Cannot Insert Data And Email Results

I have a form that I created via DW that inserts data into a db. I also have code that I want to use which will email the results of the form. However, I have no idea how to combine the two functions (insert and email) into one page of code. Is there a way to merge the two? Where would I put teh email code? Code:

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Email ASP Form Results

The first page you come to in my Web application is default.asp. This gives
the user the ability to click on a drop down menu and choose a prior date
( to update or add info) or they may simply choose to add a new date and
info. They click on submit and it sends the info to the database and opens
up another page called updateproduction.asp. This page shows the results
from default.asp plus other calculations. I have a button on
updateproduction.asp that says "Send Email". When I click on that I want
the user to be able to send a copy of the updateproduction.asp page to
several email accounts. I currently have tried using CDONTS and can click
on the "Send Email" button to send a test email with html (Simply "You have
sent a successful email" in the body) with success.

If I can't send the asp page, is there a way to save the asp page to an htm
page in the code? This would allow me to send a link out to everyone
instead of the actual page.

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How To Email ID # With Form Results

I have an asp form. The results of the form both populate a database (thus generating a unique id #) and also get emailed. I now need to send the unique id in the email. How do I do this if the id is being created concurrently with the email? Code:

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Using CDOSYS To Email Form Results

Can someone please tell me if its possible to create an instance of CDOSYS (to send an emails) on one host and have the email sent from another host.. or are there obvious gaps in my understanding of what takes place when one tries to send an email using CDOSYS or CDONTS?

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Using ASP.NET To Send Form Results To An Email

I have 2 part question: I have an html form: I created that has to have SSL on it. The form also includes a confirmation page to the user after the submit button is hit. However, I have been informed because I used Front Page to create the form, the SSL doesn't work with Front Page's form handler. So I want to know if I can use ASP.NET to create the form and without any conflicts with SSL? Also, I want to find out if all the form objects (form fields, text box fields) have to be coded as ASP.NET objects or can I keep the html form objects and just use ASP.NET code to send the form to an email address and to then send the confirmation page to the user? In other words do I have use ASP.NET code for the whole form?

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Email Results And Send To DB (form)

Can I send a form to the DB and email it at the same time? How do I do that?

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Format Email Form Results


Mail.Subject = "Website - Account"
strEmailText = strEmailText & "Company Name: " & Request.Form("compname") & vbCrLf
strEmailText = strEmailText & "Company Address: " & Request.Form("compadd") & vbCrLf
strEmailText = strEmailText & "Business Nature: " & Request.Form("businessnature") & vbCrLf

i would just like to know how i can add bold/underline and line breaks in this email because at the moment it just displays the email like this..

this: this thing
this: this thing... etc

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Form Setup To Send The Results To An Email Address

I have a webpage with ASP that is a form. I have the form setup to send the results to an email address (using the Frontpage feature). We have published the page to the web, but it will not send email. It simply does nothing. This is the code:

<form name="Datasheet" method="POST" action="DataSheet.asp" webbot-action="--WEBBOT-SELF--">
<!--webbot bot="SaveResults" S-Email-Format="TEXT/PRE"
S-Email-Address="" B-Email-Label-Fields="TRUE" S-Builtin-Fields startspan -->

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Formatting Data Results...proper Case

I have a asp page pulling results from an Access DB. I have no control of
the data input to the db. All the information is entered in Upper case. It
contains fields like address, city, etc..

DB data:
AddressColumn: 123 BILL AVENUE format to 123 Bill Avenue

Is there a way to format the data on the webpage in proper case with a
fucntion or routine? I am not a programmer by trade but can follow logic.

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Modify Data Results Linkbar Buttons

If anyone can guide me to change my basic data results link bar buttons (First, Next, Previous Last). I will like to use my custom arrow buttons but don't know how. The default buttons are generated by default with i create a query. Where do i go to modify these buttons, and what code do i use in the new buttons i will like to use....

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Db Insert And Form Email

I have a form that performs a db insert (through a Dreamweaver server behavior) . After the insert, the page is redirected to a page where the form information should be mailed to a specific email address - request.form("dlEmail")

Is it so, that when I do an Insert statement, the request.form - variables get erased or so? I don't manage to get the email working. It inserts the info ok, but when coming to the sendmail.asp page, I try to refernence the different form fields, and they all appear empty.

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Insert Database Records To Email

How to do i send database information to an html email using ASP?

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Insert Data In My Db

I've been choosing to insert data ni my db using a recordset with methods AddNew and Update. I would like some advices to make my coding opractice better. For example: am I doing it right? Is there a better to do what I'm doing and so on...:

set rsExample = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
rsExample.Open "example", MyConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable

rsExample("firstName") = firstName
rsExample("lastName") = firstName
rsExample("subject") = subject
rsExample("message") = message
rsExample("new") = 1
rsExample("date") = now

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Insert Data

I have a form form.asp to insert data into the table1 of the db.mdb file. In db.mdb file I have two tables one is table1 and other is table2 now the fields in both table are as


ID (AutoNumber)
Name (Text)
Roll No. (Number)
Class (Text)
Address (Text)
Result (Text)

ID (AutoNumber)
Roll No. (Text)
Result (Text)

Now I want that whenever that data is posted into table1 then table2 should autoupdate the corresponding data. how this is possible?

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Checkbox To Insert Data

Is it possible to insert values in a Database with a
checkbox? Say I have a recordset and if the check box is checked I
want to insert the value of the of the field in the DB.


That is a persons initials, i want to insert those initials in a column
if it is checked, if it isnt checked nothing is inserted..

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Insert Data Into Table

I have created an empty table(.mdb) with 2 columns
Order(AutoNumber) and BuildingID(text)

and i use :

cn.execute "Insert into [Temp](BuildingID) values ("&Buildingid&") "
to insert buildingID into the table

however all buildingid start with 0 with be omitted,
eg. buildingid = "00003333" after insert into the table become "3333"

i have checked that response.write len(buildingid) = 8

What is the problems?

