Cannot Compare Dates With ASP And Access Backend

I have a simple select query in an Access database that has three
parameters. Two are text, one is a date. If I run my query in Access, it
prompts for the date, and two text parameters, I enter them, and they work
fine. However, if I try to run the same thing in ASP, I get an error:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e07'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Data type mismatch in criteria
expression. Code:

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Compare Two Dates

I have two fields [InstallationDate & InstallComplete] created by using Date() to input a DateTime type in my database. InstallationDate is the first date which then gets compared with InstallComplete.

What I would really like is to calculate when InstallComplete is greater than InstallationDate by two days [or even better still 48 hours]. Once this has happened then a text warning must show. I was thinking along the following lines. I know it is wrong but you can hopefully see how I'm thinking.....

<td align="center">
if Trim(rsDisplayAll.Fields.Item("InstallComplete").Value) > 2 then
Response.Write("you are delayed by two days")

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Compare DB Dates

I get all the employees and the hiredates. But I want to restrict the display of only those employees where the hiredates is greater than or equal to the the 1st of the current month. Should I do this in SQL query or in VBScript? Which should be more effective?

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Compare Dates

I'm a novice to ASP programming. I have an Microsoft Access DB that has a date field (e.g. 8/9/2005) for each record. I want to write an SQL statement that only returns records for the past 7 days. I am accustom to written statements for DB2 access, such as:

select * from mytable where date(mydate) > date(current timestamp - 7 days)

[or something similar] Can anyone help me here?

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Compare 'General Dates'

I have a field called EndTime in a table called tblSessions. This field is a Date type, with a General Date format (DD/MM/YYYY HH/MM/SS). I want an SQL query which can return entities which are less than 30 minutes old.

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Finding Records Older Than 14 Days - How Do I Compare Dates In SQL?

I've got some SQL within an ASP page - I need to grab all records older than 14 days. So far I got to :

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Visitors WHERE Visitors_DateTime = ARRRGHHH

The Visitors_DateTime field is a smalldatetime field within MS-SQL2000.

Effectively I want to compare this field with today's date I guess, and only return those which are over 14 days difference.

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Asp : Compare Records In Two Access Databases

i've googeled to find a asp-script that can compare all the records in two
different access databases the mdb's have exactly the same tables what i want is that (the output) all the differences comes in a html-table in a webpage can anybody help me, are give me a example ?

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Access And Dates

I have a form that lets the web admin add products to the DB, the DB is microsoft access. I know in access you need to use # #'s when dealing with dates, i did and I get the error message: Syntax error in date in query expression '##'

Here is the code thank-you for your time

SQLstmt = "Insert INTO Products(Region, Product_Name, Manf, Weight, Shipping_Cost, Dock_Number, Shipping_Date) values ( '" &_
Region & "', '" & Product_Name & "', '" & Manf& "', '" & Weight& "', '" & Shipping_Cost& "', '" & Dock_number & "', #"& dateValue & "#)"

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Dates From Access

I'm using an access DB with let's say name en date of birth, specifing that date must have the format DD/MM/YYYY (Belgium).
When retrieving the date with ASP/JSCRIPT saying 'select * from table', I want to retrieve the Year, month and day from the Recordset Field

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Dates And Access

I cannot use SET DATEFORMAT DMY in my sql statement.I just clicked on the 12th July 07 on my calendar and it said events for December 7th 2007.

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Access & Dates

I'm having a complete brain cramp today:

Select txtsport, txthome_team, txtvisiting_team, txtgame_date, sport_id FROM sports_schedule where txtgame_date >= # Date() #"

How can I write this correctly for Access - the above gives me Syntax error in date in query expression 'txtgame_date >= # Date() #' and I simply can't remember how to correct it.

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Access Dates

I am trying to run a query that uses dates.. i want to find all records between 2 dates
the date in access is of data type "date/time" this is what im trying but doesnt work

SQLQuery = "SELECT *"
SQLQuery = SQLQuery & "FROM Courses"
SQLQuery = SQLQuery & " WHERE Start_Date BETWEEN "
SQLQuery = SQLQuery & "'#"
SQLQuery = SQLQuery & startDate
SQLQuery = SQLQuery & "'#'"
SQLQuery = SQLQuery & " AND"
SQLQuery = SQLQuery & "'#"
SQLQuery = SQLQuery & endDate
SQLQuery = SQLQuery & "#'"

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Concerning Dates And Access

I am trying to retrieve dates from and Access Database using ADO and the Jet engine. My site is stored on an English Server and the Dates are UK format. My access Database has been populated with UK dates.

