Capture The String

I need to use a third party http to get a string back on ASP page. How do I capture the string? What is the syntex?

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Using ASP To Capture A Query String And Redirect To SSL

I am looking for some method to capture, into a variable, the entire URL of an http request and redirect to SSL. For example, if a user opens a browser and typed in

I want to be able to redirect to an SSL connection


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Capture IP

I've been getting a lot of harrassment emails on a web form recently and I want to display/capture the users IP/host header(not sure if thats the right term.but I know you can do it in IRC if possible.Does anyone know a free script for this?The form is in ASP not .net

I want to amend my form so it displays the IP/hostheader similarly to this page.

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Form Name Capture

Is there a way to capture the name of a form on the receiving page.
The Request.form collection only has the names of the objects in the
form (as far as I can see), not the name of the form itself?

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Screen Capture

In my ASP application, I have a chart that will popup in a
new window. From the opener window, I want to add a button
that will capture the chart to the clipboard and be able
to paste it to other application. I just want the client
area and don't want to include menu bar, address bar and
so forth.

Can I do that with pure asp without a component?

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Capture The Output

I am sending a form to UPS and upon successful completion of the form, the UPS sends me a single output containing several variables and their values on the screen. I need to prevent it displaying on the screen, save it in a variable and then extract information I need and display those values with my format on a table. How can I do that. I heard in ColdFusion there is <CFHTTP> that does that. Is there equivalent of this in ASP.

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To Capture Data

i am assigned to do a database project.i am asked to use dreamweaver mx and ms problem is i dont know how to capture the data from database and display it in the interface.the language i had to use is javascript.

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I am running in a Windows 2000 environment. My workstation is runnig XP Pro. I have built an issue tracking system in Frontpage 2003 using the Database integration wizard.

I need to capture login credentials using public system variables. In the attached MDB file I have written VB code to pull userid. However, I can not figure out how to access the code within the VBSCRIPT OR THE HTML CODE PAGE. I also cannot figure how to write the same code using vbscript instead.

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Capture The Value In Same Page

I have 3 listbox in which I call a submit to its own page (page1.asp) for some validation. Then I have another 2 text field which I call submit to "another page" (page2.asp). When I call onChanged() of the list box, it will submit the value of the 3 listbox only to page1.asp. It will not capture the value of the other 2 text field. But I am able to capture the value of the other 2 text field by using Javascript function as follow:


Although such, but I cant display or return the value of the other 2 text field back to the form. I tried to use session.Contents in Javascript, but it is not supported function in JScript. Is there any other way to display value of the other 2 text field in page1.asp?

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How To Capture Login Name With ASP?

Is there any way to capture a person's pc name or windows login name with ASP? I have a form that anyone can submit and article to be published to, and I just want to make sure they're being honest about who is submitting what.

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Streaming Video Capture Using ASP

I'm about to venture onto a new project of developing an ASP Page that captures images from a streaming web camera, and displays them (refreshs) the image every 15 seconds.

The question I have, is it possible to capture images (every 15 secs- from the webcam on the intranet) and store that snap shot as say a .jpg file in a folder, and then have the ability to continuously add images to this folder, so at a later date you could develop a system that would display photo after photo simultaneously, fast motion of the project in action.

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Capture And React To Emails

I would like people to be able to send emails with keywords in the
subject line. I would then like my server/website/asp page to capture
the email, parse the subject and react accordingly.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Capture Entire Field.

I have written an asp script to pull data from fields in an access database.However it is only displaying the first word of the string.Below is my code:

Response.Write ("<a href=residentialind.asp?add=")
Response.Write (rs.Fields("address").value)
Response.Write (">More information</a>")

how to capture the entire field.

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Digital Signature Capture

I'm working on an ASP application that will be used on mobile tablet PCs. I need to add the ability for someone to sign their name on the screen and then have it converted to an image (.gif/.jpg/.png) for printng & storage.Is this even possible with a web application?

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Capture Text Messaging

I have a client that wants to allow users to signup for a contest using text messaging. I have no idea where to start with this, so hoping someone here has some experience with this.

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Capture Session Timeout

I have an online B2B shopping site that I created using ASP. Because the order sheet is different for each customer, they must log in to access their online ordering site. My question is, is it possible to capture a session timeout when it happens and tell the user?

We are having problems with customers leaving their desk after they have logged in, coming back and filling out their order sheet and then submitting the sheet only to find out that the session has timed out. They then have to go back in and re-enter the products that they are ordering.

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Radio Button Capture Setting In VB

I have an ASP page and a CREGReports002.vbs file coded to export data to
excel. I do this by building variables in a stored procedure. The ASP page
has text boxes, list boxes, and radio buttons. I also placed two buttons on
the form. One submits the form to redirect to the Crystal Web Viewer

The other one executes VB code in a vbs document that
spawns some more code to run a stored procedure with the values from the ASP
page entries that where entered into the text boxes, list boxes, and radio
buttons and the launches ExcelOut.asp to export the data. All data is
captured except for the radio buttons. How do I capture the radio button
setting without submitting the form? What is the syntax to capture the value
from the radio button? Code:

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How Can I Capture The Script Timeout Error?

