Carriage Return Being Strangely Added When I Perform A Standard Post

I am performing a post from one classic ASP page to another in order to get the value of a string passed between the two pages. I have a client script variable declared to take the value of the value being received in the page i.e. var x = '<%=varName%>'. Unfortunately, ASP seems to be adding a carriage return to the value of varName when it
is passed in i.e. it expands the stated line to var x = 'FieldContents';. I.e. somewhere a carriage return has been added. The string gets passed in OK if I use the Get mechanism. Don't know why this carriage return is being added when using Post mechanism. Anybody seen this before? Is it a bug in ASP ?

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Carriage Return

am trying to make a carriage return of the following:

Mailer.BodyText = "From: " & Request.Form("FRM") & VbCrLf & VbCrLf & "Message: " & Request.Form("MSG")

but it doesnt work.

when i received the email on my mailbox, the format is all in one line, like this:

From: John Message: Test message only

but i would like the "Message:" to appear in the second line.

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Carriage Return

This code doesn't give me a carriage return.Why?

strEmailMess= "Name: " & strName &vbCrLf
strEmailMess= strEmailMess & "Email Address: " & strEmailUser &vbCrLf

Also this code takes user to aspemail.asp page.I want it to go to a page of my chosing, like

If MyMail.Send Then
Response.Write("Message Sent With ASPEMail.<br />")
Response.Write("Message Not Sent With ASPEMail.<br />")
End If

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Carriage Return In Output

how can i get this to work? trying to get carridge returns display in the output:

strBody = strBody & "<td width=550><font class='data3'>" & Request.Form("subject"),VBCrLf, "<br />"

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Carriage Return / Line Feed

I want to send an Email using ASP (I know how to to this) The body of the Email contains several variabels How do I concat string values and separate them by carriage returns/ Line

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Carriage Return In Response.Write UploadMessage

I have some aspUpload code running that validates and uploads files beautifully to my web server. It uploads upto 3 files at a time and produces a message for each whether it be successful or not. The problem I have is that the 3 messages come out in one long line. I'd like to put each on a new line. Below is my code.....

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Carriage Return And Response.Write Output Issue

I have a field in a SQL Server table named DetailedDescription that is
a varchar. If the user adds/edits a detailed description, they do so
in a MulltiLine TextBox control. Therefore, they are able to click
enter on their keyboard and have multiple carriage returns inside the
DetaildDescription. Code:

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Carriage Return Does Not Display Properly In Mozilla In A Title Attribute

Am facing a problem when trying to display a carriage return in firefox in a title attribute,i ve tried using VbCr and chr(13) ,in either cases a strange character appears instead of the carriage return. does anyone know about this error. The code looks like this:

titles(iday) = titles(iday) & chr(13) & objRS("event_title")
<a href="javascript:showevent('0<%=links(i)%>')" title=" <%=titles(i)%>"><%=i%></a>

Am not having this strange character when running it on explorer.

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Carriage Return Before Inserting Text Into Acess Database File. How To Do It?

how to replace carriage return upon extracting text from Access file.

However I think it will be smarter to do it before (during) inserting text into acess file.

It might be primitive question, but I started my ASP learning just last week and many things are confusing me on this stage.


What should I change in my ASP file code (file inserted data from the HTML form file into database file) to replace all carriage returns and line brakes during inserting text into field GuestSory? Code:

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Return All Post Data

Is there a way to see all the post data that is sent an .asp page. I am working on a page that is being returned from another application and I would like to know what data I can work with.

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XP Update Added Asp

A few months ago, when I did an update from the windows update, a few of the 'necessary' updates had this like:

microsoft net framework, MSXML, iis, asp. What are they and are they really necessary? There are a few more weird things that I have never seen previously, and if they really are not necessary, I would really like to remove them, if possible.

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Content Not Being Added

I'm a designer by trade but the company I work for does asp via the built in Dreamweaver stuff. I've ran into this problem before and now twice this week. I can't remember how ai fixed it first time and actually think it was just down to luck rather than knowledge.

I can retrieve the data out of the database table and delete it but when I try to add it from the admin form or modify it (i'm passing the variale fine as its fills the form in with all the relevant values) the page refreshes without adding the content or modifying the content. As I say I'm not writing the code but generating it via dreamweaver so don't really understand whats wrong.

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Data Not Being Added To Database

I have a site and im trying to make a create account page for users to create an account. Unfortunately after getting everything working right i find out that for some reason the code is not adding the users to the database, i have double and even triple checked my sql connection string im at a complete and total loss Code:

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Getting New Identity Of A Record Just Added

I have a web page that adds records to multiple tables. I want to be able to get the new identity of a new record that was just added to the table. If for some reason, it didn't add, I want an error message to show up.

Here's the code in stored procedure for getting the new product id after the record was added. Code:

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Needs A Way To Make Sure Data Is Correctly Added

How can I make sure that it adds all of the records to the table before I make Added = "True" It is strange, but sometimes, it won't add a record at all and then proceed to Added="True" How can I make sure that rs.Update was successful? Code:

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Date And Time Record Added

I want to record the date and time that a record is created. I have two fields, dateSubmitted, timeSubmitted, of type short date and short time respectively. How do I store the current date and time in these variables? I have tried using the following but it doesn't work:

objRS("DateSubmitted") = date() 'add date to database
objRS("TimeSubmitted") = time() 'add time to database

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Standard DLL From ASP

Is there a third-party product or something that will allow me to call a
standard DLL (not a COM DLL) from ASP code?