Since building all this I have found that Access prefers its dates in US format. I am having problems when running queries like Selecting "EventDate" from the database when >= Date()+14

Is there anyway in the SQL staement that I can specify that EventDate is in the format dd/mm/yyyy?

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Form Post With MySQL As Backend

I'm using ASP as frontend with MySQL as backend, and Dundas Mailer as the email object. I'm making a contact form where the submitted datat would be inserted in the database first and then using Dundas for mail ...

But I have tried to include strange characters like " ' in the message field. But return error ...

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Inserting Dates Into MS-Access?

This seems like it should be easy but I am stumped. I am trying take a variable, add to it, and insert the result as a new record into Access.

The ending result is: ....

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Asp - Access Counting Dates

I have an events database - some days may have several events and some days no events

The access db diary.mdb with table diary with field name dte (long integer)

This field contains the date which has been converted to a double long integer.

so for example 1 row may have 39192
If I do a test Response.Write cdate(39192)
I get 20/04/2007 displayed

Is there a way to use ASP to read the records and do a count by the Month

Events by Month
January 55
February 10
March 22

Does anyone know how to script this in ASP?

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Login Script Based On Email, IP And Sql Server Backend

My questions concerns building a login system based on checking for the
existence of the user's email address only....

1. Is it ok for me to use IP address to allow user to bypass all login and
registration systems if IP is present in database? I wish to save the user
time....if the IP is not present I will present the LOGIN email screen....

2. I am consideirng using Session variable on each page I wanted I
protected...I think I know how to do this but I am not sure on whether I
should be using the global.asa to handle loggin in or logging out or whether
I should so all the code on the secure page itself.

3. I wish to use a sql server backend to house my tables: tblProspect, it okay to use the following branching
code to switch between my test and production server with regards the
physical database path as I have multiple sites on our remote server which
need to feed off the same database....I am thinking about something like

If InStr(Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME"), "") > 0
' Set Public Server Paths
' Set Private Server Paths
End If

Can this work?

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SQL Query Not Returning Results In Access For Dates

I am trying to search through an access database for tickets createded with in a certin date. I am using the below code.

strdate = DateAdd("d", -2, Now())
sqlstr="SELECT * FROM Incidents WHERE TicketDate BETWEEN #"& Now() &"# AND #"& strdate &"# ;"

I verify the query with response.write and get the following.

SELECT * FROM Incidents WHERE TicketDate BETWEEN #15/07/04 19:19:32# AND #13/07/04 19:19:32# ;

I know there are 100% tickets within this date. Yet my query returns nuthing. Please help i've searched this forum for other peoples code looking for examples but end up with the same result.

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Compare Of Two Value

i want to keep the lower number between my two numbers (nbelem(querystring) is user defined and nbElemTbl is number of elements in the table) in my test nbElemTbl return 6 and nbElem(querystring) return 10 but it will always enter the if statement and my resulting number is alway 10.

SQLQry = "SELECT COUNT(echBassinNo) as nbElemTbl FROM tblEchantillon HAVING echBassinNo = '" & Bassin & "';"
set rs = con1.Execute(SQLQry)
dim nbElem
if cint(Request.QueryString("nbElem")) > cint(rs.fields("nbElemTbl")) then
nbElem = rs.fields("nbElemTbl")
nbElem = Request.QueryString("nbElem")
end if

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Compare Function

I store e-mail addresses in a database that are to be used for notification purposes. When the clients add e-mail addresses I want to check and make sure they have not entered an e-mail addresss in twice. Here is what I've got:

I have two arrays that hold the email addresses from the database and the email addresses from the form. I want to loop through the form's array and check it against the database array. If it finds a match then add it to an error message. If it does not find a match add it to the database. Sounds simple.