I need to capture the Script timeout error if that is possible. I know I can increase the timeout value in the server settings or in the scripts itself but I really want to make sure that no timeout situation will results as the standard script timeout error page.

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How To Capture The Server Restart Event?

I am trying to capture the server restart event, so when ever it restarts, it connects to a web page to update its current ip address.

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Capture Full Size In Browser

i need to know that when i make some asp pages in .NET then i arrange all the contents such that it would capture all the space in the browser window. but it leaves some
space emty when i run this page in Internet Explorer. please any when let me know that hw can i slove it?

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Capture Rendered ASP And Write To A Text File

Greetings- <br><br>I have a site that is kind of a portal site- many sites within a single site. Users of the site must use a single logon page that redirects the user to a predetermined "subsite".

Each "subsite" has a few different session variables that are used in varying ways to display information germaine to that user. <br><br>My customer (the portal owner) wants users to be able to render any page on the site to a .PDF that is then sent via email to the user.

I can render an HTML file to PDF via a .COM object, but the problem is that I cannot figure out how to render the .ASP page to HTML. My initial thought was to use MSXMLHTTP to GET the page, but when I do this, the GET method always returns the logon page.

<br><br>What I'd like to do is have a link to a processor page that just "captures" the HTML as it's sent to the browser and writes it to a static HTML file, which I can then easily turn into a PDF. Anyone have any ideas?

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Capture Client's Windows Login Username

I am running an application in Windows Server 2003. The clients with Windows XP Professional will access the application through the web browser. Can I know how can I grab the Windows login information like username DOMAINUSER1 from the client and apply it to the login credential in my application?

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How To Capture Browser Closing Event With Javascript

Iam trying to capture windows closing event (i.e) when the user clicks
on the "X" button i want to capture that event and want to update some
values in the database.I tried two methods but iam getting problems
with the two methods. Code:

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Using Onchange To Capture Image Name And Populate Imagename Field.

I'm brand new to this forum AND learning ASP via problem-based learning (not the easiest or sound way to do so, I know).

In any case, I have a form that uploads an image to my server. It does so via a form action to a new asp page. The new page has a link back to the original page. On the original page, I want the name of the file to appear in a text field e.g. Code:

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Send Image & Capture CursorX,y Onclick Positions To MSaccess

Basically I need to show an image in a web browser (easy enough) I need to be able to track Mouse X & Y positions..Also OK, I have found some javascript to acheive this, but here is where the problem lies, the user must somehow click on this image & I then need to automatically record, display (graphically would be preffered) & send this info to a database !! Can NE1 out there do this How & where would I start?

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Web Forms / HTTP File Upload / String.Split A StreamReader.ReadLine() String

I'm developing an Asp.NET system to take a CSV file uploaded via the web, parse it, and insert the values into an SQL database. My sticking point comes when I try to split() the string returned by readline() on the file.

The following code snippet works for me:
tokens = "one,two,three,four".Split(",")
for each token in tokens

However, if I take the next line in the CSV, read using StreamReader.ReadLine on the PostedFile.InputStream, I receive "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." which I have narrowed down to be my string holding the line. Further investigation reveals that no other string member functions work on my line (.ToCharArray, .ToString, etc).

I suspect that StreamReader.ReadLine is not correctly returning a string, even though Response.Write(line) displays what I would expect .....

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String Functions Run On Empty String

I have a form in which several elements are expected to be all digits. Some of those elements can be left empty, but if specified they must be all digits. I have this Sub to edit them: ....

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Text String To A Interger String

I am pulling info from a sql server By default the query pulls back the inforamtion as text.Therefore when I go to calculate some figures its giving me a type mismatch error.
Is there a function in can call to convert a text string to an integer string using

rstSearch.Fields("name").Value .To pull back the info in a for loop

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)
Type mismatch

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String Contains ?

If a visitor doesn't put anything in the "Search" text box I'd like them to
be redirected to where they came from before the search form forwarded them
to the search.asp page. Therefore I've put the following at the top of
search.asp to do this.

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ADO LIKE 'string'

I am trying to search my access database for a string using LIKE and a wildcard.


Dim con

con = "SELECT names.* WHERE name LIKE 'sam*'"

For some reason this gives me no results even though I verified there is entries with the word sam in them.

Also tried using % instead of *. Also took out wildcard. I can search for an integer without a problem though, when I try a string, regardless if there's relevant entries I get nothing back at all.

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SQL String

I am using an SQL statment with a LIKE clause. I am trying to print the actual SQL statement on the screen. However I cannot print a '%' character on the screen. I tried using Chr code and just % outright.

Random variables:
name, rank


sSQL = "SELECT * from myTable WHERE myField LIKE '" & name & "%'"

It just prints on the screen: (assume name=joe)

"SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE myField LIKE 'joe'"

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String To Int

i have an object which is a string, (objrs4("points")) how do i convert it into int numbers.

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String Value

i need requirement for the current assignment Im working on.Part of my assignment I have to saved updated data from a datagrid and put into database. I had everything working, but without option strict and explicit. When I put it on i'm having trouble getting the value out of it.

What I need is to get the value out of the textbox control of a datagrid in edit mode. The value is supposed to be in Item.cells(2).Controls(0) but I have no clue on how to get it out correctly. Ive tried everything but keep getting errors that it cannot be converted to a string.

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