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Using Non Standard Font

I'd like to display sections of my site using non standard fonts. What i'd like to know is if there is any way of me being able to force a font to install that is stored on my web server, or can i make the client browser look at my font file before the page is displayed?

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Standard Links

A friend has told me that links that worked fine in IE 6 on a PC are now not
working in IE 7. The only thing they can see is that these links have the
following common traits:
a) long file names, ie about 30 plus chars
b) underscores in the filenames.
c) They are derived from the old asp routine to force a pdf download rather
than open them up in the browser window.
I'm desperately trying to borrow a PC to install IE 7 (I don't want to
affect my own PC in anyway at the moment) to test this

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Coding Standard

i have to write same sql statement twice.. is there anyway i can write statement once and call all the values in second combo box ? Code:

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Standard Lists

Does anybody know where I can get some standard lists like

- a list of all countries in the world (with abbreviation, international prefix...
- a list of common christian names (aaron, abbey, adeline...
- a list of all currencie
- a list of all language

in txt/xls/mdb or whatever format

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Perform An Sql Update

if i want to perform the below sql update like every 10 mins when detected the hr:min:sec sessions started. And where should i put it in global.asa ? Session_onStart ?Code:


strSQL = "UPDATE Attempts SET Hrs=" & Hours & ",Mins=" & Mins & ",Secs=" & Secs & " WHERE studentID ='" & Session("StudID") & "' AND Paper = '" & Session("Paper") & "'"
objConn.Execute (strSQL)

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Perform 2 Events

The project i am working on just now requires me to provide users with a link to download articles stored on the sites FTP server.This is not a problem to do, however, i also need to keep a record of who downloads what and when. I therefore have a downloads tablein my DB for storingthis info. The problem is, when the user clicks on the download link i need the document to be downloaded, AND a query to be executed to record the info into the DB table. I effectivley need the link to action these 2 eventssimultaneously!! Not sure if this is possible.

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Perform An Action

Is there any way that I can for example, send an email After a file has been downloaded? Currently, it is setup so when they click to download a sends an email...I am trying to figure out a way to have the email sent only have the download has completed.

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5 Standard Protocols Of ASP??

Can someone please tell me what the 5 standard protocols of ASP are?

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Perform Three Tasks

if I have a list of items which I have to complete next month on different dates, how do I select all the items due for next month, or all items due for the following month. Example:

Task 1 due 15/11/2004
Task 2 due 17/11/2004
Task 3 due 18/12/2004

I want to get back:

Tasks Due for November
Task 1
Task 2

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Coding Standard In C#

coding standard in c# what is the best way of coding i mean some developers develop applications through direct query's INSERT,UPDATE,SELECT,DELETE or some developer develop applications through using classes create classes and call INSERT,UPDATE,SELECT,DELETE querys some developer develop application's through stored procedure create classes and call stored procedures i mean i am little confused what is the best way to written code .

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Is There An Easy Way To Prevent Duplicate Records Being Added To A Access DB

I am adding simple records to a fairly simple access database with the following code

rsEntry.Fields("Player1") = ShortName(Player1)
rsEntry.Fields("Player2") = ShortName(Player2)

'Write the updated recordset to the database
Set rsEntry = Nothing
Set adoCon = Nothing

How can I SIMPLY :-) prevent duplicate records from being added? I know I can set the index property on the fields but that mean handling the errors - not sure how to do this.
OR I could write the code to seach the DB before update - which may be the only way :-(

Is there a simple way?

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Standard Way To Store The Dates

when some data is being into my database, most of the data is recieved from a form.
2 of the fields are dates, but looking at the db (access) the dates are stored in the '38307' format. - is this the standard way access stores dates?

Now, how do I get it to enter /todays/ date into a column? I thought it would be something like
RecordSet.Fields("LogDate") = today()
but this is wrong, right?

The other date, is to be entered by the user in the form. Now, what is the best way of going about this? It will be in a different column, but in the same format. My default, it would be 'todays' date, but needs the option of being changed. Any ideas? Code:

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Perform Functions On Recordset?

Is it possible to perform functions on a recordset (rather than on the
source database), e.g. COUNT, MAX etc

The reason I would like to do this is because I have a hugely complex view
which produces results with over 60 columns of data. I would like to display
all data but also highlight individual "cells" in the table which have the
highest (i.e. MAX) data for each column. I would also like totals at the
bottom of each column.

Obviously I could get the MAX value for each column by performing it on the
SQL data but that would effectively mean running the query twice and would
take twice as long.

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How To Perform Error Handling In ASP?

how can i put the error messages in HTTP 500.100 - Internal Server Error - ASP error page in a nicer way so that it suits my web design.. ?

View Replies View Related Standard Login Page

I've tried several users code, and everytime i try to do the redirect part it fails, this webpage at least gave me a confirm that it is the redirect part failing.

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ICode's Everest Standard

anyone have experience customizing iCode's Everest Standard webstore pages?

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