Here is the function that does the comparison: Code:

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Date Compare

I have created a class registration application with DWMX. The first page shows a listing of all classes (names, date, instructor, etc) dynamically from the database.
I would like for the page to only show current and future classes, and need some type of date compare code. Any ideas?
Also how does this site make the pop window initiate when a user mouseovers a thread? I know how to do standard popups but haven;t yet figured out dynamic ones.

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Compare Recordset

I need compare the recordset from a database and check if the file
exists in a directory.
If exists, I show a picture, case not, I dont show....

The result from a recordset was "hawai.jpg"
Then I need to check if the file exists in a directory located in
IF exists I show the image
IF NOT I show the message "Sorry, this country doesnt have a picture in
the directory."

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How Can I Compare The SQL Of 2 Tables In ASP ?

I have an application that creates online quizzes, each quiz has a results table generated by ASP on MS SQL Sever.

What I want to do is compare the SQL structure / code of the table I am about to create with the SQL structure / code of an existing table (previously created in ASP) to see if they are the same.

So how can I get the SQL structure of a table that already exists in my database into an ASP page?

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Compare Two Times

I want to compare two times 1 time is in a variable and the other time is todays time.

i want to get the time in h.m.s



this would then output


which i then can then split and if their are 0 i can have get 30 min out of it.

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Compare 2 Time

If record is getting submitted between morning 6 am to night 12 pm
the value of sdate should be current date or if the time is between night 12 to morning 6 the value of sdate should be the previous date but this comparison is not working please help me.

if (time()>"06:00:00 AM") and (time()<"07:00:00 AM") then
sdate = Year(Date()) & "-" & Month(Date()) & "-" & Day(Date())
End IF

I am using MySQL as my backend

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Compare Variables

I am trying to check if the variable size already exists in my shoppingCart array.
However even though it does exist, the code below still returns false instead of
setting itemp to true.

'Check if an item is already in the customers shopping cart
Dim iLoop, itemp
itemp = false
For iLoop = 0 to UBound(Cart, 2)
If (Cart(6,iLoop)=thesize) then
itemp = true
end if

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Compare Two Items

I have this login that i created. On the sign in process i need to make sure
that no one has already signed up using that certain email or that unique

Ive tried this line:
Set objRS = verify.execute("SELECT id FROM logmein WHERE email='" & email &
"'") or ("', cnumber= '" & cnumber & "';")

than this:
Set objRS = verify.execute("SELECT id FROM logmein WHERE email='" & email &
"'", "' & or & '", "' cnumber= '" & cnumber & "';")

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2 Queries And Then Compare Them?

Can I have one recordset execute a Select and then have another recordset execute a different Select, and then check if a field from the first recordset is different from the field in the 2nd recordset and if so write out that row on my displaying table?

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How Do I Compare 2 Recordsets?

I have 2 recordsets. One contains all customer info data, the other recordset contains 1 field of customer id's.

How do I create a recordset that contains all customer information (from the 1st recordset)for only the customers in the customer id recordset (2nd recordset)?

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Compare Time

I need to check whether the curtime is greater then or equal to 12:00 am or less then or equal to 12:30am.i tried to use timeSerial to check the time but it comes out an error.
Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: 'TimeSerial' Code:

if (weekday(curdate) = 1) then
if (TimeSerial(curtime) >= "12:00:00 AM" and TimeSerial(curtime) <= "12:30:00 AM") then
curdate = date - 1
response.Write "cur_date = " &curdate& "<br>"
end if
end if

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Time Compare

I am trying to compare two times(12:00 AM and 01:12 AM)...i am using access..I defined them as text in db...Some how, it doesnt work. Code:

if ( rs("sch_time_start") >= cdate(rs2("start_time")) And rs("sch_time_end") <= cdate(rs2("end_time")) ) Then


End if

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Date Compare

I am doing a project for Insurance Company. Here I have a field where the administrator enters the date he wants to close a particular verification process. I want to compare the closed date with the server date and if the date matches Update the database column as "DeActivated" or else the database column must show "Active".

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Date Compare


using this i try to compare date in the ms acess DTm field and Tdate textbox date but when i type the same date in the text box as in the database in the DTm field i don't get any output of the matched dates details ...

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