont think, thats the best way to do it.

I already have a sql script for these tables, views and stored procedures. I want to know if i can execute that sql script directly from ASP.

I will explain the background, to give a better understanding of my situation. We have a website, which uses the existing database to generate reports. If we want to host that website (as a service) to third parties, we create a new database for every customer, create all the necessary tables, views and stored procedures in the new database. I want to make all the table creation programmatic. Is it possible?

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Calling JScript

I'm working on a project and the designer guy uses templates for everything. THis is fine except I have to call a JScript function when the page loads and I have no access to the body tag. Is there a way to call the function as the page loads from a VBScript command?

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Calling Function From Asp

I have the following problem. I want to call a JavaScript Function from ASP
I am reading back values from a db and based on those values I want to check a checkbox.
If the value in the db field in yes then I want to check the checkbox but if it's no I want to leave the
checkbox unchecked.
My alert box is displaying but Im getting an error at the line
document.getElementById("chkStatus").checked = "true";

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Calling External Sub

Im wanting to call a sub funvtion on another page from vbs that is:

sql="exec SomeStoredProc"
call DoConnection(sql)
call DBClose()

the DoConnection sub is in another page called MyDBConnection in a folder call Common.

I know that I can use serverside includes and embed my con in the page using <%%> but I want the use runat server How can I make call to a function in an external page?

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Calling A Serverside

I have a database and I use asp to load it into a html table.
The first cell of each row contains a button.
What I want is that when a user clicks the button it calls a serverside sub that inserts additional rows from an other table of my database. Problem is that I don't now how to call a sub from the onclick event of the button. And I don't know if it's possible to insert rows in a html table. Does anybody know how I should do this?

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Calling PHP From ASP/vbScript

wrt: Server IIS5 and IIS6

There is an application composed of PHP scripts on my server - currenly
works fine.

The site is written is ASP/vbScript. Is there any method I can use to
call the PHP functionality from within my ASP pages?

e.g include or server.execute

Screen scraping works (for some values of 'work') but seems overkill.

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Calling Function

I have an Empty Function on one of my pages, so when the user clicks(submits) on the empty button in the form, the shopping cart empties. This is on basket.asp.

If (CStr(Request.Form("Submit")) = "Empty") Then
end if

Above is the code that empties the basket on basket.asp. Below is the Submit button code.

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Calling Function

We have an asp page on a webserver supporting asp pages.
How can we run/call a function on this page using an onclick or other event
from a control. For example, when an image is clicked or a combobox is
changed. We know how to run a javascript, but would be nice to run an asp

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Calling Subroutine

i have defined a procedure and want it to call on the onload event of body.

sub a()
end sub

how can i achieve this. is this possible or not.

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Calling Applet

I want to be able to call an applet (or possibly a servlet) from an ASP page, passing a few simple parameters.

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Calling ASP Pages

I have an application using asp and javascript. The javascript collects data and then needs to pass it to asp to store in the database. The way the original application was developed, all the data gets captured into a javascript array of records (similar to a recordset) and then each record in the array needs to go to the database. Currently I loop through the js array and open an asp window that writes to the DB then closes. This works but I get a flicker affect as this happens for each record. I'm looking for a better way to handle this - either to be able to send my entire js array of objects to ASP (don't know how to do this) or a way to invoke the asp code without opening then closing a new window everytime.YI - I recently posted a thread called "asp & javascript" that had some code snippets of what I'm currently doing.

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Calling Last ID Field?

On the last line here i'm trying to some how get it to call the last ID keyfield entry...

ImageID = Request("ID")
If (Len(ImageID) = 0) then ImageID = "1"
If Not IsNumeric(ImageID) Then ImageID = "1"
If ImageID = "0" then ImageID = "1"
If ImageID>3 then ImageID = max(Len(ImageID))

This is basically for some max min links for a online comic here's what it links to

<a href="default.asp?id=<%=ImageID-1%>">< Backwards</a> -
<a href="default.asp?id=<%=ImageID+1%>">Forward ></a> -

All works fine apart from that.

