Can A Proxy Connection Be Detected?

can a proxy connection be detected when someone is connecting to our web server using a proxy?

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ASP Will Still Execute Code After Run-time Error Has Detected?

The following code has run-time error on "divide by 0" error. I expect
"do the work<br>" will not print in the browser, since it happen after
the code that cause the error. However, this is the output: any ideas why?? Or
this is the nature of ASP scripting language that is being executed in
sequential order? Code:

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Visual Studio .NET Has Detected That The Specified Web Server Is Not Running ASP.NET Version 1.1. You Will Be Unable To Run ASP.NET Web Applications Or Services.

i've installed vs.NET 2003 on my pc which is runing window 2000 pro with sp4, but when i'm trying to create new ASP.NET Web appication i got this messages "Visual Studio .NET has detected that the specified Web server is not running ASP.NET version 1.1. You will be unable to run ASP.NET Web applications or services."

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Proxy Cached

We encountered a very strange problem. We host a web site:
www.[our_site].com and a large number of our users belong to an
organization group with central network control and they can only
access our web site through two headquarter proxy servers: x.x.a.7 and
x.x.b.8, which was set in security dept of the group headquarter. The
web site was working fine till recently when those user accessing via
x.x.a.7 all have problem suddently while those accessing via x.x.b.8
have no problem. The users accessing via x.x.a.7 are directed to wrong
page, very slow response, hang on some page or encounter errors, etc.
If they access the same site via another alias, like
www2.[our_site].com which points to the same web server, they will not
have any problem. They do not have problem to access any other web
sites we tried, including our other web sites hosting in the same site,
even the same server. If the users change their ie setting to use other
public proxy server, they will have no problem to access our site.
Strict security policy are applied to the user site, so we cannot ping,
tracert or do any other network testing from user machine. Since user
has no problem to access any other web site, the headquarter security
department wont handle our case and simply think it is our problem.

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Bypass The Proxy

any one know how can we bypass the proxy with asp code ?
you may know that ther is some bypass proxy codes with Perl and PHP
but I've never see any in asp .
Example of Perl proxy bypass is and I want to write
such proxy bypass cod with asp

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Are There Any Issues With ASP And Proxy Servers?

Our website works correctly for 99.9% of customers, however we have one set
of customers who access our website from what appears to be a proxy server
of some kind. i.e. The IP address is always the same no matter where the
location of the computer is.

My site is a framed site, and the specific problem is that a list of links
in one frame will not load a page on another frame. I don't believe this is
a browser compatibily problem. (I wont rule it out though). But there are no
problems as far as I can tell on other peoples computers.

My question is....Is there anything special that needs to be done to make
sure a site works through proxy servers, or is this likly to be some other
problem such as an SSL problem (the whole site is under ssl), browser
incompatibility problem, or just downright dodgy programing on my behalf?

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WGET And Reverse Proxy

We have this portal that accesses content from various places on the web. The portal is SSL secured, so any content that is outside the portal and nonsecure is going to cause an nonsecure error prompt in every page within the portal site.

So, we obviously want to get away from these annoying messages. To do it, we've considered a reverse proxy, and even a tool like WGET... but, WGET can't fetch a complex URL... and reverse proxys seem like they might be a serious pain to set up along side our tomcat server

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Corporate Proxy Server

I work in a corporate environment where they have been restricting (preventing) more and more of what we can view on the internet.I think they restrict that through the proxy server... in Internet Explorer, in Internet Options under LAN Settings, we use an automatic configuration script.

Any way... to make a long story short and to be as truthful as possible, I still want to view my fantasy football web sites. My question is, is there a way I could code
something to get around this? For example, I do have space on a server that runs ASP, so could I code something that would allow me to get around this?

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Web-based Proxy Server

I am making a web-based proxy server, and I need to make it so that it can download a webpage, and modify all of the links inside it (so that it can proxyfy all of the links, rather than the browser downloading the files from the original website).

So far the first bit is fine, but I still need to make my script modify all of the links inside the given HTML file. I know I can do it, but it wouldn’t be the most effective way of doing it. Does anyone have any suggestions on how they would search through an HTML script, and locate links?

So far what I am doing is searching for anything that one of these at the beginning of it:

And I am changing the text that comes afterwards (thus modifying the link). But for many reasons, this is a really bad way of doing it.

