Can I Keep A Connection Open To Wait For Output From A Proccess

I have a web form that uploads a file to the server where the file is proccessed and outputs a report, the time lapse between uploading the file and the report being produced varys from a few seconds to a few minutes depending on the number of clients requesting reports.

My question is after the file has been uploaded is it possible to keep the connection open and inform the client when the report is ready for downloading.

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Wait For Connection.execute Method To Complete...

I 've coded an asp webpage where a user could toggle a boolean value through a checkbox.
When the checkbox was pressed, the page posted the toggle action to itself, a

connection.execute "UPDATE tableName SET fieldName=(Not fieldname) WHERE field_id=1

query was performed and the checkbox, after I had retrieved its new value through a recordset, changed its appearence(state). At first I used an MS Access DB and it worked fine.

After I had switched the hole application to work with MS-SQL, although I changed the above query to Code:

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Open Connection

I was working on a site an I forgot to open up a connection to my database, but it connected anyway.For example here is the code to create the recordset I am using

connb4b = "DSN=b4b2005" 'i left out the uid and pwd of course for obvious security reasons

set myRecordSet = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
mySQL = "SELECT * FROM inn WHERE inn_code = '" & myInnCode & "'"
myRecordSet.Open mySQL, connB4B, 2, 3

Anyway, the above code created the recordset fine. Do you not have to open a connection to the database, but just pass it the connection string in the open command of the recordset?

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Server Can't Open Connection

I have a site on 1and1. The site has a simple login as well as other asp applications. This site uses an access DB. Last week all the scripts that accessed any database resulted in this error: Code:

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Open Connection To Another Server

I would like to connect to another server and execute my query from my asp page. But how can I initiate the connection string to another server DB? For example Code:

ConnString = "dsn=abc;uid=xyz;pwd=123"

What will be the way to issue the connection string to another server? Using SQL Server 2000.

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Open Database Connection When Users Visits?

Basically everytime I need a page to access a database I will create a connection object, and then at the end of the page I will close the connection object.

Would it be more sensible to create all the connections to the database that a user will need when they first visit the site, and then close these connections once they leave the site. (Using something to do with Start Session and End Session).

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Wait Page

Does anyone have a real nice way of putting a please wait page up while a web page it updating a database with a large query?

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Get A Script To 'wait

Is it possible to make an asp script 'wait' inbetween commands?
A quick example (but not what I've got in mind):

Response.write ("Please wait. Validating password...")
[wait 5 seconds]
Response.redirect ("done.asp")

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Please Wait Page

On my web page i have 3 frames.Firs two are for parameters and in 3 frame is for may take max gen, and display the chart.How to display on this time message like: "Please wait.."and if the chart is completed, then draw the chart?

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Wait Function

any way that i can make my application wait for some time so that HTML page loads in that time, right now I am using following code,

Public Sub waitBySecs(ByVal nNumSecs As Integer)
Dim d1, d2 As DateTime

d1 = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(nNumSecs)
d2 = DateTime.Now

While DateTime.Compare(d2, d1) < 0
d2 = DateTime.Now
End While
End Sub

but the problem in this function is that it takes the whole CPU usage, so I am looking for an alternative for it.

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Loading ... Please Wait

I have one ASP page. During opening this page its taking some time to open as its has to process some asp code. I want to display some animated gif or text showing that page is loading or please wait...or some thing like that.

I put image and text on top in file and then asp code but its not showing its only showing non asp part when its finishing the asp processing. I tried with response.buffer = false too. but no luck. Is there any way that I can show some text during asp page is loading or processing.

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Wait Message

I eadded in some code to make the server take a couple extra seconds to spit out results(for my test page) and it thinks for a few seconds but it never shows the wait message while it's thinking.

I have a web application that has to post and get a response from a few different servers before the user is redirected so I can't just change my sql code or anything to make it faster. It usually doesn't take more that 5 seconds but I would really like to have a please wait message since in the future that could take longer.

It's done in classic asp. Simple as a user fililng out a form and submitting it. The form is processed then the user is redirected.

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Wait While Variable Is Filled

How can I brake my code in order to wait for a session variable to be filled?
I'm uploading an image and would like to get the folder name where it'll be stored from another form that is submited in sequence ..

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To Wait For Few Secs Before Redirect

I have a asp result page which shows that a record has been successfully updated. After this display I need to redirect this to a different page.

However, I would like to keep the display for few secs before the redirect. I would appreciate the command to do this.

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Display Please Wait Message

I need to display a "please wait" message when the user click a post button on a webform, so that the webform can start data processing. I am using in code-
behind. I saw some javascript example, but I could not find a way to show the message before the processing.

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While Page Loads....Please Wait..

I have seen a few articles with a javascript example but it is not working for me. The server side code is processed first and then the javascript so I basically get my page loading splash screen displayed for a split second and then my page I am navigating to.

How do I display the "Please Wait..." before the server side code kicks in ...