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Calling Another Page

How can I call one ASP page from another

Page1.asp returns me some strings in the form of response.write

Page2.asp will call page1.asp and use that long string returned from

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I have ASP pages that calls some ISAPI dll that created using Delphi for
generating reports. The report page opens fine for 1st time when invoked but
next time i get error like "Name not unique in this context."

My quesry string pass to dll like:

I think after the DLL is loaded it is not freeing the memory and not
unloading the dll from memory. SO How can i free memory used by the DLL or
unload the DLL from within the ASP page that load the url to

How can I free the objects / DLL that I loaded from the ASP page using the
above querystring?

Note: I think the delphi code that is written for DLL is working fine as It
works fine for 1st time.

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Calling VB Exe In Page

I have one VB exe file. Can it be called and opened in ASP page like as html form is shown. I want to execute the exe file from any machine. Should that machine have vb and sql.

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Calling A .exe File

i am doing my final year project ...and i wanted to know that


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Calling ASP Function

I have an ASP application that calls a COM function to create a custom report as an Excel file. This works in a synchronous fashion, as long as the report does not take too long to create. If that happens, the session times out and we run into other kinds of problems.I have, in other cases, executed a stored procedure asynchronously thru ADO.
I'm wondering if ASP provides some way of executing a function (an ASP function, not ADO) asynchronously? I could then make the call to the COM function from within this async thread, and implement the same refresh logic on the client that we used in the ADO solution.

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Calling A Dll In Asp Program

I have a vb program which initiates a powerpoint when run (with a click of a button). i made a dll for that program by opening the .vbproj in a textdoc and changing some values. I was wondering can we call this dll from an asp program so that the power point gets initiated from asp.

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Calling An Application

currently i have a intranet web application that allow use to browse file in a local server and mount it using daemon tools to view the resource in it.i wanna know that is it possible to open an application in my own PC in ASP pages hosting in a local server?

i got found some coding that might be my track to go, but when i tried it, it does give me u guys mind to look at it?thx a million. Code:

Set WshShell = Server.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")"C:Program FilesDaemon Toolsdaemon.exe -mount C:Inetpubwwwroot esting.nrg")

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Calling A Local .exe

I am trying to set up an internet page on our intranet that contains logoff/shutdown and restart buttons.This needs to work in a remote desktop situation which rules out various options.

Next stage is to call this .exe from a webpage...which I'm struggling with. My test code (to test a reboot) is below but doesn't seem to work. Can anyone help remembering this needs .exe needs to run on the local machine and not the server.

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Calling An Image

I'm trying to write a piece of code that, if there is a value in the image column in my table, displays the image.

If rs("lspb_image") <> "" Then Response.Write "<img src=/lspb/images/'" &rs("lspb_image")&"' height=517 width=400>" End If

All my other fields work that I'm trying to display,this one is giving me a broken image because the path is messed up.

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I have ASP pages that calls some ISAPI dll that created using Delphi for generating reports. The report page opens fine for 1st time when invoked but next time i get error like "Name not unique in this context."My quesry string pass to dll like:


I think after the DLL is loaded it is not freeing the memory and not unloading the dll from memory. SO How can i free memory used by the DLL or unload the DLL from within the ASP page that load the url to window.location? How can I free the objects / DLL that I loaded from the ASP page using the above querystring?I think the delphi code that is written for DLL is working fine as It works fine for 1st time.

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VB6 DLL From Calling ASP Page

I know that this is easy to do, I've done it before, but I can't find how I did it before.Basically, my ASP page can createObject for a compiled DLL, but it can't do
it for the non-compiled DLL (running in VB6).

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Calling ASPX

i am having examples to work with ASP,I came across a small ASPX module that I would like to call from the ASP module.How can I do this?

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Calling CGI Scrip

I'm still learning ASP and was wondering if there was any way to pass data to a CGI script on another server, retrieve and then possibly format the data within ASP? I've seen a 3rd party component called ASPHTTP, but was wondering if there were any other methods.

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