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How To Send Mail Using ASP Through Proxy Server

My computer is at intranet,I want to use following code to realizing function of sending mail.But this program only can send mail between intranet.If I send mail in internet,I need to through proxy server,the proxy method is HTTP(proxy,port:8080,username/password),I want to use this program to send from intranet to internet through proxy server.I want to know how to realize this function.My code is follows:

Set objCDOMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
objCDOMail.From = frommail
objCDOMail.To = tomail
objCDOMail.Subject = mailsubject
objCDOMail.BodyFormat = 0
objCDOMail.MailFormat = 0
objCDOMail.Body = mailbody
Set objCDOMail = Nothing

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Proxy Configuration Tool - Proxycfg.exe

I wasnt really sure where to put this thread so I have put it in both ASP and DNS forums - i hope this is ok. My problem feels incredibly complicated so Im hoping that someone on one of the forums might know a few things .

Im interested in getting remote data off of a URL using ASP. There is an article about it at the URL below: Code:

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MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0 Proxy Server

Consider the following simple function to get the contents of a remote URL:

Function GetURL(str_URL)
Set obj_XMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject ("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0")
obj_XMLHTTP.Open "GET", str_URL, False, "", ""
GetURL = obj_XMLHTTP.ResponseText
Set obj_XMLHTTP = Nothing
End Function

Is there anyway that I can use a remote proxy server to make the request?

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Using WinHttpRequest To Send Xml Through Proxy => Access Denied

I have a proxy on the intranet, I try to send an xml to an external url, in classic asp, using WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1, but I get access denied from proxy for sending the xml and also The ISA Server requires authorization to fulfill the request. Access to the Web Proxy filter is denied. Code:

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Fetching A RSS Feed Through A Proxy Server And Displaying It On ASP Page

I need to display the contents of an external XML/RSS feed in an ASP page. I have found a couple of scripts that seem to do the trick at:

(URL address blocked: See forum rules)
(URL address blocked: See forum rules)/ow.asp?ASP_Based_RSS_Reader

(any good alternatives will be much welcome)

However, my problem is that the ASP page is part of an Intranet site, so it can only access the Internet (in order to fetch the RSS) via a proxy server.

Can somebody tell me how can I modify the above scripts (or any other that does the same) so the IP/port/login/password parameters can be passed along with the feed URL?

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Connection Timeout For Adodb.connection

conn.ConnectionTimeout = 60
conn.Open connString

conn.Open connString
conn.ConnectionTimeout = 60

Do both of them give different?

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DSN Connection Or Direct Connection

I wanted to know wheather DSN is ok for the connection to a database or direct conection is better?

when i started my web project on dreamweaver i had to make a DSN connection as i have followed the books, but as now as i have also asked several questions on this site, i have aslo implemented a direct connection as well on some pages, now i am wondering
is this going to have any affects when i uplode the complete site on the server.

i have noticed that on my computer when i am testing the site and uploading new records on sections that have DSN connections you can see the new record but on sections that i have implemented direct connection i cannot see it coz it is linked to the local directory database not on the testing server.

i have also never experienced uploading to a IIS server with DB connection so its my first time with dynamic websites. so am i in trouble or its ok the way i have done my site..

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Connection To SQL

I am trying to create a web page that has a drop down menu in which it retrieves data from our SQL server. Maybe this is a bit more simple than I am making it but I am really pulling my hair out trying to get this right. Code:

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Db Connection

this is my error:
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '(unknown)'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.

here is my db connection string:

<!--#include file=""-->
dim rs, cn
Set cn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
'with cn
' .Provider="Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0"
' .ConnectionString=Server.MapPath("home/nfiweb.mdb")
' .Open
'end with "nfijobs"
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

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Connection With Db In ASP

When I click submit after updating the information all of my info gets deleted from the db so I'm guessing that the values that are being submitted are not getting picked up in the sql. I've tried changing the form names, etc, but still have the same prob. My code is below: Code:

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Db Connection

I am having trouble connecting to an Access db fro mmy asp page. I get the following error: The page cannot be displayed There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed. Code:

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DB Connection

I'm using an SQL2K backend and attempting to connect to it with the following code.