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How To Wait Before Redirecting To Another Page?

Example is: If a user logs in failed because of invalid userid or password, I want display a message indicating the problem, wait about 30 seconds, then automatically redirect to login page again. What command or method should I use to wait 30 seconds?

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Making Browser Wait Before Executing

i have an uploadpage where users can upload images. When the image is uploaded my logo is added with aspimage.

the file hasnt been saved before i try loading it with aspimage. How can i make the browser wait 2 secs before executing the next piece of code, to allow the file to be saved properly before trying to access it again ?

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ASP Wait Some Time And Redirect Without Loading Server

Do you know any way to load a page, wait for 5 seconds IN SERVER PROCESS, and then redirect in the server side, - not using javascript?

What I pretend is to show a page that loads a .GIF file that appears to be loading something, and after 5 seconds redirect to results page, so users apparently think that a backend proccess has occoured.

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Permission Denied Unless I Wait And Refresh Webpage

PrinterShare = "GarchiveISLaser"

Set objFileStream = objFSO.CreateTextFile(PrinterShare)

This code is on a page that if redirected to or javascript window.opened then I'll get a "Permission denied" error message. If I wait maybe 3-5 minutes, I can refresh the page and the print job will print successfully.

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Connection Timeout For Adodb.connection

conn.ConnectionTimeout = 60
conn.Open connString

conn.Open connString
conn.ConnectionTimeout = 60

Do both of them give different?

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Getting Output Sent

How can I retrieve the output that has been sent to the client, e.g


this is output
Dim strContents

'Now I want to put the contents in an variable, something like
strContents = Response.Contents '(but that doesn't work)

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Output XLS From ASP

With this line of command :

Response.ContentType = "application/"
I can output a file in XLS format with no problem.

But on a specific server, the file pops as an ASP page. My code is fairly simple.
Does the server need to have Excel installed in order to work ??

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How Do Output

How do I output an ASP variable insde of Javascript?

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Output To Rtf / Doc

The problem i have in my system you can seacrh clients and then display their details. what i wanna do is find the client i want and then have a button called e.g. generate and then the asp pops up a word or rtf document with there details sloted in to a preformatted document.

Now i know i could do this by creating the doc line by line with asp on the file but is there a faster way of just inserting the asp values into placeholders in the word or rtf file which has already been setup?

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Asp Output From Db

I'm having a problem controlling the output from an access db and the css two column layout. It goes like this.Left side has a connection string and outputs 3 columns of db data to the leftside of the page. There is also a conection string on the right side of the page. It outputs that db data AFTER the right side processes that data. So the page is staggered, left to right instead of displaying the results across from each other.

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Output As XML

I have an ASP program. It outputs HTML with some
XML data islands in it. When I run the program, the
browser sees the HTML and doesn't work the way
I want it to. however, if I view source on the output
page, save the source as an XML file, then open the
saved file, it works properly.

How do I get the browser to treat the output from an
ASP program as XML instead of HTML?

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DSN Connection Or Direct Connection

I wanted to know wheather DSN is ok for the connection to a database or direct conection is better?

when i started my web project on dreamweaver i had to make a DSN connection as i have followed the books, but as now as i have also asked several questions on this site, i have aslo implemented a direct connection as well on some pages, now i am wondering
is this going to have any affects when i uplode the complete site on the server.

i have noticed that on my computer when i am testing the site and uploading new records on sections that have DSN connections you can see the new record but on sections that i have implemented direct connection i cannot see it coz it is linked to the local directory database not on the testing server.

i have also never experienced uploading to a IIS server with DB connection so its my first time with dynamic websites. so am i in trouble or its ok the way i have done my site..

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GZip Output

How can I send gzipped (compressed) output back to the browser, using ASP (and IIS)?

I'm looking for a function similiar to PHP's ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); function.

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Output HTML

This is really puzzling me; I am developing a site for a client and have uploaded it to a remote server with ASP enabled; I and my friends do not have a problem diplaying the output HTML from my ASP statements however, my client is unable to see it. He says he can see all the other page (CSS layout) but is unable to view the content (output HTML) from my ASP statement.
Now I am clever enough to know that ASP is server side, so I cannot understand why he can't see it- and he has tried this with two of his computers.
The only possible explanation that I can come up with is that he may have Javascript disabled in his browser as my pages contain a small amount of Javascript.

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Display Output

if guy can help how to output if my customer make reservation....enter everything ..etc enter first name, last name. then after click make reservation button it will come out his/her name on the page for his/her referrence ...then it will clear once another customer enter it.

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Shorten A Output

This might sound stupid to you guys, ok i have this:

perc = (total*100)/limit

response.write (" You are using ")
response.write perc
response.write (" % Of your 1GB")

but on the output i just need the first two digits, but i get this
You are using 21.8057899 % Of your 1GB

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Output The Records

Please guide me. How can I output the records from my recordset in columns in a table? That is, instead of just one record per row in a table, how can I have multiple records per row?

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