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Insert Data Problem

i have 2 web pages where in the first page, the user is allowed to make a series of selections from combo boxes (one of which is position eg programmer) and when the user clicks next(next1 button), a 2nd page appears with a table in it in the format below (the user is being rated on the different duties he performs in this page and the duties are retrieved dynamically based on the position the user selected in page 1):

userid duty score

user1 duty1 score1
user2 duty2 score2
user3 duty3 score3

when the user has filled in the scores, he clicks next (next2 function) to save the data in a table in the db. i am able to retrive all data except the duty. can anybody help me out. Code:

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Insert Data Into Excel

How do i insert data into an Excel Sheet, Along with the provider to be used.

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Insert Data Into DB For New Sign Up

i wanted to do a sign up page using vbsript for new pple to register as member, but therr is also error: too few parameters, expected 2. Code:

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Syntax On Passing Variables From Email Form To Insert A Database...

I'm having a problem with passing variables inserting to my database. Here's what I'm doing. I have a page where the user selects a team member (this is fine) Once the team member is selected I have the variables on the form send and email to all supervisors and the member selected (this is fine also) BUT, I'm having problems inserting the emailed information to my access 2000 database after is email. Can someone guide me in the right direction.

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Insert And Update Excel Data

I didn't know how to use asp to update or insert the excel data ....

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Insert Data Into Mysql Fields

I'm writing ASP/mysql apps, and I'm almost clueless about mysql. Can someone tell me how to insert data into fields using ASP? Code:

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How To Insert Binary Data In An Sql String?

I'm using conn as ADODB.Connection object. when I write:

conn.execute "insert into table (binarydata) values ('" & binarydatastringvariable & "')"
it returns the error:

Unclosed quotation mark before the character string '(here is some string given)'.
How can I insert binary data to a ms sql server 2000 table without using adodb.recordset?

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(Multiple) Insert If Data Is Not Empty

I have 6 textboxes where user can input data (or can leave it blank). I need to insert all the data (if not blank) into the database. How should be SQL query be like? ...

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Insert Data Into Excel Spreadsheet

How to using one excel template to insert data into another excel spreadsheet by using asp programming ?

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Converting Data From Excel And Insert Them In SQL Server

I need to know how can i insert the data that is saved in an excel file into my SQL Server database.. I've seen some websites.. but i dun quite understand them. I would be great of you can explain to me the steps in doing tat etc...

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How Can Insert The Image In Access Data Base In ASP

how can i insert the images in any format in MS Access database using the ASP plz give me a simplest and easy code which i can use in ASP

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How To Reset Input Data On Detailsview, After Error On Insert

I'm using the detailsview to perform edit and insert of new records via an
object datasource.

If an error occurs on the insert, I want to preserve the data the operator
tried to input, along with my error messages. Currently, it appears that the
detailsview is trying to rebind after the error, to the empty/null detail
item(on insert it is null), and thus I lose all the operator's input. Can
someone suggest the proper way for me to achieve the persistence I'm looking

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How To Insert The Data Into The MS Access Database Using Visual Basic

I want to insert the data into the MS Access Database using Visual Basic 6.0. Anybody please heplp me to tell the steps to insert the data into the database.

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Track Data Via Email......

I have a fairly advanced order processing / tracking system I designed
with MS Access, MySQL & ASP.

I want to add an enhanced order tracking facility where a user can send
an email to a specific address we set up, with an ID & PO Number in the
subject / body, and then have our system reply with the required

Is this done with asp or something completely different ?
When an email comes in, what would auto scan all incomming emails and
read the data ?

Is there a special component I need for this. I just want this to
happen in the background, whilst possibly sending me an alert email
each time the system is used. This will help me guage the services

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Reading Email Data

I wanted to retrieve email from mail server based on POP3 protocol through ASP.refer some good tutorial or example code doing this.

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Sending Data Via Email

Does anyone know how i could send bulk info from a database to an email? Like an order confirmation for more than one product? or where i could find some info?

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CDONTS !! Dynamic Data In Email

I am trying to generate an email from the webpage using code below, which
works fine. However I want to be able to include some dyanmic data how do I
go about it ?can anybody point me in the direction of some sample code ?

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">

Dim myMail
Set myMail = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")

HTML = HTML & "<html>"
HTML = HTML & "<head>"
HTML = HTML & "<meta http-equiv=""Content-Type"""
HTML = HTML & "content=""text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"">"
HTML = HTML & "<meta name=""GENERATOR"""
HTML = HTML & " content=""Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0"">"
HTML = HTML & "<title>HTMLMail</title>"
HTML = HTML & "</head>"
HTML = HTML & "<body bgcolor=""FFFFFF"">"
HTML = HTML & "images/gifs/homepage/microsoft.gif"" BORDER=0 "
HTML = HTML & "WIDTH=167 HEIGHT=36 ALT=""Microsoft Corporation"">"
HTML = HTML & "<p><font size =""3"" face=""Arial""><strong>"
HTML = HTML & "Microsoft Exchange CDONTS Example</strong></p>"
HTML = HTML & "<p><font size =""2"" face=""Tahoma"">"
HTML = HTML & "CDO for NTS allows an easy way to send mail.<br>"
HTML = HTML & "This example shows how the content can be "
HTML = HTML & "an HTML page<br>"
HTML = HTML & "which allows you to send rich text and"
HTML = HTML & "inline graphics.</p>"
HTML = HTML & "</body>"
HTML = HTML & "</html>"

myMail.Subject="Sample CDONTS HTML Message"
set mymail=nothing
Response.Write "Message Sent"

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