' -- Connection String Value
response.write "Setting strConnection"
strConnection = "DSN=tracktimedb"

' -- Our SQL Statement
response.write "Declaring SQL Statement"
' -- Populate our Recordset with data
Set objRS = GetRecordset(strConnection, strSQL)

I have done many searches but all the connection strings I've found seem to be using a DSN to an access DB. Currently I get this error when trying to connect.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e4d'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

I can't seem to find the proper syntax to specify a db login (sa) and password in the connection string.

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Db Connection

on 1 page i open
a connection to a database and build a recordset to check
username and password. there are other fields in the db
that i need to access on the next page. how do i reference that
connection and run a new sql query without having to reopen the connection?
i thought it would be as simple as NOT closing it, but thats not working.

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ASP Connection

I am having problem in my connection to database when running ASP.
It works fine for the first time but if I run it again without a gap of atleast a minute,
it gives me the following error message:

Error Type:
Provider (0x80004005)
Unspecified error

And the line it is showing error is where I am opening my database connection using I wait for couple of minutes and run again,it works fine.

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Tcp/ip Connection

I'm trying to maintain a permanent tcp/ip connection between two
computers using ASP. I need users accessing the ASP pages to be able
to send and receive messages using this connection. I know that I
can't use a Winsock control with ASP so I guess I'm looking at a third
party control. Even if I can get this working I'm not sure that I can
have different users accessing this one permanently open connection.
I've looked all over the Net for ideas on how to do this but I've had
no luck. Has anyone had to do anything like this?

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Db Connection

I am trying to establish an ODBC conection to ORACLE 10g and have tried all the following. Please advise:

We are trying to connect to a 10 g server and nearly gone crazy after doing so. tried everythign, DSN, DSN less .... The bottom line the connection is successful when we try it form the control panel-> data source thing but not from ASP. We tried the following things: Code:

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DSN-less Connection

I created a master detail page using the wizard in Dreamweaver, however I need to create a DSN-less connection. How do I do that? I am assuming I need to edit this part of my code:

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DSN-Less Connection

Can anyone help me create a dsn less connection to the sql server 2005 db
from the connection.asp file below please,

' FileName="Connection_odbc_conn_dsn.htm"
' Type="ADO"
' DesigntimeType="ADO"
' HTTP="true"
' Catalog=""
' Schema=""
MM_TobiasNET_STRING = "dsn=TobiasNET;uid=sa;pwd=*******;"

Need detailed explanation if poss or even better an example.

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SSL Connection

Need to implement an online payment facility, which requires SSL
encryption. I have bought the keys and they are installed on the server

Can anyone point me in the right direction for help in activating the SSL
encryption using asp - tutorials or sample scripts etc?

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I am getting 500 Internal Server Error. I have tried disabling the show
friendly error in IE and I have tried it on Firefox. It will not give me the
reason why it will not work, I only get 500 Internal Server Error.

I have tested the code up to the point of Set objConn and it works but when it gets
to the dsn that's when I get the error. I wish to find out why
it is not allowing it to get pass this point. I have control of the server
where this is hosted and if there is anything I need to do, I can do it.

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Db Connection.

I am trying to create a web page on our company intranet.I am using Frontpage 2000.I need to be able to read from and write to databases in this project.I am starting slow since I am just learning, so for now I am trying to read from an existing SQL database on a network server. The server is running SQL Server 2000 and IIS.

I could create a database connection using the Database Results Wizard in FP. The connection would verify OK and I could select the columns from the table I wanted to display. When I published the page to the server, all I got was column headings, no data.

when I try to create a new db connection, it will verify, but it will not show up as an existing db connection.

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Connection To DB2 Using ASP

need to connect DB2 tables on mainframe, using a ASP front end...But I do not know how to... what all things I should enquire & need in the system before doing the same. connection format to connect a databse on mainframe.

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Sql Connection

My client have a allready built database. and now need to access that database with asp.
How do i connct to a sql database through asp? Would like to use mapPath() in stead of a DSN. Could only find DNS examples on the net.

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DB Connection

I just want to import this part of VBscript file to an asp code to help my frined. This part of code is working if I run it as a vbscript on the command line, but we could not get it run in a asb files.

MyUsername = "sa
MyPassword = "password

Set objADODBConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
strConn="DSN=" & MyODBC & ";UID=" & MyUsername & ";PWD=" & MyPassword & ";

Any suggestion? Is there anything we miss? Can anyone give us an example to make a ODBC connection in an asb file.

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