Code like this ======================= Select case q Case "a" Dim arr(5) Case "b" Dim arr(2) end select ===================== returns an error saying variable arr redefined. Should it be like that or an I using Select incorrectly? Perhaps something similar to break needs to be used?
I need to filter the records of a table where the records contain a searchin string with no case sensitive compare, and all with one only sql statement.
"SELECT * FROM Stuff WHERE LOWER(StuffName) LIKE '%" & lcase(StrSearch) & "%'"
but the error is in the function LOWER exist a similar function ?
I have this below. If there are 0 records, I want to do nothing, which it does. I need to perform a task if there is more than one. Case > 1 doesn't work. The most records I would have are 5.
I am having a hard time understanding how to use a SELECT CASE in ASP. I have used it in VB but never in ASP scripting.
I have 2 textboxes on a form that I have to allow entry to one or the other or Both at the same time. Now I tried to use an If ElseIf but it got too hard to track, so now I am using a SELECT CASE Statement.
TEXBOX1 named strEnglish TEXBOX2 named strFrench
My code: <% strEnglish=Request.Form("strEnglish") strFrench=Request.Form("strFrench")
Select Case
Then I have no idea how to go from here, because I have 2 input textboxes to follow. Code:
"Stock Value" Could be anything from 0 to a million or so, and might include a decimal (12345.67) . I can't find how to do this:
Select Case StockValue Case 0 To 30000 response.Write("Less than 30000") Case 30000 To 80000 response.Write("30000 to 80000") Case 80000 To 180000 response.Write("80000 to 180000") Case Else ' > 180000 response.Write("Greater than 180000") End Select
I have one very simple question. I an just going blank on this. I writing a select case statment and want to know if I can have one of the case equile 2 values.
IE :
select case animal case "dog" or "cat" /// this only works if i remove the or half 'write form here case "mouse" 'do something end select
i am working on a login page in asp classic with microsoft access at the back, in current scenerio the username and passwords are not case sensitive and i have to make them C.Sensitive. can any one help me in this regard?
right now i am developing a web site. i want to know how to write the code to change the case for the text which we entered in the text box control? for example: if user enter his name as john elan, then we should automatically convert that text into proper case. i mean the name should become John Elan.
I'm trying to build a case statement that when a person logs in, the login page sends them to a redirect script based on the query string redirect.asp?id=1.
So far i can make myself a basic case statement, but i'm confused on how to get the window to pop up in a 400 x 600 window with no tool bars and such. any ideas?
Since my website uses a font for headlines that doesn't exist on default in windows I want to dynamicly create my headlines with images(of characters) For this to work nicely I have to detect if a character is upper or lower case.
Like the string
Here I want to replace the "W" with a upperw.png and then replace "elcome" with lowere.png, lowerl.png, lowerc.png...and so on, you get the picture.
Is this possible in asp (vbscript) ? or java if It's possible to integrate into my vbscript page.
I have a access database that has data where the people entered their name all in upper case or in various forms of upper and lower case. Can a change all the data so it is in a proper format. Example: This is Joe Smoe. Or change it to be all lower case for email addresses?
The problem is that it does not appear to be case insensitive (even though I specified the "textual" argument as seen above.) For example, if "BPS" is a term in the array, but "bps" is in the "temp" variable, it will not get replaced.
I would like to know if there is alterntiave to using Select Case?I have over 80 files that a user can select from a drop down list and 'read'. Rather than writing out 80+ lines with INC files, what is the other less code option?
Just used this code and noticed it doesn't always work, turns out InStr is case sensitive.What's thet best way to do a non-case sensitive search?pHP Code:
any way of searching a database without case sensitivity? Make any sense?! I have an Access 2000 db with 11 fields in it: Name, Keywords..., Description... But whenever I try to search through it using the ASp site I made, it'll only find matches if they are written identically, I.E a search for "bob" won't find the entry "Bob".
I thought about making the entire contents of the db Uppercase, but I don't want to, as that would look crap when the contents are displayed in the website.
Using keyword "To" in select case giving error.The following code is got from itself. What is the wrong with this?.
<% Dim Number1 Number1 = 7 ' Initialize variable. Select Case Number1 ' Evaluate Number1. Case 1 To 5 ' Number1 between 1 and 5, inclusive. Response.Write( "Between 1 and 5" ) ' The following is the only Case clause that evaluates to True. Case 6, 7, 8 ' Number1 between 6 and 8. Response.Write( "Between 6 and 8") Case 9 To 10 ' Number1 is 9 or 10. Response.Write( "Greater than 8") Case Else ' Other values. Response.Write( "Not between 1 and 10") End Select %>
Function SetAvgClass(val) If NOT isnull(val) Then Select Case cint(val) Case (val < 100) SetAvgClass = "belowexpected" Case (val > 100) SetAvgClass = "aboveexpected" Case 100 SetAvgClass = "expected" End Select Else SetAvgClass = "belowexpected" End If End Function
The only case that seems to be working correctly is thw case 100. am i using incorrect syntax for the > and < statements?
if its possible to loop through my entire DB Table and do String Case Conversion. I only want to chnage the case of certain fields. I can get each of the field value and update them easily but I need a way to convert them to the case I want.
The standard LCase and UCase function are ok but I want the formating to be mixed like Title case (in MS Word) or Capitalise (text-transform in HTML/CSS). Basically I've some of the values are in upper case some in lower case I want them all to be Title Case Similar To: Html Css Text-transform Like This Line .
i have developed an application with some of the files name myfile.asp, others TheFile.asp and others THATFILE.asp, that is i change the case in the names of the files. everything works on my pc, however i don't have much of cross-browser experience and before lauching it, i want to know if would matter or not? would it make any difference on Netscape, IE earlier versions, firefox, opera and so on.
in some of my files i use username, others UserNAME, others User Name and so it hereby used Request.form("username") or Request.form("User Name") Does this also makes any difference? I am basically talking about cross-browser viewing of the application.